We need to give American blacks land to form their own nation

Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...
I am a black American and this history of this country shows me that the animals are whites like you and the OP.
And I've no doubt you'd be one of the fuck ups...
why do the so-called PROG. 's constantly refer to the "working class"?
Who is the "working class" ?

If you're working 8 hours a day, 5 days a week and yet can hardly feed your family ... then you're most likely part of the exploited working class.
Can you be more concrete about that? Are you suggesting that all the people
who work a 40 hour week are "exploited" and unable to feed a family of six?

No. I'm saying that those people who work a 40 hour week, yet are paid so few money that they cannot feed their family, are exploited.

Those who earn enough to feed their family, have a solid job and I wouldn't call them exploited.
They're not exploited. No one puts a gun to their head.

Someone who works 40 hours a week and can't support his family probably shouldn't have a family...
But when they do have families, they expect the tax-payers to help support their children. They sure like their food stamps.

Definitely true...

Well, obviously you like living in a society where people can work 40 hours per week, yet be piss poor.

I don't. Apparently, we have different ideas of a good society worth living in.

"Like"? It's not something to like or dislike. It just is what it is.

I pay my employees pretty well. None of them have too hard a problem providing for their family. If someone else's employee has that problem, well, it's not my problem...

Well, when you do that, I'd say good for you, and good for your employees.

But it's the government's role to make sure every employer respects minimum wage, imo.
Minimum wage is a joke.

No one should try to provide for a family on minimum wage. You know how old I was when I had my last minimum wage job? I was the ripe old age of 17; almost 42 years ago.

My custodial staff has already been told that, when Florida's minimum wage hits $13 an hour, they're being let go. It simply makes more financial sense for me to contract that work out to a third party. So, they've got a little over three years to work something else out, because they'll no longer be employed by my company as custodians. My management team and I are already looking at other areas which might suffer the same fate...
Most people do not try to provide for a FAMILY on minimum wage. Minimum
wage is for persons NOT THE BREADWINNER OF A FAMILY. I was delighted
with a minimum wage job as a student-----in combo with a bit of scholarship and
a bit of loan IT WORKED OUT FINE
How about it? I'm not suggesting that we kick blacks out. But blacks that want to be their own nation can have, let's say, Georgia.

Fck dat. They can have Wyoming. Or Congo. Their choice.
Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...

Okay, white people write stuff like this on a daily basis on web forums, but "the left is racist", "the left divides the people with identity politics" and "racism is long history".

Yeah right.

I draw a very definite distinction between black people and negroes.

Black people are wonderful folks.

Negroes are worthless bags of skin.

I am racist towards the latter. They don't seem to give a fuck about ending racism and, instead, endeavor to perpetuate it. So why should whites make any effort?

Hope that clears things up for you...
Dimwitted excuse for racists...
Tell ya' what, Chucklehead, when your opinion of what I say begins to matter to me, I'll be sure to let you know.

You'll let me know by responding to my posts? Yeah, I thought so.
Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...

Okay, white people write stuff like this on a daily basis on web forums, but "the left is racist", "the left divides the people with identity politics" and "racism is long history".

Yeah right.

I draw a very definite distinction between black people and negroes.

Black people are wonderful folks.

Negroes are worthless bags of skin.

I am racist towards the latter. They don't seem to give a fuck about ending racism and, instead, endeavor to perpetuate it. So why should whites make any effort?

Hope that clears things up for you...
Dimwitted excuse for racists...
Tell ya' what, Chucklehead, when your opinion of what I say begins to matter to me, I'll be sure to let you know.

You'll let me know by responding to my posts? Yeah, I thought so.

No, I'll let you know by telling you "Hey, Dumbfuck, I care about your opinion of what I say."

It'll be like that...
Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...

Okay, white people write stuff like this on a daily basis on web forums, but "the left is racist", "the left divides the people with identity politics" and "racism is long history".

Yeah right.

I draw a very definite distinction between black people and negroes.

Black people are wonderful folks.

Negroes are worthless bags of skin.

I am racist towards the latter. They don't seem to give a fuck about ending racism and, instead, endeavor to perpetuate it. So why should whites make any effort?

Hope that clears things up for you...
Dimwitted excuse for racists...
Tell ya' what, Chucklehead, when your opinion of what I say begins to matter to me, I'll be sure to let you know.

You'll let me know by responding to my posts? Yeah, I thought so.

No, I'll let you know by telling you "Hey, Dumbfuck, I care about your opinion of what I say."

It'll be like that...
Oh look, she replied again.
Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...

Okay, white people write stuff like this on a daily basis on web forums, but "the left is racist", "the left divides the people with identity politics" and "racism is long history".

