What An Honorable President Would Say

President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

What an honorable citizen would say:

As there is no evidence that the Russian's hacked the election, it's time to quite wasting time on Fake News.
No evidence? Lol

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Hello... anyone in there?

Any anonymous political hack can lie.

And exposing John Podesta's emails is not HACKING the election. (These were revealed via a leak, not a hack).

Your article is just more Prog Sore LoserXyr spin. What really happened is that the public actually received information that showed how the DNC cooked their primary and how they can't stand much of the public.

If you loons really want to develop a winning strategy, start here:

The Sales Pitch
Our intelligence community disagrees with you. I'll go with their expertise instead of a hack like you.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
You'll hear the howls of "fake news" next...
That has nothing to do with what I posted your simply reposting old speculation and news.
you said the election wasn't hacked. You lied and I proved it with my link.
You obviously don't understand what the Op is about. Shouldn't Trump call for investigations to find out the truth AND release his tax returns to show he's not involved with Russia?[/
There are congressional investigations from both chambers of congress happening and Trumps tax returns are irrelevant. What I understand is your like a dog chasing its own tail on this you will keep trying to grab it no matter what. So like I have told others whatever gets you through the day.
since you don't know how to post I think you said Trump's tax returns aren't relevant.
Hilarious. It will tell us a lot about Trump we don't know and why he's been petrified to release them..

I will say it so even you can comprehend it. Trump's tax returns aren't relevant!
You can say it until you're blue in the face but the American people want to see them. They could tell us a lot what Trump doesn't want us to know which is why you're scared he'll be forced to release them.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

Just as soon as we have an investigation of the Obama administration for:

"The president allegedly allowed US intelligence to listen to calls from the German Chancellor’s mobile phone after he was briefed on the operation by Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), in 2010.
Focused like a laser beam on Obama. Wearing blinders with the Trump- Putin connection. Lol

Focused like a laser bean on Trump, wearing blinders with the Obama hacking connection.
That has nothing to do with what I posted your simply reposting old speculation and news.
you said the election wasn't hacked. You lied and I proved it with my link.
You obviously don't understand what the Op is about. Shouldn't Trump call for investigations to find out the truth AND release his tax returns to show he's not involved with Russia?[/
There are congressional investigations from both chambers of congress happening and Trumps tax returns are irrelevant. What I understand is your like a dog chasing its own tail on this you will keep trying to grab it no matter what. So like I have told others whatever gets you through the day.
since you don't know how to post I think you said Trump's tax returns aren't relevant.
Hilarious. It will tell us a lot about Trump we don't know and why he's been petrified to release them..

I will say it so even you can comprehend it. Trump's tax returns aren't relevant!
They aren't relevant to people who want to give a pass to the traitor in chief....
I'm predicting trollish deflecting responses by the Trumpies.
Prove me wrong.

LOL, this is atypical, albeit unintelligent tactic of the Left, make a statement and then try and control the narrative. Sorry punk, intelligent people want to see proof before deciding on guilt or innocence. Notice I said "intelligent", not Liberal.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

What an honorable citizen would say:

As there is no evidence that the Russian's hacked the election, it's time to quite wasting time on Fake News.
No evidence? Lol

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Hello... anyone in there?

Any anonymous political hack can lie.

And exposing John Podesta's emails is not HACKING the election. (These were revealed via a leak, not a hack).

Your article is just more Prog Sore LoserXyr spin. What really happened is that the public actually received information that showed how the DNC cooked their primary and how they can't stand much of the public.

If you loons really want to develop a winning strategy, start here:

The Sales Pitch
Our intelligence community disagrees with you. I'll go with their expertise instead of a hack like you.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
You'll hear the howls of "fake news" next...
I've heard it all day. That and snowflakes and deflection and spin.,
It's all they know.,
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

When more than innuendo, opinion and wishes are revealed, there is nothing to investigate. Notice that absolutely no one has gone on record and provide any real evidence? Just the media saying unnamed sources say such and such. I hate to break it to you, no agency investigates rumors. Do Democrats really want their own Bengahzi? Keep it up and Trump gets stronger, more Republicans get elected to Congress and governorships. You snowflakes need to pull your heads out of each other's asses.
our intelligence agencies have stated Russia hacked our election in order to help Trump and hurt Hillary.
You really don't know this?

Have you seen any proof kid?
What An Honorable President Would Say

So do you make $140 or $160 per week for professionally trolling?

