CDZ Should the state be able to force parents to change the sex of their children? This parent had to flee to save his son.

Ahmed is 16.

In most states, that means he can marry.

If he can marry then why the hell can't he make his own determinations about his sexual identity?

Maybe because 1) he had never expressed any confusion about his "sexual identity" before, and 2) because he's in a mentally-unstable state and shouldn't be making life-altering decisions at that time?
There seems to be an assumption in the thread title that transitioning means getting surgery. It does not.

Personally, I think the teenage years are the best time of your life to try new things; some of those things become lifelong pursuits, others become embarrassing sections of the photo album. If this kid is in anguish every day and the mental health professionals think this will help, what's the harm? It's not permanent, and in two or four or ten years, they can choose a different path if they want.

... as long as they don't follow through with the suicide. Taking the story at face value, I shudder to think what has happened to the child's mental health now that the father has yanked them away from treatment and fled the state. It would be nice if this conservative news site would follow up on that, but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't see any such assumption in the thread title. I think perhaps you are reading that in yourself.

Leaving aside your further assumptions about what actually happened - "In anguish every day, and mental health professionals think this will help" - the harm would be that high estrogen levels in the male body cause loss of bone density, blood clots, liver disease, gall bladder disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and sterility. Most of this is not reversible, whatever the cheerleaders for "transgenderism" tell you, and some of them can kill you. So no, your flippant shrug of, "Oh, well, in a few years he can just go right back to exactly like he was" is lazy, uninformed propaganda.

Furthermore, taking estrogen can cause mood swings and depression, which is perhaps not a good idea for a kid who went in for treatment because of depression and suicidal ideation.

Maybe the first mistake you should correct is "taking the story at face value". You could have looked up the story and found out that the boy's parents got him to a REAL therapist who had expertise working with autistic children - because part of the reason for Syed's depression was due to the social difficulties imposed by autism - and he's no longer suicidal . . . and also has no interest in being a girl, the same as before he fell into the clutches of the activist "doctors" in Washington.

"It would be nice if this conservative news site would follow up on it". They did, as did others, which you would know if you had looked it up.
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I heard about this story on the Andrew Klavan show....Abigail Shrier wrote a book about the Transgender push that is essentially child abuse by the medical and psychiatric profession. This is a story she covered in an article for City Journal.....

Here is the story...

Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him.

“They sent an email to us, you know, ‘you should take your ‘daughter’ to the gender clinic,’” he told me.

At first, Ahmed (I have changed names in this essay to protect the identities of minor children) assumed there had been a mistake. He had dropped off a son, Syed, to the hospital, in a terrible state of distress. Now, the email he received from the mental health experts used a new name for that son and claimed he was Ahmed’s daughter. “They were trying to create a customer for their gender clinic . . . and they seemed to absolutely want to push us in that direction,” he said when I spoke to him again this May, recalling the horror of last October. “We had calls with counselors and therapists in the establishment, telling us how important it is for him to change his gender, because that’s the only way he’s going to be better out of this suicidal depressive state.”

The age at which minors in the State of Washington can receive mental health and gender-affirming care without parental permission is 13. In other words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition.

But unlike some other parents I would later speak with, Ahmed’s cool head prevailed. Believing he might be walking into a trap, Ahmed reached out to both a lawyer and a psychiatrist friend he trusted. The psychiatrist gave him advice that he believes saved his son, saying, in Ahmed’s words:

“You have to be very, very careful, because if you come across as just even a little bit anti-trans or anything, they’re going to call the Child Protective Services on you and take custody of your kid.” The lawyer told Ahmed the same: “What you want to do is agree with them and take your kid home. When the gender counselors advise you to ‘affirm,’ go along with it. Just say ‘Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let’s take him home, and we’ll go to the gender clinic.’”

Ahmed assured Seattle Children’s Hospital that he would take his son to a gender clinic and commence his son’s transition. Instead, he collected his son, quit his job, and moved his family of four out of Washington.

Amazon product ASIN B07YL6XK55
Should the state be able to take your children and then allow them to change their physical form.....without your force?
In the OP: “the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition.” Gender transition can either involve an operation or not, but because they used the word medical that implies the actual gender surgery.
The key word there being "implied." It says they do not need the parent's permission "to begin his son on a path to medical transition," not to undergo it.

