Trumpism: This is what PUSHBACK looks like

Nobody knows how a presidential popular vote would turn out because we never had one.
Uh ... does someone want to explain to Ray why this is embarrassingly stupid? I just can't anymore, with this guy. If he is not making up lies, he is saying things that are just flat out stupid. I can't waste my time with his worthless posts anymore.

Actually, he's spot on here. If we were to elect the President by popular vote, people would vote differently. Candidates would campaign differently. There's no way of knowing how that would have turned out.
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You don’t seem to be blaming your blob for anything.

Sure I do. We have three different groups of people that are responsible for the budget. The President makes out his, the House either passes it or amends it, and the Senate approves it and everybody signs off on it. All three are responsible. What I'm saying is that when it comes to spending, you can't blame it on one entity. I blame Trump, I blame the House, and I blame the Senate.


The President signs off on it only; they all have input but your blob has the only signature that matters.

I mean they all approve of it. Also remember that you have the extension of your party--the media, who places every government shutdown on the Republicans.

Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?
Sure I do. We have three different groups of people that are responsible for the budget. The President makes out his, the House either passes it or amends it, and the Senate approves it and everybody signs off on it. All three are responsible. What I'm saying is that when it comes to spending, you can't blame it on one entity. I blame Trump, I blame the House, and I blame the Senate.


The President signs off on it only; they all have input but your blob has the only signature that matters.

I mean they all approve of it. Also remember that you have the extension of your party--the media, who places every government shutdown on the Republicans.

Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained

The President signs off on it only; they all have input but your blob has the only signature that matters.

I mean they all approve of it. Also remember that you have the extension of your party--the media, who places every government shutdown on the Republicans.

Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?

I mean they all approve of it. Also remember that you have the extension of your party--the media, who places every government shutdown on the Republicans.

Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"
Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible.
There are certainly other issues involved here, but my guess is that it was/is the weaponization of PC/Identity Politics that animate the Right the most.

And you'd still be wrong. Trump had less white support in 2016 than Romney had.

Doesn't matter what you see, doesn't matter what you want. The Communist democrat party sold the nomination to Little Mike Bloomberg, he WILL be their nominee.

Bloomberg would have to get the votes first, and he's still running fifth..

Trump is so polarizing that I suspect the Dems will get out the vote if they run a catcher's mitt and a toaster oven.

But who knows. We're so far off the rails now I don't know how people can make concrete predictions.

Well, Stormy, here's how you start. You don't start with a premise and then try to mold the evidence around it. You mold the premise around the evidence.

Votes are irrelevant, we're talking democrats here. Bloomberg bought the nomination, it's over.
I mean they all approve of it. Also remember that you have the extension of your party--the media, who places every government shutdown on the Republicans.

Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


‘He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.’

really? Then you libtards should not have impeached him for withholding funds from Ukraine. Love it.
Majorities in both chambers of Congress and your blob approve of it... so by definition the GOP is 2/3 responsible for this past year’s debt and 100% responsibile for the 2017 and 2018 red ink.

Your blob said...

“If we don’t get what we want, one way or the other, whether it’s through you, through military, through anything you want to call, I will shut down the government,” Trump said. “And I am proud. I’ll tell you what. I am proud to shut down the government for border security, “

the media played no role in your blob being “blamed”...he was proud to have shut it down

Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


‘He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.’

really? Then you libtards should not have impeached him for withholding funds from Ukraine. Love it.’re stupid.

The funds were already approved by the blob.
Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible. you need me to go back and quote the several times I stated he was also at fault? Or will you claim you still don't see it?
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Then why claim that I (or anybody on the right) claim no responsibility? As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

I would like to quote Dr Walter E Williams at this point. He said "I'm going to run for Congress. My platform will be I will bring nothing back to my state. I will vote against all spending outside of the absolute necessities. Would you vote for me??"

What he basically is getting at is the spending is our responsibility as well. If we don't get our goodies from the government, we vote those people out. Nobody is going to make sacrifices to reduce spending; at least most voters won't. So it's the House, the Senate, the President, and yes, you and I who are all responsible. we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


‘He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.’

really? Then you libtards should not have impeached him for withholding funds from Ukraine. Love it.’re stupid.

The funds were already approved by the blob.
Link dummy?
Uh ... does someone want to explain to Ray why this is embarrassingly stupid? I just can't anymore, with this guy. If he is not making up lies, he is saying things that are just flat out stupid. I can't waste my time with his worthless posts anymore.

Actually, he's spot on here. If we were to elect the President by popular vote, people would vote differently. Candidates would campaign differently. There's no way of knowing how that would have turned out.

Why not have a closer look at that?

