Who is really "living off of the government"

This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.

I bet thats exactly why you didnt bother proving it huh ... too easy.

This is probably going to hurt a bit, but per capita urban folks get more money than rural. Thing is, the rich, who many liberals like to claim don't pay their fair share, live in cities and pay such a large amount in taxes it more than offsets the higher spending.
Liberal logic defined:

A. There are 100 white and 10 black people: 10 whites on welfare and 5 black, thus more white people are on welfare.

B. Federal mandates provide $1000 per state for welfare systems. There are 100 people in California and 10 people in Alaska. Thus, Alaska uses more federal dollars per person, showing it's Alaska that's a drag on the system.

Remember people, liberals declare they're intelligent while conservatives are uneducated.........FUN!

oh, I get it now... Rightwing state leaders are elected by Leftwing voters then intentionally choose to remain on government support just to make RW leadership look like they arent capable of running their state .. its subterfuge!

RW logic defined ...
brilliant aren't they? :bow3:


My focus is more on the responsibility of repub leadership to practice what they preach and create states that do not have to depend on the programs they so despise

The pre-1998 GOP was fiscally conservative.

The post-1998 GOP is just as bad as the Dems, if not worse.
This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.

I bet thats exactly why you didnt bother proving it huh ... too easy.

This is probably going to hurt a bit, but per capita urban folks get more money than rural. Thing is, the rich, who many liberals like to claim don't pay their fair share, live in cities and pay such a large amount in taxes it more than offsets the higher spending.

it does hurt ... RW doublespeak is a pain in the ass.
The "critical mass of socialism" is when the leftist party gets more than half of the voters on the dole or "working" for the government (really doing nothing but showing up for a few hours a week if that and certifying that you will vote for the left in the next election). Once a democracy reaches that point, it achieves what Greece did....
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
You offer nothing of value other than old pathetic warn out democrat talking points that are nothing but fucking clichés you fucking loser.

Take your half baked bullshit and go yell in your fucking echo chambers about the greatness of socialism as you pretend to care so much for minority communities behind your gated community high atop your pathetic fake hypocritical moral platitude.

Your stats are skewed you blob. All stats are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive. What they conceal is vital.

In other words, shove it up your ass.
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans

Oh geez, more of the same from the desperate and confused Liberals.
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they blue or red states? hahaha
Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year.

You're quoting some student's thesis as a source? What a bullshit piece of crap?

Haha...I love it...I feel so smart when you expose me to how your minds work. Thank you for that.
The US Census Bureau shows that more than 40% of blacks suck the tit while 36% of Hispanics steal from taxpayers. Are Blacks and Hispanics typically Republicans?
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans

Oh geez, more of the same from the desperate and confused Liberals.
California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they blue or red states? hahaha
Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.

However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state. Despite this, the number of people immigrating to California increases exponentially each year.

You're quoting some student's thesis as a source? What a bullshit piece of crap?

Haha...I love it...I feel so smart when you expose me to how your minds work. Thank you for that.
The US Census Bureau shows that more than 40% of blacks suck the tit while 36% of Hispanics steal from taxpayers. Are Blacks and Hispanics typically Republicans?
Well... they are typically oppressed by Republicans. This thread is aimed at the politicians not our citizens. Why do republican policies create poverty and a higher need for dependency?
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans
Hate to break it to ya (and Politics USA) but both Nevada and New Mexico have solidly Democrat state legislatures.
Nevada is a swing state and historically red.

OMG, what a moron! Where was Senator Harry Reid, the DEMOCRAT from?
What's really funny is how much everyone talks about the SINKING of the economy due to welfare benefits. Take a look where our money goes. Twice as much to run government or care for veterans. Even soon to be bankrupt Social Security that some people bitch about is only 3% of our spending. LOOK at military as compared to food (which probably includes SNAP). Quibble over who collects the most welfare? Completely unimportant topic.