Counseling and support are steps on the path, but without the parental OK, surgery wouldn't happen until after kid turned 18, at least. I don't see anyone here trying to force that against the will of the parents.

Most "transgenders" don't go the full surgical route, despite your weird obsessive fixation on it. It's almost like you're trying to set up a straw man to argue against.
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Ahmed is 16.

In most states, that means he can marry.

If he can marry then why the hell can't he make his own determinations about his sexual identity?

Maybe because 1) he had never expressed any confusion about his "sexual identity" before, and 2) because he's in a mentally-unstable state and shouldn't be making life-altering decisions at that time?

Also, on the subject of his mental state, can anyone name me one other mental problem besides gender dysphoria that is conclusively diagnosed virtually on-the-spot without multiple therapy sessions? Or that, in many cases, allows the patient him/herself to diagnose and dictate their own treatment unilaterally?
Abigail Shrier wrote a book about the Transgender push that is essentially child abuse by the medical and psychiatric profession
The real question is, Should the state be able to restrain parents from changing the gender of their children? Or raising a fetus of one sex as the opposite gender by hormone therapy begun in utero.
The real question is, Should the state be able to restrain parents from changing the gender of their children? Or raising a fetus of one sex as the opposite gender by hormone therapy begun in utero.
sounds like they arent giving the child a chance to mature and make that decision for themselves,,,

and why are you saying fetus when its a human being and fetus is a stage of development,,,
Answer to OP question: Hell No!

The child can decide otherwise when he/she/it becomes an adult.

You see the problem...

"The age at which minors in the State of Washington can receive mental health and gender-affirming care without parental permission is 13. In other words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition."
like they arent giving the child a chance to mature and make that decision for themselves,,,
No they aren't.
and why are you saying fetus when its a human being and fetus is a stage of development,,,
See, calling a baby a fetus is how they justify all sorts of hidden murder and mayhem. But if we don't say we were fetuses at one time, we are assuming, and that's a grand assumption to make, that we are born and discharged from the county health district hospital maternity ward fully formed and perfect as God intended us to be, with eyes ears and all other members, and we know that's not true.

We've got designer test tube baby syndrome below the belt, and it's not something our medieval doctors are going to confess to or come clean with willingly.
dont you believe in states rights and the constitution??
States and counties need to stay out of our gun cabinets and respect our rights, too. The Constitution of the United States, if you read it, is fully binding on all state and local governments as well as on the United States government itself.

That those rights which shall not be violated or infringed may not be infringed by any form of government whatsoever on U.S. soil.
States and counties need to stay out of our gun cabinets and respect our rights, too. The Constitution of the United States, if you read it, is fully binding on all state and local governments as well as on the United States government itself.

That those rights which shall not be violated or infringed may not be infringed by any form of government whatsoever on U.S. soil.
you didnt answer my question or say anything specific,,
I've heard people pray to protect "our soldiers fighting for our freedom" busy murdering people around the world; All our wars did not protect "our freedom".
Those wars made tons of money for the rich dudes; And, we have no rights any more; And get to enjoy tons of trash designed to ultimately greatly reduce and ultimately eliminate the Syro Aryan European Christian Israel genetic heritage.
This gender drivel being foisted on people is designed to terminate the genetic that genetic heritage, the Book of Life.
Young men should be able to mate with lucious young females as has been the way of things for thousands of years. And, now, we throw males in jail for doing that, and we call it "Freedom". Stupidity seems to be our favorite habit.
I heard about this story on the Andrew Klavan show....Abigail Shrier wrote a book about the Transgender push that is essentially child abuse by the medical and psychiatric profession. This is a story she covered in an article for City Journal.....

Here is the story...

Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him.

“They sent an email to us, you know, ‘you should take your ‘daughter’ to the gender clinic,’” he told me.

At first, Ahmed (I have changed names in this essay to protect the identities of minor children) assumed there had been a mistake. He had dropped off a son, Syed, to the hospital, in a terrible state of distress. Now, the email he received from the mental health experts used a new name for that son and claimed he was Ahmed’s daughter. “They were trying to create a customer for their gender clinic . . . and they seemed to absolutely want to push us in that direction,” he said when I spoke to him again this May, recalling the horror of last October. “We had calls with counselors and therapists in the establishment, telling us how important it is for him to change his gender, because that’s the only way he’s going to be better out of this suicidal depressive state.”

