Who is really "living off of the government"

This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.

I bet thats exactly why you didnt bother proving it huh ... too easy.

The moron OP tries to equate unemployment with total federal tax dollars spent. Maybe you should start there.
the higher the unemployment rate the higher the fed $ sent... simple correlation.

The feds do not control unemployment benefits. That is a state function. You are wrong yet again!

Go ahead. Say something else stupid. We need the laughs!
Hate to break it to ya (and Politics USA) but both Nevada and New Mexico have solidly Democrat state legislatures.
Nevada is a swing state and historically red.

OMG, what a moron! Where was Senator Harry Reid, the DEMOCRAT from?
so because nevada produced a dem their history of republican controlled government is irrelevant?

Seems like you're the moron.

No. You have that title sewn up.

Nevada went for Hillary in 2016. Enough said.
lol that doesn't matter. To be able to analyze the information i am providing you have to understand that states don't change overnight. The condition of these states depends on their political history.A states unemployment, debt, intake of federal funds all directly depend on PAST policies. Historically Nevada is red.

Analyze what information? Everything you post is a lie! None of those items you just mentioned have been discussed in detail. You just assume far too much because it fits the liberal agenda.
Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Informative but when I hear of some unemployment figures that exclude those that have given up looking for work I'm reluctant to draw any conclusions without knowing more about the basis of the numbers. I notice no rust belt states on list and I can't believe things are so peachy in Ohio and Michigan.
Unemployment figures are not totally necessary in proving red states receive higher fed dollars. Although I am sure the unemployment rate has an effect on it. Historically we can see that overall employment tends to dip under R and flourish under D.
Last edited:
This has been dispelled countless times. The red state spending occurs predominately in red state big cities which are...blue cities. Enjoy your fail.

I bet thats exactly why you didnt bother proving it huh ... too easy.

The moron OP tries to equate unemployment with total federal tax dollars spent. Maybe you should start there.
the higher the unemployment rate the higher the fed $ sent... simple correlation.

The feds do not control unemployment benefits. That is a state function. You are wrong yet again!

Go ahead. Say something else stupid. We need the laughs!
this is not about unemployment benefits, this is about overall government programs.

So you haven't quite got it, yet again.
No, yours are. "we have more black people"

lol, moron.

well, facts and statistics back me up

you have anything outside of ad hominem attacks to refute what I am saying?

I'll be holding my breath...
7 Facts About Government Benefits and Who Gets Them

looks like race plays a small role. After you factor in the systemic oppression african americans face- that totally nixes your race card. Try again.

wow, you are less bright than I originally thought

your article actually proves my point - 64% of blacks receive some form of government benefits, and a larger percentage of democrats are on the dole - that's according to your article...

furthermore, your article lists Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. People actually pay into Social Security, so listing that as "being on the government dole" and pushing the elderly into that category is misleading

a better and more accurate chart would show numbers of people that receive those benefits in excess of what they actually paid in

you are going to have to do better that that baw

but you won't be able to...
Black people are at a slightly higher percentage than whites and whites are double that rate ahead of hispanics. My point is that red states and their politicians have had the time and the means to create a state that isn't a welfare queen. They can't. I skipped the SS and medicare/medicaid part as it is not a handout. Yes, the comparisons do show the dollar take on the dollar given- should be on the first link. Red states take out more than they put in, while blue states do the opposite.

What does any of those federal benefits have to do with state governments? You can't explain that, so please stop the lies!
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Informative but when I hear of some unemployment figures that exclude those that have given up looking for work I'm reluctant to draw any conclusions without knowing more about the basis of the numbers. I notice no rust belt states on list and I can't believe things are so peachy in Ohio and Michigan.
Unemployment figures are not totally necessary in proving red states receive higher tax dollars. Although I am sure the unemployment rate has an effect on it. Historically we can see that overall employment tends to dip under R and flourish under D.
Get a job and stop being an apologist for parasites.
No, yours are. "we have more black people"

lol, moron.

well, facts and statistics back me up

you have anything outside of ad hominem attacks to refute what I am saying?

