The Election Was Stolen, President Is Illegitimate

Are you kidding? Hundreds of people were assaulted by black men during the BLM riots.
This is not about BLM. The comparison is as full of shit as the OP claim that Trump is still our legitimate President!

Looters and criminal elements who took advantage of multiracial protests against police killings of black men & women around the country were certainly NOT organized by Biden or carrying Biden banners!

They were NOT trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power on behalf of a lunatic lame-duck President who LOST the election and the state certified electoral count!

This is as dumb as saying the ghetto explosions in the sixties were organized by Democrats! Or of saying they were organized by Republicans against LBJ! You are full of shit in comparing “BLM” to what Trump tried to do and is still trying to do.

Ever more crazy Trump is trying hard to bamboozle Americans, make them forget what he did and what we all saw and heard leading up to Jan. 6th. Trumpster fanatics and apologists are playing along as usual.
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This is not about BLM. The comparison is as full of shit as the OP claim that Trump is still our legitimate President!

Looters and criminal elements who took advantage of multiracial protests against police killings of black men & women around the country were certainly NOT organized by Biden or carrying Biden banners!
They were allowed by Dim politicans and government officials, and they were approved of by those officials.

They were NOT trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power on behalf of a lunatic lame-duck President who LOST the election and the state certified electoral count!
They were just trying to ram their anti police agenda down our throats. That is so much better!

This is as dumb as saying the ghetto explosions in the sixties were organized by Democrats! Or of saying they were organized by Republicans against LBJ! You are full of shit in comparing “BLM” to what Trump tried to do and is still trying to do.

Ever more crazy Trump is trying hard to bamboozle Americans, make them forget what he did and what we all saw and heard leading up to Jan. 6th. Trumpster fanatics and apologists are playing along as usual.
The riots in the 1960s were all organized by Dims.

What I saw is a demonstration that turned into a riot because Pelosi didn't allow enough security for the event.
Yes, of course, blame Pelosi, not Trumpster fanatics or the megalomaniacal lame duck “Commander-In-Chief” himself!

In other words, in your own terms …
They were allowed by Dim politicans and government officials, and they were approved of by those officials.

They were just trying to ram their anti police agenda down our throats. That is so much better!

The riots in the 1960s were all organized by Dims.

What I saw is a demonstration that turned into a riot because Pelosi didn't allow enough security for the event.

Oh? How were they allowed by "dem politicians?"
Dumbfuck, the president and every Congressperson also work for us. They still don't publicize everything they all do.
If they had agents infiltrating the crowd, that information should be available to the public.
This is not about BLM. The comparison is as full of shit as the OP claim that Trump is still our legitimate President!

Looters and criminal elements who took advantage of multiracial protests against police killings of black men & women around the country were certainly NOT organized by Biden or carrying Biden banners!

They were NOT trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power on behalf of a lunatic lame-duck President who LOST the election and the state certified electoral count!

This is as dumb as saying the ghetto explosions in the sixties were organized by Democrats! Or of saying they were organized by Republicans against LBJ! You are full of shit in comparing “BLM” to what Trump tried to do and is still trying to do.

Ever more crazy Trump is trying hard to bamboozle Americans, make them forget what he did and what we all saw and heard leading up to Jan. 6th. Trumpster fanatics and apologists are playing along as usual.
Democrats have been trying to de-legitimize Trump ever since 2016. They had the FBI, CIA and most of the elite Democrat D.C. crowd help them in the lies. Fake dossier, fake impeachment and now a fake committee. BLM caused mayhem in our streets and Democrats like Kamala made sure they got bailed out. BLM rioted at the capitol and no one got punished to the extent that the Jan 6 protestors are getting punished. Biden is the most ineffectual POTUS we've ever had....He has destroyed our economy, totally screwed up foreign policy, helped fund Putin by cutting our own oil supplies and caused fuel prices to skyrocket while trying to blame everything and everyone else. Did you vote for this clusterfuck?
Faun, you really know how to answer this “dumfuck” bripat9643 and the others too. You answer intelligently their stupidities and dishonesties and can dish out finely tuned insults as necessary…

But these Trumpsters’ “Big Lies” and little obfuscations tire me out. I just don’t have time for their shit anymore. I wish you well, anyways. : )

I really despise this ultra partisan b.s., where if you hate Trump you must love Biden, or Hillary. It is the sign of political ghouls to discuss politics in this manner. Fuck all the stupid Trump fanatics and ultra partisan ideologies of every type! They are killing the country.
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Faun, you really know how to answer this “dumfuck” bripat9643 ! You answer intelligently his stupidities and dishonesties and can dish out finely tuned insults.

But these Trumpsters’ “Big Lies” and little obfuscations tire me out. I just don’t have time for their shit anymore. I wish you well, anyways. : )
White flag ^^^^^^^^^
Faun, you really know how to answer this “dumfuck” bripat9643 ! and the others. You answer intelligently their stupidities and dishonesties and can dish out finely tuned insults.

But these Trumpsters’ “Big Lies” and little obfuscations tire me out. I just don’t have time for their shit anymore. I wish you well, anyways. : )

I really despise this ultra partisan b.s., where if you hate Trump you must love Biden, or Hillary. It is the sign of political ghouls to discuss politics in this manner. Fuck all the stupid Trump fanatics and ultra partisan ideologies of every type.
You despise "this ultra partisan b.s.," but you like what FAUX posts?

You're a fucking joke.
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When the night of the living dead arrives ….

Sometimes it’s best to find a comfortable place to watch the ghouls stagger about and eat each other. I’ve got better things to do than argue with you ignorant fucks.

I appreciate that Faun knows how, and has the patience, to shoot down you Trumpster ghouls.
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