The age at which minors in the State of Washington can receive mental health and gender-affirming care without parental permission is 13. In other words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition.

But unlike some other parents I would later speak with, Ahmed’s cool head prevailed. Believing he might be walking into a trap, Ahmed reached out to both a lawyer and a psychiatrist friend he trusted. The psychiatrist gave him advice that he believes saved his son, saying, in Ahmed’s words:

“You have to be very, very careful, because if you come across as just even a little bit anti-trans or anything, they’re going to call the Child Protective Services on you and take custody of your kid.” The lawyer told Ahmed the same: “What you want to do is agree with them and take your kid home. When the gender counselors advise you to ‘affirm,’ go along with it. Just say ‘Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let’s take him home, and we’ll go to the gender clinic.’”

Ahmed assured Seattle Children’s Hospital that he would take his son to a gender clinic and commence his son’s transition. Instead, he collected his son, quit his job, and moved his family of four out of Washington.

Amazon product ASIN B07YL6XK55
Should the state be able to take your children and then allow them to change their physical form.....without your force?
Why would you even think of something of that? That sounds like a bill old joe would pass.
It is but it's legal and does not involve either a dowry or goats in this country.

16 is not quite a child, not quite an adult. It's old enough that the law recognizes their right to choice in medical treatment for example. It is old enough to have a say in their gender identity.
With a parents consent? That doesn’t seem right. You can’t get your ears pierced without a parents consent under 18
Ahmed is 16.

In most states, that means he can marry.

If he can marry then why the hell can't he make his own determinations about his sexual identity?
Once again, you find yourself being incorrect. The marriage age in the state of Washington without parental consent is 18. He cannot marry at 16 in that state.

You are so wrong about most states also. Of the 50 states, 49 require a require a party to a marriage to be 18 without parental consent.
I heard about this story on the Andrew Klavan show....Abigail Shrier wrote a book about the Transgender push that is essentially child abuse by the medical and psychiatric profession. This is a story she covered in an article for City Journal.....

Here is the story...

Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him.

“They sent an email to us, you know, ‘you should take your ‘daughter’ to the gender clinic,’” he told me.

At first, Ahmed (I have changed names in this essay to protect the identities of minor children) assumed there had been a mistake. He had dropped off a son, Syed, to the hospital, in a terrible state of distress. Now, the email he received from the mental health experts used a new name for that son and claimed he was Ahmed’s daughter. “They were trying to create a customer for their gender clinic . . . and they seemed to absolutely want to push us in that direction,” he said when I spoke to him again this May, recalling the horror of last October. “We had calls with counselors and therapists in the establishment, telling us how important it is for him to change his gender, because that’s the only way he’s going to be better out of this suicidal depressive state.”

The age at which minors in the State of Washington can receive mental health and gender-affirming care without parental permission is 13. In other words, the emails Ahmed received from the hospital were effectively a courtesy; the hospital did not require Ahmed’s permission to begin his son on a path to medical transition.

But unlike some other parents I would later speak with, Ahmed’s cool head prevailed. Believing he might be walking into a trap, Ahmed reached out to both a lawyer and a psychiatrist friend he trusted. The psychiatrist gave him advice that he believes saved his son, saying, in Ahmed’s words:

“You have to be very, very careful, because if you come across as just even a little bit anti-trans or anything, they’re going to call the Child Protective Services on you and take custody of your kid.” The lawyer told Ahmed the same: “What you want to do is agree with them and take your kid home. When the gender counselors advise you to ‘affirm,’ go along with it. Just say ‘Uh-huh, uh-huh, okay, let’s take him home, and we’ll go to the gender clinic.’”

Ahmed assured Seattle Children’s Hospital that he would take his son to a gender clinic and commence his son’s transition. Instead, he collected his son, quit his job, and moved his family of four out of Washington.

Amazon product ASIN B07YL6XK55
Should the state be able to take your children and then allow them to change their physical form.....without your force?

A family's choice should never be violated. Neither should an individual's.
It is but it's legal and does not involve either a dowry or goats in this country.

16 is not quite a child, not quite an adult. It's old enough that the law recognizes their right to choice in medical treatment for example. It is old enough to have a say in their gender identity.

Woohoo ... He isn't old enough, or responsible enough to buy a beer, but he can cut his penis off.


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