Sonic and Chili's Get On the Bandwagon

The chances of a mass murderer mowing down a bunch of people in a Sonic or Chili's is extremely remote. You'll die from a falling meteor five minutes after winning the Powerball jackpot before you get killed in a Sonic.

The chances of a Sonic or Chili's experiencing a robbery are relatively much, much higher.

Going with the actuarials, then, it makes perfect sense for Sonic and Chili's and every other public place to adopt a policy of strict non-violence as well as a no gun policy.

That is why such places tell their employees to offer NO resistance to a robber and to just give them the cash. These establishments will get their money back from their insurance company, and the odds of anyone getting hurt following these policies is practically nil.

Those odds climb radically if you have some hair trigger yahoos toting long rifles around these places. The chances of an innocent person being injured or killed in a shootout is sky high.

Cash can be replaced. Lives and limbs cannot.

These policies are part of a comprehensive safety and deterrence plan. In addition to banning guns and offering no violent resistance to robbers, many establishments also have a maximum cash amount allowed to be kept in their registers.

This is not a "liberal" thing. It is a well-reasoned business decision based on years of experience and actuarials.

These jackholes with their long guns and shit do not speak for all gun owners. They don't even speak for a majority of gun owners. They are ignorant yahoos and deserve ridicule and scorn for trying to force a business to endanger their customers. They are behaving in a manner that is entirely counterproductive to gun rights. They are actually creating an extremely negative stereotype of gun owners.
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That's usually how it is when you go to restaurants. You deal with them on their terms. Do you bargain on the price you pay for your meal? No, you pay what they feel their meal is worth.'s illegal to open carry in the state of Texas. These 'patriots' were openly breaking the law, so the establishments has the legal right to kick them out.

Wrong! It is illegal to open carry a hand gun in Texas without a concealed carry permit. Long guns, better known as rifles and shot guns, are legal to open carry in Texas.

I do think the NRA got it right objecting to those that insisted on going into restaurants with long guns that have requested that they do not do so.

Open carry of a handgun in public is generally illegal in Texas due to PC 46.02; exceptions are detailed in that section and in 46.15, and include when the carrier is on property he/she owns or has lawful control over, while legally hunting, or while participating in some gun-related public event such as a gun show. A permit to carry concealed is thus required to carry a handgun in public.

Actually there are other exceptions to the open carry of a hand gun, you might want to actually know what you're talking about, otherwise you just look foolish. One example is an antique percussion pistol.
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Wait, you can go in a sonic? Never used anything but the drive through and i thought they brought stuff out to you otherwise. Go figure.
Wrong! It is illegal to open carry a hand gun in Texas without a concealed carry permit. Long guns, better known as rifles and shot guns, are legal to open carry in Texas.

I do think the NRA got it right objecting to those that insisted on going into restaurants with long guns that have requested that they do not do so.

Open carry of a handgun in public is generally illegal in Texas due to PC 46.02; exceptions are detailed in that section and in 46.15, and include when the carrier is on property he/she owns or has lawful control over, while legally hunting, or while participating in some gun-related public event such as a gun show. A permit to carry concealed is thus required to carry a handgun in public.

Actually there are other exceptions to the open carry of a hand gun, you might want to actually know what you're talking about, otherwise you just look foolish. One example is an antique percussion pistol.

I know...hence why I cited pc 46.02

they're all there for you to look at.

However, if your goal is to have open carry hand gun, I don;t think the best way to go about it is waltz into a family restaurant strapped like Rambo.
So many irrational responses to restaurants exercising their rights.

By the way, how the fuck do you maintain control of an ar15 when you have a handfull of baby back ribs?

Taking rifles into a family eating establishment is just stupid. You really don't need to shove your rights in everyone elses face. Same shit we say about gays but I guess for some of you its not a two way street?

Interesting that simply exercising a right is "shoving it into someone's face". Which others of your rights do you advocate that people refrain from using for fear that others might be offended by "being forced" to see them do so? Should we all decline our right to free speech any time someone else might not want to hear us talking?
So many irrational responses to restaurants exercising their rights.

By the way, how the fuck do you maintain control of an ar15 when you have a handfull of baby back ribs?

Taking rifles into a family eating establishment is just stupid. You really don't need to shove your rights in everyone elses face. Same shit we say about gays but I guess for some of you its not a two way street?

Interesting that simply exercising a right is "shoving it into someone's face". Which others of your rights do you advocate that people refrain from using for fear that others might be offended by "being forced" to see them do so? Should we all decline our right to free speech any time someone else might not want to hear us talking?

I hope I never hear you bitching about fags flaunting their lifestyle or pushing it in your face.

Keep your fucking military style rifles out of the family restaurant. That is my opinion on the matter, deal with it.
Gun owners piss their money away on ammo to shoot at cans.

The large clips are brilliant sales motivators -- gotta buy more bullets to fill them and shoot them off. Suckers.
First we banned indoor cigarettes and now citizen firearms.

This sort of shop boundary-making ironically contributes to 'nerdism dialogue.'