Yeah I get it, you can do it from the comfort of home. Couldn't you make more using your God-given talents?
What an honorable citizen would say:

As there is no evidence that the Russian's hacked the election, it's time to quite wasting time on Fake News.
No evidence? Lol

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Hello... anyone in there?

Any anonymous political hack can lie.

And exposing John Podesta's emails is not HACKING the election. (These were revealed via a leak, not a hack).

Your article is just more Prog Sore LoserXyr spin. What really happened is that the public actually received information that showed how the DNC cooked their primary and how they can't stand much of the public.

If you loons really want to develop a winning strategy, start here:

The Sales Pitch
Our intelligence community disagrees with you. I'll go with their expertise instead of a hack like you.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
You'll hear the howls of "fake news" next...
I've heard it all day. That and snowflakes and deflection and spin.,
It's all they know.,
That's all they have
I'm predicting trollish deflecting responses by the Trumpies.
Prove me wrong.

LOL, this is atypical, albeit unintelligent tactic of the Left, make a statement and then try and control the narrative. Sorry punk, intelligent people want to see proof before deciding on guilt or innocence. Notice I said "intelligent", not Liberal.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.
Bingo! The left are incapable because they are used to surrendering critical thought and depend on government and media to tell them what to believe. The OP is living proof. He needs to change his screen name to Gullible.
Thanks for admitting not only the president isn't honorable but you match him in spades in this area.

Whatever you say Gullible. :laugh:
So says the illiterate. Hilarious that's your response after I educated you.
Bet you didn't even read the link.
Educate? LOL You don't even understand the article doesn't say what you think it says. Perhaps your issue is its too dark up your ass to read clearly.
You said you haven't seen any intelligence weigh in on this.
I proved thats exactly what happened.
Yes... you keep making a fool of yourself.

No, you posted an article that CLAIMS that 17 "Agencies" have said it. No proof, just you being stupid.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.
LOL, you really want him to investigate who spilled the beans on all the DNC corruption? I say hell yeah! If the emails shaped the election it was the corruption, not the whistleblower.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

Just as soon as we have an investigation of the Obama administration for:

"The president allegedly allowed US intelligence to listen to calls from the German Chancellor’s mobile phone after he was briefed on the operation by Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), in 2010.
Focused like a laser beam on Obama. Wearing blinders with the Trump- Putin connection. Lol

Focused like a laser bean on Trump, wearing blinders with the Obama hacking connection.
Newsflash : Obama isn't president and to blame Obama for hacking is Forest Gump like..
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

What an honorable citizen would say:

As there is no evidence that the Russian's hacked the election, it's time to quite wasting time on Fake News.
No evidence? Lol

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Hello... anyone in there?
No, it was a conclusion based on what they thought, No hard evidence was ever presented. It was politically motivated, the CIA doesn't typically make press releases.
LOL, this is atypical, albeit unintelligent tactic of the Left, make a statement and then try and control the narrative. Sorry punk, intelligent people want to see proof before deciding on guilt or innocence. Notice I said "intelligent", not Liberal.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.

Again kid, you posted an article that SAYS 17 Agencies have stated that they did it, but you've seen a shred of proof. You are quite the intelligent one child.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

Just as soon as we have an investigation of the Obama administration for:

"The president allegedly allowed US intelligence to listen to calls from the German Chancellor’s mobile phone after he was briefed on the operation by Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency (NSA), in 2010.
Focused like a laser beam on Obama. Wearing blinders with the Trump- Putin connection. Lol
Hypocrisy at it best.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

What an honorable citizen would say:

As there is no evidence that the Russian's hacked the election, it's time to quite wasting time on Fake News.
No evidence? Lol

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

Hello... anyone in there?

Any anonymous political hack can lie.

And exposing John Podesta's emails is not HACKING the election. (These were revealed via a leak, not a hack).

Your article is just more Prog Sore LoserXyr spin. What really happened is that the public actually received information that showed how the DNC cooked their primary and how they can't stand much of the public.

If you loons really want to develop a winning strategy, start here:

The Sales Pitch
Our intelligence community disagrees with you. I'll go with their expertise instead of a hack like you.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

No, some political hacks and Deep Statists are spinning Fake News, and you gobble it up like an obedient little stooge.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.

Again kid, you posted an article that SAYS 17 Agencies have stated that they did it, but you've seen a shred of proof. You are quite the intelligent one child.
Proof will soon come from Congressional and independent investigations. Hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

So an honorable president would lie and say that the Russians hacked the election, waste tax money investigating that lie, and completely unrelated release his taxes...
You had no problem wasting taxpayers money with dozens of useless Clinton investigations

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