Surprise!!!!.... story of Jacob Blake was "wholly innaccurate" and manufactured

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car

He didn't have a gun. He didn't have a knife in his hand, what we see in his hand is pretty clearly a pair of sunglasses.

Funny that the "having a cop in a headlock" was "cut" from the video.

Funny that we have two videos from two different angles of the incident, and neither of them recorded him saying " I'm going to kill you" to the cops.

So the only accurate statement was he went to his car.
Since I am not allowed to post the photo showing Blake with a knife a Curved Karambit, follow this link:
The cops are on tape yelling DROP THE KNIFE DROP THE KNIFE-----------eyewitnesses say they saw the knife. Knife was found in the floorboard of the car where he was reaching into the vehicle. Who has a knife in the floorboard of the car? He had a knife-----I don't understand the blm's stunts at pretending he didnt when barring something really really bizarre he had a knife.
So the knife is in his hands...then it's not...he was reaching for it.

What a load of crap.

It wasn't till days later that cops even claimed to have FOUND a knife. Was it really his? Did it have his finger prints on it?
They shot him with the knife in his hands
That is a blatant lie. Look at the video dope
Something was in his hand am I right ? It just hasn't been verified as to what that something was right ?? Some said it was sunglasses ?? What was it ?
The officer had ahold of the mans shirt and started shooting. Now fuck this discussion when a white dude, armed with a gun he killed 2 people with gets to walk past police like he is just on a nighttime walk.
There you go again leaving out the facts of the case, but the one word "white" says it all when it comes to your hatred.
The knife was in the car...he was reaching into the car for something after they had tried to Taser him twice. He had a record of committing crimes involving guns. I can only assume the Police thought he was going for a gun when they shot him. What's the old saying? Don't bring a knife to a gun fight? Don't reach in a car for a knife when the guys trying to arrest you are all pointing guns at you. That's just plain moronic! Even more moronic than stealing the car of a woman you just sexually assaulted.

Wow, so many wrong statements.. so many.

He had never been involved in a crime with the gun. The woman who complained about him (his girlfriend) had filed her complaint three month before, and it was quickly shunted to the KPD's "I don't give a shit" docket.

The first part of this claim is largely accurate.

Blake was charged July 6 with felony third-degree sexual assault and misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct. All three offenses carried a penalty enhancer because they were connected to domestic abuse.

The charges — which have not gone to trial — stem from a May 3 incident in Kenosha County. A woman Blake knew told police he came into her house about 6 a.m., sexually assaulted her and then took a debit card and car keys before fleeing in her vehicle, according to a criminal complaint. Contrary to many social media claims, the woman involved in this case was an adult.

The second element of the claim is wrong. Blake was charged with a gun-related offense in 2015, but he was not convicted.

The Facebook post offered as proof a Sept. 22, 2015, article from the Racine County Eye website. It described charges being filed, but did not reference a conviction.

Our review of court records shows a confrontation at a Racine County, Wisconsin, bar led to a combative traffic stop and a total of five criminal charges in September 2015, including resisting an officer, disorderly conduct and three gun-related ones.
Ok so the dude was a criminal, and it looks like he played his final criminal card on the day he resisted arrest, and caused the officers to see him as a potential harm to those kids, and to them as officers, and to the public at large. Defeated two taser shots, and still kept resisting ? What was the dude on ?? A desperate guilty mind can be a serious issue for arresting officers. Only bad comes from such things as is proven many times over.
What the heck is going on with the site ? Everytime I go to click on the post reply button it kicks over to another page ?? I have to then rely upon the automatic save in order to try and post it or finish writing it.
So here is a picture of Blake with his knife.
Screen Shot 2020-08-30 at 7.34.38 AM.png
They shot him with the knife in his hands
That is a blatant lie. Look at the video dope
You have mental issues----they shot him with the knife and he dropped it on the car floor board. Why does this give you so much issue? I have looked at the video and listen to the cops tell him to drop the knife repeatedly and read the reports and interviews of the other witnesses who said he had a knife but look at you------trying to ignore all the evidence and scream at others stating the facts----you are a bit of bully as well. Trying to lie and intimidate doesn't work well me.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car
The story from the police union is inaccurate.
Nope it is accurate according to the witnesses but watch you try to spin nonsense.......and you actually think other people aren't far smarter and better informed than you.
The cops are on tape yelling DROP THE KNIFE DROP THE KNIFE-----------eyewitnesses say they saw the knife. Knife was found in the floorboard of the car where he was reaching into the vehicle. Who has a knife in the floorboard of the car? He had a knife-----I don't understand the blm's stunts at pretending he didnt when barring something really really bizarre he had a knife.
So the knife is in his hands...then it's not...he was reaching for it.

What a load of crap.

It wasn't till days later that cops even claimed to have FOUND a knife. Was it really his? Did it have his finger prints on it?
You are delusionally ignorant----the reports of the knife came out immediately-----as per the interviews done that day by the media of both the cops and witnesses....Violent criminals had knife in hands as he walked around car---cops yelled at him to drop the knife.......and then shot him as he reached into car WITH THE KNIFE IN HIS HANDS putting the kids in danger which forced the cops to shoot him. After the bullets started hitting him, he dropped the knife which fell onto the floorboard of the car.

