Taxing The Rich

Hey, lets increase taxes. It will make us all richer. The economy will boom!

Bureaucrats are much better at determining how to spend the money that you earn than you are.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown that ran on a platform to increase taxes is a fucking idiot.
We have the most deaths and near the worst rate. What a success story. And with the most expensive healthcare.

I just pointed out to you we do not have the most deaths, and because you're a leftist, you can't help but to repeat your lie almost immediately; as if you never learned the truth before.
Are you dumb? 250k is the most deaths . You pointed out our death rate is near the worst. MAGA!
Hey, lets increase taxes. It will make us all richer. The economy will boom!

Bureaucrats are much better at determining how to spend the money that you earn than you are.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown that ran on a platform to increase taxes is a fucking idiot.
Lets increase spending and give tax cuts. Just put it on that deficit! So responsible.
Who are you scared of and how much are they spending compared to us. Please give numbers so I get a good laugh.

Mandatory Spending

Mandatory spending is estimated at $2.966 trillion in FY 2021. This category includes entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. It also includes welfare programs such as Medicaid. Social Security will be the biggest expense, budgeted at $1.151 trillion. It's followed by Medicare at $722 billion and Medicaid at $448 billion. Social Security costs are currently 100% covered by payroll taxes and interest on investments. Until 2010, there was more coming into the Social Security Trust Fund than being paid out. Thanks to its investments, the Trust Fund is still running a surplus.

The Trust Fund’s Board estimates that Social Security's surplus will be depleted by 2034.3 Social Security revenue, from payroll taxes and interest earned, will cover only 79% of the benefits promised to retirees.

Medicare is already underfunded because taxes withheld for the program don't pay for all benefits. Congress must use tax dollars to pay for a portion of it. Medicaid is 100% funded by the general fund, also known as "America's Checkbook." This account is used to finance daily activities and long-term operations of the government.4

Discretionary Spending

The discretionary budget for 2021 is $1.485 trillion. More than half goes toward military spending, including Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other defense-related departments. The rest must pay for all other domestic programs. The largest of these programs are Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.

There also is the Overseas Contingency Operations fund that pays for wars or continuing military actions. A growing portion of the discretionary budget is set aside for disaster relief such as hurricane and wildfire relief.

Are you dumb? 250k is the most deaths . You pointed out our death rate is near the worst. MAGA!

Are you dumb? I pointed out that the US has 340 million people, and that's why we have the most deaths. But you can't say it's because we are doing a worse job when we are eight in per capita deaths. Or is it you don't understand what per capita means?
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Hey, lets increase taxes. It will make us all richer. The economy will boom!

Bureaucrats are much better at determining how to spend the money that you earn than you are.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown that ran on a platform to increase taxes is a fucking idiot.
Lets increase spending and give tax cuts. Just put it on that deficit! So responsible.

