Trump Keeps Snowflakes Foaming At The Mouth With Doses Of REALITY


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Conspiracy is obstruction of justice...

Seawytch is so correct----->

Conspiracy= The DNC, Hillary, the FBI.all conspiring to get a FISA warrant on false pretenses.

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE= FBI refusing to release the documents to the congressional panel.

So you see, Seawytch is correct, he/she just has the wrong perps; but never fear, very soon it will become crystal clear who the real perps are, now won't it-) Somewhere around January the 3rd, or thereabouts!
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.
Trump squealed "NO COLLUSION!" 16 times.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. And so does everyone.

And how many times have you insisted they have Trump? Seems to me, if you were innocent, you would be screaming, wouldn't you?
Sound's like Trump admitting to COLLUSION WITH RUSSIA! Trump is getting his spin out there so his minions can say so what, it's not illegal, no biggie!
Foreigners should not be influencing elections.

Obama should not have gone to England and openly campaigned against Brexit. That’s foreign influence on an election.
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Clearly the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from anyone including Russia and that is a fact. Also these meetings occurred before Trump won. Whether it is illegal or not is something that neither Trump nor you know. The fact is that the Trump campaign engaged in unethical conduct to beat Clinton. Whether it is criminal. we will see. Americans recognize the implications and they want it looked at.

You are a hypocrite. The DNC e-mails were hacked by the Russians and then false information was mixed in. In 1 instance of false information, the letterhead of a Democrat Senator was forged. The goal was to inflame partisans against Clinton should she win. There is no evidence the Democrat primaries were rigged. You offer no proof of it and continue to use it. Clinton got 55% of the primary vote so why should she not have gotten the nomination. She also did not engage in any election fraud. Again more fiction. Also the company that produced the dossier was not working for the Russians.

You use the avatar of Captain America but you have more in common with Benedict Arnold. You defame America for your cheap partisan gain.
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Clearly the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from anyone including Russia and that is a fact. Also these meetings occurred before Trump won. Whether it is illegal or not is something that neither Trump nor you know. The fact is that the Trump campaign engaged in unethical conduct to beat Clinton. Whether it is criminal. we will see. Americans recognize the implications and they want it looked at.

You are a hypocrite. The DNC e-mails were hacked by the Russians and then false information was mixed in. In 1 instance of false information, the letterhead of a Democrat Senator was forged. The goal was to inflame partisans against Clinton should she win. There is no evidence the Democrat primaries were rigged. You offer no proof of it and continue to use it. Clinton got 55% of the primary vote so why should she not have gotten the nomination. She also did not engage in any election fraud. Again more fiction. Also the company that produced the dossier was not working for the Russians.

You use the avatar of Captain America but you have more in common with Benedict Arnold. You defame America for your cheap partisan gain.

Why you projectionist, arrogant LYING, LYING hypocrite; you liberals are the self-loathing-American traitors who have BABY TANTRUM reactions to securing our borders and putting American interests first! You liberals are so willing to sell this country to the religion of endless human rights atrocities, Islam, which has been declaring war on American since the 1780's, you're the biggest traitors in the history of any country on earth! Jesus, you guys are disgusting. The dregs of the 3rd world are more important to you creatures than fellow Americans. EVERYTHING you said is a well-proven lie.
The wind from liberals' head spinning 'round and 'round this morning feels as strong as gale force winds in a hurricane, and there is enough foam coming from snowflake mouths for the CDC to issue a precautionary 'Rabies Epidemic' Warning' after what President Trump just said...

-- President Donald Trump

The most awesome thing about that comment is IT IS 100% CORRECT. :p

Of course there was no 'collusion' committed by President Trump, but, as he says, 'COLLUSION' IS NOT EVEN A CRIME!

'Collusion' is a made-up political propaganda-generated term created specifically to give 'weight' to the false liberal claims / campaign that President Trump engaged in SOMETHING illegal designed to 'steal' the 2016 election.

The truly remarkable and hypocritical fact about this claim by Democrats is that their false claim is EXACTLY what they did, what released DNC e-mails exposed the Democrats / Hillary did during the election:
- Evidence exists showing Hillary and the DNC she 'owned' rigged the DNC primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, illegally used information acquired by an ex-British Spy through a company working for the Russians in a US election (a CRIME), etc. ... YET (PERHAPS AS A DISTRACTION) THEY HAVE ACCUSED THE GOP OF DOING EXACTLY WHAT EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY HAVE DONE....

Then there is what Obama himself stated - EVERY potential administration coming in gets a head-start by contacting and communicating with foreign reps....
-- Hmm, interesting how the Democrats suddenly blamed at election time - once Hillary lost - Trump for the RUSSIAN HACKING / INTERFERENCE COMEY AND OBAMA KNEW ABOUT / KNEW WAS GOIING ON SINCE 2014 YET DID NOTHING ABOUT.

But what chaps snowflakes' ass the most is that what Trump said is TRUE ' 'Collusion' is not illegal.

