Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

QE is printing money. You’re so dumb. The practice ended in 2014.
No it didn't end in 2014, to this very day the FED is buying newly issued Treasury debt. So according to you Tramp is printing money, and suddenly printing money is good, but was bad when Obama did it.

They are? Link please.
You know the rule to see the link.
I will give you a hint, the FED makes periodic reports, look in the latest one.
Tramp needs more money for more taxcuts for the 1% and to pay off farmers going bankrupt with trumps tariffs
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!

That maybe a reminder of why you voted for him. I voted for him because of Hellary.

You trumpeteers need to explain to me why our central bank just cut rates in a “booming” economy and stopped quantitative tightening well before they had planned to. It is unprecedented to cut rates in a booming economy, so either you or the Federal Reserve has got it wrong.

Trumps tax cut hasn’t produced a smidgen of economic growth, but they have greatly inflated the stock and real estate markets while further widening the already bloated wealth gap.

I'm sorry you voted for Trump; terrible. Thoughts & prayers.

I agree: there is absolutely no reason why in a 'claimed' booming economy, or as Trump states, "the BEST EVER economy" that the FED should be cutting rates.

WE (I) ALREADY KNEW that Trump's tax cuts for the corporations & for the wealthiest 1% would NOT create real economic growth.
All that created was a smoke screen of bull & cow shit.

And to put the cherry on top of the (real) pain, the deficits & the debt are exploding to HISTORICAL levels, all while we are being fed a line of bull & cow shit that the economy is 'the best.'

All of this winning is so 1920s ............
The OP stands as un-refuted fact:

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more
08/04/19 07:00 AM EDT

You have probably heard the saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
That saying could be applied to our economy right now. In this regard, it seems that President Trump can do almost no wrong, with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting all-time highs in July, job growth continuing to exceed expectations, and unemployment at a 50-year low.
The catalyst for this booming economy can be found in the president’s regulation slashing early in his presidency and his signing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put more money back in the hands of American companies and families

ME: Just a reminder of why we voted for Trump. Promises Made, Promises Kept!
A booming economy. And the wall is starting to go up. Unemployment is at a 50 year low. God Bless Donald J Trump!
lol lol Yes the billions and billions of invisible money is pouring in Trump lies everytime he opens his yap
It's booming so greatly the pervert in our WH is crying for the FED to cut more and more He's giving Americans a break by not raising tariffs into the Xmas season Of course the moron says tariffs don't hurt Americans ,only China AND Mexico is paying for the wall
The recession is another fake Russia Collusion headgame, or Trump will start WW3 headgame, or all the others. The news media just flat out lies, and the dopey moron liberal idiots in this forum gobble it up.
  1. 2.1% GDP
  2. Bond yields have crashed
  3. Growth not enough to drive inflation
  4. Deficit has exploded
  5. Fed had to drop rates 25bps
  6. Market screaming for the Fed to drop them another 50bps fast
  7. Trump says the Fed needs to do more to stimulate
  8. Trump looking for other ways to stimulate
That's all fake news, folks. No, really.

The alternate universe -- Live it. Love it.

So what. Thats not bad at all. Its not as high as we'd like but its not bad when you have perfect employment like we do now. Your point is bullshit.

Bond yields have crashed

One day's crash is another day's rebound. Your point is bullshit.

Growth not enough to drive inflation

Please translate that into English you moron.

Deficit has exploded

Under Obama? yes it did. He racked up more debt than all other presidents combined. This year's revenues are not in yet so you have no idea what the deficit is now. Your point is bullshit.

Fed had to drop rates 25bps

They didn't have to. Your point is bullshit.

Trump says the Fed needs to do more to stimulate

So what. Who cares.

You're just a flaming idiot.

So what. Thats not bad at all. Its not as high as we'd like but its not bad when you have perfect employment like we do now. Your point is bullshit.

Bond yields have crashed

One day's crash is another day's rebound. Your point is bullshit.

Growth not enough to drive inflation

Please translate that into English you moron.

Deficit has exploded

Under Obama? yes it did. He racked up more debt than all other presidents combined. This year's revenues are not in yet so you have no idea what the deficit is now. Your point is bullshit.

Fed had to drop rates 25bps

They didn't have to. Your point is bullshit.

Trump says the Fed needs to do more to stimulate

So what. Who cares.

You're just a flaming idiot.
Well, who can argue with that depth of thinking.

Since your "knowledge" of economic matters is clearly limited to posting links to articles written by other right wingers, I know you're doing the best you can.

All those facts aren't going to phase you. You'll just say, "so what, who cares". You're probably the most obedient Trumpster here. Good for you.

So what. Thats not bad at all. Its not as high as we'd like but its not bad when you have perfect employment like we do now. Your point is bullshit.

Bond yields have crashed

One day's crash is another day's rebound. Your point is bullshit.

Growth not enough to drive inflation

Please translate that into English you moron.

Deficit has exploded

Under Obama? yes it did. He racked up more debt than all other presidents combined. This year's revenues are not in yet so you have no idea what the deficit is now. Your point is bullshit.

Fed had to drop rates 25bps

They didn't have to. Your point is bullshit.

Trump says the Fed needs to do more to stimulate

So what. Who cares.

You're just a flaming idiot.
Hey, by the way, I have a question for the expert:

You say that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the Fed didn't have to cut rates.

Why, then, has Trump been after them to do so for weeks, and complained that they didn't cut them MORE?

Go ahead. I can't WAIT to see THIS one.


So what. Thats not bad at all. Its not as high as we'd like but its not bad when you have perfect employment like we do now. Your point is bullshit.

Bond yields have crashed

One day's crash is another day's rebound. Your point is bullshit.

Growth not enough to drive inflation

Please translate that into English you moron.

Deficit has exploded

Under Obama? yes it did. He racked up more debt than all other presidents combined. This year's revenues are not in yet so you have no idea what the deficit is now. Your point is bullshit.

Fed had to drop rates 25bps

They didn't have to. Your point is bullshit.

Trump says the Fed needs to do more to stimulate

So what. Who cares.

You're just a flaming idiot.
"Under Obama? yes it did. He racked up more debt than all other presidents combined."

Well, except he didn't.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say .
The OP stands as Factual and Un-Refuted:
Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

Trump's economy is booming—repealing tariffs will boost it even more

And there is more:

Why No One Wants to Talk About the Booming Economy

Here are some facts about the American economy:
  • Jobs have grown for 106 consecutive months, the longest streak on record.
  • At 121 months, this is the longest bull market in American history.
  • The unemployment rate has been at 4 percent or less for 16 consecutive months, the longest such streak in 50 years.
  • Inequality remains a crucial problem, but wages are now growing the fastest among the lowest-wage industries, thanks to state-by-state increases in the minimum wage and the effects of low unemployment.
  • The University of Michigan’s consumer-sentiment index, which peaked at 112 in 1999, has hovered above 90 for more than four years, something that hasn’t happened since the 1990s.
  • Latino unemployment has fallen to its lowest rate on record.
  • Black unemployment, too, has fallen to its lowest rate on record, and, as the investor and Bloomberg columnist Conor Sen points out, the unemployment rate for black teenagers, which peaked at 48.9 percent in 2010, has plunged to yet another record low in 2019.

Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%
Poll: 63% expect Trump reelection, up from 43%

A growing number of Americans, now a substantial majority, believe that President Trump is at least “somewhat likely” to win reelection, according to a new survey.
Despite nonstop negative headlines and concerns of an economic stall, 63% believe Trump is heading to reelection in Scott Rasmussen’s latest 2020 poll.

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