If votes are all that counts, campaigning would overwhelmingly target the biggest, most concentrated population blocks. Why campaign in a village with 40 folks? That doesn't make sense. However, these huge population blocks are also mostly liberal, so I can't quite see how that would increase Trump's chances in a popular-vote election.

Also, as it stands, there is a solid majority of States voting GOP in presidential elections, and far fewer reliably voting Dem - the rest are battleground states. In these GOP States, liberals going to vote is more or less pointless (the opposite is true for conservatives in far fewer solid-Dem states). So, in a popular vote election, Dems in far more states could be motivated to vote, since their votes suddenly count, than conservatives in solid-liberal States. Again, I don't know how Trump would fare better.

Overall, I'd say, based on Trump's popular vote loss, and the above assessment, FFI has a point claiming that in a democracy (popular vote election) Trump wouldn't have happened, and is unlikely to happen given the trend set in 2018. Of course, proof this is not, but... we can expect you to start a thread blaming the blob (at least in part) for the massive spending? Much less any follow up to correct your fellow conservatives westwall BluesLegend airplanemechanic JimBowie1958 mudwhistle SAYIT Bush92 MAGAman BrokeLoser buckeye45_73 longknife jc456 jwoodie Norman iceberg who hold the blob blameless for spending or any thing else? I’m guessing you don’t have the guts to stand up for your beliefs.

Also...when can we expect the blob to start talking about sacrifices?

He is the leader of the Government right? Or is this where you absolve him of that responsibility too?

So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible. you need me to go back and quote the several times I stated he was also at fault? Or will you claim you still didn't see it?

Will you quote your accompanying blame of every one else at the same time?

because that is what you’ve done. He says he’s proud to shut down the blame the media. He signs off on trillions in spending but blame the democrats even though they only were partially in power in Congress for one third if your blob’s spending spree.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I agree with you, but what still bewilders me is the fighting stupid with stupid approach. The never ending hypocrisy on both sides and the outright lies that both sides spin to defend themselves and to demonize their opponents.
There used to be a day when the smart and responsible would rise above the nonsense and make their case using honesty logic and reason. That’s respectable. But Trump took it to the sewers and played off tribalism. It amazes me that so many are playing along. And it saddens me that those tactics are actually working
Uh ... does someone want to explain to Ray why this is embarrassingly stupid? I just can't anymore, with this guy. If he is not making up lies, he is saying things that are just flat out stupid. I can't waste my time with his worthless posts anymore.

Actually, he's spot on here. If we were to elect the President by popular vote, people would vote differently. Candidates would campaign differently. There's no way of knowing how that would have turned out.

Why not have a closer look at that?

If votes are all that counts, campaigning would overwhelmingly target the biggest, most concentrated population blocks. Why campaign in a village with 40 folks? That doesn't make sense. However, these huge population blocks are also mostly liberal, so I can't quite see how that would increase Trump's chances in a popular-vote election.

Also, as it stands, there is a solid majority of States voting GOP in presidential elections, and far fewer reliably voting Dem - the rest are battleground states. In these GOP States, liberals going to vote is more or less pointless (the opposite is true for conservatives in far fewer solid-Dem states). So, in a popular vote election, Dems in far more states could be motivated to vote, since their votes suddenly count, than conservatives in solid-liberal States. Again, I don't know how Trump would fare better.

Overall, I'd say, based on Trump's popular vote loss, and the above assessment, FFI has a point claiming that in a democracy (popular vote election) Trump wouldn't have happened, and is unlikely to happen given the trend set in 2018. Of course, proof this is not, but...

Maybe, maybe not. The point is, you can't just total up the votes from an electoral college election, and pretend that it's what would have resulted from a popular election. A popular vote would change the entire process.

It's like if a losing football team claimed "We gained more yardage. If the game had been scored on yardage, we would have won". Well, maybe, but maybe not. If the game were scored solely on yards gained, the other team would have played differently. They would have tightened up their defense and not worried about the end zone. They might have still won.
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So you want him to refuse to sign any bill with a huge deficit, the House will not agree to any cuts to their favored projects, and when the government shuts down, the media will blame him alone. Oh, I'm sure you'd love that. But until you can get your media to report more honestly, that's not going to happen. The only cuts the Democrats would be willing to make are the military, and right now, we are behind China in that regard. They recently developed a supersonic missile that we don't have.

Trump’s audacious new plan to cut Medicaid, explained


Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible. you need me to go back and quote the several times I stated he was also at fault? Or will you claim you still didn't see it?

Will you quote your accompanying blame of every one else at the same time?

because that is what you’ve done. He says he’s proud to shut down the blame the media. He signs off on trillions in spending but blame the democrats even though they only were partially in power in Congress for one third if your blob’s spending spree.

A lot of unnecessary work, but no problem. Fellow Republicans, in spite of my quotes, watch how she still denies what I said.

