Why do democrats hate poor black people and want them permanently on welfare?

Seeing how we are the best party for the poor and middle class I can see how a Republican in independents clothing would spin it that way

Still haven't shown why Democrats don't hate blacks, you keep claiming you are better than someone who does nothing. LOL! You don't do anything either.
Black people are Democrats you idiot.

And this is just you Republicans trying to take the focus off yourselves. Why are we even talking about this? We should be talking about the love Republicans have shown black people. Because you won you know. Why are you talking and doing nothing? This sounds like a Republican taking the focus off the fact you so that gonna do shit but hurt poor black people

So, again, no answer, just throwing excuses. It seems the regressive left has no real answers other than they hate poor blacks.
Equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will for unemployment compensation purposes, can solve simple poverty. The right wing, doesn't like it.

So you want hiring for the sake of hiring. That seems pretty archaic.
It is about unemployment compensation for Labor simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
Try again Brian...

Just Reaganism rolling on, and the middle class losing jobs during the Booosh depression. He didn't PASS ANY POLICIES except the stimulus and ACA...there's your brainwashing kicking in again...

Bush and Reagan were geniuses! Look how butt hurt you are and Reagan has been out of office for 28 plus years and you still can't figure it out. You Dems are pretty stupid.

Turns out Reagan sucked. We loved him at the time but didn't realize what a sellout he actually was. HW Bush didn't start NAFTA, Reagan's boys did.

Historical Reasons to Show Liberals Love

  • The 8-hour workday, overtime pay, and the federal minimum wage
  • The Social Security Act,
  • Medicare,
  • The Clean Water Act,
  • The Rural Electrification Act
Yes, But ‘What Have You Done for Me Lately’ – 10 Reasons to Thank Obama
  • Student Loan Reform and Pell Grant Award Increases

  • American Reinvestment and Recovery Act
  • Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,”
  • The end of the Stem Cell Research Ban, for which Obama takes full credit. He used an executive order in March 2009 to end former President George W. Bush’s ban on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

So nothing to help the poor, got it!
The way to help the poor is to give them access to middle class jobs. We offer programs that encourage hiring and fair wages your party says fair pay is a job killer. Your party gives tax breaks and crosses their fingers.
fair. no such word in society. equal opportunity. now that is.
Still haven't shown why Democrats don't hate blacks, you keep claiming you are better than someone who does nothing. LOL! You don't do anything either.
Black people are Democrats you idiot.

And this is just you Republicans trying to take the focus off yourselves. Why are we even talking about this? We should be talking about the love Republicans have shown black people. Because you won you know. Why are you talking and doing nothing? This sounds like a Republican taking the focus off the fact you so that gonna do shit but hurt poor black people

So, again, no answer, just throwing excuses. It seems the regressive left has no real answers other than they hate poor blacks.
Equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will for unemployment compensation purposes, can solve simple poverty. The right wing, doesn't like it.

So you want hiring for the sake of hiring. That seems pretty archaic.
It is about unemployment compensation for Labor simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

With the employment rate as low as it is, is there a valid reason for you not to be at will?
Black people are Democrats you idiot.

And this is just you Republicans trying to take the focus off yourselves. Why are we even talking about this? We should be talking about the love Republicans have shown black people. Because you won you know. Why are you talking and doing nothing? This sounds like a Republican taking the focus off the fact you so that gonna do shit but hurt poor black people

So, again, no answer, just throwing excuses. It seems the regressive left has no real answers other than they hate poor blacks.
Equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will for unemployment compensation purposes, can solve simple poverty. The right wing, doesn't like it.

So you want hiring for the sake of hiring. That seems pretty archaic.
It is about unemployment compensation for Labor simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

With the employment rate as low as it is, is there a valid reason for you not to be at will?

President Donald Trump has reversed himself on at least six major issues this week, pulling back on long-held promises supported by his base.

Four of these reversals alone came in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Wednesday:

  • Trump said the Chinese are “not currency manipulators.” Just last week, he said they were “world champions” of currency manipulation, and he pledged throughout his campaign to label China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. He tweeted in 2012 that President Barack Obama’s failure to call China a currency manipulator “helped China steal even more jobs and money from us.”

  • Trump said, “I do like a low interest-rate policy.” During his campaign, he excoriated the Federal Reserve for keeping rates low, and said in 2011 that the policy would lead to hyperinflation.

  • Trump said he was open to the idea of reappointing Janet Yellen to head the Federal Reserve. On the campaign trail, he said he would “most likely” replace her. “I like her, I respect her,” Trump told the Journal at the time.

  • Trump said he supported the Export-Import Bank, noting that small companies are “really helped” by the institution. During the campaign, he said the bank was unnecessary.
On each of these issues, Trump’s turnabout puts him in lockstep with the Washington economic policy consensus. And in each case, Trump is walking away ― at least for now ― from the heterodox views he expressed during the campaign. This week’s reversals follow his shift on Syria last week, when Trump fired cruise missiles at an airbase after repeatedly saying he opposed U.S. involvement in the country’s civil war.

