Taxing The Rich

That is the total increased rate,

Yes, the annual increase was 3.9%.
Only 0.4% from minimum wage.

Mostly? DURR!
You keep dodging the question. The previous year was not 0%. How much was the annual increase for the previous year?

Well, I guess if it will help your case, you can post Obama's numbers from 2016 and before........

The previous year was not 0%. How much was the annual increase for the previous year?

If 2018 was 3.9% and 2019 was 3.9%....that was the increase for both years.
Most the min wage increases started hitting in 2019. Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases. 2019 was the year all the trump policy was in full effect. Not so effective it seems.
Most the min wage increases started hitting in 2019.

And they contributed 0.4% of the 3.9% total.

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%
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That is the total increased rate,

Yes, the annual increase was 3.9%.
Only 0.4% from minimum wage.

Mostly? DURR!
You keep dodging the question. The previous year was not 0%. How much was the annual increase for the previous year?

Well, I guess if it will help your case, you can post Obama's numbers from 2016 and before........

The previous year was not 0%. How much was the annual increase for the previous year?

If 2018 was 3.9% and 2019 was 3.9%....that was the increase for both years.
Most the min wage increases started hitting in 2019. Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases. 2019 was the year all the trump policy was in full effect. Not so effective it seems.
Most the min wage increases started hitting in 2019.

And they contributed 0.4% of the 3.9% toal.

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%
So I stand corrected. It kept wages from decreases, that's even stronger than adding to the uptick. Stopped us from having a downtick.
Sorry to break it to you, but the small increase we had in wages was mostly from MW increases.

Sorry to break it to you, but 10% of the total is not "mostly".
10%? We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.



0.4% due to the MW is about 10% of the total increase of 3.9%.

We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.

We? LOL!

Your bad math is all you.
You aren't paying attention to yourself?

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%
Sorry to break it to you, but the small increase we had in wages was mostly from MW increases.

Sorry to break it to you, but 10% of the total is not "mostly".
10%? We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.



0.4% due to the MW is about 10% of the total increase of 3.9%.

We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.

We? LOL!

Your bad math is all you.
You aren't paying attention to yourself?

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%

Yup, a 3.5% increase is an increase.
Sorry to break it to you, but the small increase we had in wages was mostly from MW increases.

Sorry to break it to you, but 10% of the total is not "mostly".
10%? We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.



0.4% due to the MW is about 10% of the total increase of 3.9%.

We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.

We? LOL!

Your bad math is all you.
You aren't paying attention to yourself?

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%

Yup, a 3.5% increase is an increase.
Decrease in the rate obviously. 3.5 is less than 3.9. Try to keep up.
Sorry to break it to you, but the small increase we had in wages was mostly from MW increases.

Sorry to break it to you, but 10% of the total is not "mostly".
10%? We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.



0.4% due to the MW is about 10% of the total increase of 3.9%.

We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.

We? LOL!

Your bad math is all you.
You aren't paying attention to yourself?

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%

Yup, a 3.5% increase is an increase.
Decrease in the rate obviously. 3.5 is less than 3.9. Try to keep up.

Without the MW increase, the increase would still have been larger than any increase under Obama.
Sorry to break it to you, but the small increase we had in wages was mostly from MW increases.

Sorry to break it to you, but 10% of the total is not "mostly".
10%? We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.



0.4% due to the MW is about 10% of the total increase of 3.9%.

We just determined it stopped the rate from going down.

We? LOL!

Your bad math is all you.
You aren't paying attention to yourself?

Looks like trump would have dropped .4% without all the MW increases.

Yup, it would have been 3.5%

Yup, a 3.5% increase is an increase.
Decrease in the rate obviously. 3.5 is less than 3.9. Try to keep up.

Without the MW increase, the increase would still have been larger than any increase under Obama.
Obama increases weren't all that good. Our wage problem isn't new, we've had near monopolies and collusion for a while. Our market is broken.
Our military isn’t protecting shit. They are occupying and attacking nations. Killing numerous innocent people.

While millions of Americans live in or near poverty, you think our corrupt government should spend trillions on war. I don’t.

So what nations are they attacking and what innocent people are they intentionally killing?

Any American living in poverty is of their own doing, not our military, not wealthy people, and not our government. Handing them money only makes their problems worse.

I remember as a child in the mid 60's. I was with my father going somewhere and we had to drive through a deprived part of the city. I told my father I wished I had a million dollars (which was a lot of money at the time). My father asked me why? I told him I'd like to give it to these people so they didn't have to live like this. My father smiled and said "Son, you could give a million dollars to each and every one of these people, and in a matter of time, they will be living right back here again."

Books have been written about people who hit the lottery, and it totally destroyed their life. Money is not the solution, responsibility, learning how to make and manage money is. I used to deliver to successful companies where the owner got old or otherwise handed down his company to his children, and they ran it into the ground.

It's not the responsibility of government to hand people money because they are too lazy to get it for themselves. Our founders never intended for our government to take on that task.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."

James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Yes you are for lots of spending and you aren't gonna pay for it either. Just add it to the debt. So responsible of you.

I'm for the defense of our country, the well being of our solders, and maintaining a world not overrun by Communists, terrorists, dictators, or other aggressive governments. Tell me, when did you pay for Planned Parenthood, green energy subsidies, UAW bailouts, various welfare programs, funding for NPR or PBS?
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
I remember as a child in the mid 60's. I was with my father going somewhere and we had to drive through a deprived part of the city. I told my father I wished I had a million dollars (which was a lot of money at the time). My father asked me why? I told him I'd like to give it to these people so they didn't have to live like this. My father smiled and said "Son, you could give a million dollars to each and every one of these people, and in a matter of time, they will be living right back here again." he spat a massive loogie fifteen feet and drove the last nail home into Jesus's bloody hand with a practiced, single blow of the sledge.
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Yes you are for lots of spending and you aren't gonna pay for it either. Just add it to the debt. So responsible of you.

I'm for the defense of our country, the well being of our solders, and maintaining a world not overrun by Communists, terrorists, dictators, or other aggressive governments. Tell me, when did you pay for Planned Parenthood, green energy subsidies, UAW bailouts, various welfare programs, funding for NPR or PBS?
Yes and if you are for it we can just borrow away and can't spend enough. Heck you got more military and a tax cut. You are a hypocrite. If dems were as bad as repubs they would be offering free healthcare and a tax cut. You love them freebies Ray.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.

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