Yeah right.

I draw a very definite distinction between black people and negroes.

Black people are wonderful folks.

Negroes are worthless bags of skin.

I am racist towards the latter. They don't seem to give a fuck about ending racism and, instead, endeavor to perpetuate it. So why should whites make any effort?

Hope that clears things up for you...
Dimwitted excuse for racists...
Tell ya' what, Chucklehead, when your opinion of what I say begins to matter to me, I'll be sure to let you know.

You'll let me know by responding to my posts? Yeah, I thought so.

No, I'll let you know by telling you "Hey, Dumbfuck, I care about your opinion of what I say."

It'll be like that...
Oh look, she replied again.

No, you did...
How about it? I'm not suggesting that we kick blacks out. But blacks that want to be their own nation can have, let's say, Georgia. All other races will be required to move out and then it can be the new nation for black America. They are clearly unhappy living with everyone else. Would you support this?
I suggest Alabama and Mississippi. Other races do not have to move out, but they are not allowed to hold elected offices, and probably not allowed to vote.

This will require a complete reordering of the government charters, because of the repealing of segregation, and the subsisting governent model is flawed and not going to serve black people very well.
They're not exploited. No one puts a gun to their head.

Someone who works 40 hours a week and can't support his family probably shouldn't have a family...

Or at least do what is necessary to qualify and look for a better job.

Great point.

But what would make the greatest difference is to stop blaming other people for our own poor decisions, lack of motivation, or plain fucking laziness.

Quit playing the victim. The choice is yours.
Imagine for a moment you're a black American who just wants to get along with people in today's America ... what do you think would make you reading this thread feel and think?

If I were a black American It would make me think about all of the animal negroes who do their level best to be fuck ups at ever opportunity...

Okay, white people write stuff like this on a daily basis on web forums, but "the left is racist", "the left divides the people with identity politics" and "racism is long history".

Yeah right.

I draw a very definite distinction between black people and negroes.

Black people are wonderful folks.

Negroes are worthless bags of skin.

I am racist towards the latter. They don't seem to give a fuck about ending racism and, instead, endeavor to perpetuate it. So why should whites make any effort?

Hope that clears things up for you...
Dimwitted excuse for racists...
Tell ya' what, Chucklehead, when your opinion of what I say begins to matter to me, I'll be sure to let you know.

You'll let me know by responding to my posts? Yeah, I thought so.

No, I'll let you know by telling you "Hey, Dumbfuck, I care about your opinion of what I say."

It'll be like that...
Oh look, she replied again.

No, you did...
Thank you for caring so much.

Can anyone at all try to make the case for not taking these monkey c**ts out back and putting them down?

What the fuck??

They're little chimpanzees who lose their fucking minds at the drop of the hat. The one monkey c**t was screaming so intensely it was impossible to understand her.

A single round to the base of the skull would do the trick...
Those aren't little chimpanzees. Those are gorilla cows.
Great point.

But what would make the greatest difference is to stop blaming other people for our own poor decisions, lack of motivation, or plain fucking laziness.

Quit playing the victim. The choice is yours.

I think it might be a good idea if we teach people to embrace their ambitions, and strive for excellence in everything they do.

Screw equal pay, earn as much as the market will bear, continuous improvement in their skills and opportunities.
Quit sitting around waiting to be saved by a policy that is based in mediocrity at its core.

You can have a job that earns you a good living, and it is never going to be the minimum.
It is foolish to pretend the minimum is a worthy goal with any truly serious value.
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Yeah............only to make the same money as you were before, or LESS!

There is no such thing as a "better job" anymore. You have apparently been out of the working world for decades!

No sweetie ... Not everyone has a shitty job that doesn't pay squat.
I also said, "Or at least do what is necessary to qualify and look for a better job".

Improved reading and comprehension skills may actually help you get one.

Your comprehension of REALITY is laughable and sad. YOU obviously have NO comprehension of what goes on in todays work world, corporate corruption, and all the bullshit, lies, and prejudice that go on, in order for someone JUST to fill out a goddamned application!!

As far as "qualifying".....the ONLY thing that gets you a "better job" is being subservient and compliant with any companies daily illegal acts of torment and treachery against their employees, fucking them out of their rightful pay, and giving substandard wages with super shitty benefits.

A long time ago, in another universe, far, far away...........
People were told "Work hard, be honest, treat your coworkers how YOU want to be treated, and you will go a long way towards getting the life you deserve". BUUUULLLLLSSSSSHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!! Just more LIES!!!!

TODAYS work world goes by ONE rule, and ONE rule only.......
It's not WHO you know, it's not WHAT you know.........it's who you BLOW!!