You are such an idiot----
Cops are trained to empty their gun when shooting--------and apparently not reckless since he was the only one shot.
Not reckless? Shooting into a car full of kids?

You never heard of a ricochet?

You people will say anything
Not talking about a boy shooting his brand-new BB gun for the first time in the movie "Christmas Story", but we are talking about trained proffesionals who didn't just pick up a weapon yesterday. Gosh does everything have to be explained to liberals in kindergarten terms ??
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.

Five times more die than by rifle
Inner city thugs prefer illegal handguns.
Sell your twelve year old sister and you can get a cheap POS illegal handgun and one clip.
Then you can murder your neighbor for his new garbage can.

You know nothing....

within ten feet a knife can be more deadly than a gun.....
your intentions are not hidden're one of those dopes
who believes that the only time a cop is justified in using lethal force
is after he is already dead.


1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car
If the Union's account was correct or true....
Shoot him once at close range in the back, shoot him twice to be certain he cant do something with his knife,
the the third shot, to be triplely sure....

But then the 4th, 5th, 6th, And 7th shot at close range, in the back, was premeditated, attempted murder....imho
The cops are on tape yelling DROP THE KNIFE DROP THE KNIFE-----------eyewitnesses say they saw the knife. Knife was found in the floorboard of the car where he was reaching into the vehicle. Who has a knife in the floorboard of the car? He had a knife-----I don't understand the blm's stunts at pretending he didnt when barring something really really bizarre he had a knife.
So the knife is in his hands...then it's not...he was reaching for it.

What a load of crap.

It wasn't till days later that cops even claimed to have FOUND a knife. Was it really his? Did it have his finger prints on it?
You are delusionally ignorant----the reports of the knife came out immediately-----as per the interviews done that day by the media of both the cops and witnesses....Violent criminals had knife in hands as he walked around car---cops yelled at him to drop the knife.......and then shot him as he reached into car WITH THE KNIFE IN HIS HANDS putting the kids in danger which forced the cops to shoot him. After the bullets started hitting him, he dropped the knife which fell onto the floorboard of the car.

You are such an idiot----

It's an incurable condition...... they are only ever happy when it ends up with a dead cop no matter the situation. Whenever one of their social heroes like Floyd goes down they want revenge, they want to even the score.... even if it is not justified. That much has become obvious....if it's a black cop...they are pissed.....but they are so much more pissed when it's a white cop because that speaks directly to what they feel is the real cultural norm for them....that blacks are superior to whites and there should never be an instance that demonstrates otherwise. It is no longer a law enforcement issue with them but a primitive, tribal dysfunction worthy of a baboon troop.

Cops are trained to empty their gun when shooting--------and apparently not reckless since he was the only one shot.
Not reckless? Shooting into a car full of kids?

You never heard of a ricochet?

You people will say anything
Not talking about a boy shooting his brand-new BB gun for the first time in the movie "Christmas Story", but we are talking about trained proffesionals who didn't just pick up a weapon yesterday. Gosh does everything have to be explained to liberals in kindergarten terms ??

You are pretty much completely full of shit.....don't want to live with police? There are plenty of places you can go...
better take a firearm with you though.

What the heck is going on with the site ? Everytime I go to click on the post reply button it kicks over to another page ?? I have to then rely upon the automatic save in order to try and post it or finish writing it.
So here is a picture of Blake with his knife.View attachment 382114

Thanks... Hard to make out what it is, but if the report says it is a knife, then it is a knife. That will be looked at again in the trial, so it is great that we will get to that part of it soon enough hopefully. It's just ridiculous that we have a systemic problem with certain forces controlling the perception in which caused all the chaos and mayhem prior to an investigation being completed. That has got to be put a stop to, and that means investigating these forces intent on taking every situation to suggest that we as a nation are unforgivable, and therefore we must be destroyed. These individuals are no different in my opinion as the terrorist masterminds are in which we battle over seas.
Cops are trained to empty their gun when shooting--------and apparently not reckless since he was the only one shot.
Not reckless? Shooting into a car full of kids?

You never heard of a ricochet?

You people will say anything
Not talking about a boy shooting his brand-new BB gun for the first time in the movie "Christmas Story", but we are talking about trained proffesionals who didn't just pick up a weapon yesterday. Gosh does everything have to be explained to liberals in kindergarten terms ??

You are pretty much completely full of shit.....don't want to live with police? There are plenty of places you can go...
better take a firearm with you though.

Dude, what have you been drinking this morning ?? LOL

I think your post fell on the wrong poster or you are posting drunk.. rotflmbo.
The object in his hand looks like a pair of sunglasses to me. In my opinion, he was not armed when he was trying to get in the car. But - and this is a big BUT - the officers DID NOT KNOW if he had a weapon in the car and based on past experiences in similar circumstances, it was a safe assumption that he might be going for a weapon in the car and this is why they fired.

