Will Republicans own up to their mistake this midterm or continue on with the same?

Will Republican vote blue to fix their Trump mistake?

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  • nio

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Free markets- When you admit you can't compete with foreign goods and want tariffs, that's an abandonment of free markets.
When the globalists gave tax breaks to move US factories overseas, and Obama said those jobs aren't coming back, and the US trade deficit was $500b a year and rising, its time for Trump to use the largest economy in the world to advantage. As the globalists fuel China's military buildup, including theft of intellectual property, they will realize too late that the US has become a second rate power. Then its too late.

Yawn, "Globalists"? You are seriously getting into Dale Smith Lizard People territory here. Reality check. It's a global economy. Either we learn to compete or we get crushed... American consumers voted for globalism with their wallets whenever they go into a WalMart and buy cheap Chinese stuff.

Libertarian principles? Sorry, that went out the window when Trump started throwing kids into concentration camps?
I've been a repub a long time and don't recall any "libertarian principles", just conservative ones. When 4 out of 5 illegal kids apprehended are unaccompanied, you can't blame Trump for lavishing care on them while being held, blame the parents that sent them north. The care being given to them is 1000x better than the living conditions in their home country. Please lookup the definition of a "concentration camp".

You don't? For a long time, a principle of a faction of the GOP is that 'We don't needs us no Gummit telling us what to do!" This was mostly dumb-ass rednecks who listened to talk radio paid for by Sugar Daddies like the Koch Brothers, but man, throwing kids into concentration camps is totally fucked up, no matter how much you try to justify it.

Family values? Um, right, when you support a guy who fucks porn stars and has cheated on all three of his wives and has a creepy obsession with his daughter, "Family Values" have gone right out the window.
Have you seen regular TV lately? There are no more family values, especially for politicians. You're either a church goer or not, but its not a requirement. As the pope said, "who are we to judge"? i.e. scratch family values from your GOP set of principles. Trump was a very sexually active guy, so what, his wife is cool with it?

Funny, I seem to remember 20 years ago, people tried to make the same excuses for Bill Clinton banging interns, and you guys on the right SCREAMED BLOODY MURDER!!! And Clinton never talked about how hot Chelsea was, because that would have been creepy.

Strong National Defense? Well, he's alienated NATO, alienated South Korea, sucked up to North Korea and Russia.
Trump kept this principle to the point of sacrificing fiscal restraint. The Defense Budget is $717b in 2018 up from $524b in 2016. NATO is not alienated, they were told that the US is not continuing the free ride, they need to meet their obligations. Trump is right to demand that they pony up. Also, Germany has an agreement to buy gas from Russia which gives them needed cash

Again, pissing away money on connected contractors doesn't improve defense, buddy. NATO is meeting it's obligations just fine, they're just not obligated to get into our wars in the Middle East.

Free Trade- America was all for free trade when we produced the best products in the world the rest of the world wanted to buy. Then we were all for "Free Trade".
Not sure when the US was a net manufacturing exporter, the 1950's?? Currently the US has a massive $500b trade deficit, which Trump is addressing by requiring "fair trade", and fair trade is what the voters want, since it means more good paying jobs.

Maybe you should actually learn what you are talking about. The US Posted Trade Surpluses all the way up until 1976.

The thing is, the STUPID WHITE TRASH INBRED RUBES who vote for Trump don't get is that their jobs were not lost to foreign competition, they were lost to automation. Most of what we consume is made in this country, but it's made by machines, not people. the number of people involved in manufacturing has been declining all over the world, not just here. It's all automated now, and that good union manufacturing job Grandpa had is never coming back.

Tariffs- American consumers would rather buy cheap Chinese made stuff, or buy German or Japanese cars because they are of better quality.
Not disagreeing with that claim, however, as Trump adds tariffs that levels the playing field. Foreign cars is the "mother-lode" for tariffs and no country wants tariffs on their cars, so we'll see how that plays out. Trump and the US has all the cards in this game, save for some farm subsidies. Populist tariffs for good jobs is a GOP win, not loss.

