Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?

Gun nutter police chief near Atlanta, shoots his wife while sleeping with his beloved gun. Note I didn't say beloved wife. He shot her. HE says while he was asleep. First he told the 911 dispatch he shot her twice. While asleep.

Damned guns. Shooting people while the owner is asleep. LMAO. You fucking gun nutters are so silly.
Do you all sleep with your guns as well? If so, tell your sleeping partner to wear a bullet proof vest to bed. Guns are staging an uprising.
Lots of John Wayne wannbes in the US, playing the hero. That's all.
John Wayne was a wannabe.
I feel sorry for people like you two that are not the heroic type. Must give you two warm feelings to be two cowardly pieces of shit.
those two twerps are the offspring of those cowardly protestors of the VN era, dumping animal guts, blood, dead chickens, (where was PETA ?) shit'n piss bombs on Navy ships as they passed under the G.G. Bridge, while John Wayne was visiting the ground troops, along with many, many other celebrities, yet their grand parents were entertained by Bob Hope, George Burns, were crooned to by , Bing Crosby, Frankie Sinatra, etc.

these anti-America liberpuke punks absolutely fucking disgust me, they have the values of a wolf pack attacking a lone injured Elk.

every aspect of their lives is ANTI- fill in the blank, want to know when this liberalism crept into our nation ? it all begin to kick in, January 2, 1960AD to be exact ! that was the beginning of our liberculture when the freebies would soon flow and the "two cowardly pieces of shit", named above is the result of todays liberscum.

oooooh !! BTW, a reminder.., there are many,many others of this ilk are out here among us, it's a dangerous world ..., watch yer 6. :up:
Lots of John Wayne wannbes in the US, playing the hero. That's all.
John Wayne was a wannabe.
I feel sorry for people like you two that are not the heroic type. Must give you two warm feelings to be two cowardly pieces of shit.
Yeah, funny us, we don't think that the local 7-11 is the same as the O.K. fucking corral or the beaches of Normandy during WWII.

Depends on the neighborhood.
Lots of John Wayne wannbes in the US, playing the hero. That's all.
John Wayne was a wannabe.
I feel sorry for people like you two that are not the heroic type. Must give you two warm feelings to be two cowardly pieces of shit.
Yeah, funny us, we don't think that the local 7-11 is the same as the O.K. fucking corral or the beaches of Normandy during WWII.

Depends on the neighborhood.
No, it doesn't.
Lots of John Wayne wannbes in the US, playing the hero. That's all.
John Wayne was a wannabe.
Indeed. Started out life as Marion for Christ's sake. That was the name of my fucking grandmother.
Total poser, and so are you fucking little CC tampons, waiting for your chance to play the hero, in the auto parts aisle of the local Wal-Mart.
Remind us how you are NOT trying to ban firearms.
Every time I walk out my door, I clip my .38 to the left of my belt and my phone to the right.

Every day is a journey. You never know what's in store.

But while in store, if you spot bananas for 39 cents a pound buy them. They are NEVER cheaper than 39 cents.
Lots of John Wayne wannbes in the US, playing the hero. That's all.
John Wayne was a wannabe.
Indeed. Started out life as Marion for Christ's sake. That was the name of my fucking grandmother.
Total poser, and so are you fucking little CC tampons, waiting for your chance to play the hero, in the auto parts aisle of the local Wal-Mart.
BS I'm waiting for some pussy like you to just try and take my income from me face to face like a man. Walmart for auto parts? WTF is wrong with you?
"Why does anybody think concealed carry is a good idea?"

Because many are not comfortable with open carry.

Concealed carry affords the armed citizen more options in the event of an incident.
Letting people carry guns in public will obviously lead to more people using guns in public.

Really? Any evidence to back that up? Since the 1990s over 30 states have added "Shal issue" laws concerning ccw permits. Has the violent crime rate gone up in any of those states since then?

Florida has over 2 million permits that it issued since the mid 90s. Has their violent crime rate or murder rate gone up? No. quite the contrary, it has gone down.

Your claims lack valid evidence to support them.
There's no evidence in support of any of this.

There is no evidence citizens carrying concealed weapons results in a rise or decline of violent crime.

Moreover, it's legally and Constitutionally irrelevant – citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to the right to lawful self-defense; citizens are not required to 'justify' the exercising of a Constitutional right as a 'prerequisite' to indeed do so.

I guess you missed my post?
Your worst enemy baby dick.

don't flatter yourself panty soiled

to me you are nothing more than dog shit. and a lot of things can happen to dog shit
it can dry up and blow away in the wind

or it can get stepped on

so be careful where the dog shits you
The one who flatters himself is you baby dick charles bronson, the hero killer of muggers.
didn't kill the mugger cheese dick
Well why the fuck did you shoot him then, to make him giggle? What an asswipe you are.
I guess you are too stupid to figure out why someone would shoot a MUGGER

damn-if you were a fish, you'd drown
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why do people want a concealed carry weapon?

1. because open carry makes people nervous
2. to save their lives and the lives of others
3. because the constitution guarantees it
4. because there are a lot of criminals on our streets
5. did I mention to save their lives?
Concealed carry is working real well. Now the shoplifters in Walmart are starting to arm themselves.
Just read of a shop lifter who pulled his concealed carry weapon on the Walmart security guard so the theif could make his getaway. Which he did. Had all the shoppers diving for cover at the sight of the gun.

I know there are good reasons for not shopping at a Walmart. Now there are even more reasons. Evidently Walmarts are some of the most dangerous places to visit you could go to. Everybody is carrying and even the cops will shoot you when you are in a Walmart. Or your 2yo kid will.
Concealed carry is working real well. Now the shoplifters in Walmart are starting to arm themselves.
Just read of a shop lifter who pulled his concealed carry weapon on the Walmart security guard so the theif could make his getaway. Which he did. Had all the shoppers diving for cover at the sight of the gun.

I know there are good reasons for not shopping at a Walmart. Now there are even more reasons. Evidently Walmarts are some of the most dangerous places to visit you could go to. Everybody is carrying and even the cops will shoot you when you are in a Walmart. Or your 2yo kid will.

I seriously doubt that the walmart shop lifter had a legal CC permit. Too bad that someone with a legal permit did not take him out when he pulled the gun on the security guard.

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