The President makes out his, the House either passes it or amends it, and the Senate approves it and everybody signs off on it. All three are responsible.

I blame Trump, I blame the House, and I blame the Senate.

As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.
While I'm sure as hell no fan of Trump, or many of his fans, I think I'm understanding this whole thing more now. Unfortunately, I think it's pretty clear the Democratic Party hasn't learned a fucking thing.

As people like Matthews and Carville and Bloomberg and Manchin try to sound the alarm bells for the party, it's clear that the party has been taken over by the loonies who insist that PC and Identity Politics are at the core of the party's worldview.

To put this as succinctly as I can, I think Trumpism is PUSHBACK against years and years of weaponized PC and Identity Politics. It's a primal scream of pent-up frustration. Burn it down, While much of it is pretty ugly to me, I do understand it, because I don't think that much of what the hardcore leftists who are in control of the party is actually American liberalism. I was called a racist for being against the ACA.

I warned about it long before Trump came down the elevator. I just didn't know how strong it would be.

June 23, 2013:
Always nice to see pushback against the PC Police.

November 14, 2015:
Spin & deflect for the PC-Protected religion, and you'll get the pushback you deserve. Tough shit. Be responsible for your words.

July 27, 2013:
Looks like the PC Police are seeing that their phony "you're a racist" schtick isn't scaring some folks like it used to. It's still relatively effective, but the pushback is getting stronger. Hopefully the momentum will continue, and they'll have to actually engage in intellectually honest conversation for a change.

This doesn't mean that the Democrats will lose in November. I sure don't know. But I think I do understand this.

Post 199: Should Dean's life be ruined for saying the N-word 30-40-50 years ago?
Post 49: The French people have some serious balls
Post 135: How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America
I agree with you, but what still bewilders me is the fighting stupid with stupid approach. The never ending hypocrisy on both sides and the outright lies that both sides spin to defend themselves and to demonize their opponents.
There used to be a day when the smart and responsible would rise above the nonsense and make their case using honesty logic and reason. That’s respectable. But Trump took it to the sewers and played off tribalism. It amazes me that so many are playing along. And it saddens me that those tactics are actually working
It's all rooted in lesser-of-two-evils. Which is rooted in the two party system, which is rooted in our election system.

Your blob said he was proud to shutdown the government but you still blame the media?

He is the only one who can authorize the spending but you blame only the Democrats saying they sign off on it.

What do you hold him responsible for?


I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible. you need me to go back and quote the several times I stated he was also at fault? Or will you claim you still didn't see it?

Will you quote your accompanying blame of every one else at the same time?

because that is what you’ve done. He says he’s proud to shut down the blame the media. He signs off on trillions in spending but blame the democrats even though they only were partially in power in Congress for one third if your blob’s spending spree.

A lot of unnecessary work, but no problem. Fellow Republicans, in spite of my quotes, watch how she still denies what I said.

The President makes out his, the House either passes it or amends it, and the Senate approves it and everybody signs off on it. All three are responsible.

I blame Trump, I blame the House, and I blame the Senate.

As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

Except only the President signs bills. Someone’s 4 y/o daughter may want a pony but the parents are responsible for buying it.

The House may want trillions in pork...if the President signs off on it, the President is responsible.
I think you are reading only what you want to read. I said several times they are all to blame. Trump knows that the only goal of the Democrat leadership is to get even with him. The Democrats and Republicans know how the media reacts to shutdowns. Trump also knew that Piglosi and ShoeMaker would have that threat hanging over his head as their ace card. What Trump did was call their bluff, showing them that getting blamed for a government shutdown didn't bother him the least. Sort of like "Go ahead and hit me, it won't hurt!"

No, you blame everyone except your blob after you admit he alone is responsible. you need me to go back and quote the several times I stated he was also at fault? Or will you claim you still didn't see it?

Will you quote your accompanying blame of every one else at the same time?

because that is what you’ve done. He says he’s proud to shut down the blame the media. He signs off on trillions in spending but blame the democrats even though they only were partially in power in Congress for one third if your blob’s spending spree.

A lot of unnecessary work, but no problem. Fellow Republicans, in spite of my quotes, watch how she still denies what I said.

The President makes out his, the House either passes it or amends it, and the Senate approves it and everybody signs off on it. All three are responsible.

I blame Trump, I blame the House, and I blame the Senate.

As you said, we have 2/3 of the government, but it's the House that creates the spending bills. That doesn't mean they are exclusively responsible for the spending, but they have done their share of contributions.

Except only the President signs bills. Someone’s 4 y/o daughter may want a pony but the parents are responsible for buying it.

The House may want trillions in pork...if the President signs off on it, the President is responsible.

So where did I deny that? I said he's responsible, but so are many other people.

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