State Religion: You cannot dirty the pride flag that is painted on a street without being arrested

Why because "you said" Compelling. The bottom line is this isn't art. It's just colored lines painted on the road meant to convey a political message and has no place being sanctioned by the Government any more than any other political speech/art whatever the fuck you want to call it does. As far as how the person who did a burnout on it should be treated the penalty should be no more or less than had he done the same thing to any other traffic marking.
The city and courts disagree with your concept of art and support mine. You are wrong
Because this case was cherry picked to get a reaction from an intended audience during an election year to motivate those afraid of a changing society to vote
So you agree, the state is protecting a certain ideology over others?
The city and courts disagree with your concept of art and support mine. You are wrong
That's my issue, dum dum. The Government's involvement with this political movement and their preferential treatment of it and detrimental treatment of those who are on the other side of it. I dont know why you seemingly want them involved.
The city and courts disagree with your concept of art and support mine. You are wrong

The courts said slavery was ok. They said it was ok to ban gay marriage. They said it was ok for segregate schools. They supported separate but equal. The list goes on and on. "The courts said" isnt a compelling argument for something being right or wrong.
I’m simply saying how your words will appear in the real world. You can have your own personal definitions, but others won’t know them, will assume your just hateful, and not listen to you
Posters do not get that others may not accept their personal definitions for terms, etc.

The often get upset when others tell them, "Nope, that is not the normal definition, and you are wrong."
The courts said slavery was ok. They said it was ok to ban gay marriage. They said it was ok for segregate schools. They supported separate but equal. The list goes on and on. "The courts said" isnt a compelling argument for something being right or wrong.
It is a compelling notice to you, "This is the way it is, whether or not you agree."
It is a compelling notice to you, "This is the way it is, whether or not you agree."
We’re not talking about what is, we’re talking about what ought.

You/democrats talk about what ought to be all the time. Suddenly, such practice isn’t worth the time?
So if someone paints a pride flag inside of a toilet bowl in a public restroom, are we supposed to make sure we don't dirty it?

I know that sounds absurd, but what's the difference here? Streets are made to drive and walk on, they were never supposed to be the canvas for artwork.

What if a street sweeper removes some of the paint, is he or she going to be arrested?
Sacred USA flag can be burned at will due to incorrect labeling as “speech” but distracting, make pretend roadway paintings are sacred
Block traffic and paint streets with divisive nonsense is Lib 101

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