VFW just sounds out on Trumps comments to the Khans

Mr Khan and his son sacrificed nothing either. His son volunteered to join the Army. He served and was honorable, but he sacrificed nothing. Did he jump on a grenade to save a teammate? No. He was blown up by an IED doing his job. He's a good man, served his country and is one hell of an honorable man, but he sacrificed nothing.

WTF did Mr Khan sacrifice? Nothing. He's got no room to talk.
Dude, you're freaking me out.

What he's saying is that to sacrifice you have to give something up by choice. Khan's son did that, he didn't. Here's how you know he's saying that. He said that
I don't need some Cafeteria Libertarian to translate for me. But Thanks!

What do I agree with "Cafeteria Libertarians" on again?

I think gays and straights should all have the same rights, I'm pro-choice, I'm against injecting religion into government.

You just heard a new term and you had to take it out like a new toy?
You dodged me for 3 days, now you play innocent.

That's funny coming from the coward who has my on ignore because he's afraid I might criticise him.
"I need the bar lowered"? When have I ever asked for the bar to be lowered? I certainly don't need birth control....:lol: I'm gay, remember? And as a gay American, what government perks do I need that non-gays don't already get? Name them.

I love how you are exposing yourself here.

So you don't support these?

- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- Government forcing insurance companies to pay for abortions
- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- So called equal pay laws
- Affirmative action

Just a few. And as for gays and straights, we should eliminate marriage for straights too. It was founded on the idea of procreation, which doesn't apply to gays. You should fight for equality for everyone, not just extend discrimination
"So-called equal pay laws"? You don't believe in equal pay for equal work? Why not?

You concede on the first stab. Might as well, obviously you were snorting crack claiming you don't self victimize
Fascinating.....perhaps you would like to link to one or more of my posts where I am "self-victimizing"....You claim "it's what you do all day every day on the board"....should be easy to find. Have at it.

You conceded you self victimize on wages, you admitted that, done. You're a poor woman who needs government to take care of your pay for you. Poor girl
Where did I do that? You are tall on accusations and short on evidence.

And "you're a poor woman"....? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I've accomplished way more in my life than you could ever dream of....not even close to being a "poor woman"......but apparently I intimidate you...a lot.
...I have always thought it is somewhat unfair to belittle candidates who did not serve in the military for whatever reason....
If they were running for dog catcher or mayor of Mayberry, yes, I agree.

OTOH, if they are running for an office that gives them the power to send hundreds of thousands of American youth into combat, then, yes, I want them to know what the fuck they are doing.

So then you wouldn't vote for Hillary?
Constitutional Amendment to make serving in military as a prerequisite for POTUS is in order.
It's what you do all day every day on the board. You're a woman, you need the bar lowered, you need free birth control or you're being deprived of birth control, gays need government perks and to be confirmed. Your position on the military is always what helps Democrats.

BTW, I didn't see this except by accident as you screwed up the quote marks and it didn't tell me that you'd responded to my post
"I need the bar lowered"? When have I ever asked for the bar to be lowered? I certainly don't need birth control....:lol: I'm gay, remember? And as a gay American, what government perks do I need that non-gays don't already get? Name them.

I love how you are exposing yourself here.

So you don't support these?

- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- Government forcing insurance companies to pay for abortions
- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- So called equal pay laws
- Affirmative action

Just a few. And as for gays and straights, we should eliminate marriage for straights too. It was founded on the idea of procreation, which doesn't apply to gays. You should fight for equality for everyone, not just extend discrimination
"So-called equal pay laws"? You don't believe in equal pay for equal work? Why not?

You concede on the first stab. Might as well, obviously you were snorting crack claiming you don't self victimize
Fascinating.....perhaps you would like to link to one or more of my posts where I am "self-victimizing"....You claim "it's what you do all day every day on the board"....should be easy to find. Have at it.
your gay, you're proud, good for you!
So you don't support these?

- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- Government forcing insurance companies to pay for abortions
- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- So called equal pay laws
- Affirmative action

Just a few. And as for gays and straights, we should eliminate marriage for straights too. It was founded on the idea of procreation, which doesn't apply to gays. You should fight for equality for everyone, not just extend discrimination
"So-called equal pay laws"? You don't believe in equal pay for equal work? Why not?

You concede on the first stab. Might as well, obviously you were snorting crack claiming you don't self victimize
Fascinating.....perhaps you would like to link to one or more of my posts where I am "self-victimizing"....You claim "it's what you do all day every day on the board"....should be easy to find. Have at it.

You conceded you self victimize on wages, you admitted that, done. You're a poor woman who needs government to take care of your pay for you. Poor girl
Where did I do that? You are tall on accusations and short on evidence.

And "you're a poor woman"....? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I've accomplished way more in my life than you could ever dream of....not even close to being a "poor woman"......but apparently I intimidate you...a lot.

Obviously you know you don't intimidate me since you feel you have to make the claim. And if you're so accomplished, why can't you show intelligence, experience or education in your analysis rather than just quoting Democrats in every discussion? We all know on both sides what Democrat politicians say. What value are you adding by just parroting that? How does that indicate you ever accomplished anything of note in your dreary life?
English, please.
What's Khan's point ... beyond Trump being unfit?

That Muslim Americans serve too. The point of that would have been pretty clear.

What tweet from Trump did you object to? Show the tweet
Trump's comment that the father of a deceased killed in action war hero did not have the right to criticize him is probably considered the most egregious and disturbing of his comments relating to this topic and reinforces the suggestion by Mr. Kahn, the deceased soldier's father, that Mr. Trump has not read the 1rst Amendment of the Constitution and if he has, has a poor or no concept of the 1rst Amendment and he probably has no concepts of the Amendments that follow.


Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid
No, you are the stupid and misinformed person. Trump said Kahn had no right to criticize him. Look it up. It is in all the papers.

Yet you still can't provide an actual quote ...
English, please.
What's Khan's point ... beyond Trump being unfit?

That Muslim Americans serve too. The point of that would have been pretty clear.

What tweet from Trump did you object to? Show the tweet
Trump's comment that the father of a deceased killed in action war hero did not have the right to criticize him is probably considered the most egregious and disturbing of his comments relating to this topic and reinforces the suggestion by Mr. Kahn, the deceased soldier's father, that Mr. Trump has not read the 1rst Amendment of the Constitution and if he has, has a poor or no concept of the 1rst Amendment and he probably has no concepts of the Amendments that follow.


Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid
No, you are the stupid and misinformed person. Trump said Kahn had no right to criticize him. Look it up. It is in all the papers.

Yet you still can't provide an actual quote ...
Yes, I can. I can provide a link to the recording where he says he guesses he is in favor of the invasion but wishes it would have been taken care of in the previous war with Iraq. Can you provided anything to substantiate his lie about being against the war before the war began? I'll bet you a handful of these cashews and cornnuts I'm munching on that you can't.
And Trump has every right to point out that they are wrong. I'm free to point out that Khan is a partisan douche bag. He is using his son's death to push his political agenda when Trump had absolutely nothing to do with his son's death. You can't get much sleazier than that.
All correct, but if you want to win a national election, if you want to be Commander in Chief, it's the wrong way to do it. Trump is fucking himself.

Frankly, as many of my past posts have stated, I don't believe he wants to win. He also doesn't want to be seen as a quitter. This is his way out.
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars

Herr Drumpf.....the VFW do NOT approve! :eusa_naughty:
Democratic Party uses a dead soldier as propaganda tool to elect Hillary. Just like they pushed "hands up don't shoot" lie that resulted in the deaths of police officers. Pile the bodies high for Hillary. Fucking disgusting campaign.

They use the parents of dead soldiers all the time, Cindy Sheehan was the God for liberals and democrats as she protested Bush night and day...but once she ran against Pelosi...they tossed her in the garbage......despicable people
"I need the bar lowered"? When have I ever asked for the bar to be lowered? I certainly don't need birth control....:lol: I'm gay, remember? And as a gay American, what government perks do I need that non-gays don't already get? Name them.