Or we could do like that dipshit Obama/Biden administration did and increase taxes and run up the debt $10 trillion a year while increasing poverty, deceasing family income and having dismal economic growth.
Or we could do like that dipshit Obama/Biden administration did and increase taxes and run up the debt $10 trillion a year while increasing poverty, deceasing family income and having dismal economic growth.
None of which happened, of course.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
Yes we are in a recession. Trump drastically increased deficits. More states are closing cause months into the pandemic it is worse than ever. Unemployment is very high. You live under a rock?
So explain to me how this works, Brain! You've got a State like New York that's led by a Democratic Governor with it's largest city run by a Democratic Mayor! You had some of the most draconian shut downs enacted anywhere in the country in New York City! Yet here we are seeing a spike in New York City that threatens them once again? But you blame Trump? The truth is...the only thing that will save New York City from the bumbling idiots who run it is the vaccines that Trump fast tracked! Yet Cuomo doesn't want anyone taking those vaccines until Trump leaves office? Can you believe that asshole took that stance after killing tens of thousands of New Yorkers with his nursing home policy?
He left an international pandemic to the states. Giant failure. My state was ok and the one next door bad. They closed down. Suddenly people from that state flooded mine to avoid the shut downs. My state got worse, go figure.
Giant failure because idiots like Cuomo and De Blasio fucked it up so bad! The shut downs didn't work. It was a stupid idea from the start. Those who were at risk should have stayed home...the rest of us should have carried on our normal lives practicing common sense like in any other bad flu season! What have the shut downs gained us? Millions of people lost their jobs. Tens of thousands of businesses closed down never to reopen. Yet the pandemic is still here and Democrats are once again threatening to shut down everything! Learn from your mistakes, Brain!
It was trumps idea.
The shut downs were Trump's idea? Since when? Trump took heat from the left because he tried to do everything he could NOT to shut down the economy! Then he took more heat from the left because he correctly pointed out that keeping the economy shut down was hurting us as much as the pandemic was and we couldn't sustain it much longer!
We should have done what Kristi Noem did in South Dakota. Treat people like adults. Tell them that if they're vulnerable they need to self isolate. Tell them that if they're generally healthy they should go on with their lives while practicing common sense.
That asshole Biden wants to increase taxes to pay for the welfare of the millions of Illegals he will allow to flood in with the addition of the hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees.

They need free food, healthcare, housing and education and you are just the person to pay for it. Work so some goddamn Muslim from Somalia can get free stuff. It is the Democrat Party way.

He sure as hell won't use it to reduce debt. He was part of that shithead Obama/Biden administration that increased taxes and then ran up $10 trillion in debt. Doing that while increasing poverty, decreasing family income, increasing welfare and having dismal economic growth.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
Yes we are in a recession. Trump drastically increased deficits. More states are closing cause months into the pandemic it is worse than ever. Unemployment is very high. You live under a rock?
So explain to me how this works, Brain! You've got a State like New York that's led by a Democratic Governor with it's largest city run by a Democratic Mayor! You had some of the most draconian shut downs enacted anywhere in the country in New York City! Yet here we are seeing a spike in New York City that threatens them once again? But you blame Trump? The truth is...the only thing that will save New York City from the bumbling idiots who run it is the vaccines that Trump fast tracked! Yet Cuomo doesn't want anyone taking those vaccines until Trump leaves office? Can you believe that asshole took that stance after killing tens of thousands of New Yorkers with his nursing home policy?
He left an international pandemic to the states. Giant failure. My state was ok and the one next door bad. They closed down. Suddenly people from that state flooded mine to avoid the shut downs. My state got worse, go figure.
Giant failure because idiots like Cuomo and De Blasio fucked it up so bad! The shut downs didn't work. It was a stupid idea from the start. Those who were at risk should have stayed home...the rest of us should have carried on our normal lives practicing common sense like in any other bad flu season! What have the shut downs gained us? Millions of people lost their jobs. Tens of thousands of businesses closed down never to reopen. Yet the pandemic is still here and Democrats are once again threatening to shut down everything! Learn from your mistakes, Brain!
It was trumps idea.
The shut downs were Trump's idea? Since when? Trump took heat from the left because he tried to do everything he could NOT to shut down the economy! Then he took more heat from the left because he correctly pointed out that keeping the economy shut down was hurting us as much as the pandemic was and we couldn't sustain it much longer!
We should have done what Kristi Noem did in South Dakota. Treat people like adults. Tell them that if they're vulnerable they need to self isolate. Tell them that if they're generally healthy they should go on with their lives while practicing common sense.
Now is the best time to upgrade infrastructure to help stimulate the economy.
Hey, lets increase taxes. It will make us all richer. The economy will boom!
Hey, let's increase the minimum wage so even the poor can help pay taxes.
How exactly do you expect them to pay taxes when your Minimum Wage increase costs them their job? Duh?
A right wing canard. Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in an at-will employment State can conveniently and automatically stabilize our economy in a market friendly manner.
That asshole Biden wants to increase taxes to pay for the welfare of the millions of Illegals he will allow to flood in with the addition of the hundreds of thousands Muslim refugees.

