The Indictment of Former President Trump Is An Abuse of Prosecutorial Power For Political Purposes – The Motive Is Clear on Its Face

So you think the GOP should just plain dissolve and there be nothing but far Left whackjov Commies like you. Fuck that.

The GOP needs to stop being purposely racist in order to woo white racists. Right now they have decided that pissing off minorities and favoring whites is a winning strategy. I thought that was going to stop in 2000 when whites finally became 49% of the voting population. Just stop using race as a wedge issues.

I get why they use religion. Only 25% of us are atheists. But then again, Republicans only get 30% of the Jewish vote and 10% of the black/muslim vote. So even this issue, they need to stop with the social wedge issue bullshit.

But then they'd have to have economic policies that benefit middle class people. Even you Trump supporters admit Republicans serve the rich. The deep state globalists. That's why Trump was going to tariff. Bring jobs back home. But then you'd have to pay more than $15 and you cons will never.
The GOP needs to stop being purposely racist in order to woo white racists. Right now they have decided that pissing off minorities and favoring whites is a winning strategy. I thought that was going to stop in 2000 when whites finally became 49% of the voting population. Just stop using race as a wedge issues.

I get why they use religion. Only 25% of us are atheists. But then again, Republicans only get 30% of the Jewish vote and 10% of the black/muslim vote. So even this issue, they need to stop with the social wedge issue bullshit.

But then they'd have to have economic policies that benefit middle class people. Even you Trump supporters admit Republicans serve the rich. The deep state globalists. That's why Trump was going to tariff. Bring jobs back home. But then you'd have to pay more than $15 and you cons will never.
You do not include the costs of the way you live. Perhaps we all need limits on how much medical we are entitled to.
You do not include the costs of the way you live. Perhaps we all need limits on how much medical we are entitled to.
Yea that's the way we should go. If you can't afford treatment, die. Or go broke.

We have an old friend who's dying. He's in Florida. They told him he could come back to Michigan and pay $100,000 and get dialasis Or he can stay in Florida and die. He and his family agreed he will just stay and die. Isn't that sad? This shouldn't be like this in America.
Yea that's the way we should go. If you can't afford treatment, die. Or go broke.

We have an old friend who's dying. He's in Florida. They told him he could come back to Michigan and pay $100,000 and get dialasis Or he can stay in Florida and die. He and his family agreed he will just stay and die. Isn't that sad? This shouldn't be like this in America.


Your cult is always trying to scare people with your lies about the evil Republicans closing down Medicare and Medicaid, but it's all still here, nationwide. Even Florida. Tell your friend to use it.



Your cult is always trying to scare people with your lies about the evil Republicans closing down Medicare and Medicaid, but it's all still here, nationwide. Even Florida. Tell your friend to use it.


Chris Sununu Says Trump Indictment 'Self-Inflicted,' Expects 'Some Type Of Guilty Verdict'​

“He had every chance in the world to hand all those files and documents back,” the GOP governor told CBS’ Face the Nation. “He did just the opposite."

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R)

Chris Sununu Says Trump Indictment 'Self-Inflicted,' Expects 'Some Type Of Guilty Verdict'​

“He had every chance in the world to hand all those files and documents back,” the GOP governor told CBS’ Face the Nation. “He did just the opposite."

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R)
Sounds like Christie. Both are trying to split the party and ruin any chance in '24. Think they will attack DeSantis?
Sorry hack you know nothing about honor or honesty. Why even try?

“He had every chance in the world to hand all those files and documents back,” Sununu told CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “He did just the opposite. He bragged about keeping them. So this is very self-inflicted.”

The Republican governor, who recently ruled himself out of the 2024 presidential contest, said Trump shouldn’t be the party’s nominee and called on the other GOP candidates to acknowledge the severity of the charges. Trump has been citing his indictment in fundraising appeals and remains the 2024 GOP front-runner.

“This is serious,” Sununu said. “If even half of this stuff is true, he’s in real trouble. And it is self-inflicted. And I just see too many of the candidates trying to walk around it.”

Only two candidates, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and ex-Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, have forcefully defended the DOJ’s case against Trump.

Sununu told CBS’ John Dickerson he didn’t think the charges were politically motivated and said all politicians should recognize the unprecedented nature of the indictment.

“Everyone has to be very straightforward and transparent about it and acknowledge the realities of the severity of these accusations,” Sununu said.

This will likely “come down to some type of guilty verdict on the president, at least on some of these charges,” he added.
Former Attorney General Bill Barr echoed Sununu, telling “Fox News Sunday” Trump is in real trouble if the espionage allegations in the indictment are true.
“I do think we have to wait and see what the defense says, and what proves to be true. But I do think that … if even half of it is true, then he’s toast,” Barr said.
Sounds like Christie. Both are trying to split the party and ruin any chance in '24. Think they will attack DeSantis?
Christie, DeSantis or Nikki have a real good chance of beating Joe Biden if Trump would get the fuck out of the way.
Sounds like Christie. Both are trying to split the party and ruin any chance in '24. Think they will attack DeSantis?

Sounds like another person for you to fold into your insanely elaborate, fantastically complicated international conspiracy!

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it. That's TinFoil 101.
Sounds like another person for you to fold into your insanely elaborate, fantastically complicated international conspiracy!

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy....becomes part of it. That's TinFoil 101.
All you got you boring SOB. Stop wasting my time, troll.
All you got you boring SOB. Stop wasting my time, troll.

Me? I've got a 37 count indictment to read again and an arraignment for Trump tomorrow to look forward to.

What do you have? Impotent imagination and sniveling excuses for why you lost.

Pretty simple, the question answers itself. Your double standards are fucking ridiculous, hack. So much for any honesty from you. Hack.

What crime that Trump was charged with do you believe Pence or Biden should be charged with.


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