I love how you are exposing yourself here.

So you don't support these?

- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- Government forcing insurance companies to pay for abortions
- Government forcing insurance companies to provide birth control
- So called equal pay laws
- Affirmative action

Just a few. And as for gays and straights, we should eliminate marriage for straights too. It was founded on the idea of procreation, which doesn't apply to gays. You should fight for equality for everyone, not just extend discrimination
"So-called equal pay laws"? You don't believe in equal pay for equal work? Why not?

You concede on the first stab. Might as well, obviously you were snorting crack claiming you don't self victimize
Fascinating.....perhaps you would like to link to one or more of my posts where I am "self-victimizing"....You claim "it's what you do all day every day on the board"....should be easy to find. Have at it.
your gay, you're proud, good for you!

She also needs government to negotiate her wages with her employer for her because she's also a woman. The more things you can self sacrifice for the Democrat party! It's a badge of honor to her every time she gets to run to government to help her solve a problem she can't solve on her own
The DNC used the Khans to bait Trump, and the idiot fell for it hook line and sinker.
Had Trump not responded, the Khan speech would have been forgotten immediately.
That Muslim Americans serve too. The point of that would have been pretty clear.

What tweet from Trump did you object to? Show the tweet
Trump's comment that the father of a deceased killed in action war hero did not have the right to criticize him is probably considered the most egregious and disturbing of his comments relating to this topic and reinforces the suggestion by Mr. Kahn, the deceased soldier's father, that Mr. Trump has not read the 1rst Amendment of the Constitution and if he has, has a poor or no concept of the 1rst Amendment and he probably has no concepts of the Amendments that follow.


Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid
No, you are the stupid and misinformed person. Trump said Kahn had no right to criticize him. Look it up. It is in all the papers.

Yet you still can't provide an actual quote ...
That Muslim Americans serve too. The point of that would have been pretty clear.

What tweet from Trump did you object to? Show the tweet
Trump's comment that the father of a deceased killed in action war hero did not have the right to criticize him is probably considered the most egregious and disturbing of his comments relating to this topic and reinforces the suggestion by Mr. Kahn, the deceased soldier's father, that Mr. Trump has not read the 1rst Amendment of the Constitution and if he has, has a poor or no concept of the 1rst Amendment and he probably has no concepts of the Amendments that follow.


Jesus fucking Christ you people are stupid
No, you are the stupid and misinformed person. Trump said Kahn had no right to criticize him. Look it up. It is in all the papers.

Yet you still can't provide an actual quote ...
Yes, I can. I can provide a link to the recording where he says he guesses he is in favor of the invasion but wishes it would have been taken care of in the previous war with Iraq. Can you provided anything to substantiate his lie about being against the war before the war began? I'll bet you a handful of these cashews and cornnuts I'm munching on that you can't.
What the fuck are you talking about? This is about the Khans. What quote did Trump say that offended you about the Khans?
Watch the progression over the last few days.....Attack the Khans...attack Gold Star families...attack John McCain...attack the VFW. They are very loyal minions.
The DNC used the Khans to bait Trump, and the idiot fell for it hook line and sinker.
Had Trump not responded, the Khan speech would have been forgotten immediately.

I don't know, the only ones who seem to be offended are Hillary supporters. And he keeps taking Hillary's spotlight. Was he really fooled?
And Trump has every right to point out that they are wrong. I'm free to point out that Khan is a partisan douche bag. He is using his son's death to push his political agenda when Trump had absolutely nothing to do with his son's death. You can't get much sleazier than that.
All correct, but if you want to win a national election, if you want to be Commander in Chief, it's the wrong way to do it. Trump is fucking himself.

Frankly, as many of my past posts have stated, I don't believe he wants to win. He also doesn't want to be seen as a quitter. This is his way out.

I agree it's wasn't a smart thing to do. He should follow the Democrat example and allow his surrogates to attack his opponent. Trump is not an experienced politician. That's all this episode shows. That's his main advantage but also a weakness. I would hope he had advisors who steer him away from these kinds of moves. Maybe he does but doesn't listen to them.

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