This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.
I am too busy enjoying yours. :haha:

Go ahead, take a real look at where the money is spent moron, it is always in the big cities, where your democratic base needs the dough.
Doesn't matter! REPUB politicians are so against government programs yet THEY are benefiting from it the most. Under republican leadership we should be able to see states with low unemployment, and low government funding, right? (If they practiced what they preached) What're they doin????

So, that just means the liberals in the states not getting their fair share are stupid! No newsflash there!
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans
Hate to break it to ya (and Politics USA) but both Nevada and New Mexico have solidly Democrat state legislatures.
Nevada is a swing state and historically red.

OMG, what a moron! Where was Senator Harry Reid, the DEMOCRAT from?
so because nevada produced a dem their history of republican controlled government is irrelevant?

Seems like you're the moron.
What's really funny is how much everyone talks about the SINKING of the economy due to welfare benefits. Take a look where our money goes. Twice as much to run government or care for veterans. Even soon to be bankrupt Social Security that some people bitch about is only 3% of our spending. LOOK at military as compared to food (which probably includes SNAP). Quibble over who collects the most welfare? Completely unimportant topic.


Cherry-picking your stats? That chart shows discretionary spending, so it does not include the very items you are talking about. The federal budget is over $3 trillion! The other $2 trillion is spent on social programs.

This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.
I am too busy enjoying yours. :haha:

Go ahead, take a real look at where the money is spent moron, it is always in the big cities, where your democratic base needs the dough.
Doesn't matter! REPUB politicians are so against government programs yet THEY are benefiting from it the most. Under republican leadership we should be able to see states with low unemployment, and low government funding, right? (If they practiced what they preached) What're they doin????

So, that just means the liberals in the states not getting their fair share are stupid! No newsflash there!
You're really missing the objective of this discussion. REPUB politicians are against "government hand outs." So why have they not only been unable to create environments that erases the need for said handouts but why do their policies create the highest need for said handouts?
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans
Hate to break it to ya (and Politics USA) but both Nevada and New Mexico have solidly Democrat state legislatures.
Nevada is a swing state and historically red.

OMG, what a moron! Where was Senator Harry Reid, the DEMOCRAT from?
so because nevada produced a dem their history of republican controlled government is irrelevant?

Seems like you're the moron.

No. You have that title sewn up.

Nevada went for Hillary in 2016. Enough said.
Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Informative but when I hear of some unemployment figures that exclude those that have given up looking for work I'm reluctant to draw any conclusions without knowing more about the basis of the numbers. I notice no rust belt states on list and I can't believe things are so peachy in Ohio and Michigan.
This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.
I am too busy enjoying yours. :haha:

Go ahead, take a real look at where the money is spent moron, it is always in the big cities, where your democratic base needs the dough.
Doesn't matter! REPUB politicians are so against government programs yet THEY are benefiting from it the most. Under republican leadership we should be able to see states with low unemployment, and low government funding, right? (If they practiced what they preached) What're they doin????

So, that just means the liberals in the states not getting their fair share are stupid! No newsflash there!
You're really missing the objective of this discussion. REPUB politicians are against "government hand outs." So why have they not only been unable to create environments that erases the need for said handouts but why do their policies create the highest need for said handouts?

You are mixing federal politics with state politics. Do you not see how that is an apples and oranges comparison?
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans
Hate to break it to ya (and Politics USA) but both Nevada and New Mexico have solidly Democrat state legislatures.
Nevada is a swing state and historically red.

OMG, what a moron! Where was Senator Harry Reid, the DEMOCRAT from?
so because nevada produced a dem their history of republican controlled government is irrelevant?

Seems like you're the moron.

No. You have that title sewn up.

Nevada went for Hillary in 2016. Enough said.
lol that doesn't matter. To be able to analyze the information i am providing you have to understand that states don't change overnight. The condition of these states depends on their political history.A states unemployment, debt, intake of federal funds all directly depend on PAST policies. Historically Nevada is red.

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