How does making their products more expensive level the playing field. The reason why the field is uneven is that Americans make overpriced crap. The reality is most "Foreign" cars are made here and most "Domestic" cars are made in Mexico or Canada.... out of components made all over the world...

Now, I give Reagan some credit, he's the one who held Japan's feet to the fire on "Dumping" (selling goods in America at minimal profits to drive American competitors out of business)..."Fair Trade" is subjective. The only "Fair" Trade is one both sides agrees to
Agreed. Trump did the same anti-dumping tariffs on steel and aluminum. US union workers can't be more supportive, fair trade is as negotiated, such as with Mexico and Canada. We're still working on China. Bottom line: the US is no longer the trade chump of the world.

Execpt what the other countries weren't doing "dumping". They were producing a lower-cost, better quality product because while they were upgrading their plants, American plants were still using old equipment and paying their execs and investors. Again, nothing the Orange Fuhrer is doing is changing that.
Even after Stormy Daniels and the playboy bunny payoff's they're still defending Trump.
Bill Graham jr., Mike Huckabee and others are still on the Trump train.

Yes, they are.

And if they get a Roe and Obergefell overturned, they'll have considered it totally worth it.

And this is where the left I think has kind of missed the boat. There really is a case for a "Christian Left".
Ill advised tariffs? Oh, you mean like the ones he imposed on the EU, Canada and Mexico? Hmmmm...how did that work out again? Now I remember! The EU, Canada and Mexico all gave us better trade deals! So why were the tariffs ill advised? Because you're clueless when it comes to economics?

Nobody ever won a trade war....

SO his brilliant tariffs gave us... exactly the same deal we would have had with Canada and Mexico if we signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We brilliantly go them to agree to what they already agreed to. Brilliant.
Ill advised tariffs? Oh, you mean like the ones he imposed on the EU, Canada and Mexico? Hmmmm...how did that work out again? Now I remember! The EU, Canada and Mexico all gave us better trade deals! So why were the tariffs ill advised? Because you're clueless when it comes to economics?

Nobody ever won a trade war....

SO his brilliant tariffs gave us... exactly the same deal we would have had with Canada and Mexico if we signed the Trans-Pacific Partnership. We brilliantly go them to agree to what they already agreed to. Brilliant.

Which is EXACTLY why the EU, Canada and Mexico gave us better deals than what existed before! Admit it, Joey...you (as most liberals) don't have the faintest idea how to conduct hardball business negotiations! You think if we're "nice" to everyone...they'll return the favor. Then you can't figure out why you keep getting taken advantage of! Trump understands how this works...you don't! So why don't you go sit in the corner and let someone who's competent handle things for a change?
Which is EXACTLY why the EU, Canada and Mexico gave us better deals than what existed before! Admit it, Joey...you (as most liberals) don't have the faintest idea how to conduct hardball business negotiations!

Dude, I was in purchasing and procurement for 20 years...

And do you know what I'm hearing from that world now.. Every supplier is now raising parts for components because of Trump's idiotic tariffs. Most companies are just paying the extra costs, because resourcing the products locally isn't a practical option... they'll just pass that cost on to the consumer.

Trump understands how this works...you don't!

Then how come I've never been involved in a bankruptcy, and trump has had a dozen?

So why don't you go sit in the corner and let someone who's competent handle things for a change?

You mean taking credit for someone else's work before you fuck it up? Most of us don't have that option like Trump does.

Not to worry, he will fuck it up, though.
Which is EXACTLY why the EU, Canada and Mexico gave us better deals than what existed before! Admit it, Joey...you (as most liberals) don't have the faintest idea how to conduct hardball business negotiations!

Dude, I was in purchasing and procurement for 20 years...

And do you know what I'm hearing from that world now.. Every supplier is now raising parts for components because of Trump's idiotic tariffs. Most companies are just paying the extra costs, because resourcing the products locally isn't a practical option... they'll just pass that cost on to the consumer.

