The Hardcore Right - It'll get worse before it gets better

I don't have to provide examples when the fact is common knowledge.

I am not going to debate what is with a far lefty who denies reality.
I don't have to provide examples when the fact is common knowledge.

I am not going to debate what is with a far lefty who denies reality.

Great job, Jakey! You really gave me an education in this exchange. Maybe you should stick to fucking with Steph.
I don't have to provide examples when the fact is common knowledge.

I am not going to debate what is with a far lefty who denies reality.

It was once "common knowledge" that the earth was flat and the sun rotated around the earth too.

Reasonable, rational, INTELLIGENT people eventually rejected those false notions in the face of overwhelming evidence....hint, hint.
Wow, flashback. I live in Colorado, and I remember exactly where I was the moment I heard he had been shot.

That's a fair point. The Levins and Savages and Becks get these people all fired up, and I guess it would not be terribly surprising if one or more of them did something with their rage and their fear.

All the more important it is then, that the crazies are marginalized asap. The division pimps need to cool it off, for example, but it's like asking a politician to vote for term limits - if they suddenly stopped the hyperbole and became reasonable and adult and civil, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot.

So to speak.


Right after sandy hook, and up until about a week ago, my FB feed was filled with, what I used to consider reasonable people, frothing at the mouth in fear of gun control. Reasonable people actually discussing civil revolt and using words like dictator and socialist.

It worries me how many mostly normal people honestly believe the president is a Kenyan pinko commie dictator, and if normal people see him as such a threat to America, what about those who's hold on reality is tenuous? :/

The problem is that words and thoughts become ingrained in the culture, another way the division pimps are causing damage. I'll guarantee you there's a percentage of people who now just assume that Obama is a _________ or a ___________ or a ____________, and yet they would have absolutely no idea idea what to say if you asked for proof. Their response would be something like "well, I heard it....."

Who's going to be the leader who puts their foot down and calls an end to this? The clock's ticking.


But they have had people do this. Look at jindal, and what happened? They turned on him faster than your head could spin. They tripled downed on their beliefs and instead of looking at things logically. They started blaming other people for the reasons they lost.

They are kind of like the nations alcoholics. Everyone else is to blame for bringing up the fact they lost.
You can see this in posts from stepth, frank, bigred and others.

Putting your foot down isnt going to fix this issue. They need to be pushed out and ignored.
Right after sandy hook, and up until about a week ago, my FB feed was filled with, what I used to consider reasonable people, frothing at the mouth in fear of gun control. Reasonable people actually discussing civil revolt and using words like dictator and socialist.

It worries me how many mostly normal people honestly believe the president is a Kenyan pinko commie dictator, and if normal people see him as such a threat to America, what about those who's hold on reality is tenuous? :/

The problem is that words and thoughts become ingrained in the culture, another way the division pimps are causing damage. I'll guarantee you there's a percentage of people who now just assume that Obama is a _________ or a ___________ or a ____________, and yet they would have absolutely no idea idea what to say if you asked for proof. Their response would be something like "well, I heard it....."

Who's going to be the leader who puts their foot down and calls an end to this? The clock's ticking.


But they have had people do this. Look at jindal, and what happened? They turned on him faster than your head could spin. They tripled downed on their beliefs and instead of looking at things logically. They started blaming other people for the reasons they lost.

They are kind of like the nations alcoholics. Everyone else is to blame for bringing up the fact they lost.
You can see this in posts from stepth, frank, bigred and others.

Putting your foot down isnt going to fix this issue. They need to be pushed out and ignored.

Yeah, they turned on Jindal like a pack of wolves. I think it's a couple of things: First, while many in the GOP like Jindal, he's not high up enough or powerful enough. Second, political leaders who are willing to be "primaried", lose their elections and get real freakin' jobs. These people have to say "legislation is about cooperation, and we're going to cooperate with the other side -- as long as they also cooperate -- even if it angers the crazies, tough shit". In other words they have to actually lead.

And third -- and no, I don't expect this to happen, not in a thousand years -- high-profile conservatives like the division pimps and pundits have to be clearly and publicly marginalized by these same people, I mean "Limbaugh and Levin are on their own, they do not represent us, and we disagree with them on issues."

And by the way, the Dems have crazies they need to marginalize as well, and the same process would apply to them too, if we're serious. Right now though, I must say, many of their crazies are staying in line.

