Trump goes there: insinuates that Megyn Kelly was menstruating during debate

In my opinion, Trump's mistake was attacking a moderator at all. Something about it seems like bad form for a Presidential candidate. People have claimed bias in many debates before, but I've never seen a candidate even address the issue directly. Leave it to your supporters. Maintain the high road.
He doesn't care who he attacks. He thinks money is all that is needed and you can treat people any way you want. His wives have no pride, they just want to get their hands on his money.

As far as calling women fat pigs, he is a fat pig. He is positively bloated and that fucking hair. Whoever would do that to themselves, my god, he is not good looking.
Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

No they just post pictures of her in silky lingerie and say they would do her.

Not misogynistic at all. Nope.

Why do you think she posed for those pictures in the first place?
If Kelly wants to be taken seriously as a journalist you don't pose for pictures like that
God damn you are gay as shit. So confused now you are going after Kelly?

Who is your target bitch? Trump or Kelly, this is so fascinating, you don't know even know who to attack.:)

Your brain is too small to realize both Kelly and Trump are asses. Just because at least one is wrong doesn't mean the other was right.
Seriously? So you read all 40 pages to say that potsie?
I don't think she is a whore. I think she is just a bitch that thought she was going to crush Trump and instead wound up with egg on her face. She has done it before, ya know.
I don't think she is a whore. I think she is just a bitch that thought she was going to crush Trump and instead wound up with egg on her face. She has done it before, ya know.
I don't think she's a whore either, just thought you missed something. I like her a LOT more that I like trump, which is about nil. He acts too much like the ringmaster at PT Barnum's.
In my opinion, Trump's mistake was attacking a moderator at all. Something about it seems like bad form for a Presidential candidate. People have claimed bias in many debates before, but I've never seen a candidate even address the issue directly. Leave it to your supporters. Maintain the high road.
He doesn't care who he attacks. He thinks money is all that is needed and you can treat people any way you want. His wives have no pride, they just want to get their hands on his money.

As far as calling women fat pigs, he is a fat pig. He is positively bloated and that fucking hair. Whoever would do that to themselves, my god, he is not good looking.
Nope......but he was talking about Rosie O'Donnell.


NewsweekThe duo’s longstanding feud dates back to 2006, when O’Donnell, speaking on The View, questioned Trump’s decision not to fire controversial Miss USA Tara Conner over drug abuse, calling him “a snake-oil salesman.” O’Donnell also said of Trump: “[He] left the first wife—had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he’s the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend.” Trump wasn’t pleased. He told People that O’Donnell was “a woman out of control,” and that “Rosie’s a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice, fat little Rosie.”

The Trump vs Rosie O’Donnell Feud is one of the greatest feuds in entertainment history. Its the summer of battles and showdowns and rekindling Trump v Rosie could be the highlight of it all. It started a long time ago so some of you may not even know it but when Trump originally called her “Fat Little Rosie” it was one of the best things ever. People talk all the time about moments in history where they wish twitter was around and the beginning of this feud and “Fat Little Rosie” is one of them. Now its like we’re getting a second chance. We get to do The Donald calling Rosie a fat pig all over again.

Not even sure what Rosie’s response even is here. What do you mean “try explaining that to your kids?” Here, put your kids in front of the computer I’ll explain it:

You talked shit about The Donald and his personal life and he came back over the top at you and called you a fat loser.

Thats the end of the explanation. I think my favorite part about the back and forth is how much Trump calls her a “Loser.” The word loser is thrown around like crazy. Probably one of the most go-to words in the English language. We say it all the time about everyone. But when you mean it – when you’re truly calling someone a capital L Loser – its so degrading. Like that tweet about her new girlfriend’s family finding out she’s a Loser is so so vicious. The pause at the end “Rosie O’Donnell – a true Loser.” Like being a loser defines the human that she is. Great stuff. Don’t dish it if you cant take it, Rosie.
Bush was very respectful towards Clinton throughout his presidency. Obama constantly blames Bush for his failures.
Clinton didn't leave Bush stuck with the great recession, two wars and a nation hated by most of the world.
Only left him 911, and Obama was gonna fix all that mess. Right? Well what happened?
Uhm, no. 911 happened 9 months after 43 took office. Your math is faulty. Either that or you simply chose to lie.

