5 things white people need to hear on Juneteenth

First off, I'm not opposed to having a day to celebrate emancipation of the slaves.

Second, I don't disagree with everything in the article, but most of it.

#5 - the national anthem doesn't suck. Where is there a passage about slavery in it?

#4 - Affirmative action is racist against whites and asians. There are plenty of whites and Asians that were not born into wealth. Opposing affirmative action doesn't make someone fragile. Second, caring about issues like gender affirming care or men in women's sports doesn't make someone fragile.

#3 - Yes, the US is good, but it's economy has been better in the past as well as it's overall ethical values have been better in the past in many ways. We've made progress in some ways, but gone backwards in others.

#2 - the Constitution certainly has it's flaws, but also has allowed a lot of positive things to occur in the US. The electoral college is needed to avoid mob rule and to avoid a rule of the urbanites over the rural folk. I agree that certain government positions shouldn't last so long, but I imagine that justices having longer terms might be intended to create legal stability. We already all have equal rights, so I'm not sure why he's saying there needs to be an equal rights amendment.

#1 - No, the government doesn't owe anyone reparations. This would lead to many special victims groups wanting reparations. All races have had history of oppression, slavery, being conquered and so on. We can't expect anyone who's ancestors oppressed our ancestors to pay up.

Finally, I wouldn't say "go back to Africa", because this is the country they were born in. But I would say anyone who doesn't like the US, isn't patriotic and wants to squash what the US stands for, should find another country to go to. I think we all want things to be better, but there's a lot of disagreement as to how we can make it better.

I think a focus on the economy is a must. We need to be a prosperous country. This will help citizens have a better quality of life and will help us be strong on the world stage. It will help there be world peace if our leaders know how to leverage that prosperity for good. We need to stop banks and the uber rich from buying up all of the homes that could go to families. We need to reform welfare by removing welfare cliffs and incentivizing getting off welfare. Welfare recipients need to be required to look for work if they are able. We need to do better to incentivize the traditional nuclear family and family values. We need to deport illegal immigrants, enforce current border policies, finish the wall and follow our immigration policies, but ensure enough immigration application reviewers are assigned to his to allow them in.

I'm not sure how playing identity politics by writing an article about Juneteenth and listing all these (mostly) false assertions, is going to help us accomplish this.
Most of that post is horseshit and it's amazing how you support a man who goes against everything this country supposedly stands for.
First off, I'm not opposed to having a day to celebrate emancipation of the slaves.

Second, I don't disagree with everything in the article, but most of it.

#5 - the national anthem doesn't suck. Where is there a passage about slavery in it?

#4 - Affirmative action is racist against whites and asians. There are plenty of whites and Asians that were not born into wealth. Opposing affirmative action doesn't make someone fragile. Second, caring about issues like gender affirming care or men in women's sports doesn't make someone fragile.

#3 - Yes, the US is good, but it's economy has been better in the past as well as it's overall ethical values have been better in the past in many ways. We've made progress in some ways, but gone backwards in others.

#2 - the Constitution certainly has it's flaws, but also has allowed a lot of positive things to occur in the US. The electoral college is needed to avoid mob rule and to avoid a rule of the urbanites over the rural folk. I agree that certain government positions shouldn't last so long, but I imagine that justices having longer terms might be intended to create legal stability. We already all have equal rights, so I'm not sure why he's saying there needs to be an equal rights amendment.

#1 - No, the government doesn't owe anyone reparations. This would lead to many special victims groups wanting reparations. All races have had history of oppression, slavery, being conquered and so on. We can't expect anyone who's ancestors oppressed our ancestors to pay up.

Finally, I wouldn't say "go back to Africa", because this is the country they were born in. But I would say anyone who doesn't like the US, isn't patriotic and wants to squash what the US stands for, should find another country to go to. I think we all want things to be better, but there's a lot of disagreement as to how we can make it better.

I think a focus on the economy is a must. We need to be a prosperous country. This will help citizens have a better quality of life and will help us be strong on the world stage. It will help there be world peace if our leaders know how to leverage that prosperity for good. We need to stop banks and the uber rich from buying up all of the homes that could go to families. We need to reform welfare by removing welfare cliffs and incentivizing getting off welfare. Welfare recipients need to be required to look for work if they are able. We need to do better to incentivize the traditional nuclear family and family values. We need to deport illegal immigrants, enforce current border policies, finish the wall and follow our immigration policies, but ensure enough immigration application reviewers are assigned to his to allow them in.

I'm not sure how playing identity politics by writing an article about Juneteenth and listing all these (mostly) false assertions, is going to help us accomplish this.
The part about slavery is in the second stanza
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

It means that no one is safe in war the "I don't make policy, I just work here" excuse isn't acceptable. Notice that it does say HIRELING. That means employee.
I care enough to say I don't care lol
Just another wasted day for corporations to sell useless shit for people to celebrate with while closing institutions that serve the public.
I care enough to say I don't care lol
Just another wasted day for corporations to sell useless shit for people to celebrate with while closing institutions that serve the public.
It's amazing how those public service institutions open right back up on the 20th.