They need free food, healthcare, housing and education and you are just the person to pay for it. Work so some goddamn Muslim from Somalia can get free stuff. It is the Democrat Party way.

He sure as hell won't use it to reduce debt. He was part of that shithead Obama/Biden administration that increased taxes and then ran up $10 trillion in debt. Doing that while increasing poverty, decreasing family income, increasing welfare and having dismal economic growth.

Anybody that voted for this Biden clown is an idiot.
Insist on raising the minimum wage to help generate more tax revenue! Labor must be able to afford our first world economy.
The expenditures of the US government is already greater than the annual GDP of all but four other countries on earth.

Why in the hell do we need to make it bigger by taxing more? That is fucking stupid.

Will Biden's Muslim refugees need the money?

Anybody that voted for Biden is a moron.
The expenditures of the US government is already greater than the annual GDP of all but four other countries on earth.

Why in the hell do we need to make it bigger by taxing more? That is fucking stupid.

Will Biden's Muslim refugees need the money?

Anybody that voted for Biden is a moron.
Abolish our extra-Constitutional and alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror!
Trump had a full republican government for 2 years and increased deficits.

Just like the increased deficits under the Democrat House. You want to pay for it? So do I. Support my idea of a national consumption tax so we all pay for it. You have my support.
No you don't, you are happy with increased spending and a TAX CUT! Trump just put it on the credit card and you couldn't be happier. That's what repubs always do. Cut tax, increase military spending, drastically increase DEBT. You goons are worse than dems. They at least try to pay for the spending. Trump didn't bother and increased deficits every single year even during a strong economy. If you cared about being responsible you couldn't be a republican and certainly not a trumper.
When the democrats present a balanced budget where spending matches revenue, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats don't immediately spend more than projected new revenues from a big tax hike, I'll believe they want to pay for things. When democrats stop claiming a 7% instead of a 9% increase is a draconian cut, I'll believe they want to pay for things. Face it, you've bought their baloney because they don't want to pay for things, they just want to spend, because spending = votes to democrat voters.
I’m not saying they are great, just that repubs are worse. Repubs get their spending and tax cuts. Could you imagine dems offering free healthcare and tax cuts? Then they would be as irresponsible as repubs.
Let's see what kind of budgets the democrats offer. If any program actually sees a decrease in funding year over year and not just a shift to another identical program, I will be amazed. If they propose a tax increase and the budget deficit doesn't grow anyway, I will be amazed. Actions speak louder than words, and democrats love to spend. The closest we came in recent history to a balanced budget came from a Republican Congress and a democrat president pragmatic enough to triangulate against his own party.
It’s likely deficits will shrink since well trump has been the worst. I thought Obama was bad, then Trump quickly increased deficits during a strong economy. But Biden is inheriting a disaster like Obama did so he’s in a tough spot.
Nope, Obama inherited an actual recession. Biden is not. He has a challenge ahead of him, but the economy is not in a free fall. A lot depends on how quickly he can open things back up, knowing that sooner or later every person in the nation will be exposed to the Corona virus and he can't prevent that.