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My gosh Obama has been president for over six years and it's still Bush's fault. Also you are saying 911 was planned in 8 months? Clinton's lack of attention on our enemies made us weak.
There is no statute of limitations on things being your fault. Iraq and Afghanistan were Bushs fault, the collapsing economy was Bush's fault, torture was Bush's fault
Hey needle dick, news flash O' but hole called the Iraq war over and al quads a Jv squad before they split apart and became the ISIS.
Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes? Surely there would have been press coverage of this, eh?
Was Kelly on her period at the time of the debate..........

Link? Proof? Video? Audio? Quotes?
Was Trump wrong...........was she in the cycle?

The very fact that you think a woman's menstrual cycle would play a role in any of this is already a sure sign of how batshit crazy Conservatives have become, but I am thrilled that you said it.

And THAT should scare you. Because it means that I want Conservatives to fail miserably. And it looks like my wish is going to come true again.


A liberal's miss understanding of the intent of a reply or the usual strategy of taking comments out of the context of the intent is expected of you...................

You can't tell the difference of the intent to Mock you and your petty thread................But enjoy your 2 seconds of fame............


Not really sure who "Miss Understanding" is, but if she's pretty, well then.

Uhm, yeah, I understood your intent.

Only, in the moment you decided to get personal and make this thread about me instead of the OP material, then you long-lost the debate...

How so.....................the intent of Trump was to mock Kelly...............It is what Trump does...................does it mean he hates women...........................Nope.......

Your post is about attacking Trump............It is expected...............he is MOCKING Kelly.

So my Mocking you is on target.

Attacking T-rump is like attacking T-rex. If he doesn't like the way he wanted he goes bezerk. If he doesn't like it he switches to attack mode. This should gives people an example what kind of leader he is.
Shockingly the support he is getting from his fans. They are either ignorant and stupid to listen to his ideas.
Has Trump gone over the edge this time? He doomed his chances for the General.
Trump is a psychopath. He should not even be on that fucking stage let alone leading in the wingnut polls. Democrats want him to win the nomination but Meagan should really start ripping that guy a new butthole. He's an entitled moron.
If anything, he's closer to a sociopath.

Democrats seem to love them.

A person with antisocial personality disorder. Probably the most widely recognized personality disorder. A sociopath is often well liked because of their charm and high charisma, but they do not usually care about other people. They think mainly of themselves and often blame others for the things that they do. They have a complete disregard for rules and lie constantly. They seldom feel guilt or learn from punishments. Though some sociopaths have become murders, most reveal their sociopathy through less deadly and sensational means.
Charles Manson
Ted Bundy

Obama is a sociopath.

But the dis-qualifier is Trump doesn't lie all that Obama.
Obama is one of the most sane presidents we've seen in a long time. He isn't a sociopath, he isn't senile like Reagan was, he isn't wimpy like HWBush, he isn't a drunk like W... He's a good husband, father and a great president.
You have no idea what he's doing to our military.
Had a meeting over it yesterday. Generals don't know what the fuck is going on. All we know is we haven't any money. It's been cut off. We still have the mission but we have to hollow out our forces to be able to afford to function. 2 years ago it was close to the "Mission Failure" point. We're past that point now.

Meanwhile the press is worried about Trump calling some woman nasty names.