And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

Criminals are the biggest gun lovers. THANK GOD that Chili's and Sonic have banned firearms.

I'm sure the criminals will comply, and we will all be perfectly safe from any armed robberies or hostage situations that would have previously occurred prior to this new rule.

I just wonder how Chilis and Sonic are going to ensure compliance with their new anti-gun rules. Is Chili's going to install metal detectors at their entrances? Are they going to frisk customers? How about Sonic? Are they going to search everybody's vehicles as soon as they park?

ANY business has the right to inform armed criminals that none of the customers in their stores or restaurants will have any firearms to protect themselves.

I guess a sign in the window is cheaper than a neon sign announcing "open season" on law-abiding customers.

Criminals everywhere would like to thank Chilis and Sonic for their cooperation.

The chances of a mass murderer mowing down a bunch of people in a Sonic or Chili's is extremely remote. You'll die from a falling meteor five minutes after winning the Powerball jackpot before you get killed in a Sonic.

The chances of a Sonic or Chili's experiencing a robbery are relatively much, much higher.

Going with the actuarials, then, it makes perfect sense for Sonic and Chili's and every other public place to adopt a policy of strict non-violence as well as a no gun policy.

That is why such places tell their employees to offer NO resistance to a robber and to just give them the cash. These establishments will get their money back from their insurance company, and the odds of anyone getting hurt following these policies is practically nil.

Those odds climb radically if you have some hair trigger yahoos toting long rifles around these places. The chances of an innocent person being injured or killed in a shootout is sky high.

Cash can be replaced. Lives and limbs cannot.

These policies are part of a comprehensive safety and deterrence plan. In addition to banning guns and offering no violent resistance to robbers, many establishments also have a maximum cash amount allowed to be kept in their registers.

This is not a "liberal" thing. It is a well-reasoned business decision based on years of experience and actuarials.

These jackholes with their long guns and shit do not speak for all gun owners. They don't even speak for a majority of gun owners. They are ignorant yahoos and deserve ridicule and scorn for trying to force a business to endanger their customers. They are behaving in a manner that is entirely counterproductive to gun rights. They are actually creating an extremely negative stereotype of gun owners.

Yeah, you're right.

What are the chances of some nut going into a mall and gunning down shoppers?

What are the chances of some kid going into an elementary school and shooting a bunch of kids?

What are the chances of school students gunning down their fellow students and teachers?

What are the chances of some nut going into a Luby's cafeteria and killing a bunch of people? (Just imagine if that restaurant had a "no firearms" sign in their window. All of those dead customers would still be alive, right?)

What are the chances of some freaky kid going into a movie theatre and gunning down a bunch of movie-goers?

What are the chances of some idiot going to a political rally and shooting a Congresswoman and other people?

And the list goes on and on and on.....................

Just for the record, I've never gone ANYWHERE in public brandishing a "long gun". I carry a little .22 LR semi-auto in an ankle holster when I am wearing long pants., and I occasionally carry my holstered .45 ACP on my hip, or holstered inside my winter coat. My wife has a nice little 9mm that she carries in her purse at all times. Neither one of us are "yahoos".

The fact that you TRUST the actions and "promises" of an ARMED CRIMINAL ("give me all of the money and nobody gets hurt") over the actions and decision-making of a legally armed U.S. citizen ("drop your gun or I'll shoot") is VERY DISTURBING.
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And tell the gun lovers to stay out of their restaurants!

Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants.

“We recognize that the open carry of firearms creates an uncomfortable atmosphere and is not permitted under many local liquor laws,” Ashley Johnson, a spokeswoman for Chili's' parent company, Brinker International, said in an email. “So, we kindly ask that guests refrain from openly carrying firearms into our restaurants and we will continue to follow state and local laws on this issue.”

Good for them for standing up to the NRA bullies!

Sonic is a Drive-in.
Telling gun owners to stay out ?

Okay, I'll do just that.

The chains did not request no gun owners allowed, just asked customers to refrain from carrying firearms into the restaurants.

That sounds like two good places for criminals to commit an armed robbery and get all the money from the store as well as the customers. Bad guys don't do requests.
Just went to Chilis about 2 or 3 weeks ago with my conceal carry. I go there for my benefit ... not theirs. They still made a profit off of me and I was within my legal right to "keep" and bear arms.
Open carry of a handgun in public is generally illegal in Texas due to PC 46.02; exceptions are detailed in that section and in 46.15, and include when the carrier is on property he/she owns or has lawful control over, while legally hunting, or while participating in some gun-related public event such as a gun show. A permit to carry concealed is thus required to carry a handgun in public.

These patriots were not carrying hand guns so they were not breaking the law.

They want to open carry hand guns as well. This might not have been the best way to go about getting their message out.

Nothing like sitting down to eat your dinner and next to you is a wannabe rambo.:cuckoo:

Don't like it, don't eat there.
All liberals posting in this thread and on this board live in gated communities guarded by armed guards.

That is the only thing that explains the stupidity of this thread.

I always wonder why it is mostly Obama type voters that illegally use firearms. If, you know what I mean.

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