I can see the narrative forming now. No matter how long it takes, "Biden inherited something so awful he just can't make it better". Obama got the same treatment for 8 years, and with Trump it was, "He inherited something so great he didn't have to do anything". Amazing how it flicks back and forth like that depending on who is in office and how the economy is doing.
Yes we are in a recession. Trump drastically increased deficits. More states are closing cause months into the pandemic it is worse than ever. Unemployment is very high. You live under a rock?
So explain to me how this works, Brain! You've got a State like New York that's led by a Democratic Governor with it's largest city run by a Democratic Mayor! You had some of the most draconian shut downs enacted anywhere in the country in New York City! Yet here we are seeing a spike in New York City that threatens them once again? But you blame Trump? The truth is...the only thing that will save New York City from the bumbling idiots who run it is the vaccines that Trump fast tracked! Yet Cuomo doesn't want anyone taking those vaccines until Trump leaves office? Can you believe that asshole took that stance after killing tens of thousands of New Yorkers with his nursing home policy?
He left an international pandemic to the states. Giant failure. My state was ok and the one next door bad. They closed down. Suddenly people from that state flooded mine to avoid the shut downs. My state got worse, go figure.
Giant failure because idiots like Cuomo and De Blasio fucked it up so bad! The shut downs didn't work. It was a stupid idea from the start. Those who were at risk should have stayed home...the rest of us should have carried on our normal lives practicing common sense like in any other bad flu season! What have the shut downs gained us? Millions of people lost their jobs. Tens of thousands of businesses closed down never to reopen. Yet the pandemic is still here and Democrats are once again threatening to shut down everything! Learn from your mistakes, Brain!
It was trumps idea.
The shut downs were Trump's idea? Since when? Trump took heat from the left because he tried to do everything he could NOT to shut down the economy! Then he took more heat from the left because he correctly pointed out that keeping the economy shut down was hurting us as much as the pandemic was and we couldn't sustain it much longer!
We should have done what Kristi Noem did in South Dakota. Treat people like adults. Tell them that if they're vulnerable they need to self isolate. Tell them that if they're generally healthy they should go on with their lives while practicing common sense.
Now is the best time to upgrade infrastructure to help stimulate the economy.
You mean "shovel ready jobs", Daniel?
Who are you scared of and how much are they spending compared to us. Please give numbers so I get a good laugh.

Mandatory Spending

Mandatory spending is estimated at $2.966 trillion in FY 2021. This category includes entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment compensation. It also includes welfare programs such as Medicaid. Social Security will be the biggest expense, budgeted at $1.151 trillion. It's followed by Medicare at $722 billion and Medicaid at $448 billion. Social Security costs are currently 100% covered by payroll taxes and interest on investments. Until 2010, there was more coming into the Social Security Trust Fund than being paid out. Thanks to its investments, the Trust Fund is still running a surplus.

The Trust Fund’s Board estimates that Social Security's surplus will be depleted by 2034.3 Social Security revenue, from payroll taxes and interest earned, will cover only 79% of the benefits promised to retirees.

Medicare is already underfunded because taxes withheld for the program don't pay for all benefits. Congress must use tax dollars to pay for a portion of it. Medicaid is 100% funded by the general fund, also known as "America's Checkbook." This account is used to finance daily activities and long-term operations of the government.4

Discretionary Spending

The discretionary budget for 2021 is $1.485 trillion. More than half goes toward military spending, including Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and other defense-related departments. The rest must pay for all other domestic programs. The largest of these programs are Health and Human Services, Education, and Housing and Urban Development.

There also is the Overseas Contingency Operations fund that pays for wars or continuing military actions. A growing portion of the discretionary budget is set aside for disaster relief such as hurricane and wildfire relief.

You ignored my question. Who are you scared of and how much do they spend compared to us?
Hey, lets increase taxes. It will make us all richer. The economy will boom!
Hey, let's increase the minimum wage so even the poor can help pay taxes.
How exactly do you expect them to pay taxes when your Minimum Wage increase costs them their job? Duh?
A right wing canard. Equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in an at-will employment State can conveniently and automatically stabilize our economy in a market friendly manner.
Ah, yes...more double talk gibberish from the board's idiot child!
Raising the minimum wage by the amounts you're proposing will cost people jobs, Daniel. I ask do you expect someone who doesn't have a job to pay taxes?
Are you dumb? 250k is the most deaths . You pointed out our death rate is near the worst. MAGA!

Are you dumb? I pointed out that the US has 340 million people, and that's why we have the most deaths. But you can't say it's because we are doing a worse job when we are eight in per capita deaths. Or is it you don't understand what per capita means?
So we have the most deaths. That’s what I said. 8th sure is shitty for the wealthiest nation. MAGA

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