I'll be holding my breath...
7 Facts About Government Benefits and Who Gets Them

looks like race plays a small role. After you factor in the systemic oppression african americans face- that totally nixes your race card. Try again.

wow, you are less bright than I originally thought

your article actually proves my point - 64% of blacks receive some form of government benefits, and a larger percentage of democrats are on the dole - that's according to your article...

furthermore, your article lists Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. People actually pay into Social Security, so listing that as "being on the government dole" and pushing the elderly into that category is misleading

a better and more accurate chart would show numbers of people that receive those benefits in excess of what they actually paid in

you are going to have to do better that that baw

but you won't be able to...
Black people are at a slightly higher percentage than whites and whites are double that rate ahead of hispanics. My point is that red states and their politicians have had the time and the means to create a state that isn't a welfare queen. They can't. I skipped the SS and medicare/medicaid part as it is not a handout. Yes, the comparisons do show the dollar take on the dollar given- should be on the first link. Red states take out more than they put in, while blue states do the opposite.

What does any of those federal benefits have to do with state governments? You can't explain that, so please stop the lies!
I can explain. Repub leadership creates policies at a state level that create more unemployment, more poverty, and more government dependants than their democratic counterparts.

If you go look through our history you can see that with our Presidents on a national level as well.
It is a common insult from the right to say that the democrats don't work. Democrats are lazy. Democrats want handouts. Democrats live off the government.

but who is really "living off of the government?"

In analysing what states spend the most federal dollars- it is clear that RED states tend to have higher poverty rates, and they definitely receive more fed money.

"[W]ho really benefits from government spending? If you listen to Rush Limbaugh, you might think it was those blue states, packed with damn hippie socialist liberals, sipping their lattes and providing free abortions for bored, horny teenagers. ...

As it turns out, it is red states that are overwhelmingly the Welfare Queen States. Yes, that's right. Red States—the ones governed by folks who think government is too big and spending needs to be cut—are a net drain on the economy, taking in more federal spending than they pay out in federal taxes. They talk a good game, but stick Blue States with the bill."

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Who is more educated?

"Highly educated adults – particularly those who have attended graduate school – are far more likely than those with less education to take predominantly liberal positions across a range of political values."

A Wider Ideological Gap Between More and Less Educated Adults

Who is working harder?

Here are the 12 states with a higher than the national average unemployment rate of 5.0%:

1). West Virginia (D) (6.9%)

2). Alaska (R) (6.4%)

3). Arizona (R) (6.1%)

4). Louisiana (R) (6.2%)

5). Nevada (R) (6.6%)

6). Alabama (R) (5.9%)

7). Georgia (R) (5.7%)

8). New Mexico (R) (6.8%)

9). Mississippi (R) (5.9%)

10). North Carolina (R) (5.7%)

11). Oregon (D) (6.0%)

12). California (D) (5.8%

Proof Of GOP Failure: 9 of 12 States With Highest Unemployment Are Run By Republicans

Free enlightenment...I'll invoice you for this lesson next time. Please copy and paste the following so you'll quit spouting at the mouth without knowing the real data.
Here's some facts from a credible source: 21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Remember the key to REAL TRUE data is in using per capita factoring as 77% of this country is still white. Are blacks and hispanics part of the Republican demographic?
"At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month."
were more likely to participate or did participate? can you clarify?

He look I can't force you to understand and acknowledge REAL truth and facts...and I can't pull your head from your ass for you. You have to be willing to seek the real truth and acknowledge facts...two things Libtards despise.
So, you are unable to clarify what you wrote?

Why should he? You are apparently too dumb to understand it anyway!
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
catholic school pre-k - 12 and a liberal arts college. I have seen no such "points." Ill be waiting with bells on.
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
catholic school pre-k - 12 and a liberal arts college. I have seen no such "points." Ill be waiting with bells on.
So you maybe got a degree in Gay & Lesbian Haiku. Why would anyone care?
well, facts and statistics back me up

you have anything outside of ad hominem attacks to refute what I am saying?

I'll be holding my breath...
7 Facts About Government Benefits and Who Gets Them

looks like race plays a small role. After you factor in the systemic oppression african americans face- that totally nixes your race card. Try again.

wow, you are less bright than I originally thought

your article actually proves my point - 64% of blacks receive some form of government benefits, and a larger percentage of democrats are on the dole - that's according to your article...

furthermore, your article lists Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. People actually pay into Social Security, so listing that as "being on the government dole" and pushing the elderly into that category is misleading

a better and more accurate chart would show numbers of people that receive those benefits in excess of what they actually paid in

you are going to have to do better that that baw

but you won't be able to...
Black people are at a slightly higher percentage than whites and whites are double that rate ahead of hispanics. My point is that red states and their politicians have had the time and the means to create a state that isn't a welfare queen. They can't. I skipped the SS and medicare/medicaid part as it is not a handout. Yes, the comparisons do show the dollar take on the dollar given- should be on the first link. Red states take out more than they put in, while blue states do the opposite.

