Are Whites Ashamed...

IM2 said:
Of you dig through crime stats you see whites lead in almost very category. 27 out of 30 to be exact. That includes violent crime.
MaryL said:
Yes the facts do speak for themselves and apparently you have not read them.
Reading the facts? Well, I LIVE with the facts. As petty as it seems. It's not an exercise in pedantics.
He Won't Address
The Bullet Resistant Glass Cash Rotisserie Drawers, And Steel Bars
That Separate Customers From Clerks And Merchandise In Predominately Black Areas

If Flies In The Face Of His Lies Narrative
He's Very Creative In His Interpretation Of Real Stats
His Interpretation,
Or The Interpretations From 'For Blacks Only' Web-Sites

You can't address the 242 years of lawless criminality and violence by whites since this nation was "founded."
Asclepias said:
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Now That All That Is In The Past And Repealed
How Often Will The Playing Field Have To Be Re-Leveled

Never-Mind Just About Every Demographic
That Has Come To This Country
Has Faced Discrimination And Bigotry
And Yet,
Managed To Overcome Their Obstacles And Barriers To Success

Can You Answer That Honestly With-Out Deflecting ??
IM2 said:
You can't address the 242 years of lawless criminality and violence by whites since this nation was "founded."
Because That's No Longer An Issue For The Black 'Community'
What That Is,
Is A Defection For The Lack Of Black Responsibility For Their Own Problems
Laws And All The Affirmative Preference
Can't Fix The Wrongs Blacks Casually Do To Themselves

And You'll Never Get 'Reparations' From Anyone
Your Demands Get Progressively Slimmer
And More Irrelevant
As Hispanics Have Passed Blacks
As The Largest And Growing Minority

Blacks Are Headed To The Political Back Burner
And You Don't Even See It Coming
Democrats Are Tired Of Kow-Towing To Your Vote
Asclepias said:
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Now That All That Is In The Past And Repealed
How Often Will The Playing Field Have To Be Re-Leveled

Never-Mind Just About Every Demographic
That Has Come To This Country
Has Faced Discrimination And Bigotry
And Yet,
Managed To Overcome Their Obstacles And Barriers To Success

Can You Answer That Honestly With-Out Deflecting ??

Only if all this were true. But it's not. So you been given answers time after time. her has ben no deflection, except from those like you. Yet you choose to deny the answers because it's comfortable for you to do so. You suffer from white fragility.

White people in North America live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress. This insulated environment of racial protection builds white expectations for racial comfort while at the same time lowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to what I refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn, function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.”

I realize you don't know what half the words mean, but your behavior as shown in your posts provide a high definition example.
IM2 said:
You can't address the 242 years of lawless criminality and violence by whites since this nation was "founded."
Because That's No Longer An Issue For The Black 'Community'
What That Is,
Is A Defection For The Lack Of Black Responsibility For Their Own Problems
Laws And All The Affirmative Preference
Can't Fix The Wrongs Blacks Casually Do To Themselves

And You'll Never Get 'Reparations' From Anyone
Your Demands Get Progressively Slimmer
And More Irrelevant
As Hispanics Have Passed Blacks
As The Largest And Growing Minority

Blacks Are Headed To The Political Back Burner
And You Don't Even See It Coming
Democrats Are Tired Of Kow-Towing To Your Vote

Wrong answer idiot.

The problem is whites don't want to take responsibility for the problems their racism has caused. You are a prime example of what I just said.
Bootney Lee Farnsworth said:
Why is it so unnerving for some to at least CONSIDER the posibility that Jesus was black?
Because He Was Of The Tribe Of Judah
Directly Descended From David ??
Scripture Constantly Warns Them Against Intermarriage ??
So The Possibility Of Jesus Being A Sub-Saharan Negro
Is About Less Than Zero ??

That's Regardless Of How Affirmative Action Revisionists
Gather Their Intellectual Wool ??
Atheism Is So In Vogue With That Crowd....
IM2 said:
Wrong answer idiot.

The problem is whites don't want to take responsibility for the problems their racism has caused. You are a prime example of what I just said.
It's Precisely Right
You Blinded By Your Own Racial Bigotry Imbecile
IM2 said:
Of you dig through crime stats you see whites lead in almost very category. 27 out of 30 to be exact. That includes violent crime.
MaryL said:
Yes the facts do speak for themselves and apparently you have not read them.
Reading the facts? Well, I LIVE with the facts. As petty as it seems. It's not an exercise in pedantics.
He Won't Address
The Bullet Resistant Glass Cash Rotisserie Drawers, And Steel Bars
That Separate Customers From Clerks And Merchandise In Predominately Black Areas

If Flies In The Face Of His Lies Narrative
He's Very Creative In His Interpretation Of Real Stats
His Interpretation,
Or The Interpretations From 'For Blacks Only' Web-Sites

You can't address the 242 years of lawless criminality and violence by whites since this nation was "founded."

