Why do people hate Jews?

That's true. They are the same. Palestinians are called that to differentiate them from Saudi Arabs or Kuwaiti Arabs.

They were called Palestinians in Arabia in 1950.
You still don’t get it. They can call themselves whatever they want, there is no distinction.
“With the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans, the Jewish practice of offering korbanot stopped for all intents and purposes.“

Their religion their business. As long as they aren’t shoving it down your throat at the point of the sword.

”A number of sages opined that following Jewish law, doing charitable deeds, and studying Jewish texts is greater than performing animal sacrifices”.

I’ll take the ancient sages interpretation over a 21st century White Supremacist social media right winger.

Unlike you guys who mixed the Roman / Greek pagan faiths with Judaism. Hey, if bowing to and kissing statues tickles your fancy, or some Jewish guy was actually the Son Of G-d, go right at it...non of my business.

As far as the “Mosaic Law” that you’re so worried about even though you aren’t even a Jew, I’d say majority of a Jews are still followers to one extent or another.

but if I were a purist like you, I’d be more worried about my religion being a photocopy of another pagan faith.

“Most of the research into Mithraism, a religion with many parallels to Christianity, comes from two writers, Some Similarities Between Mithraism and Christianity are:

Virgin birth
Twelve followers
Killing and resurrection
Birthdate on December 25
Mankind's savior
Known as the Light of the world

Have you ever wondered why December 25th was chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ? If the accounts in the Bible are correct, the time of Jesus birth would have been closer to mid-summer, for this is when shepherds would have been "tending their flocks in the field" and the new lambs were born. Strange enough there is an ancient pagan religion, Mithraism, which dates back over 2,800 years that also celebrated the birth of their "savior" on that date. Many elements in the story of Jesus' life and birth are either coincidental or borrowings from earlier and contemporary pagan religions. The most obviously similar of these is Mithraism. Roman Mithraism was a mystery religion with sacrifice and initiation. Like other mystery cults, there's little recorded literary evidence. What we know comes mainly from Christian detractors and archaeological evidence from Mithraic temples, inscriptions, and artistic representations of the god and other aspects of the cult. In an EAWC (Exploring Ancient World Cultures) essay entitled Mithraism, Alison Griffith explains Cumont's theory of a Zoroastrian origin for the Roman Mithraist religion. While this theory is disputed, there was a Mitra in the Hindu pantheon and a minor deity named Mithra among the Persians as well. Cumont came to believe the religion spread westward from Eastern Roman provinces. However, as Griffith explains, there is little evidence of a Zoroastrian Mithra cult and most evidence for Mithraic worship comes from the western portion of the empire from which Cumont correctly deduced that "Mithraism was most popular among legionaries (of all ranks), and the members of the more marginal social groups who were not Roman citizens: freedmen, slaves, and merchants from various provinces...." No women were allowed.
I see you cannot answer my question, as usual.

So all you can do is attack Christianity with the same old “Mithras” fable.
I see you cannot answer my question, as usual.

So all you can do is attack Christianity with the same old “Mithras” fable.
What question is that. You’re upset that Jews aren’t sacrificing like they did 2000 years ago, and I told you the Romans sacked their temple, the sages decided that It can be replaced by doing good deeds etc. Plus it is non of your beeswax since it isn’t harming anybody, only doing good.
I provided some answers to your questions and offered more resources to help you learn about Judaism so you would stop making basic mistakes but you still seem wedded to ignorance. Why?
None of your resources link to actual biblical (OT) explainations. You can’t articulate the answer yourself or provide scripture to back up your claims, so all you can do is drop a link to a Talmud website.
None of your resources link to actual biblical (OT) explainations. You can’t articulate the answer yourself or provide scripture to back up your claims, so all you can do is drop a link to a Talmud website.
So what’s your point since Jews aren’t sacrificing animals their faith is null and void but you Christians that bow to and kiss statues get a pass? Did Jesus bow to statues?
None of your resources link to actual biblical (OT) explainations. You can’t articulate the answer yourself or provide scripture to back up your claims, so all you can do is drop a link to a Talmud website.
"biblical explanations"? So are you a biblical literalist? Do you believe that an "eye for an eye" is to be taken literally? You made the following claims:
1. "why don’t Jews practice Mosaic Law?"

Jews do -- you just don't know what Mosaic law is. You have yet to show that you do. Are you saying that Mosaic law is limited to the exact wording of the 5 books of Moses and the literal way you happen to (mis)understand them?

2. "Where are the animal sacrifices?"

You do know that the biblical text requires that one be spiritually pure to offer sacrifices, right? And that to be pure requires the Jewish temple? And the temple was destroyed? You know that, right? So you know that, textually, we cannot offer sacrifices now. So why would you ask about sacrifices?