Also on Wednesday, Trump reversed his position on NATO, telling reporters, “They made a change and now they do fight terrorism. I said it was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete.”

It is rare for Trump to admit he is changing positions. During the campaign, for example, he insisted he had opposed the Iraq War before the 2003 U.S. invasion, even though he supported it during a radio interview at the time.

In an interview with Fox Business Network that was taped on Tuesday, Trump blasted Obama for not striking Syria in 2013 ― even though Trump repeatedly tweeted at the time that Obama should not do so.

In The Wall Street Journal interview, Trump also waded back into the debate over the relative value of the U.S. dollar, saying, “I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me. But that’s hurting—that will hurt ultimately.”
Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.
who said that the kids graduating would release moms and siblings from it? The idea is to break the cycle. wow, you weren't standing in the line for intelligence were you now?
And you are liberal in most threads.

I can't think of any way the left has helped the poor, all they have done have found ways to keep more people on subsidized something.

Good job!
You mean affordable healthcare?

Everything else we wanted to try you Republicans said no. No let's see the wealth gap shrink under GOP rule. It won't but you won't care because you're a fucking republican

Well the wealth gap didn't seem to bother Democrats over the last eight years where it has continued to widen. Funny how it is now important when the Democrats aren't in power and ignored while the Dems are out of power.

To be fair, Obama had a recession, 2 wars, housing bubble, and high unemployment to deal with.

To be fair he promised to close the gap, and he did not. To be fair he let all those bankers and other rich 1%ers off the hook for 2008. To be fair, Obama didn't do much of anything for the poor. to be fair, you lean left.
To be fair when your dumb ass gave the GOP back the house in 2010 you killed any hope of Obama doing anything for your dumb ass.

Remember how the gop blamed Obama for the bp oilspill? You bought it
so then why didn't Barry attempt to work with them? you don't get to just make that statement without repercussion, there Barry squared.

you don't know the word 'balance' or the word 'negotiate' eh?
Education is the only way out. my further evidence they wish hate on the blacks.

Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.
who said that the kids graduating would release moms and siblings from it? The idea is to break the cycle. wow, you weren't standing in the line for intelligence were you now?

Been almost 30 years. If the cycle was being broken, poverty would go down. It hasn't.
OP- The dupes have totally lost contact with reality, since all help for blacks, both to survive and rise, is due to Dems, and all the racists are basically in the GOP and the New BS GOP has brought about the ruin of the nonrich and especially blacks for 35 years. GO Trump- dump the BS and bring the dupes along. So far so good.
Great, I agree 100%, I'm so happy to see that you support Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education along with school choice, vouchers and charter schools. Happy to see you come around!

Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.
who said that the kids graduating would release moms and siblings from it? The idea is to break the cycle. wow, you weren't standing in the line for intelligence were you now?

Been almost 30 years. If the cycle was being broken, poverty would go down. It hasn't.
how do you figure? My moms 84 years young.
OP- The dupes have totally lost contact with reality, since all help for blacks, both to survive and rise, is due to Dems, and all the racists are basically in the GOP and the New BS GOP has brought about the ruin of the nonrich and especially blacks for 35 years. GO Trump- dump the BS and bring the dupes along. So far so good.
silly person, the dems hate the blacks. always have. had the slaves, had the kkk tried a civil war to hold on to their slaves. let's don't drop that ball here.

BTW, republicans freed the slaves. ever hear of Abraham Lincoln?
Vouchers aren't helping Milwaukee.
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.
who said that the kids graduating would release moms and siblings from it? The idea is to break the cycle. wow, you weren't standing in the line for intelligence were you now?

Been almost 30 years. If the cycle was being broken, poverty would go down. It hasn't.
how do you figure? My moms 84 years young.

So your answer to poverty doesn't actually lower poverty. Funny.
Boy, now is the time for Republicans to gain the black vote. Instead of creating the usual economic crisis, and then Amerlca has to elect a Democrat for the usual recovery. This time if Trump creates jobs and income for all the poor, not just blacks he will be rated near-
You mean affordable healthcare?

Everything else we wanted to try you Republicans said no. No let's see the wealth gap shrink under GOP rule. It won't but you won't care because you're a fucking republican

Well the wealth gap didn't seem to bother Democrats over the last eight years where it has continued to widen. Funny how it is now important when the Democrats aren't in power and ignored while the Dems are out of power.

To be fair, Obama had a recession, 2 wars, housing bubble, and high unemployment to deal with.

To be fair he promised to close the gap, and he did not. To be fair he let all those bankers and other rich 1%ers off the hook for 2008. To be fair, Obama didn't do much of anything for the poor. to be fair, you lean left.
To be fair when your dumb ass gave the GOP back the house in 2010 you killed any hope of Obama doing anything for your dumb ass.