Your rabid extremist rightwankers cut military funding so you have no one to blame but yourself.
There was a strategy at work here. Megyn Kelly is neither stupid nor hysterical. My take is that Kelly and Fox News feel Trump is a danger to the GOP election chances and want to dispatch Trump as quickly as possible. They fear him because he is a loose cannon and answers to no one. That is also his greatest attraction to Americans that are sick to death of mealy mouth PC politibots of both parties. Personally I think Kelly gets more attention and credit than she deserves much of it because of her movie star looks.
There is no such thing as 'PC,' what Trump supporters are tired of is hearing a truth they don't want to acknowledge concerning the fact of racism and bigotry – where they perceive expressions of diversity and individual liberty as a 'threat,' and fear change along with a more inclusive American society.
There was a strategy at work here. Megyn Kelly is neither stupid nor hysterical. My take is that Kelly and Fox News feel Trump is a danger to the GOP election chances and want to dispatch Trump as quickly as possible. They fear him because he is a loose cannon and answers to no one. That is also his greatest attraction to Americans that are sick to death of mealy mouth PC politibots of both parties. Personally I think Kelly gets more attention and credit than she deserves much of it because of her movie star looks.
Kelly is also a tough cookie and doesn't take shit from the opposition. She knew what would happen after tossing that bomb in Trumps direction. I just think she assumed everyone would have her back...and misjudged the backlash.

They do, and the "backlash" is just the rabid extremist rightwingers throwing a temper tantrum.

They need a timeout...again.
Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

The left has had horrific things to say about Megyn and her network. A whole helluva lot worse than 'she might have been menstruating' ...heck, I'm with Donald... Something must have been wrong with her. This was a chance to look at the candidates running for President of the United States and hear their points of views on issues pertaining to our country... not some reality show gossip and banter about Rosie O'Donnell. Her question was intentionally written to make a vicious attack on Trump. It was just the sort of question some pea-brain liberal might ask... Not Megyn Kelly.

Fox News lost a TON of credibility with me last night. It was a shameful attempt at something you can't call a 'debate' by any definition of the word. It was... let's ambush Trump, throw difficult questions at Carson, make Huckabee sound like a liberal, get Cruz to talk about Jesus, Rand to talk about NSA, Walker to talk about unions, Rubio to sob over immigrants... then make Jeb, Christie and Kasich look as 'presidential' as possible!

Please provide links with quotes.

I have never heard a Leftie say even one misogynistic thing about Megyn Kelly, ever.

Please, have at it. I can wait.

I didn't even know who she was, before Trump made her famous.....
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.
So? Realy! Thanks, Trump! Misogyny my sweet bippy, he is typical man, he was just being honest about it. Gimme a break already.

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Oh, and don't count on Kelly remaining a top conservative show host for much longer.

Kelly just did a Natalie Maines move. It might take a year or two, but once the libtards have finished using her to goad conservatives, her career is done, at best second tier.

Maybe then she will let Trump find her a job?

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

So what, maybe she was having a bad day?

Lol, you libtards just don't get it. PEOPLE ARE SICK OF YOUR PC NAZIS!

My bet is that Kelly was just trying to protect her position of first BJ for Murdock.

"First BJ"?


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Why 'Backline Jockey" of course.

you fricking retard.
Thing is, everyone's talking about the Republicans, so it is going well for them. They're getting all the viewing time, all the attention, everything.

No everyone is NOT talking about the republicans unless you include the laughter they generate among-st many if not most in the country.

Fox is talking about the republicans. The other national tv outlets have reported on the debate. The GOP is strong in regions where people generally vote against their own best interests. These are the same regions where the political needle hasn't moved much in the last two decades. The bible belt is losing it's grip in national elections.

You who WANT to believe you are being looked up to are in error. You are looked down on by intelligent voters as will be shown as it was in the last two presidential elections.
Man, one would think, these so called mavericks would all call Dump the pig that he is, instead, all are rallying behind the skirts of women. I stand for the rights of women, this is a bad thing Dump said...etc....The man went there, and I am 1000% certain, Dump would be calling the guy, had the roles been reversed...all kinds of names and such. Its a shame these fools are so afraid to offend the DUMPS supporters, which comprise of white boy rednecks...all of who are the same brood that supported Palin back in the day...and we all know how that turned out...but the GOP is so crowed these dumb shits have to hide until a couple of loons are left.
Well, many Republican really believe we need people leading the country that know nothing about government or politics. We've had experience talented leaders that didn't perform up to our expectations so let's throw in some rookies. Glad the Seahawks don't follow this philosophy.
The falsehood of your premise is evident. No president ever… ever has been omnipotent. You surround yourself with people who are experts in certain fields. The leader has the vision, details are worked out by experts. On the other hand I have never seen a defensive lineman playing as QB.
In short, what you are saying and what has been the case for the last umpteen years with the want your president to be as dumb as you are...gotcha!!!
In my opinion, Trump's mistake was attacking a moderator at all. Something about it seems like bad form for a Presidential candidate. People have claimed bias in many debates before, but I've never seen a candidate even address the issue directly. Leave it to your supporters. Maintain the high road.
He doesn't care who he attacks. He thinks money is all that is needed and you can treat people any way you want. His wives have no pride, they just want to get their hands on his money.

