Shrink the Rich; Not Government


How much do you know about lightning?

"It’s a big country, we have 300M people and every day one of them is struck by lightning but only one in 5 of those people is killed.

"We generate about 240 'luckiest people on earth' every year so it shouldn’t be too surprising to you that we still generate some winners in the great game of Capitalism, not matter how much the odds are stacked against you..."

All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.
Do you believe there's a point where concentration of wealth makes "one person:eek:ne vote" meaningless?

Does every dollar vote? Or does every person?

Because I make 6 figures, is my vote counted more than your minimum wage salary from Burger King?

Does your 6 figure chump change ballot effect the same change as Warren Buffett's or the Koch brothers?

Do you believe there's a point where concentration of wealth makes "one person:eek:ne vote" meaningless?

Does every dollar vote? Or does every person?

Because I make 6 figures, is my vote counted more than your minimum wage salary from Burger King?

Does your 6 figure chump change ballot effect the same change as Warren Buffett's or the Koch brothers?


I will ask the same questions again that relate to your assertion... you fucking idiot

Does every dollar vote? Or does every person?

Because I make 6 figures, is my vote counted more than your minimum wage salary from Burger King?

What my money buys or 'changes' in the private sector where my money is spent is not pertinent to your assertion

How much do you know about lightning?

"It’s a big country, we have 300M people and every day one of them is struck by lightning but only one in 5 of those people is killed.

"We generate about 240 'luckiest people on earth' every year so it shouldn’t be too surprising to you that we still generate some winners in the great game of Capitalism, not matter how much the odds are stacked against you..."

All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.

The government subsidized Microsoft? When did they do that, before or after the bogus anti trust lawsuit?

How much do you know about lightning?

"It’s a big country, we have 300M people and every day one of them is struck by lightning but only one in 5 of those people is killed.

"We generate about 240 'luckiest people on earth' every year so it shouldn’t be too surprising to you that we still generate some winners in the great game of Capitalism, not matter how much the odds are stacked against you..."

All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.

Come on man. I worked my ass off all my life. No one forces anyone to work at anything they did not want to.
All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.

Come on man. I worked my ass off all my life. No one forces anyone to work at anything they did not want to.

He is a union member, he doesn't the concept of working for himself.
"The vast middle class no longer has the purchasing power to keep the economy going. (The rich spend a much lower portion of their incomes.)
That's because they're being taxed into the poor house, asswipe.
"Poor house?" He's talking about people who could buy you and sell you at a net loss seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, and not move a decimal point in their holdings.

And unless you're sitting on at least ten million dollars these are people who regard you as something along the lines of a cockroach. Yet you're an apologist for them.

How much do you know about lightning?

"It’s a big country, we have 300M people and every day one of them is struck by lightning but only one in 5 of those people is killed.

"We generate about 240 'luckiest people on earth' every year so it shouldn’t be too surprising to you that we still generate some winners in the great game of Capitalism, not matter how much the odds are stacked against you..."

All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.

Nobody who knows shit from Shinola is advocating "Soaking" anyone in any income level. My opinion is that the current tax code, while better that the one lived under by a people calling themselves 'The French' back in the 16th century, unfairly favors the wealthiest among us.

Doesn't mean I don't wish to pay my fair share and doesn't mean I don't aspire, even in MY advanced years, to a more, shall we say... "productive" use of my time, currently valued in the market place at about $20 per hour on average.

In my opinion no taxes on businesses, except their participating in a general sales tax of 7%, along with a 7% "Winners at Life" tax on personal income over $3 million dollars per year would be fair and pay the bills.

Does anyone believe our current tax collecting method and results is fair or efficient?
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"The vast middle class no longer has the purchasing power to keep the economy going. (The rich spend a much lower portion of their incomes.)
That's because they're being taxed into the poor house, asswipe.
"Poor house?" He's talking about people who could buy you and sell you at a net loss seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, and not move a decimal point in their holdings.

And unless you're sitting on at least ten million dollars these are people who regard you as something along the lines of a cockroach. Yet you're an apologist for them.

Just because you would stomp on everyone in sight if you were rich does not mean that real rich people think that way.
Does every dollar vote? Or does every person?