Trump understands how this works...you don't!

Then how come I've never been involved in a bankruptcy, and trump has had a dozen?

So why don't you go sit in the corner and let someone who's competent handle things for a change?

You mean taking credit for someone else's work before you fuck it up? Most of us don't have that option like Trump does.

Not to worry, he will fuck it up, though.

You're hearing from the world? Does the world call you or text you, Joey? (eye roll)

Anyone who knows business knows that there are times when it makes sense to declare bankruptcy. Trump has filed bankruptcy because it made sense to do so. Idiots like you are clueless about that just like you're clueless about most things when it comes to running a business!

Taking credit for the work of someone else? You mean like Barry claiming increased energy production as one of his "achievements" when he was opposed to the fracking that produced that increase in energy production? That kind of thing? The truth is...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and it would have been even worse if the Democrats hadn't gotten their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterms preventing the 3 Stooges (Barry, Harry and Nancy) from passing Cap & Trade legislation!
You keep PRAYING that something bad happens to the economy, Joey! It's the only prayer you liberals have of ever getting power back again!
You're hearing from the world? Does the world call you or text you, Joey? (eye roll)

Do you not understand basic English? I have lots of people I know who are still in procurement, and they all tell me, Trump's Tariffs are playing havoc with supply chain.

Anyone who knows business knows that there are times when it makes sense to declare bankruptcy. Trump has filed bankruptcy because it made sense to do so. Idiots like you are clueless about that just like you're clueless about most things when it comes to running a business!

Funny, I've never had to declare bankruptcy... because I manage my economic affairs responsibly and don't want to cheat my creditors, which is exactly what Trump did.

The truth is...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and it would have been even worse if the Democrats hadn't gotten their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterms preventing the 3 Stooges (Barry, Harry and Nancy) from passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Yawn, guy, you might like breathing dirty air and drinking dirty water, but I don't.

You keep PRAYING that something bad happens to the economy, Joey! It's the only prayer you liberals have of ever getting power back again!

I don't have to pray because there is no God. What there is are laws of cause and effect. When you do the same stupid shit that caused the last four recessions, you are going to have another recession.

Insanity is defined as trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
You don't have to pray because you have no soul

Never said I did.

Have we scientifically proven souls are a thing? Has anyone caught on on film or developed a meter to measure one?

So what if you spent your whole life praying to a God and you were praying to the wrong one?

You're hearing from the world? Does the world call you or text you, Joey? (eye roll)

Do you not understand basic English? I have lots of people I know who are still in procurement, and they all tell me, Trump's Tariffs are playing havoc with supply chain.

Anyone who knows business knows that there are times when it makes sense to declare bankruptcy. Trump has filed bankruptcy because it made sense to do so. Idiots like you are clueless about that just like you're clueless about most things when it comes to running a business!

Funny, I've never had to declare bankruptcy... because I manage my economic affairs responsibly and don't want to cheat my creditors, which is exactly what Trump did.

The truth is...Barack Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession in modern economic history and it would have been even worse if the Democrats hadn't gotten their asses handed to them in the 2010 midterms preventing the 3 Stooges (Barry, Harry and Nancy) from passing Cap & Trade legislation!

Yawn, guy, you might like breathing dirty air and drinking dirty water, but I don't.

You keep PRAYING that something bad happens to the economy, Joey! It's the only prayer you liberals have of ever getting power back again!

I don't have to pray because there is no God. What there is are laws of cause and effect. When you do the same stupid shit that caused the last four recessions, you are going to have another recession.

Insanity is defined as trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So you're now claiming to be more skilled at business than Donald Trump, Joey? I'm curious, little buddy...is anyone paying you millions to use your name on their business or property? If not...stfu!
You don't have to pray because you have no soul

Never said I did.

Have we scientifically proven souls are a thing? Has anyone caught on on film or developed a meter to measure one?

So what if you spent your whole life praying to a God and you were praying to the wrong one?