3" "Jews should be adhering the exact same practices as 2000 years ago since no new prophet or messiah has come along to tell them otherwise."

The practices 2000 years ago actually were strikingly similar to what we have or what we would have if the temple had not been destroyed. The text, though, says that we have other sources of authority beyond prophets and "messiahs" (whatever you mean by that). The text of Deuteronomy obligates us to listen to the teachers and judges in each generation and do what they say in terms of understanding and applying the law.
So what’s your point since Jews aren’t sacrificing animals their faith is null and void but you Christians that bow to and kiss statues get a pass? Did Jesus bow to statues?
So Jews don’t kiss stone?


So Jews don’t kiss stone?


View attachment 905096
They are praying to God at 2600 year old wall that is supposedly the remains of their ancient temple. It has withstood the many times Jerusalem was touched and sacked. Jesus probably walked by and touched these same stones.

Very different than creating statues and then bowing to it and kissing it, like idol worshippers do. That is basically what Hindus and Buddhists do. I’m not saying that’s all Christianity is, but you’re the one who demonized Jews and claimed “the Jews lost their way”.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,
that’s all. Honestly, I have a very good friend who’s a Buddhist convert from Islam and don’t care who or what he worships. To each his own.
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They are praying to God at 2600 year old wall that is supposedly the remains of their ancient temple. It has withstood the many times Jerusalem was touched and sacked. Jesus probably walked by and touched these same stones.

Very different than creating statues and then bowing to it and kissing it, like idol worshippers do. That is basically what Hindus and Buddhists do. I’m not saying that’s all Christianity is, but you’re the one who demonized Jews and claimed “the Jews lost their way”.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,
that’s all. Honestly, I have a very good friend who’s a Buddhist convert from Islam and don’t care who or what he worships. To each his own.

Oh okay, so it’s okay for Jews to bow and kiss stone “like idol worshippers do”, but others can’t.

Talk about throwing stones in a glass house, lol.
Oh okay, so it’s okay for Jews to bow and kiss stone “like idol worshippers do”, but others can’t.

Talk about throwing stones in a glass house, lol.
You can’t see the difference between praying to God at the remains of an ancient 2500 temple that has been around since Ancient Rome and Persia, with building a statue of Zeus or Mary and then kneeling in front of it? Okay fine.
Can you show me any Jewish text that has goyim meaning cattle? Thanks.
Can you show me any Jewish text that has goyim meaning cattle? Thanks.
They are praying to God at 2600 year old wall that is supposedly the remains of their ancient temple. It has withstood the many times Jerusalem was touched and sacked. Jesus probably walked by and touched these same stones.

Very different than creating statues and then bowing to it and kissing it, like idol worshippers do. That is basically what Hindus and Buddhists do. I’m not saying that’s all Christianity is, but you’re the one who demonized Jews and claimed “the Jews lost their way”.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,
that’s all. Honestly, I have a very good friend who’s a Buddhist convert from Islam and don’t care who or what he worships. To each his own.

Fortress Antonia?
I did exactly say that Franklin. Most Christians stand shoulder to shoulder with their Jewish brothers in support of an Israel. But you do have antisemitic elements on the Right that are as bad as the ones on the Left.

So I apologize if that came across as an insult to you or your faith. But when you have people posting images of Jews looking like zombies or pushing antisemitic canards from 500 years ago, one has an obligation to remind them that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones.
It’s all good we all have our free speech

I stand with any good Muslim or Jew. .. discrimination is not the way forward. It doesn’t make any sense.
Then you simply do not know their history Frank.....~S~
This is the true Catholic way

There are almost 2,000,000,000 Catholics. And the overwhelming vast majority of us want to have a better world. To help all people in need regardless of their religion.

Remember all groups of people have their bad eggs

Any priest, or bishop, or pope of history, who did violence to innocents was not following the way of Jesus.

Belief in Jesus helped me deal with a horrific spine injury where I was unable to feed myself for multiple weeks ….and was a wheelchair for almost a year. Figures and legends of history like Robin Hood, Richard the Lionheart, Joan of arc and others including many valiant Knights of the crusades help me to deal with this life-changing injury… that’s how I deal with it.
I did exactly say that Franklin. Most Christians stand shoulder to shoulder with their Jewish brothers in support of an Israel. But you do have antisemitic elements on the Right that are as bad as the ones on the Left.

So I apologize if that came across as an insult to you or your faith. But when you have people posting images of Jews looking like zombies or pushing antisemitic canards from 500 years ago, one has an obligation to remind them that people who live in glass houses shouldn’t be throwing stones.
Of course, Israel is a country. It is a different topic compared to attitudes toward Jews in general

ie Saudi Arabia is a separate topic from Muslims in general.

Ireland and Catholics in general are two different topics

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