Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

"...there is nearly zero interest in your star chamber."

20 million for the first hearing.

13 million for the short-notice 5th hearing at 1 in the afternoon?

No interest?

(doesn't include the 'streaming' audience)

Sounds to me the momentum is there, the interest is growing. The stakes getting higher.

And, so it seems-----Cassidy Hutchinson has left a mark on Trumpistan.

No she didnt...she made it clear it was what Trump's operations guy, Tony Ornato, told her it happened, and he was likely embellishing the story....he too was not there....just repeating and embellishing a second hand story.....

But Engel, who was there in the Beast with the President, had already testified to the committee earlier that it was a showdown in the car, between him saying they would NOT bring Trump to the Capitol, and Trump insisting they do.

I'd love to see Engel and Ornato back on the hill under oath, to get to the bottom of this.....

Tony Ornato is a known liar in the Whitehouse by staffers....several WH staffers say he's a liar and they all said Hutchinson has never ever, been known to lie....always straight forward.
You have any links for your bullshit?
Same reason they didn't testify against Nixon. The SSA doesn' permit its agents to take part in certain, more politicized investigations, especially when a former President is involved, since they still are charged with protecting them. The agency wants to be as impartial as possible in their duties. So, unless an agent has critical information that HAS to come out , like Trump literally confessing to plaaning the attack, the comittee will like respect the agency as a neutral party.
horse hockey, it didn't happen and that's why they weren't called.
haha but they couldn’t prove it

They couldn't prove it to Senate Republicans who circled the wagon. Saying they couldn't prove it would be like saying Republicans couldn't prove Bill Clinton lied under oath about getting a blow job.
They couldn't prove it to Senate Republicans who circled the wagon. Saying they couldn't prove it would be like saying Republicans couldn't prove Bill Clinton lied under oath about getting a blow job.
they couldn’t…but the doj could hence why he took a plea deal
IF Cipollone actually testifies and doesn't plead the 5th, and says anything negative about trump or supports anything Hutchinson said, how long before we hear the following.

1). Cipollone is a lying turncoat.
2). I never liked Cipollone, he's always been a RINO
3). My favorite...."I hardly knew him"
Exactly. He'll immediately be summarily dismissed as are all Repubs who have the audacity to tell the truth about Dear Leader.
That is more important than any reported outburst.
The president literally had to be forced to not go to the Capitol.
Do you think that's the first time the SS had to tell a President that he couldn't go somewhere he wanted to go and said President got pissed about it? Really? Get you head out of the sand man.

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