There is not one person alive who is not qualified to be a Monday morning quarterback. Any idiot can look at the evidence after the fact and say he wasn't armed. Duh. The problem is that the cops at the scene do not know at the moment whether he's armed or not or whether he has a weapon in the car. So in the interest of their personal safety and that of the citizens in the area, they do what they must do to put him down.

This is why cops and those who support them are always saying: JUST FUCKING COMPLY. If he had, he would not have gotten shot.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
You’re nuts. If you think cops are justified in shooting and killing people like this guy, you must love Nazi Germany.
You must love violent criminals running around attacking unarmed women then if you don't think this violent man needed to be removed.
There's going to violent criminals no matter how brutal the cops are. Can't really do a lot about that but we can do something about how the police handle them. This was not some mindless wild beast it was a man who was already having a bad day before the police showed up and escalated a bad situation.

Ah well, poor baby....Did he have any responsibility for his "bad day"? He was going to be taken into custody regardless of what happened...He could have avoided all of this by submitting to be taken into custody....Instead he fought police, got free, and ignored driect lawful orders....Then reached into the floorboard of his car out of sight of pursuing police....What in the hell should they have done? Backed off and let him go? Are you crazy?
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
You’re nuts. If you think cops are justified in shooting and killing people like this guy, you must love Nazi Germany.
You must love violent criminals running around attacking unarmed women then if you don't think this violent man needed to be removed.
There's going to violent criminals no matter how brutal the cops are. Can't really do a lot about that but we can do something about how the police handle them. This was not some mindless wild beast it was a man who was already having a bad day before the police showed up and escalated a bad situation.

Ah well, poor baby....Did he have any responsibility for his "bad day"? He was going to be taken into custody regardless of what happened...He could have avoided all of this by submitting to be taken into custody....Instead he fought police, got free, and ignored driect lawful orders....Then reached into the floorboard of his car out of sight of pursuing police....What in the hell should they have done? Backed off and let him go? Are you crazy?
They could have blinked, and it could have went another way where as he may have come out of that car with a loaded gun that he might have had under the seat. If he would have shot the cop nearest to him before gunned down by the other cop, the headline would have been a one liner that would have been chalked up as just another day in the neighborhood of domestic abuse calls, and the extreme circumstances that usually accompanies them. Otherwise we wouldn't have heard about it.
Why the fuck would you ever need to shoot a guy out in the open with a knife? Seriously? They have at least two "non-lethal" weapons in their belts, two cops and training in handling enraged or impaired suspects. The cop that shot this guy was a stupid coward and never should have been a cop if he's that scared of a knife.
Yeah....Just let a guy with outstanding domestic assault warrants get in his car and drive off...Or possibly try to run someone over.

You liberoidals have to be the dumbest drips ever to draw a breath.
Yet shooting him SEVEN times IN THE BACK, clearly is unjustified. The cop should face a long prison sentence.
He's fleeing the scene after being ordered to stop....He had outstanding warrants for violence.....Nobody could know what he might do once in the car, up to and including using it as a weapon.

Fuck that criminal asshole.
You’re nuts. If you think cops are justified in shooting and killing people like this guy, you must love Nazi Germany.
You must love violent criminals running around attacking unarmed women then if you don't think this violent man needed to be removed.
There's going to violent criminals no matter how brutal the cops are. Can't really do a lot about that but we can do something about how the police handle them. This was not some mindless wild beast it was a man who was already having a bad day before the police showed up and escalated a bad situation.

Ah well, poor baby....Did he have any responsibility for his "bad day"? He was going to be taken into custody regardless of what happened...He could have avoided all of this by submitting to be taken into custody....Instead he fought police, got free, and ignored driect lawful orders....Then reached into the floorboard of his car out of sight of pursuing police....What in the hell should they have done? Backed off and let him go? Are you crazy?
They could have blinked, and it could have went another way where as he may have come out of that car with a loaded gun that he might have had under the seat. If he would have shot the cop nearest to him before gunned down by the other cop, the headline would have been a one liner that would have been chalked up as just another day in the neighborhood of domestic abuse calls, and the extreme circumstances that usually accompanies them. Otherwise we wouldn't have heard about it.

I'd even go one further and say that media outlets would have cheered a cop's death.

1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car
The reporter never said he was armed with a knife there was a knife in the floorboard on the drivers side.
The blob supporting OP lied?


1) He was armed with a knife
2) He was fighting off the police, including placing a cop in a headlock that was cut out of video
3) He was yelling about killing them
4) He refused to drop the knife after repeatedly being told to drop it
5) He went over to his car

What the fuck would you expect the cops to do at that point? Wait till he brought out a gun and start blazing bullets at them??
No way for anyone to know why or what he was reaching for in car
The reporter never said he was armed with a knife there was a knife in the floorboard on the drivers side.
The blob supporting OP lied?

View attachment 382137

Yeah? what were they lying about specifically?

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