Why Blacks Vote Democrat

"The Southern Strategy" is a myth designed for morons like you.

Bet you don't know about the Southern Manifesto......

1. In 1956, 19 Senators and 77 members of the House of Representatives signed the "Southern Manifesto," a resolution condemning the 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. The resolution called the decision "a clear abuse of judicial power" and encouraged states to resist implementing its mandates. In response to Southern opposition, in 1958 the Court revisited the Brown decision in Cooper v. Aaron, asserting that the states were bound by the ruling and affirming that its interpretation of the Constitution was the "supreme law of the land."
Signed by:

Members of the United States Senate:

Alabama-John Sparkman and Lister Hill.

Arkansas-J. W. Fulbright and John L. McClellan.

Florida-George A. Smathers and Spessard L. Holland.

Georgia-Walter F. George and Richard B. Russell.

Louisiana-Allen J. Ellender and Russell B. Lono.

Mississippi-John Stennis and James O. Eastland.

North Carolina-Sam J. Ervin Jr. and W. Kerr Scott.

South Carolina-Strom Thurmon and Olin D. Johnston.

Texas-Price Daniel.

Virginia-Harry F. Bird and A. Willis Robertson.
The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Primary Sources | PBS
Hey…did you notice the party of the signers? Wonder why not?
Anyone doubt that hiding the party of Democrats when related to slavery and segregation is a practiced art?

2. It is widely referred to as the Southern Manifesto advocating continued segregation. Nearly every leading member of Congress from the South signs it. But the organizers decide to exclude Senate Majority Leader Lyndon Johnson and House Speaker Sam Rayburn, both of Texas, because they don't want the national party to be linked to their efforts. On This Day In 1956: 'Southern Manifesto' On Race Signed By 100 : It's All Politics : NPR

3. Signatories:
 John Sparkman (D-Alabama)
 Lister Hill (D-Alabama)
 William Fulbright (D-Arkansas)[1]
 John L. McClellan (D-Arkansas)
 George A. Smathers (D-Florida)
 Spessard Holland (D-Florida)
 Walter F. George (D-Georgia)
 Richard B. Russell (D-Georgia)
 Allen J. Ellender (D-Louisiana)
 Russell B. Long (D-Louisiana)
 James O. Eastland (D-Mississippi)
 John Stennis (D-Mississippi)
 Samuel Ervin (D-North Carolina)
 W. Kerr Scott (D-North Carolina)
 Strom Thurmond (D-South Carolina)[1]
 Olin D. Johnston (D-South Carolina)
 Price Daniel (D-Texas)
 Harry F. Byrd (D-Virginia) [1]
 A. Willis Robertson (D-Virginia)
 Southern Manifesto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


How is it a myth if the Republican party admitted to it? Try a little harder to convince me. :lol:

Convincing you is not possible, but setting the record straight, is.

1. Perhaps the best example of how little individual thought, or even curiosity, the reliable Democrat voter is allowed, is the provably false myth of a Republican Southern Strategy. Absurd though it is…

2. First of all, the Democrats didn’t pass the Civil Rights Bill of 1964. That bill, along with every civil rights bill for the preceding century, was supported by substantially more Republicans than Democrats.

3. Second, the South kept voting for Democrats for decades after that 1964 act. And, btw, Democrats continued to win a plurality of votes in southern congressional elections for the next 30 years…right up to 1994.
"GOP Poised to Reap Redistricting Rewards" by Michael Barone on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. Between ’48 and ’88, Republicans never won a majority of the Dixiecrat states, outside of two 49-state landslides. Any loses in the South are directly attributable to their championing abortion, gays in the military, Christian-bashing, springing criminals, attacks on guns, dovish foreign policy, ‘save the whales/kill the humans environmentalism….certainly not race!

b. Rather than the Republicans winning the Dixiecrat vote, the Dixiecrats simply died out. By contrast, Democrats kept winning the alleged “segregationist” states into the ‘90’s. If states were voting for Goldwater out of racism, what of Carter’s 1976 sweep of all the Goldwater states?

These are the facts.

4. "Three years after Brown, President Eisenhower won passage of his landmark Civil Rights Act of 1957. Republican Senator Everett Dirksen authored and introduced the 1960 Civil Rights Act, and saw it through to passage. Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act overwhelmingly, and by much higher percentages in both House and Senate than the Democrats. Indeed, the 1964 Civil Rights Act became law only after overcoming a Democrat filibuster."
Everything I Know Is Wrong: History of the Republican Party

So.....you admit to being a moron?