What does any of those federal benefits have to do with state governments? You can't explain that, so please stop the lies!
I can explain. Repub leadership creates policies at a state level that create more unemployment, more poverty, and more government dependants than their democratic counterparts.

I'll answer your stupidity with a real world scenario that you can check. My state elected only its second Republican governor since the 1960s and the first Republican controlled Legislature since Reconstruction. Yet, we have had two Republican Senators and a Republican dominated House delegation for many years.

Republicans in Congress are powerless to force Democrats in the states to do anything. Why can't you understand such a simple concept?
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
catholic school pre-k - 12 and a liberal arts college. I have seen no such "points." Ill be waiting with bells on.
So you maybe got a degree in Gay & Lesbian Haiku. Why would anyone care?
You're the one so interested in my education. So tell us- why do you care?
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
catholic school pre-k - 12 and a liberal arts college. I have seen no such "points." Ill be waiting with bells on.

Liberal arts, huh? How is that women's studies degree working out for you?
7 Facts About Government Benefits and Who Gets Them

looks like race plays a small role. After you factor in the systemic oppression african americans face- that totally nixes your race card. Try again.

wow, you are less bright than I originally thought

your article actually proves my point - 64% of blacks receive some form of government benefits, and a larger percentage of democrats are on the dole - that's according to your article...

furthermore, your article lists Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. People actually pay into Social Security, so listing that as "being on the government dole" and pushing the elderly into that category is misleading

a better and more accurate chart would show numbers of people that receive those benefits in excess of what they actually paid in

you are going to have to do better that that baw

but you won't be able to...
Black people are at a slightly higher percentage than whites and whites are double that rate ahead of hispanics. My point is that red states and their politicians have had the time and the means to create a state that isn't a welfare queen. They can't. I skipped the SS and medicare/medicaid part as it is not a handout. Yes, the comparisons do show the dollar take on the dollar given- should be on the first link. Red states take out more than they put in, while blue states do the opposite.

What does any of those federal benefits have to do with state governments? You can't explain that, so please stop the lies!
I can explain. Repub leadership creates policies at a state level that create more unemployment, more poverty, and more government dependants than their democratic counterparts.

I'll answer your stupidity with a real world scenario that you can check. My state elected only its second Republican governor since the 1960s and the first Republican controlled Legislature since Reconstruction. Yet, we have had two Republican Senators and a Republican dominated House delegation for many years.

Republicans in Congress are powerless to force Democrats in the states to do anything. Why can't you understand such a simple concept?
So republicans are powerless to enact beneficial change for their constituents? Do you have anything new add other than republicans are worthless?
Stupid fucking liberals. This is old news & you sport it as if it's new indicating you're desperate for a narrative.

I know the welfare system and you & this bullshit narrative are 100% misleading and wrong........Here's a hint "educated liberal"...........Economies of scale & federal dollars Vs state dollars....................

Jesus........................Lies on top of lies.
Again, very hard to stumble through that mess of emotional outburst but I'll try..
This is old news. As old as the "dems don't have jobs" joke that you guys can't get off of.

If they have jobs, why is it they always seem to be off whenever a protest is being held somewhere?
....yawn. This shit again. Dems consider warming a government chair as working. Lots of libs live in "red states". Why are we to assume they are Republicans or the GOP caused it? You are a product of public ed.
Never went to a public school.. keep up the assumptions, tell me when you have something of value.
I just did. You couldn't respond to the points I brought up. Yeah sure, you were private schooled all the way through.
catholic school pre-k - 12 and a liberal arts college. I have seen no such "points." Ill be waiting with bells on.

Liberal arts, huh? How is that women's studies degree working out for you?
I have a history degree. That's how I know all these big fancy smart liberal things about society, culture, and our past.
Stupid fucking liberals. This is old news & you sport it as if it's new indicating you're desperate for a narrative.

I know the welfare system and you & this bullshit narrative are 100% misleading and wrong........Here's a hint "educated liberal"...........Economies of scale & federal dollars Vs state dollars....................

Jesus........................Lies on top of lies.
Again, very hard to stumble through that mess of emotional outburst but I'll try..
This is old news. As old as the "dems don't have jobs" joke that you guys can't get off of.

If they have jobs, why is it they always seem to be off whenever a protest is being held somewhere?
Your job doesn't give you time off? Geez mcdonalds has gotten a lot more strict.

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