Should The Democrats "Win" In November ...

Should the Democrats manage a "win" in November, by whatever means, I will:

  • Accept the transfer of power to the Communists and live to obey.

  • Approve of any means employed to prevent such a transfer of power.

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Yes, let us get straight up about it: The only thing ya’ll here will do if the Democrats win in November are start whiny threads and rattle your internet sabers.
Really think so...Maybe go watch the video i posted about the liberal(grasshoppers) who have abused the US citizens to the point they stand together and swat the grasshoppers(liberals) off to Cuba or Venezuela. Want to make a wager on that?

Only a few liberals up there on the hill are acting just like they own the US and the rest of US work for them, so like Nancy Pelosi can live off the largess of the tax payer. 3 trillion more dollars of bullshit Nan from San Fransicko being presented, just might be the straw...
You have to love these "I hate America" threads from Trumpists. That is what this thread is. Just admit that, Billy. Anyone who refuses to accept the transfer of power after a election are not just saying, but screaming, they hate the Constitution and all America stands for.

My advice to Billy: Go back to your hole. Move to Russia, China or any other place your hatred of democracy is welcome.

You're the Communist. You move.
LOL... You're the America hater. Your thread proves it.
Says the guy who hates the US and its Constitution. Go across the southern border illegally, you twit, see how well that government welcomes you with open arms....
No matter who wins in November the Leader I'll try my best to look towards and follow will not have changed.
Yeah on Jan 20th 2021, Joe the groper Biden will not know it is the day of swearing in for president, and probably end up in Delaware, instead of Washington DC. Only a liberal would think Joe is as good as President Trump
Please Billy. Probably half of the dems think Biden's too conservative. He even greased the skid for Clarence Thomas and Battling Bill Barr. LOL

I can think of three gop governors off the top of my head who I'd rather have, and none are Trump fans.
Trumps lethal plan
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has broken down what he believes is President Donald Trump’s “lethal four-point plan” to boost his 2020 election chances by reopening the economy “at all costs” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Clinton-era official explained in a video released on his YouTube channel Tuesday how Trump was trying to “remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work,” “hide the facts” about testing for the contagion, “push a false narrative about ‘freedom’ and ‘liberation’” and seeking to “shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.”

“The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic itself,” noted Reich, as the nationwide death toll from the public health crisis topped 83,000.

“Any rush to reopen without adequate testing and tracing, a massive increase from what we’re now doing, will cause even more deaths and a longer economic crisis,” he warned.

It echoed the concerns expressed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, during Tuesday’s Senate Health Committee hearing.

“He’s trying to force the economy to reopen to boost his electoral chances, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal,” Reich concluded. “No matter the cost, Donald Trump’s chief concern is and will always be himself.”

Check out the video here:
Yes, let us get straight up about it: The only thing ya’ll here will do if the Democrats win in November are start whiny threads and rattle your internet sabers.
Really think so...Maybe go watch the video i posted about the liberal(grasshoppers) who have abused the US citizens to the point they stand together and swat the grasshoppers(liberals) off to Cuba or Venezuela. Want to make a wager on that?

Only a few liberals up there on the hill are acting just like they own the US and the rest of US work for them, so like Nancy Pelosi can live off the largess of the tax payer. 3 trillion more dollars of bullshit Nan from San Fransicko being presented, just might be the straw...

Idle threats from an elderly limp dick. So scary! :lol:
Trumps lethal plan
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has broken down what he believes is President Donald Trump’s “lethal four-point plan” to boost his 2020 election chances by reopening the economy “at all costs” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Clinton-era official explained in a video released on his YouTube channel Tuesday how Trump was trying to “remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work,” “hide the facts” about testing for the contagion, “push a false narrative about ‘freedom’ and ‘liberation’” and seeking to “shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.”

“The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic itself,” noted Reich, as the nationwide death toll from the public health crisis topped 83,000.

“Any rush to reopen without adequate testing and tracing, a massive increase from what we’re now doing, will cause even more deaths and a longer economic crisis,” he warned.

It echoed the concerns expressed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, during Tuesday’s Senate Health Committee hearing.

“He’s trying to force the economy to reopen to boost his electoral chances, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal,” Reich concluded. “No matter the cost, Donald Trump’s chief concern is and will always be himself.”

Check out the video here:
There ya go. You said it better than me. The gop congress is tired of Fauci telling them to go slow, because Trump screwed up testing because he didn't want people tested. Meanwhile the saner gop governors are saying the economy will not be able to reopen until people with disposable income are ready to go to restaurants and entertainment.
Because when the recounts start in the blue states again, because the election officials there are soooo dumb, they have to go to the trunks of their cars to find more ballots, they seemed to misplace. Those reasons there are the reason why the Demoncraps could steal this election. I think that would be it for patience with you fuckers, because there are a lot more of US than you commie pricks.

Do you have any evidence of the claptrap you're spewing happening in real life?
No matter who wins in November the Leader I'll try my best to look towards and follow will not have changed.
Yeah on Jan 20th 2021, Joe the groper Biden will not know it is the day of swearing in for president, and probably end up in Delaware, instead of Washington DC. Only a liberal would think Joe is as good as President Trump
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And only a conservative would look upon a president as their mommy and daddy who tucks you in at night.
No matter who wins in November the Leader I'll try my best to look towards and follow will not have changed.
Yeah on Jan 20th 2021, Joe the groper Biden will not know it is the day of swearing in for president, and probably end up in Delaware, instead of Washington DC. Only a liberal would think Joe is as good as President Trump
View attachment 335523

I never implied whether one was better than the other, only that I don't see the presidency as some sort of mommy or daddy that I depend on to tuck me in at night. I wouldn't put money on Biden's victory, but if he does win I'll jump on taking any fool's money willing to bet where Biden will be on Jan 21st.
If the democrats win this country goes full communist. You can vote your way into communism but you have to shoot your way out.
Trumps lethal plan
Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich has broken down what he believes is President Donald Trump’s “lethal four-point plan” to boost his 2020 election chances by reopening the economy “at all costs” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Clinton-era official explained in a video released on his YouTube channel Tuesday how Trump was trying to “remove income support, so people have no choice but to return to work,” “hide the facts” about testing for the contagion, “push a false narrative about ‘freedom’ and ‘liberation’” and seeking to “shield businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.”

“The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic itself,” noted Reich, as the nationwide death toll from the public health crisis topped 83,000.

“Any rush to reopen without adequate testing and tracing, a massive increase from what we’re now doing, will cause even more deaths and a longer economic crisis,” he warned.

It echoed the concerns expressed by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country’s top infectious disease expert, during Tuesday’s Senate Health Committee hearing.

“He’s trying to force the economy to reopen to boost his electoral chances, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal,” Reich concluded. “No matter the cost, Donald Trump’s chief concern is and will always be himself.”

Check out the video here:

Why is it that Reich always comes up short?

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