If it puts you out; cry.
What kind of a fucking stupid ass question is that? Why would I be slurping to myself?
I love that the woke culture and the losers that support it are getting crushed.
Hollywood collapsing
Disney collapsing
Video games losing millions
Every day I see the new Starwars show has collapsed to further lows. Audience score in the teens 😆 will is drop as low as single digits?
How many blacks celebrating being freed by the white man were killed by a black man at the numerous events for Junteenth? I know I saw quite a few reports.
Ironic isn't it?
I love that the woke culture and the losers that support it are getting crushed.
Hollywood collapsing
Disney collapsing
Video games losing millions
Every day I see the new Starwars show has collapsed to further lows. Audience score in the teens 😆 will is drop as low as single digits?
I've never liked Star Wars anything. Not even the original movie. It sucked.

I doubt that those other things are collapsing as much as you think they are, and don't really care if they do.
Woke culture comes from individuals, not corporations. I'm pretty sure that tub and shower mfgs are woke, they just keep it to themselves.
I've never liked Star Wars anything. Not even the original movie. It sucked.

I doubt that those other things are collapsing as much as you think they are, and don't really care if they do.
Woke culture comes from individuals, not corporations. I'm pretty sure that tub and shower mfgs are woke, they just keep it to themselves.
I am with you…..Star Wars sucks

Horrible dialogue, over acting, weak plots
Just an excuse to sell toys
First off, I'm not opposed to having a day to celebrate emancipation of the slaves.

Second, I don't disagree with everything in the article, but most of it.

#5 - the national anthem doesn't suck. Where is there a passage about slavery in it?

#4 - Affirmative action is racist against whites and asians. There are plenty of whites and Asians that were not born into wealth. Opposing affirmative action doesn't make someone fragile. Second, caring about issues like gender affirming care or men in women's sports doesn't make someone fragile.

#3 - Yes, the US is good, but it's economy has been better in the past as well as it's overall ethical values have been better in the past in many ways. We've made progress in some ways, but gone backwards in others.

#2 - the Constitution certainly has it's flaws, but also has allowed a lot of positive things to occur in the US. The electoral college is needed to avoid mob rule and to avoid a rule of the urbanites over the rural folk. I agree that certain government positions shouldn't last so long, but I imagine that justices having longer terms might be intended to create legal stability. We already all have equal rights, so I'm not sure why he's saying there needs to be an equal rights amendment.

#1 - No, the government doesn't owe anyone reparations. This would lead to many special victims groups wanting reparations. All races have had history of oppression, slavery, being conquered and so on. We can't expect anyone who's ancestors oppressed our ancestors to pay up.

Finally, I wouldn't say "go back to Africa", because this is the country they were born in. But I would say anyone who doesn't like the US, isn't patriotic and wants to squash what the US stands for, should find another country to go to. I think we all want things to be better, but there's a lot of disagreement as to how we can make it better.

I think a focus on the economy is a must. We need to be a prosperous country. This will help citizens have a better quality of life and will help us be strong on the world stage. It will help there be world peace if our leaders know how to leverage that prosperity for good. We need to stop banks and the uber rich from buying up all of the homes that could go to families. We need to reform welfare by removing welfare cliffs and incentivizing getting off welfare. Welfare recipients need to be required to look for work if they are able. We need to do better to incentivize the traditional nuclear family and family values. We need to deport illegal immigrants, enforce current border policies, finish the wall and follow our immigration policies, but ensure enough immigration application reviewers are assigned to his to allow them in.

I'm not sure how playing identity politics by writing an article about Juneteenth and listing all these (mostly) false assertions, is going to help us accomplish this.
No other race in this country's history had laws written against them.

So no, not everyone had "some form of oppression" against them.

There are valid reasons for reparations, number one being it's a debt owed.

Meaning it was promised.

African Americans never received their 40 acres and a mule.

Instead, the racist whites who enslaved them got reparations for money that THEY lost.

And this was all done by the GOVERNMENT.

This is who owes the debt.

If you don't want to pay the debts of the government of the country you live in, you're free to find another country you prefer.
No other race in this country's history had laws written against them.

So no, not everyone had "some form of oppression" against them.

There are valid reasons for reparations, number one being it's a debt owed.

Meaning it was promised.

African Americans never received their 50 acres and a mule.

Instead, the racist whites who enslaved them got reparations for money that THEY lost.

And this was all done by the GOVERNMENT.

This is who owes the debt.

If you don't want to pay the debts of the government of the country you live in, you're free to find another country you prefer.
Every person in this country has ancestors who dealt with bigotry or were enslaved.

People are trying to steal money and gain power based on a massive misunderstanding of history..which is that Black people in America were the only people in the world who went through a struggle.

Groups like BLM stand for theft, laziness, and they are a disgrace to the values of Africa. People who believe in reparations for blacks and other far left ideologies would never be welcomed by traditional Africans. Africans are against abortion and left-wing fanaticism.
Every person in this country has ancestors who dealt with bigotry or were enslaved.

People are trying to steal money and gain power based on a massive misunderstanding of history..which is that Black people in America were the only people in the world who went through a struggle.

Groups like BLM stand for theft, laziness, and they are a disgrace to the values of Africa. People who believe in reparations for blacks and other far left ideologies would never be welcomed by traditional Africans. Africans are against abortion and left-wing fanaticism.
Where were their ancestors enslaved liar, here in America?!??

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