You can't buy a bottle of shampoo off the shelf in a black area. That be behind the counter.
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Thank you for answering honestly without deflecting.

The Founding Fathers wanted to do away with slavery immediately, it was largely a holdover from the British.

The Founding Fathers didn't want to get lynched, though. :dunno:

IOW, the populace was not having it.

No they didn't or they would have.

They did in 1833.
IM2 said:
I'm not a black nationalist and you are the ignorant bigot.
You Are The Grand-Daddy Of All Lyin' Bigots

Your Avvie, Your Handle And Every Post You Make
And Your 'Only Black Revisionist Sources Allowed'
Drips Black Nationalist Theology From Every Pore

And You Expect Everyone To Ignore It
And Help You Pretend
MaryL said:
Racism isn't the problem, it used to be. Not now.
Racism Is A Problem
And It Comes From The Blacks

It Becomes Blaringly Obvious
When The Demographic Of An Area Hits About 20%
And That's My Personal, Anecdotal Witness

If You Want To Dig Through Crime Stats
You'll Probably Find That's A Pretty Good Guestimate On My Part

Of you dig through crime stats you see whites lead in almost very category. 27 out of 30 to be exact. That includes violent crime.
Nah, really? This response proves proves just how deluded you are. Might as well say the world is flat. The facts speak for themselves. Facts, they aren't colored. Take that any way you choose.

Yes the facts do speak for themselves and apparently you have not read them.
Reading the facts? Well, I LIVE with the facts. As petty as it seems. It's not an exercise in pedantics.

You don't live with the facts. I'm black and you can't tell me anything about black people.
Asclepias said:
that the founding fathers and subsequent leadership had to construct a system that gave them a 300 plus year head start here in the US? If you count the years of enslavement of Blacks. The laws against Blacks reading. The Vagrancy laws. The Jim Crow laws. etc etc arent you kind of pissed off that your white leadership thought so very very little of your ability to succeed on a level playing field?
Now That All That Is In The Past And Repealed
How Often Will The Playing Field Have To Be Re-Leveled

Never-Mind Just About Every Demographic
That Has Come To This Country
Has Faced Discrimination And Bigotry
And Yet,
Managed To Overcome Their Obstacles And Barriers To Success

Can You Answer That Honestly With-Out Deflecting ??
Its never been leveled which is what this thread is about. If you want it leveled then Blacks specifically should be granted AA for centuries just like whites were.
I didn't choose my race, like many of the rest of ya'all. And? Well, we all have something to account for. Blacks have that huge crime rate thing, and that's real. Racism, well ,that is subjective and a matter of opinion.I don't gain a feather or a fig from racism, and it's an abstraction most whites have nothing to do with. Nope. It's a game black intellectuals like to exaggerate.

No there is not any huge black crime rate thing. Racism is real and you are a racist while simultaneously making a claim that it's subjective. One can only laugh at your mental disorder.
Bootney Lee Farnsworth said:
Why is it so unnerving for some to at least CONSIDER the posibility that Jesus was black?
Because He Was Of The Tribe Of Judah
Directly Descended From David ??
Scripture Constantly Warns Them Against Intermarriage ??
So The Possibility Of Jesus Being A Sub-Saharan Negro
Is About Less Than Zero ??

That's Regardless Of How Affirmative Action Revisionists
Gather Their Intellectual Wool ??
Atheism Is So In Vogue With That Crowd....

There is no such thing as a sub saharan negro. And white boys don't have hair of wool.
IM2 said:
Wrong answer idiot.

The problem is whites don't want to take responsibility for the problems their racism has caused. You are a prime example of what I just said.
It's Precisely Right
You Blinded By Your Own Racial Bigotry Imbecile

What racial bigotry am I suppose to have?
Bootney Lee Farnsworth said:
Why is it so unnerving for some to at least CONSIDER the posibility that Jesus was black?
Because He Was Of The Tribe Of Judah
Directly Descended From David ??
Scripture Constantly Warns Them Against Intermarriage ??
So The Possibility Of Jesus Being A Sub-Saharan Negro
Is About Less Than Zero ??

That's Regardless Of How Affirmative Action Revisionists
Gather Their Intellectual Wool ??
Atheism Is So In Vogue With That Crowd....
Why would Jesus be sub saharan when Black people lived all over what we call the ME back then? You do realize that Black people are the only people on the planet with wooly hair right? I mean why would god turn Moses hand white if he was already white?
IM2 said:
I'm not a black nationalist and you are the ignorant bigot.
You Are The Grand-Daddy Of All Lyin' Bigots

Your Avvie, Your Handle And Every Post You Make
And Your 'Only Black Revisionist Sources Allowed'
Drips Black Nationalist Theology From Every Pore

And You Expect Everyone To Ignore It
And Help You Pretend

You show what kind of ignorant bigot you are with very post you make.

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