What actions should be taken at the border in respect to the caravan arriving ?

Founding documents of the U.S. speak of inalienable rights in such a way that it is clear they apply to all people. Any person anywhere has them.
If I remember correctly there was a 'caravan' that arrived at the Inn 2,000 years ago and the Inn keeper said there was no room and turned the travelers away. Who then had to sleep in a barn with the goats and sheep.

What you do for the least of these my brothers you do also to me.
That would be a caravan of citizens who came to be counted in the census and pay taxes. Then they went home.
Founding documents of the U.S. speak of inalienable rights in such a way that it is clear they apply to all people. Any person anywhere has them.
Then those invaders should be perfectly content in TJ, right?
Most of the cons here want to kill people. One would assume the children there as well. Pro life?

Uh huh.
Most of the cons here want to kill people. One would assume the children there as well. Pro life?

Uh huh.
No we just want invaders to stay on the south side of the border. Its like Palestinians in Gaza jumping on the fence to over into Israel with foreknowledge that a bullet awaits them if that is what they choose to do. That doesn't sound like a wise choice to make it not only affects the recipient of said bullet but their family as well. Ooohh, the choices people make.
Most of the cons here want to kill people. One would assume the children there as well. Pro life?

Uh huh.
Protecting your country from invaders sometimes requires stopping them permanent. Too bad libstains stand for nothing.
There certainly seems to be a disproportionate amount of fear being expressed here. The perceived threat exceeds rational analysis.
1. Should they be allowed to cross into the United States ??

2. Why didn't they find refuge in Mexico ??

3. Should the national guard set temporary camps up that will feed them, vett them, and then turn them back into the direction from which they came ??

4. Should the nation listen to their stories all about the horrors in which they are fleeing from, and if believed, then go with them back to their country, make war with the forces within that country in which caused them to flee to begin with, and help to liberate their Homeland for their soon to be triumphant return ??
It's perfectly legal to request asylum the way the are; it's just kind of a lot of people at once. Immigrants in the US are doing the same at the Canadian border, you know. Humiliating to me that immigrants are fleeing the US due to a hostile environment. And I think folks like you are to blame.
Why didn't they request asylum in Mexico?
You want to go live there? If not, why not? Drug war, perhaps? Thorough corruption in government? Standard of living a mite low? Plus, has anyone asked Mexico if they were accepting asylum seekers right now?
You might as well ask why they just didn't stay home.
I did ask that. As citizens they should be involved with bettering their homelands. Do you disagree?

I find it interesting that Mexico does not accept asylum seekers but you expect the US to.
We do a lot of things that other countries don't. I don't see why you find that interesting.
They found asylum when they touched Mexican soil. Let them apply there.
Why didn't they request asylum in Mexico?
You want to go live there? If not, why not? Drug war, perhaps? Thorough corruption in government? Standard of living a mite low? Plus, has anyone asked Mexico if they were accepting asylum seekers right now?
You might as well ask why they just didn't stay home.
They chose to keep moving north. The gangs throughout Southern California and many other states now came from these shithole countries. If they want a future they need to stay home and clean up their own countries. If you want to take care of them feel free to go south of the border and do it. This bullshit is being push by Open Border globalist. They have no interest in the safety and well being of the citizens of those countries or this one. Their game is in the futures markets and funds management not the health and well being of the people. People like Tom Steyers should have to live in the ghettos in Southern California that he has been helping to create.

Who's Really Behind the Illegal Immigrants, the Migrant Caravan and Pueblo Sin Fronteras?
If they want a future they need to stay home and clean up their own countries. If you want to take care of them feel free to go south of the border and do it.
You have no shame that immigrants already living in the US no longer feel safe or welcome here? That they are walking to the Canadian border and stepping over the line fully aware that they will be arrested and can then request asylum.
Since when is that the "rep" America has toward immigrants? I'll tell ya--NEVER.
Pssst...illegal immigrants.
Not all of them. Many of them are Muslims waiting on applications for one thing or another, a process that can take years. They don't feel safe here anymore. But yes, I'm sure many of them are illegal immigrants hoping Canada will grant them a place to live. It's immigration roulette. Most will eventually be sent home, but it takes Canada quite awhile to sort it out, too, so it gives them a little more time to disappear into the crowd.
I'm just saying I can understand why they try. Not that they should get away with it. I don't hate them for wanting a better life for themselves and their kids, though.
I hate them for breaking the law to do so. Same reason you worked instead of robbing a bank to care for your children.
"What actions should be taken at the border in respect to the caravan arriving ?"

Follow the law – it’s neither difficult to do nor difficult to understand.

And the law allows those seeking asylum to enter the country and apply for refugee status.
Most of the cons here want to kill people. One would assume the children there as well. Pro life?

Uh huh.
No we just want invaders to stay on the south side of the border. Its like Palestinians in Gaza jumping on the fence to over into Israel with foreknowledge that a bullet awaits them if that is what they choose to do. That doesn't sound like a wise choice to make it not only affects the recipient of said bullet but their family as well. Ooohh, the choices people make.
In other words you want to kill unarmed people who have committed no violence to you.
Stop them.

Just stop them when they try to illegally enter....whith the Guards, or a form of barrier that prevents their passage.

It's not brain surgery! :dunno:

I lost my job. I was given 10 weeks of unemployment to find another job. At the end of which no welfare for me without first becoming homeless.
What should be done is that the "People of Faith" in our country, all of them of so many faiths, will help these people cross, comfort them, and get them settled in their new home. After years of talk (and complaining and yelling) about "faith," this is a perfect opportunity for "faith" in action.

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