Why Blacks Vote Democrat

To give insight to the "more Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Act" soundbite: Introduced by a Democrat, asked for by a President who was a Democrat, and in numbers, more Democrats voted for the Act. The Republican percentage is higher because there were less of them, and the Southern Democrats weighed the numbers by percentage. Control for region of the country. A DEMOCRATIC victory.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think Republicans have done much better representing our interests in a looooong time. They just aren't pretending to care while enacting policies that hurt us and promoting government dependency like the Dems are.
So what you are saying both the LIBs and the REPs don't really give a shit about the Blacks right?
Maybe then it's time for the Blacks to start doing what every other race on the planet has done since cave man days. START FUCKING LOOKING AFTER YOURSELVES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or are you content to let other races care for you all?
That's been pretty much what's happened for decades.
I get a kick bringing that racist bastard George Wallace into every conversation about how the 'Whites' are so racist. Why don't you just say: "Look. it's a scientifically proven fact that Blacks generally have about a 15 point lower IQ than Whites. We won't even go there with asians.
We have not and will never be able to survive as a race unless the White's, asians and East Indians keep helping us".
At least then you'd be telling the truth and the rest of the world can come to terms with this fact.
No he doesn't. Nor does anyone else speak for the entire party. Unlike you liberal pukes, we are a party of individual thinkers. The southern strategy bullshit has been debunked many times over regardless of what you and any one may think. Three people went from the Democrat party to the Republican party. That is the fact.

Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

Why do you think the bolded has anything to do with the Southern strategy?

We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.

I just told you that you dont think individually. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

Yes show me. The RNC chairman is not irrelevant.
Thats an easy answer. Most Blacks vote Dem because they always knew the Republican party was racist and courted the vote of white segregationists.

Especially that Lincoln with his civil war..

Blacks know that Bull Conner, Orval Faubus, Albert Gore, and George Wallace are the men of equality that they should back!

A black person voting for democrats is no different than Jews voting for Nazis.
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Blacks vote democrat as a matter of post-affirmative action conditioning. Living on the dole and blaming all problems on white social structure is easier than assuming responsibility. This would work for any group so programmed.
Klavan is wrong in his assessment of successful blacks moving out of democrat cesspools into repub locales. What they do with their AA successes is move into suburbs and destroy them, too. I know. I live in one. They've moved here to PG county from DC and are spreading south to Charles County. What has happened is those two formerly safe and successful locales are now the second and third most dangerous in the state behind the city of Baltimore. And this in spite of having median household income $20k higher than the national. This social decay is a result of fatherlessness, another democrat result.
Democrat is the party of neosegregation.
Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

Why do you think the bolded has anything to do with the Southern strategy?

We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.

I just told you that you dont think individually. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

Yes show me. The RNC chairman is not irrelevant.

Who was the racist Democrat who signed the Civil Rights Act?
We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.

I just told you that you dont think individually. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

Yes show me. The RNC chairman is not irrelevant.

Who was the racist Democrat who signed the Civil Rights Act?

Johnson signed it. Who said Dems cant be racist as well?
Thats an easy answer. Most Blacks vote Dem because they always knew the Republican party was racist and courted the vote of white segregationists.

Especially that Lincoln with his civil war..

Blacks know that Bull Conner, Orval Faubus, Albert Gore, and George Wallace are the men of equality that they should back!

A black person voting for democrats in no different than Jews voting for Nazis.

i already debunked Lincoln. Please catch up.

Thanks white guy for telling Black people how they should vote. :lol:
Sorry bub he only freed some slaves and it wasnt because he like Black people. He also said this:

"I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution,"
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery."

Don't be an idiot - it's unbecoming.

Lincoln was an abolitionist, from the Lincoln - Douglas debates through the sponsorship of the 13th Amendment - which freed ALL slaves.
We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.

I just told you that you dont think individually. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

Yes show me. The RNC chairman is not irrelevant.

Who was the racist Democrat who signed the Civil Rights Act?

LBJ, being in the history books meant more to him than his personal bigotry(.) And Brat speaks of CHRISTIAN capitalism; Mussolini spoke of the CORPORATE state.
You typed all that but keep ignoring the Republican party admitted to the Southern strategy. Are you admitting you are an imbecile?

Two problems,

1.) You're a partisan hack - you formulate your posts to promote your shameful party, not to discuss fact.

2.) Your presentation of the Republicans and the Southern Strategy is patently dishonest.
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You typed all that but keep ignoring the Republican party admitted to the Southern strategy. Are you admitting you are an imbecile?

Two problems,

1.) Your a partisan hack - you formulate your posts to promote your shameful party, not to discuss fact.

2.) Your presentation of the Republicans and the Southern Strategy is patently dishonest.

What party am I promoting? I'm stating facts. The facts are that the Republicans went after the inbred, white southern, racist vote and secured it. Then they admitted it.

What is dishonest about my representation? The Republicans admitted to it. You can claim all day long that its a lie but facts say its the truth.
Yeah he does. If you were individual thinkers then you would not group up to think. The southern strategy has never been debunked. Claiming it has doesnt make it so. Show me were its been debunked despite 2 of your prominent leaders saying it was a planned strategy.

Why do you think the bolded has anything to do with the Southern strategy?

We don't. You liberals do and it has been proven many times over.

Show you? You have been shown countless time you simply choose to ignore it and base your bullshit on two irrelevant people.

Stay ignorant, it's your choice.

I just told you that you dont think individually. Thanks for finally agreeing with me.

Yes show me. The RNC chairman is not irrelevant.

I think I know more about the way I think than you do. His opinions are no more relevant than any one else's.

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