Taxing The Rich

It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.

Unemployment has been decreasing for the last couple of months. People are still buying houses. The stock market is doing just fine. Several manufacturers announced their vaccine is just about ready to go. But of course when things get better, you will not give Trump an ounce of credit. You'll be saying this all had to do with Creepy Joe's plans.
Defense is outlined in the US Constitution. Not a world-wide network of hundreds of military bases to enforce the financial dominance of Wall Street banks and U.S. corporations with adventurist foreign wars and military interventions. That is just ... imperialism.

Times change. If war breaks out, we don't grab our shotgun by the fireplace and march out the door to fight. To protect our country in modern times, it takes a lot of money for a standing military and equipment. Our founders never wanted a standing army either, but today, there's no way to defend the country without one.
Before the increase we spent more than the next 10 countries combined. Who you scared of and how much they spend?
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.

Unemployment has been decreasing for the last couple of months. People are still buying houses. The stock market is doing just fine. Several manufacturers announced their vaccine is just about ready to go. But of course when things get better, you will not give Trump an ounce of credit. You'll be saying this all had to do with Creepy Joe's plans.
What has Trump done? Pandemic getting worse and worse and he does nothing.
Before the increase we spent more than the next 10 countries combined. Who you scared of and how much they spend?

North Korea for one. They are calm now because Trump created a relationship with Un, but that will change after Biden gets in. We have Iran to worry about along with all middle-east terrorist groups. They're never going to give up. We have to worry about China who is surpassing us in military technology. Even though they are buddy-buddy with your new President, they are still a threat to this country.
What increased spending have I promoted? The point is showing what a hypocrite you are. And all trumpers really.

You support all the pork and programs the Democrats spend on. You never denounced them once. You only bring up military spending. Did you write to Piglosi and tell her to take the pork out of the stimulus package yet so it would pass? Did you tell them to forget about the stimulus package completely? You obviously support it.
Before the increase we spent more than the next 10 countries combined. Who you scared of and how much they spend?

North Korea for one. They are calm now because Trump created a relationship with Un, but that will change after Biden gets in. We have Iran to worry about along with all middle-east terrorist groups. They're never going to give up. We have to worry about China who is surpassing us in military technology. Even though they are buddy-buddy with your new President, they are still a threat to this country.
We had more than enough bombs to blow up North Korea before the increase. How much do they spend and how much do we spend?
What increased spending have I promoted? The point is showing what a hypocrite you are. And all trumpers really.

You support all the pork and programs the Democrats spend on. You never denounced them once. You only bring up military spending. Did you write to Piglosi and tell her to take the pork out of the stimulus package yet so it would pass? Did you tell them to forget about the stimulus package completely? You obviously support it.
I have a long history of posts, you won’t find any where I am promoting increasing spending. You are talking out your ass again.
What has Trump done? Pandemic getting worse and worse and he does nothing.

He began operation warp speed when this all started and now thanks to funding he put forward, we developed vaccines in historically record time. He's maintained the economy. We had the least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries. If Biden does keep his seat, things will be incredibly better for him until he ruins the country. If Republicans don't keep the Senate, that will happen even much quicker.
Defense is outlined in the US Constitution. Not a world-wide network of hundreds of military bases to enforce the financial dominance of Wall Street banks and U.S. corporations with adventurist foreign wars and military interventions. That is just ... imperialism.

Times change. If war breaks out, we don't grab our shotgun by the fireplace and march out the door to fight. To protect our country in modern times, it takes a lot of money for a standing military and equipment. Our founders never wanted a standing army either, but today, there's no way to defend the country without one.
I did not and do not argue that local militia or national guard is all the Constitution allows. A small professional army and preparedness to defend ourselves is of course necessary. But we are not defending ourselves. I am in favor of a draft and citizen soldiers. Instead we have a worldwide imperialist empire and a far flung mercenary-like military that absorbs a huge part of our productive and political energy, wrecks havoc in other countries, and which the MIC and other U.S. corporations regularly abuse.
What has Trump done? Pandemic getting worse and worse and he does nothing.