Pipe dreams.

I don't have to provide examples when the fact is common knowledge.

I am not going to debate what is with a far lefty who denies reality.

It was once "common knowledge" that the earth was flat and the sun rotated around the earth too.

Reasonable, rational, INTELLIGENT people eventually rejected those false notions in the face of overwhelming evidence....hint, hint.

Weak argumentation. You have no overwhelming evidence that racism does not exist on the left. Only a weak-head would such a thing.
The problem is that words and thoughts become ingrained in the culture, another way the division pimps are causing damage. I'll guarantee you there's a percentage of people who now just assume that Obama is a _________ or a ___________ or a ____________, and yet they would have absolutely no idea idea what to say if you asked for proof. Their response would be something like "well, I heard it....."

Who's going to be the leader who puts their foot down and calls an end to this? The clock's ticking.


But they have had people do this. Look at jindal, and what happened? They turned on him faster than your head could spin. They tripled downed on their beliefs and instead of looking at things logically. They started blaming other people for the reasons they lost.

They are kind of like the nations alcoholics. Everyone else is to blame for bringing up the fact they lost.
You can see this in posts from stepth, frank, bigred and others.

Putting your foot down isnt going to fix this issue. They need to be pushed out and ignored.

Yeah, they turned on Jindal like a pack of wolves. I think it's a couple of things: First, while many in the GOP like Jindal, he's not high up enough or powerful enough. Second, political leaders who are willing to be "primaried", lose their elections and get real freakin' jobs. These people have to say "legislation is about cooperation, and we're going to cooperate with the other side -- as long as they also cooperate -- even if it angers the crazies, tough shit". In other words they have to actually lead.

And third -- and no, I don't expect this to happen, not in a thousand years -- high-profile conservatives like the division pimps and pundits have to be clearly and publicly marginalized by these same people, I mean "Limbaugh and Levin are on their own, they do not represent us, and we disagree with them on issues."

And by the way, the Dems have crazies they need to marginalize as well, and the same process would apply to them too, if we're serious. Right now though, I must say, many of their crazies are staying in line.

Pipe dreams.


I honestly would like to know what prompted you to add that last paragraph. If the Dem's crazies are staying in line.....doesn't it mean that they have been marginalized?

Can you name the Dem crazies for us as well?

I know you don't buy I have tried before.....but I really think you are a valuable member of the forum. Therefore, I really want to understand why you seem to require that all things be balanced. There are asshole liberals.....but they are simply fewer in number and lesser in degree of crazy than their nutter counterparts. Especially here. Why not just say so?
Lone Laugher is now identifying who is a valuable member of the forum. Silly statement from someone who is to the far left. Yes, there are crazy lefty libbers who are assholes. Glad you admitted that. But they have generally been marginalized since Clinton's first term, a good thing. The GOP is learning the hard way it will have to marginalize their own crackheads.
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The problem is that words and thoughts become ingrained in the culture, another way the division pimps are causing damage. I'll guarantee you there's a percentage of people who now just assume that Obama is a _________ or a ___________ or a ____________, and yet they would have absolutely no idea idea what to say if you asked for proof. Their response would be something like "well, I heard it....."

Who's going to be the leader who puts their foot down and calls an end to this? The clock's ticking.


But they have had people do this. Look at jindal, and what happened? They turned on him faster than your head could spin. They tripled downed on their beliefs and instead of looking at things logically. They started blaming other people for the reasons they lost.

They are kind of like the nations alcoholics. Everyone else is to blame for bringing up the fact they lost.
You can see this in posts from stepth, frank, bigred and others.

Putting your foot down isnt going to fix this issue. They need to be pushed out and ignored.

Yeah, they turned on Jindal like a pack of wolves. I think it's a couple of things: First, while many in the GOP like Jindal, he's not high up enough or powerful enough. Second, political leaders who are willing to be "primaried", lose their elections and get real freakin' jobs. These people have to say "legislation is about cooperation, and we're going to cooperate with the other side -- as long as they also cooperate -- even if it angers the crazies, tough shit". In other words they have to actually lead.

And third -- and no, I don't expect this to happen, not in a thousand years -- high-profile conservatives like the division pimps and pundits have to be clearly and publicly marginalized by these same people, I mean "Limbaugh and Levin are on their own, they do not represent us, and we disagree with them on issues."

