A Tax-the-Rich Scenario that Liberals Should Cheer

A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.
A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.
A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.

Um, well they are not, are they?
No tax scheme has ever made a rich person poor. What do you have left after taxes and did those taxes take food off your table or shoes off your kid's feet? Imagine that there there is a perfect calculation of the tax rates that causes the least burden on everyone across all income levels. It would naturally follow a Zipf distribution where 20% pays 80% of all taxes.
A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.

Yes, if you only use about every 3rd word and leave out the rest. This is another case of either selective reading or just plain making shit up. I suggest you read up on the Marginal Tax Rate that went by the way in the early 1980s. It was created in 1935 and taxed on amounts only when a ceiling was reached. For instance, in 1935, that amount was 75% at 250,000. Anything less than that was the normal taxation. Today, that amount would be adjusted to 3.4 million. What has been proposed is to put the Marginal Tax Rate at 10 million and 70%.

In 1935, only one person actually paid the Marginal Tax Rate. Just one. It's not before adjusted income, it's after adjusted income. How do you think the rich get by by paying either ridiculously low percentages or no tax at all on their income? In the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama paid 18% for the year before while Romney paid 12%. I paid about 26% myself and so did most Americans on the average. Romney had millions in income that year yet he paid very little tax. But I have to give it to him, at least he reported much of it. Most of the super rich figure out ways to pay nothing. So who, exactly, will pay that Marginal Tax Rate? No one unless they clean the tax system up which they need to do. But won't because the biggest cheaters are the ones that write the laws.
A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.
/----/ Libtards don't do math.


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Ok, I have reposted the scenario to totally, completely, 100% repeat the argument that liberals here have made about what the tax rate for the rich should be. My original OP was about 90% accurate, since we would have to tax the rich at a rate of right around 80% for them to pay 90% of all federal income taxes. That is not very far at all from simply saying that if the rich make 90% of the money they should pay a tax rate of 90%, but I take the point that the two positions are not identical--but they are pretty doggone close. Anyway, see the revised thread.
Ok, I have reposted the scenario to totally, completely, 100% repeat the argument that liberals here have made about what the tax rate for the rich should be. My original OP was about 90% accurate, since we would have to tax the rich at a rate of right around 80% for them to pay 90% of all federal income taxes. That is not very far at all from simply saying that if the rich make 90% of the money they should pay a tax rate of 90%, but I take the point that the two positions are not identical--but they are pretty doggone close. Anyway, see the revised thread.

The left have been taught that its okay to steal from rich people.
Ok, I have reposted the scenario to totally, completely, 100% repeat the argument that liberals here have made about what the tax rate for the rich should be. My original OP was about 90% accurate, since we would have to tax the rich at a rate of right around 80% for them to pay 90% of all federal income taxes. That is not very far at all from simply saying that if the rich make 90% of the money they should pay a tax rate of 90%, but I take the point that the two positions are not identical--but they are pretty doggone close. Anyway, see the revised thread.

The left have been taught that its okay to steal from rich people.
DELETED and will be reposted to address liberal replies.
Raise the minimum wage and compensate Labor for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment!
/----/ Direct from the Gibberish Queen

Just string some random words together, they will make more sense.
it takes effort to dumb it down for the right wing.

Shutup and go make me a sandwich.
DELETED and will be reposted to address liberal replies.
Raise the minimum wage and compensate Labor for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment!
/----/ Direct from the Gibberish Queen

Just string some random words together, they will make more sense.
it takes effort to dumb it down for the right wing.

Shutup and go make me a sandwich.
A number of the liberals in this forum have argued that if the rich make 90% of the all the income earned in America, they should pay an income tax rate of 90%. I have a scenario:

Suppose that the highest income that anyone earned in the hypothetical nation of Marxist Land happened to be $100,000 per year, and that only 100 of Marxist Land's 1,000 citizens earned that much. Suppose that everyone else in Marxist Land earned less than $2,000. This would make those 100 $100,000 earners the top 10% of earners in the land, and they would be earning 84% of all the income earned by Marxist Land's citizens. Oh, and suppose that all of those top 10% earners happened to be liberals, and that they were already paying an income tax rate of 37%, in addition to their property taxes.

Okay, now, what do you suppose those 100 liberals would say if Marxist Land's legislature tried to pass a law that said that the top 10% should pay an income tax rate equal to their share of the total income earned by the nation's citizens, which would be 84%? What do you think they'd say?

According to our resident liberals, this would be an eminently fair piece of legislation and a great idea, and would be a great boost to Marxist Land's economy! Do you think those 100 liberals would agree that they should pay an income tax rate of 84%?

I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.

Yes, if you only use about every 3rd word and leave out the rest. This is another case of either selective reading or just plain making shit up. I suggest you read up on the Marginal Tax Rate that went by the way in the early 1980s. It was created in 1935 and taxed on amounts only when a ceiling was reached. For instance, in 1935, that amount was 75% at 250,000. Anything less than that was the normal taxation. Today, that amount would be adjusted to 3.4 million. What has been proposed is to put the Marginal Tax Rate at 10 million and 70%.

In 1935, only one person actually paid the Marginal Tax Rate. Just one. It's not before adjusted income, it's after adjusted income. How do you think the rich get by by paying either ridiculously low percentages or no tax at all on their income? In the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama paid 18% for the year before while Romney paid 12%. I paid about 26% myself and so did most Americans on the average. Romney had millions in income that year yet he paid very little tax. But I have to give it to him, at least he reported much of it. Most of the super rich figure out ways to pay nothing. So who, exactly, will pay that Marginal Tax Rate? No one unless they clean the tax system up which they need to do. But won't because the biggest cheaters are the ones that write the laws.

Cool, you cherry picked a few cases...BUT, BUT, BUT you twisted wacks hate “painting with a broad brush”....right?
What about the inconvenient truth below?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax
DELETED and will be reposted to address liberal replies.
Raise the minimum wage and compensate Labor for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment!
/----/ Direct from the Gibberish Queen

DELETED and will be reposted to address liberal replies.
Raise the minimum wage and compensate Labor for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment!
/----/ Direct from the Gibberish Queen

Just string some random words together, they will make more sense.

danielpalos posts are actually quite simple to understand....they all read the same with a slight variation.
“Give me free shit, give wetbacks free shit, we deserve free shit says the US constitution.”

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