Because I make 6 figures, is my vote counted more than your minimum wage salary from Burger King?

Does your 6 figure chump change ballot effect the same change as Warren Buffett's or the Koch brothers?


I will ask the same questions again that relate to your assertion... you fucking idiot

Does every dollar vote? Or does every person?

Because I make 6 figures, is my vote counted more than your minimum wage salary from Burger King?

What my money buys or 'changes' in the private sector where my money is spent is not pertinent to your assertion
One person; one vote becomes meaningless when big money vets the candidates before you and I cast our ballots. When parasites like Buffett or the Koch brothers choose which candidates you or I are allowed to vote for, your six figure income and my $600/month SSA check have exactly the same chance of changing anything fundamental about how the rich rule in the "Land of the Free."
Do you believe there's a point where concentration of wealth makes "one person:eek:ne vote" meaningless?

Do you think Obama bought the election?

I believe Goldman Sach (who donated over $900,000 to Obama's campaign) and many other elites desperately needed a (black?) rock star with roots to Lincoln in the White House in January of '09.

In my opinion, Obama was anointed by big money, and he's been proving his loyalty to them ever since.
All it takes to get rich in this country is the willingness to work for money. I personally chose to work for, and enjoy, other things in life, so I do not begrudge anyone who is put in the effort the fruit of his labor.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.

The government subsidized Microsoft? When did they do that, before or after the bogus anti trust lawsuit?
How much less would Microsoft and Bill be worth if the Pentagon, i.e., the taxpayers, had not developed the internet?

There's also the tax bias favoring debt over equity investing that both Republicans AND Democrats in DC have been inflicting on this country since the mid 70s.

Bill is a real smart guy; however, had he tried to start Microsoft as a non-profit, I'm not sure Wall Street would have responded as positively to his genius.
Getting rich in this country also involves the willingness to exploit the labor of others and using some of your riches to bribe government into legislating favorable tax codes and other regulations.

Bill Gates didn't get rich in a vacuum.

He did get rich through exploitation of government's prime directive to socialize cost and privatize profit.

The government subsidized Microsoft? When did they do that, before or after the bogus anti trust lawsuit?
How much less would Microsoft and Bill be worth if the Pentagon, i.e., the taxpayers, had not developed the internet?

There's also the tax bias favoring debt over equity investing that both Republicans AND Democrats in DC have been inflicting on this country since the mid 70s.

Bill is a real smart guy; however, had he tried to start Microsoft as a non-profit, I'm not sure Wall Street would have responded as positively to his genius.

An Excellent point, but how much less cool would The Internet be if people weren't WELL compensated for spending the time and resources required to create the software and the hardware that was used by the taxpayers military horse to build that particular infrastructure?

How efficient is the market place at rewarding winning ideas and crushing the dreams of stupidity?

There is as much a place in the world of the future for the spirit of self-preservation style capitalism as there is for a species-preservative government. Both are simply tools for evolution to use to carve a World from a random wet rock circling a common star.

Cool, ain't it? :cool:
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I find it down right embarrassing that We, The People collect taxes on a retail level - Imagine how much money we'd save on the IRS bureaucracy alone if we instead collected on the wholesale level.
Indeed. I like pointing out to those who demonize BIGOIL that government makes more money on a gallon of gas than BIGOIL does. :lol:
Are you suggesting those serving the Empire in Afghanistan and Iraq volunteer their time or should we send the bill for their service to BIGOIL?

How about the US Sixth Fleet?

Shell or Exxon-Mobile?
I dunno about you, but I sure am enjoying all this $1.25/gallon gas we're making with the Iraqi oil we took over.

Oh, wait...
Two-thirds of all jobs in the US are created AND destroyed by small businesses.

No rich people needed.

So you want to add another third of the work force to the unemployment line?
I don't think requiring the rich to pay the same percentage of their income in taxes as their secretaries and cooks will add another third of the workforce to the unemployment line.

Do you?

You seem to think that rich people just bury their money in the back yard.

They don't. It's invested. It's in the market. It's in bonds. It's all over the place. Hell, even in a savings account, it's helping other people.

YOU want to take that away, because you're greedy, envious, and stupid.

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