US Christians Grappling with America's Original Sin

We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

US Christians were the ones that pushed abolition.

What is there to look at? Besides reminding everyone that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery back then, and still is today.

It was the south stupid and they are now called republicans.

Wrong, it was Democrats, in the South AND the north that defended slavery.

The Republican goal was not to abolish slavery in the South right away, but rather to prevent its westward expansion, which they feared would lead to the domination of slaveholding interests in national politics.
In the 1860 election, a split between Southern and Northern Democrats over slavery propelled the Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln to victory, though he won only around 40 percent of the popular vote.
Even before Lincoln could be inaugurated, seven Southern states seceded from the Union, beginning the process that would lead to the Civil War.
During Reconstruction, Republicans would become increasingly associated with big business and financial interests in the more industrialized North. The federal government had expanded during the war (including passage of the first income tax) and Northern financiers and industrialists had greatly benefited from its increased spending.
Because of the Republican Party’s association with business interests, by the early 20th century it was increasingly seen as the party of the upper-class elite.
and they still are pro big business today and pretend to be the upper class elites.
Never heard of it. Are you DELUSIONAL?
I think that radicalism is becoming the driving force within the democrat party

if you truly dont know “Rules for Radicals” you should inform yourself
Conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr. called the Chicago radical "very close to being an organizational genius."
GOP nomination fights are often described as battles between Rockefeller Republicans and Goldwater Republicans,” writes Mr. Klein. “In 2012, Gingrich has brought us the Alinsky Republican.”
liberals can only point to our past and not what has been done since then.
Actually, the video OP put up was not talking about the past, but what Christians can do NOW. A good bit of that is listening and understanding the issues. Some of that is based on history, yes, but the OP's video is about now.
Slavery was predominantly needed in the south because they needed more agricultural workers than the settlers could provide.
Not really. Slavery was profitable for some but not essential

just as working illegal aliens as slaves in agriculture today is the easy way out but far from the only possible way
I was responding to Mac's statistics. In some places in this country it was absolutely essential to their livelihood and way of life. Why do you think they fought a war to their own utter destruction over it?
Again, i state that the Rules for Radicals is a book of EVIL..Most Democrat follow that book. Are you EVIL?
Never heard of it. Are you DELUSIONAL?
Notice how i just used your own rules against you, #13 where i have now put you on the defensive? When Conservatives make you live up to your own book, how does it feel? Not very good is it. Maybe you should start reading how fucking EVIL your side really is....

loving christians merely disagreeing with atheist (liberals, muslims, gays, feminists, democrats)

"i have my ropes tied for your lynching"
"we should take you out back and put a bullet in your head"
"the only good democrat is a dead democrat"
"there will be a civil war and NONE of you liberals or democrats will escape your fate!"

daveman is either an idiot or fkn evil.
We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

US Christians were the ones that pushed abolition.

What is there to look at? Besides reminding everyone that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery back then, and still is today.

Not southern christians. Those “democrats” under the leadership of Robert e lee sent their sons to die for the right to own slaves. And 99% of the people back then went to church.

And those southerners even pointed to passages in the good book that justified owning slaves.

With all of that stuff.....there are rules to follow. Rules on personal behaviors. We do not have that today. People act out like they want and then need the government to bail them. We got a corrupted government who pushes people to act out like they want calling that freedom and pursuit of happiness. All the while the taxpayer footing it as a citizen that does business or from his wages to the state. And we have a lot of unhappy people. Temptation is easy for us all. This sight really needs a few real religious people that are deeply into the Bible phrases and scriptures. I am not that.

I talk to those Christians in the religious section. Some are good most are not
Ok, how come all the white racists on USMB are Republicans?
I dont know of any confirmed white racists on this forum

We do. And the ones who aren't confirmed, we know.

Maybe you aren't for lynching blacks but you are against them every time a cop or George Zimmerman type murders one for no good reason.

Keep talking. Blacks are seeing what they have to lose by voting GOP.

Beyoncé urges public "to vote like our life depends on it, because it does"
View attachment 357012
More importantly black liberals tell black conservatives how wrong they are.
We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

US Christians were the ones that pushed abolition.

What is there to look at? Besides reminding everyone that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery back then, and still is today.

Not southern christians. Those “democrats” under the leadership of Robert e lee sent their sons to die for the right to own slaves. And 99% of the people back then went to church.

And those southerners even pointed to passages in the good book that justified owning slaves.

With all of that stuff.....there are rules to follow. Rules on personal behaviors. We do not have that today. People act out like they want and then need the government to bail them. We got a corrupted government who pushes people to act out like they want calling that freedom and pursuit of happiness. All the while the taxpayer footing it as a citizen that does business or from his wages to the state. And we have a lot of unhappy people. Temptation is easy for us all. This sight really needs a few real religious people that are deeply into the Bible phrases and scriptures. I am not that.