And you, SWEETIE, might want to pull your head out of your butt and take in a big breath of REALITY!!!
Your comprehension of REALITY is laughable and sad. YOU obviously have NO comprehension of what goes on in todays work world, corporate corruption, and all the bullshit, lies, and prejudice that go on, in order for someone JUST to fill out a goddamned application!!

As far as "qualifying".....the ONLY thing that gets you a "better job" is being subservient and compliant with any companies daily illegal acts of torment and treachery against their employees, fucking them out of their rightful pay, and giving substandard wages with super shitty benefits.

A long time ago, in another universe, far, far away...........
People were told "Work hard, be honest, treat your coworkers how YOU want to be treated, and you will go a long way towards getting the life you deserve". BUUUULLLLLSSSSSHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!! Just more LIES!!!!

TODAYS work world goes by ONE rule, and ONE rule only.......
It's not WHO you know, it's not WHAT you know.........it's who you BLOW!!

And you, SWEETIE, might want to pull your head out of your butt and take in a big breath of REALITY!!!

You still didn't read what it said.
To qualify for a better job does not mean you fill out an application and wait for the corporation to stop screwing you.
I am also sad to hear that the best you can figure out how to manage the corporate world and employment is prostitution.

Your comprehension of REALITY is laughable and sad. YOU obviously have NO comprehension of what goes on in todays work world, corporate corruption, and all the bullshit, lies, and prejudice that go on, in order for someone JUST to fill out a goddamned application!!

As far as "qualifying".....the ONLY thing that gets you a "better job" is being subservient and compliant with any companies daily illegal acts of torment and treachery against their employees, fucking them out of their rightful pay, and giving substandard wages with super shitty benefits.

A long time ago, in another universe, far, far away...........
People were told "Work hard, be honest, treat your coworkers how YOU want to be treated, and you will go a long way towards getting the life you deserve". BUUUULLLLLSSSSSHHHIIIIIITTTTT!!!!!! Just more LIES!!!!

TODAYS work world goes by ONE rule, and ONE rule only.......
It's not WHO you know, it's not WHAT you know.........it's who you BLOW!!

And you, SWEETIE, might want to pull your head out of your butt and take in a big breath of REALITY!!!

You still didn't read what it said.
To qualify for a better job does not mean you fill out an application and wait for the corporation to stop screwing you.
I am also sad to hear that the best you can figure out how to manage the corporate world and employment is prostitution.


I've been working in corporate offices for over 20 years. I KNOW how it all works. I've seen it with my own eyes, I've had to deal with it too many times.

What you THINK you know is all fantasy and lies. You know NOTHING of the real world, especially everything dealing with jobs, wage, companies, and employment.

And yes, I read your meanderings. Just because you are a presumptuous, pretentious narcissistic doesn't mean you know anything. By the way.....which media mogul do you work for?

I've been working in corporate offices for over 20 years. I KNOW how it all works. I've seen it with my own eyes, I've had to deal with it too many times.

What you THINK you know is all fantasy and lies. You know NOTHING of the real world, especially everything dealing with jobs, wage, companies, and employment.

And yes, I read your meanderings. Just because you are a presumptuous, pretentious narcissistic doesn't mean you know anything. By the way.....which media mogul do you work for?

Sorry if I hurt your feelings ... I do live in the real world and know how to do it without being broke or abused.
If that is narcissistic ... Oh well ... :auiqs.jpg:

How about it? I'm not suggesting that we kick blacks out. But blacks that want to be their own nation can have, let's say, Georgia. All other races will be required to move out and then it can be the new nation for black America. They are clearly unhappy living with everyone else. Would you support this?

Damn: Pregnant Chick Gets Beat Up Trying To Save Her Friend From Getting Jumped By 2 Girls Inside A Shoe Store!
Believe me that half of blacks would rather live in white areas

I've been working in corporate offices for over 20 years. I KNOW how it all works. I've seen it with my own eyes, I've had to deal with it too many times.

What you THINK you know is all fantasy and lies. You know NOTHING of the real world, especially everything dealing with jobs, wage, companies, and employment.

And yes, I read your meanderings. Just because you are a presumptuous, pretentious narcissistic doesn't mean you know anything. By the way.....which media mogul do you work for?

Sorry if I hurt your feelings ... I do live in the real world and know how to do it without being broke or abused.
If that is narcissistic ... Oh well ... :auiqs.jpg:

You don't know anything about me, and your ignorance of what goes on in business and corporate level HR and management is enough to flood the Grand Canyon.

Laugh all you want........I'm used to it.

I'm also used to getting the last laugh, as your type always falls flat on their face.


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