He began operation warp speed when this all started and now thanks to funding he put forward, we developed vaccines in historically record time. He's maintained the economy. We had the least GDP damage out of all the G7 countries. If Biden does keep his seat, things will be incredibly better for him until he ruins the country. If Republicans don't keep the Senate, that will happen even much quicker.
I’m pretty sure the companies have said warp speed didn’t effect anything. We have the most pandemic deaths and everything is getting worse. Hardly a success story.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
I’m pretty sure the companies have said warp speed didn’t effect anything. We have the most pandemic deaths and everything is getting worse. Hardly a success story.

The company who made that claim recanted their story. Trump is responsible. We do not have the most pandemic deaths. Several other countries are ahead of us, and they only count real Covid deaths unlike here in the US.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
Yes we are in a recession. Trump drastically increased deficits. More states are closing cause months into the pandemic it is worse than ever. Unemployment is very high. You live under a rock?
Yes and if you are for it we can just borrow away and can't spend enough. Heck you got more military and a tax cut. You are a hypocrite. If dems were as bad as repubs they would be offering free healthcare and a tax cut. You love them freebies Ray.

What freebie are you talking about?
Our "free" and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
One of the main duties of the Federal Government is to keep the country secure, Daniel. We do so by having a strong military. I'm sure you on the left would LOVE to "defund" the military just like you're trying to do with the Police! I'm sure our enemies around the world would love that as well!
I’m pretty sure the companies have said warp speed didn’t effect anything. We have the most pandemic deaths and everything is getting worse. Hardly a success story.

The company who made that claim recanted their story. Trump is responsible. We do not have the most pandemic deaths. Several other countries are ahead of us, and they only count real Covid deaths unlike here in the US.
Who has more deaths? We just hit 250k. It’s a disgrace the richest country with the most expensive healthcare is doing so poorly.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
Yes we are in a recession. Trump drastically increased deficits. More states are closing cause months into the pandemic it is worse than ever. Unemployment is very high. You live under a rock?
Please cite the numbers. How many consecutive quarters has the economy contracted, and what is the unemployment rate?
Yes and if you are for it we can just borrow away and can't spend enough. Heck you got more military and a tax cut. You are a hypocrite. If dems were as bad as repubs they would be offering free healthcare and a tax cut. You love them freebies Ray.

What freebie are you talking about?
Our "free" and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror. We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
One of the main duties of the Federal Government is to keep the country secure, Daniel. We do so by having a strong military. I'm sure you on the left would LOVE to "defund" the military just like you're trying to do with the Police! I'm sure our enemies around the world would love that as well!
As long as the spending goes to the debt why not right? You repubs are so irresponsible.
I did not and do not argue that local militia or national guard is all the Constitution allows. A small professional army and preparedness to defend ourselves is of course necessary. But we are not defending ourselves. I am in favor of a draft and citizen soldiers. Instead we have a worldwide imperialist empire and a far flung mercenary-like military that absorbs a huge part of our productive and political energy, wrecks havoc in other countries, and which the MIC and other U.S. corporations regularly abuse.

I think that defending this country is much different today than defending our country several hundred years ago. We don't wait until our enemies land on shore and go to battle. Our military is all over the world, and I'm sure there is a good enough reason for it. I don't get too involved in studying our military strategy, but what I do know is that presidents on both sides support their actions.
A draft is a terrible idea because you can't make everybody a solder. One of the reasons our military is great is because we only have people with the inclination to do the work. You can't make everybody a military man no more than you can turn a scientist into a pro football player, or a lawn care guy into an engineer. We are all geared for certain things in life. Years ago I used to teach music part time at a music store. I thought I could teach anybody how to be a great guitarist. What I found is that some people, no matter how hard they tried, just didn't have the ability to do it.

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