Remember how the gop blamed Obama for the bp oilspill? You bought it
so then why didn't Barry attempt to work with them? you don't get to just make that statement without repercussion, there Barry squared.

you don't know the word 'balance' or the word 'negotiate' eh?

Work with them? Impossible. Even Trump can't work with them. LOL
OP- The dupes have totally lost contact with reality, since all help for blacks, both to survive and rise, is due to Dems, and all the racists are basically in the GOP and the New BS GOP has brought about the ruin of the nonrich and especially blacks for 35 years. GO Trump- dump the BS and bring the dupes along. So far so good.
silly person, the dems hate the blacks. always have. had the slaves, had the kkk tried a civil war to hold on to their slaves. let's don't drop that ball here.

BTW, republicans freed the slaves. ever hear of Abraham Lincoln?
That was 154 years ago, 117 years before the GOP went Southern conservative insane.
Boy, now is the time for Republicans to gain the black vote. Instead of creating the usual economic crisis, and then Amerlca has to elect a Democrat for the usual recovery. This time if Trump creates jobs and income for all the poor, not just blacks he will be rated near-
"I know, a giant tax cut for the megarich ought to do it..."
how can you make that statement? I posted their results. you just lied.

And I posted that Milwaukee has a huge poverty problem. They have the longest running voucher program and still huge poverty. Not working.
who said that the kids graduating would release moms and siblings from it? The idea is to break the cycle. wow, you weren't standing in the line for intelligence were you now?

Been almost 30 years. If the cycle was being broken, poverty would go down. It hasn't.
how do you figure? My moms 84 years young.

So your answer to poverty doesn't actually lower poverty. Funny.
the object is to break the family cycle of living in poverty. Let's see your solution that you have avoided posting?

BTW, throwing money at it doesn't solve it.

Come back when you are sincere about it.
So, again, no answer, just throwing excuses. It seems the regressive left has no real answers other than they hate poor blacks.
Equal protection of the law regarding the concept of employment at will for unemployment compensation purposes, can solve simple poverty. The right wing, doesn't like it.

So you want hiring for the sake of hiring. That seems pretty archaic.
It is about unemployment compensation for Labor simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

With the employment rate as low as it is, is there a valid reason for you not to be at will?

President Donald Trump has reversed himself on at least six major issues this week, pulling back on long-held promises supported by his base.

Four of these reversals alone came in an interview with The Wall Street Journal published Wednesday:

  • Trump said the Chinese are “not currency manipulators.” Just last week, he said they were “world champions” of currency manipulation, and he pledged throughout his campaign to label China a currency manipulator on his first day in office. He tweeted in 2012 that President Barack Obama’s failure to call China a currency manipulator “helped China steal even more jobs and money from us.”

  • Trump said, “I do like a low interest-rate policy.” During his campaign, he excoriated the Federal Reserve for keeping rates low, and said in 2011 that the policy would lead to hyperinflation.

  • Trump said he was open to the idea of reappointing Janet Yellen to head the Federal Reserve. On the campaign trail, he said he would “most likely” replace her. “I like her, I respect her,” Trump told the Journal at the time.

  • Trump said he supported the Export-Import Bank, noting that small companies are “really helped” by the institution. During the campaign, he said the bank was unnecessary.
On each of these issues, Trump’s turnabout puts him in lockstep with the Washington economic policy consensus. And in each case, Trump is walking away ― at least for now ― from the heterodox views he expressed during the campaign. This week’s reversals follow his shift on Syria last week, when Trump fired cruise missiles at an airbase after repeatedly saying he opposed U.S. involvement in the country’s civil war.

Also on Wednesday, Trump reversed his position on NATO, telling reporters, “They made a change and now they do fight terrorism. I said it was obsolete. It’s no longer obsolete.”

It is rare for Trump to admit he is changing positions. During the campaign, for example, he insisted he had opposed the Iraq War before the 2003 U.S. invasion, even though he supported it during a radio interview at the time.

In an interview with Fox Business Network that was taped on Tuesday, Trump blasted Obama for not striking Syria in 2013 ― even though Trump repeatedly tweeted at the time that Obama should not do so.

In The Wall Street Journal interview, Trump also waded back into the debate over the relative value of the U.S. dollar, saying, “I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me. But that’s hurting—that will hurt ultimately.”
OP- The dupes have totally lost contact with reality, since all help for blacks, both to survive and rise, is due to Dems, and all the racists are basically in the GOP and the New BS GOP has brought about the ruin of the nonrich and especially blacks for 35 years. GO Trump- dump the BS and bring the dupes along. So far so good.
silly person, the dems hate the blacks. always have. had the slaves, had the kkk tried a civil war to hold on to their slaves. let's don't drop that ball here.

BTW, republicans freed the slaves. ever hear of Abraham Lincoln?
That was 154 years ago, 117 years before the GOP went Southern conservative insane.

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