And by the way, the Dems have crazies they need to marginalize as well, and the same process would apply to them too, if we're serious. Right now though, I must say, many of their crazies are staying in line.

Pipe dreams.


I suspect Jindal's biggest problem with the GOP base is that he....well....he, uh....just doesn't look "American" enough.
For a few of the GOP base, you are correct: Jindal does not look "American". But he got elected in Louisiana, and if you have spent anytime in that loony-toon world, you will realize that 'race' is not really an issue about Jindal.
Lone Laugher is now identifying who is a valuable member of the forum. Silly statement from someone who is to the far left. Yes, there are crazy lefty libbers who are assholes. Glad you admitted that. But they have generally been marginalized since Clinton's first term, a good thing. The GOP is learning the hard way it will have to marginalize their own crackheads.

I identify who I think is a valuable member of he forum. Don't you? I never thought much about you before today. Now I don't really think much of you. That could change......but you'd have to support your claims for that to happen.

Let me don't care.

I'm not sure if the crazies on the Left are actually marginalized, or if they're just keeping their mouths shut while the righties are so busy shooting themselves in the foot. It's the old saying, when you're opponent is destroying themselves, just stay out of their way.

For a few of the GOP base, you are correct: Jindal does not look "American". But he got elected in Louisiana, and if you have spent anytime in that loony-toon world, you will realize that 'race' is not really an issue about Jindal.

I've spent a good deal of time down there, particularly south of Alexandria where the state is almost totally different from the north. And, you're right. Race doesn't mean a helluva lot that deep into the bayous (not so much so in the north). Just about everyone down there is some sort of racial mongrel, so it's just not an issue...for the most part. (there are places in New Orleans where it definitely IS an issue, for instance.)

But, Louisiana doesn't represent the GOP base in it's totality. In fact, not even close. How, and why, Jindal came to be considered as a legitimate contender for the White House is beyond me, but I suspect it's all because of somebody's influence, somewhere. But, he just doesn't "resonate" with the whole base...does he? He's just too....different for most of them.
Therefore, I really want to understand why you seem to require that all things be balanced.

Because that's just the way my little brain works.

And when I'm here, all I'm doing is vomiting the "thoughts" that happen to be rattling around in what remains of my mind. Nothing that is first filtered through a partisan prism, just the pure, sweet, raw sewage. I'm just writing what I'm thinking, such as it is.

Really don't know how else to answer your question.

Therefore, I really want to understand why you seem to require that all things be balanced.

Because that's just the way my little brain works.

And when I'm here, all I'm doing is vomiting the "thoughts" that happen to be rattling around in what remains of my mind. Nothing that is first filtered through a partisan prism, just the pure, sweet, raw sewage. I'm just writing what I'm thinking, such as it is.

Really don't know how else to answer your question.


Be prepared! Thinking for yourself and lucidly expressing your opinion is a foreign concept to the Nutter's.

You'll probably be called a commie before it's over.
For a few of the GOP base, you are correct: Jindal does not look "American". But he got elected in Louisiana, and if you have spent anytime in that loony-toon world, you will realize that 'race' is not really an issue about Jindal.

So, you're wrong about everything but blame it on Louisiana?

Get help, Jake
Therefore, I really want to understand why you seem to require that all things be balanced.

Because that's just the way my little brain works.

And when I'm here, all I'm doing is vomiting the "thoughts" that happen to be rattling around in what remains of my mind. Nothing that is first filtered through a partisan prism, just the pure, sweet, raw sewage. I'm just writing what I'm thinking, such as it is.

Really don't know how else to answer your question.


Be prepared! Thinking for yourself and lucidly expressing your opinion is a foreign concept to the Nutter's.

You'll probably be called a commie before it's over.

Too late!


Therefore, I really want to understand why you seem to require that all things be balanced.

Because that's just the way my little brain works.

And when I'm here, all I'm doing is vomiting the "thoughts" that happen to be rattling around in what remains of my mind. Nothing that is first filtered through a partisan prism, just the pure, sweet, raw sewage. I'm just writing what I'm thinking, such as it is.

Really don't know how else to answer your question.


I buy that. I do pretty much the same thing. I'd like to learn more....but I'm not gonna hold my breath.

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