Why end a decent summary with an insult? By the 60s Democrats took up the mantle, whether sincere or not is the question, of civil rights. Before then, more a Republican topic. Dixiecrats are not a myth, but the term was, and remains, too broadly applied. Even Wallace purported to "evolve" on the issue, unlike Strom. But pretending today's Republican party is the party of Eisenhower is inaccurate.

As to why _____ do ___? SURPRISE, "they" do not. Most maybe, in many studies, but division is the problem, not discussing how to further divide. I only see a few open racists on the board, that meet my definition, all appear to be "right". But definitions VARY, as do humans, thank God for that.
I think Democrats want to relive the civil rights struggle of the 60's over and over, and over again. Got everything they need, a victim class and big government riding to the rescue.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than democrats.

All a black person has to do is read the thousands of posts here to see how much republicans love them. Blacks are part of the free stuff moocher class to some modern republican/right wingers.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than democrats.

All a black person has to do is read the thousands of posts here to see how much republicans love them. Blacks are part of the free stuff moocher class to some modern republican/right wingers.

The democrat party has destroyed the black family with their plantation mentality of providing for them. Shame.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than democrats.

But more Democrats voted for it and a Democrat signed it into law

The key is "What have Republicans done since the Civil Rights Act?"
You typed all that but keep ignoring the Republican party admitted to the Southern strategy. Are you admitting you are an imbecile?

Steele doesn't speak for the republican party.

Actually he does as the RNC chair when he made the statement. He isnt the only one either. Did you forget the other link? National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. Also do you have any links refuting the comments of those 2? I would be interested to see the response of the Republican party on it.

No he doesn't. Nor does anyone else speak for the entire party. Unlike you liberal pukes, we are a party of individual thinkers. The southern strategy bullshit has been debunked many times over regardless of what you and any one may think. Three people went from the Democrat party to the Republican party. That is the fact.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than democrats.

But more Democrats voted for it and a Democrat signed it into law

The key is "What have Republicans done since the Civil Rights Act?"

Correct. Political parties are not supposed to give people money earned by others.

Do you know who the democrat was who signed it into law?
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Steele doesn't speak for the republican party.

Actually he does as the RNC chair when he made the statement. He isnt the only one either. Did you forget the other link? National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. Also do you have any links refuting the comments of those 2? I would be interested to see the response of the Republican party on it.

No he doesn't. Nor does anyone else speak for the entire party. Unlike you liberal pukes, we are a party of individual thinkers. The southern strategy bullshit has been debunked many times over regardless of what you and any one may think. Three people went from the Democrat party to the Republican party. That is the fact.

Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

Why do you think the bolded has anything to do with the Southern strategy?
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Actually he does as the RNC chair when he made the statement. He isnt the only one either. Did you forget the other link? National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. Also do you have any links refuting the comments of those 2? I would be interested to see the response of the Republican party on it.

No he doesn't. Nor does anyone else speak for the entire party. Unlike you liberal pukes, we are a party of individual thinkers. The southern strategy bullshit has been debunked many times over regardless of what you and any one may think. Three people went from the Democrat party to the Republican party. That is the fact.

Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

I hope he tells you to not deviate from the topic and read the guidelines. How can you continue when you've lost your credibility in this thread?
Actually he does as the RNC chair when he made the statement. He isnt the only one either. Did you forget the other link? National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman. Also do you have any links refuting the comments of those 2? I would be interested to see the response of the Republican party on it.

No he doesn't. Nor does anyone else speak for the entire party. Unlike you liberal pukes, we are a party of individual thinkers. The southern strategy bullshit has been debunked many times over regardless of what you and any one may think. Three people went from the Democrat party to the Republican party. That is the fact.

Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

Why do you think the bolded has anything to do with the Southern strategy?

We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.
A larger percentage of republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act than democrats.

But more Democrats voted for it and a Democrat signed it into law

The key is "What have Republicans done since the Civil Rights Act?"

Correct. Political parties are not supposed to give people money earned by others.

Do you know who the democrat was who signed it into law?

Taxes are the way we fund our Government
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