As far as calling women fat pigs, he is a fat pig. He is positively bloated and that fucking hair. Whoever would do that to themselves, my god, he is not good looking.
Nope......but he was talking about Rosie O'Donnell.


NewsweekThe duo’s longstanding feud dates back to 2006, when O’Donnell, speaking on The View, questioned Trump’s decision not to fire controversial Miss USA Tara Conner over drug abuse, calling him “a snake-oil salesman.” O’Donnell also said of Trump: “[He] left the first wife—had an affair. [He] had kids both times, but he’s the moral compass for 20-year-olds in America. Donald, sit and spin, my friend.” Trump wasn’t pleased. He told People that O’Donnell was “a woman out of control,” and that “Rosie’s a loser. A real loser. I look forward to taking lots of money from my nice, fat little Rosie.”

The Trump vs Rosie O’Donnell Feud is one of the greatest feuds in entertainment history. Its the summer of battles and showdowns and rekindling Trump v Rosie could be the highlight of it all. It started a long time ago so some of you may not even know it but when Trump originally called her “Fat Little Rosie” it was one of the best things ever. People talk all the time about moments in history where they wish twitter was around and the beginning of this feud and “Fat Little Rosie” is one of them. Now its like we’re getting a second chance. We get to do The Donald calling Rosie a fat pig all over again.

Not even sure what Rosie’s response even is here. What do you mean “try explaining that to your kids?” Here, put your kids in front of the computer I’ll explain it:

You talked shit about The Donald and his personal life and he came back over the top at you and called you a fat loser.

Thats the end of the explanation. I think my favorite part about the back and forth is how much Trump calls her a “Loser.” The word loser is thrown around like crazy. Probably one of the most go-to words in the English language. We say it all the time about everyone. But when you mean it – when you’re truly calling someone a capital L Loser – its so degrading. Like that tweet about her new girlfriend’s family finding out she’s a Loser is so so vicious. The pause at the end “Rosie O’Donnell – a true Loser.” Like being a loser defines the human that she is. Great stuff. Don’t dish it if you cant take it, Rosie.
Dear Lord, you just can't make this shit up. And he did this to a TV-anchor who has a HUGE Conservative following.


2016 Republican debate Donald Trump s Megyn Kelly war - POLITICO

After a day of escalating hostility, Trump took his attacks on Kelly to the next level on Friday night, apparently insinuating that the moderator had been menstruating when she questioned him during Thursday’s first Republican debate.

You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” he told anchor Don Lemon during an appearance on CNN.

It's pretty damned obvious.

I am making a prediction. I am predicting that this is not going to go well for Donald Trump and it is going to go just as badly for the Republican Party. This is misogyny pure. Had a Leftie said this about Megyn Kelly, Righties would be swinging from the rafters and screaming like banshees.

This is going to work wonders for the GOP in the female vote in 2016.

Thanks, Trump!

Edit: here's the video of his comments.

I am convinced that supporters on the right are just too gotdamn dumb for words. These bastards protect, defend and too often make excuses for their parties fucked up behavior. And will be the first to jump shit first on a liberal if they so much as breathe the wrong way. Number one reason, when I see these sorry bastards, all you can do is just shake your fuckin head and thank God your brain cells are still in tact.

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