Yet another thread we can discuss. I believe in God and souls, the reasons are many, but to mention a few:
1. Book by Bernard Haisch, "The God Theory" provides a nice theoretical discussion and proof with cosmology
2. Book by Victor J. Stenger, "God and the Multiverse", tries to explain away God by claiming its all just a roll of the cosmic dice.
3. I've personally seen a male shadow move across a well lit window.
4. My wife is a hospice nurse, and even nurses in general, see souls a lot
5. There are no atheists in foxholes, when your time comes you may see things to change your mind.

The "Heaven is for Real" Painting of Jesus Story by Akiane & Colton
Akiane - Wikipedia

Does The Soul Exist? Evidence Says ‘Yes’
Back from brink patients 'prove the soul exists'
Scientists offer 'proof' soul exists
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies, institutions & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Repukes will never admit they put a clown in office. If anything they are resolute in support regardless of outcome.

There would be no trump if there was no Obama, Karma is a bitch

Live with it bedwetter
In all of our lives we have made mistakes. Some of us recognize them immediately, others will deny, defend and deflect, in order to save face.

It is more than apparent by now, and I believe most Republicans know that Donald Trump is unfit to hold the highest office in the world. He is a continual threat to the very foundation of our democracy, continually attacking NATO & our allies, while snuggling up to tyrants, like Vladimir Putin. He has attacked, insulted and demeaned our Federal Agencies & the free press in this country. He has divided this country by spewing hate & fear amoung us.

He has started a Tariff war, exasberating the fear in our stock markets, while our allies have threatened 100's of billions in retalitory tariffs on American products. He is laughed at by the General Assembly of the United Nations and is the subject of a million jokes.


It's clear he has the emotional stability of a teenage drama queen with a 7th grade understanding of US policy. Trump is the National Security threat.

At times, some things need to be destroyed before they can be rebuilt. The Republican party has been a complete disaster with Trump at the helm. Republicans have shown that they cannot control Trump, nor would they ever consider removing him from office under the 25th amendment as being unfit.

The only way to remove Trump from office is to vote BLUE this midterm.

A message from a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN.

This is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the party of Trump. Stuffed full of bigotry, misosyny, hate, fear, anger & ignorance.

Our country is much more important than someone with an R behind their name.


A great article that every Republican should spend the next 20 minutes READING.
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Oh look, a Progressive moron telling everyone else how they should think.

Nope I was a lifelong Republican until you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party. I have been on this board since 2008 and have over 17K posts to prove it. I followed the advice of the former staffer of RONALD REAGAN in the above video.

There's millions of Republicans that don't LIKE Trump, and just because they are vocal about it doesn't mean, they're liberal's or progressives--:auiqs.jpg:

In fact in 2016, a whopping 7 million cast a vote for a 3rd party,and you can bet most of them were Republicans--that just couldn't bring themselves to vote for Trump.

In fact, 54% of Republican primary voters cast a vote for another GOP candidate, but there were so many, votes and donations were being split everywhere, that the crap was able to float to the top to win the nomination.


I think you remember that a lot of Republicans were trying to block Trump from the nomination. Republican senators, and the Bush's all were voting for Hillary Clinton in the general. They did not want TRUMP, nor do I believe they want him now.

So this should get interesting.

So you're now claiming to be more skilled at business than Donald Trump, Joey? I'm curious, little buddy...is anyone paying you millions to use your name on their business or property? If not...stfu!

Yes, Trump did very well with Daddy's money...he's only lost half of it.
Yet another thread we can discuss. I believe in God and souls, the reasons are many, but to mention a few:
1. Book by Bernard Haisch,

Okay, that's all nice and stuff, but where's the MEASURABLE SCIENTIFIC PROOF?
So you're now claiming to be more skilled at business than Donald Trump, Joey? I'm curious, little buddy...is anyone paying you millions to use your name on their business or property? If not...stfu!

Yes, Trump did very well with Daddy's money...he's only lost half of it.

You think Trump is worth half of what his dad gave him? Are you out to prove how idiotic you really are today, Joey?

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