Trannies to serve in the military ?

Trannies to serve in the military ?
Reminds me of Corporal Klinger from M*A*S*H.

Leave it to ABC to editorialize the story and leave out the part that the alleged "commission" was actually an independent commission aka a homosexual lobby. The "former surgeon general" that headed up the commission isn't identified but my guess is that it's Clinton's former masturbation czar.
The Military thinks they have a problem with rapes? Wait till some woman pretending to be a man moves into a room with real men or showers in the same shower with them.

Dumbest Idea I have ever heard.

Real men are rapists?

Well since some of you claim women can not rape anyone then yes only real men can be rapists. Now please quote me where I said all, most or even any specific percentage?

Are we talking like 1 tranny per every 100,000 people that join the military? That's supposed to make the "entire military" a joke?

That's kind of like saying dumping a fruit punch drink in an ocean will "turn the whole ocean red"; that's nonsensical.

It does make it a joke. Even allowing one in a million is enough to ruin a true soldier's day (if he has to share a barracks).
In the last 5 years our military has become a joke, and it is falling further and faster every time you turn around.....This is another nail in the coffin of the once great USA.......
Transgendered people have the right to defend their country, just like gay people.

Deal with it.
Not with the rampant rape and other sexual crap in the military. You sure as hell don't want to be in a fox hole with your buddy and find out he's a pre-op, or maybe it needs a Maxi Pad and a hug.
Transgendered people have the right to defend their country, just like gay people.

Deal with it.

Military service is not a right, it's a duty. I don't have an issue with gay and transsexuals serving as long as they can perform the tasks (didn't have an issue with gay and chix with dix when I was in either), but having the perspective that the military is a social justice forum is dangerous.

Fat people have the same rights as everyone but we can't have them on the front lines. Paraplegics who got that way due to their military service have every right as anyone else but we cannot put them in an assault squad or in the rear with the gear.

This is the same thing. Anyone who CAN and WANTS to perform the tasks should serve, the key being that they CAN.

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