I talk to those Christians in the religious section. Some are good most are not

I would GUESS that MOST GOOD CHRISTIANS don't spend much time on message boards.

there are certainly some GOOD CHRISTIANS on THIS board!
We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

US Christians were the ones that pushed abolition.

What is there to look at? Besides reminding everyone that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery back then, and still is today.

Not southern christians. Those “democrats” under the leadership of Robert e lee sent their sons to die for the right to own slaves. And 99% of the people back then went to church.

And those southerners even pointed to passages in the good book that justified owning slaves.

With all of that stuff.....there are rules to follow. Rules on personal behaviors. We do not have that today. People act out like they want and then need the government to bail them. We got a corrupted government who pushes people to act out like they want calling that freedom and pursuit of happiness. All the while the taxpayer footing it as a citizen that does business or from his wages to the state. And we have a lot of unhappy people. Temptation is easy for us all. This sight really needs a few real religious people that are deeply into the Bible phrases and scriptures. I am not that.

I talk to those Christians in the religious section. Some are good most are not

I would GUESS that MOST GOOD CHRISTIANS don't spend much time on message boards.

there are certainly some GOOD CHRISTIANS on THIS board!

Some? Ok sure
We all know they had peachers use to go to black folk cabins and these were their famous verses.

Romans 13:1, NIV: "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."


Ephesians 6:5-9 New International Version (NIV)
5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
More importantly black liberals tell black conservatives how wrong they are.
They should be telling the mayor of seattle to close that stupid CHOP fiaso
Well like Beyoncé told them they need to vote like their lives depend on it. And you know they ain’t voting republican. If they show up for joe like they did Obama you’re gonna lose bad. Y’all are depending on them not showing up. Your only hope.
We all know they had peachers use to go to black folk cabins and these were their famous verses.

Romans 13:1, NIV: "Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."


Ephesians 6:5-9 New International Version (NIV)
5 Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7 Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.
Slavery ended 155 years ago but someone forgot to tell the libs
Well like Beyoncé told them they need to vote like their lives depend on it.
She‘s as stupid as the CHOP/BLM wackos

already more blacks have died during the george floyd protests than floyd himself in custody of the police
We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

Where in the Bible does it say that saving a man from dying a terrible death in Africa is a sin?
Where does it say that exchanging food, clothing, a warm bed and a roof for labor is a sin?
Slavery ended 155 years ago but someone forgot to tell the libs

"Slavery ended 155 years ago but someone forgot to tell the libs"

I see.

I'd like to see just how deranged you truly are so would you mind answering a few questions?

so LIBERALS gave us SLAVERY......

and conservatives ALWAYS opposed it!?

is THAT what you are saying?


so....our founding fathers who incorporated slavery into our constitution, our laws and our country were.....liberals?

george washington was a liberal?

So....southern confederate christians who FOUGHT and KILLED PEOPLE to maintain slavery were all.....liberals?

the KKK and the burning crosses and the white supremacists were all liberals?

the conservative republican cops who think nothing of murdering blacks in the street are all LIBERALS?!?!?!?

(the very same cops that tomorrow on the CIVIL WAR thread YOU will be claiming "are ON OUR SIDE!"?)


if you hate liberals so much....

why do you defend the LIBERAL police?

why do you defend the statues of southern confederate LIBERAL GENERALS?
We're finally in a time and space where this country is seriously taking a look at itself and it's history, particularly the Christian aspect, which is perhaps the most important aspect of it. It's a spiritual problem.

This thread is to feature discussions concerning the above and I'd like USMB Christians to chime in, after watching the videos of course. So, here we go...

Where in the Bible does it say that saving a man from dying a terrible death in Africa is a sin?
Where does it say that exchanging food, clothing, a warm bed and a roof for labor is a sin?

"Where in the Bible does it say that saving a man from dying a terrible death in Africa is a sin?
Where does it say that exchanging food, clothing, a warm bed and a roof for labor is a sin?"

so you are saying that enslaving blacks was for their own good?

ooops.....sorry....I know i can't use the word SLAVE....cons are such snowflakes....

so you are saying that FORCIBLY CHAINING BLACKS to do YOUR WORK was for their own good?

Beating and lynching them for trying to exercise THEIR freedom was for THEIR OWN GOOD?

seems to me it was for YOUR own good.
I'd like to see just how deranged you truly are so would you mind answering a few questions?
There is only one important question and I have already answered it

slavery ended 155 years ago

yet liberals dwell on it as if it were yesterday

or as if it has any relevance to persons living today - white or black

which it does not

its time for libs to catch up with the 21st Century
It has been said with some merit that Christianity is a slave religion. It isn't the only religion that practiced slavery, but was very useful in convincing individuals to submit to slave-like conditions (submission, abstainence, working without profit, etc.), and is therefore a tool of those who wish to enslave others (whether formal ownership is established or not).

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