Even if it was, Mueller and the Democrats have found NOTHING...because there is NOTHING to find.

Trump: Even if there was collusion with Russia, 'it’s not a crime'

Clearly the Trump campaign was willing to accept help from anyone including Russia and that is a fact. Also these meetings occurred before Trump won. Whether it is illegal or not is something that neither Trump nor you know. The fact is that the Trump campaign engaged in unethical conduct to beat Clinton. Whether it is criminal. we will see. Americans recognize the implications and they want it looked at.

You are a hypocrite. The DNC e-mails were hacked by the Russians and then false information was mixed in. In 1 instance of false information, the letterhead of a Democrat Senator was forged. The goal was to inflame partisans against Clinton should she win. There is no evidence the Democrat primaries were rigged. You offer no proof of it and continue to use it. Clinton got 55% of the primary vote so why should she not have gotten the nomination. She also did not engage in any election fraud. Again more fiction. Also the company that produced the dossier was not working for the Russians.

You use the avatar of Captain America but you have more in common with Benedict Arnold. You defame America for your cheap partisan gain.

Why you projectionist, arrogant LYING, LYING hypocrite; you liberals are the self-loathing-American traitors who have BABY TANTRUM reactions to securing our borders and putting American interests first! You liberals are so willing to sell this country to the religion of endless human rights atrocities, Islam, which has been declaring war on American since the 1780's, you're the biggest traitors in the history of any country on earth! Jesus, you guys are disgusting. The dregs of the 3rd world are more important to you creatures than fellow Americans. EVERYTHING you said is a well-proven lie.

You are the arrogant, lying bastard. The fact is that Trump is not a conservative and neither are you. If Reagan was alive, you would be calling him a liberal. You are a racist bastard. I do not nor do the majority of Americans support a wall and they overwhelmingly support DACA. Believing in Islam does not make you a terrorist Herr Hitler. Compromise is not a dirty word. You are the treaitor to this country. Take your garbage and GO TO HELL.
There is something seriously wrong with democrats. They don't have a leader so there isn't anyone to guide them away from being really crazy. First we have self soothing by screaming at the sky. Now we have screaming at an audio animatronic robot at Disneyland, as if the democrat believed it would do some good.

Next year, all bets are off with democrat insanity. If I was to make a prediction, it would be that democrats riot at music stores that sell trumpets and the white hate gets white hot.
Trump is correct. Collusion is not a crime.

It would be a crime if he knowingly received gifts or donations from a foreign government. That could include data.

What if Trump was coordinating with Putin as to how Russian propaganda could be be best used? Well, first of all, why would he? I mean, surely even Donald Trump would know not to get himself into a mess like that. Especially not when he was doing such a good job of spreading propaganda on his own already.

No, I genuinely think that someone near Trump got a little too daring and stepped into hot water, but Trump himself is not stupid enough to put his neck on the chopping block like that. If he is, well ... I'm more concerned with his stupidity than his corruption, all of a sudden.
Trump is correct. Collusion is not a crime.

It would be a crime if he knowingly received gifts or donations from a foreign government. That could include data.

What if Trump was coordinating with Putin as to how Russian propaganda could be be best used? Well, first of all, why would he? I mean, surely even Donald Trump would know not to get himself into a mess like that. Especially not when he was doing such a good job of spreading propaganda on his own already.

No, I genuinely think that someone near Trump got a little too daring and stepped into hot water, but Trump himself is not stupid enough to put his neck on the chopping block like that. If he is, well ... I'm more concerned with his stupidity than his corruption, all of a sudden.

What if - nothing of the kind happened. The only way democrats can satisfy themselves is to "what if".

The democrat idea was to remove Trump from office with whatever lie would do. If a lie to remove him from office, then a lie or lies to keep him from being effective will do. That's why there is a resistance. That's what they are resisting.
Trump is correct. Collusion is not a crime.

It would be a crime if he knowingly received gifts or donations from a foreign government. That could include data.

What if Trump was coordinating with Putin as to how Russian propaganda could be be best used? Well, first of all, why would he? I mean, surely even Donald Trump would know not to get himself into a mess like that. Especially not when he was doing such a good job of spreading propaganda on his own already.

No, I genuinely think that someone near Trump got a little too daring and stepped into hot water, but Trump himself is not stupid enough to put his neck on the chopping block like that. If he is, well ... I'm more concerned with his stupidity than his corruption, all of a sudden.

What if - nothing of the kind happened. The only way democrats can satisfy themselves is to "what if".

The democrat idea was to remove Trump from office with whatever lie would do. If a lie to remove him from office, then a lie or lies to keep him from being effective will do. That's why there is a resistance. That's what they are resisting.

Why can't everyone just stfu until the investigation is wrapped up? Just let Mueller do his job without all the bullshit and obfuscation. Even if he is not fond of President Trump, he is not just going to fabricate evidence. So rest assured; whatever he finds will be legitimate. And if there's nothing there, why keep screaming your heads off about it?

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