Tom Steyer promises $22 minimum wage if elected president

Hell why not just make it $1,000 an hour? Then we can all spend for that $300.00 happy meal. Anytime you run out of toilet paper you can just resort to that money in your wallet.
The funny thing is there are actually idiots that will think this is a good thing.
And then they’ll go increase taxes so they can get their hands on it and you would have been better off if they never touched it. There is a madness behind their plan.
Poor people on SS or other meager fixed incomes will starve to death, but hey, pandering works.
Isn't it amazing how thanks to President Trump's economic policies we have the strongest economy and greatest successes in decades, in some case EVER, and no one felt the need to or did mandate / impose a higher minimum wage to make it happen....

The Liberal Progressive Socialist Democrats are ALWAYS planning and declaring how they will impose their will on others....and it seems to turn out so well.....

'You can keep your plan / doctor if you like them....' :p

Why not just make it $50? Once you start forcing people to be paid more than the value they put into a product or service, the actual number you pick is meaningless.

Prices will go up, jobs will go down, and the economy will short circuit itself.

Oh, come on now. You know there's no point in applying reason to the minimum wage debate.
Steyer became a billionaire as a hedge fund manager. In other words he successfully gambled with wealthy clients money and was guaranteed millions every year even if he lost money. Nice gig! Now that he is in fat city, he is all about taking YOUR money through taxes to pay for a $22/hour minimum wage.
Steyer became a billionaire as a hedge fund manager. In other words he successfully gambled with wealthy clients money and was guaranteed millions every year even if he lost money. Nice gig! Now that he is in fat city, he is all about taking YOUR money through taxes to pay for a $22/hour minimum wage.
And he bought and sold oil companies....dirty oil earth destroying companies....LMAO

Welcome to the:
  • $18 hamburger.
  • $5 Fries.
  • $8 milkshake.
  • $60 haircut or pizza (take your pick).

To be fair, there's always:

- Making your own hamburgers (beef is cheaper in bulk)
- Fries too (potatoes are inexpensive)
- Milkshakes are easy to make at home as well (ice cream, cream are inexpensive)
- Get a significant other that's proficient at giving decent haircuts (free)

Or maybe just be self sufficient.
when it gets down to it, this represents an assault on small business and entrepreneurship.

Who would be better able to withstand this - McDonald's or the Mom and Pop cafe down the street? it's a no brainer.

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