Beating a dead horse: Name one GOOD thing Biden has done.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah ramping up inflation ramping up racial divisiveness, other than that, what has Biden done? Who could ask for more of a president than that supports anti american values and wants to destroy everything we stand for? Bravo, Biden! That's everything we ask for in a president.
I've been on this board through three Presidents now, and here's how this thing goes:

If the President is from "the other" party, I ask, "name one good thing the President has done". Then someone will come along and copy and paste a long list of "accomplishments" that they trumpet as being good and constructive. Then, when they do that, I say "wrong, none of those things are good", and the conversation quickly devolves into the traditional name-calling and talking-point tossing.

If the President is from "my" party, I start with the long list of accomplishments and those from "the other" party jump in, dismiss everything, and then the conversation devolves as described above.

There. Maybe that will save some bandwidth. These conversations are absolutely and consistently predictable.

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Since we got Biden: we got record inflation because this party and these Dem bozos think reality and a budget is racist. These same clowns think defunding the police is a "thing". They can't define what a woman IS. I am done with Democrats.
Here is some
1. Lowest unemployment of the past 60 years
2. Maintained our leadership in science, tech and infrastructure. In fact he passed a bill to build infrastructure that Trump couldn't even do.
3. Is compassionate to our poor, needy and unabled. making sure people get fed, people are helped and continuing fdr and lbj's policies of compassion.
4. Getting out of dumb wars
5. Standing up for freedom and liberty against a fascist asshole like Putin.
6. Standing up for human rights here in America
7. Highest job growth by total number of the past 40 years

What has your side done besides rob people of their basic rights?
Lowest unemployment numbers in 50 years.

Thank you President Biden!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Yeah, Biden and democrats killed the job market unilaterally. Applaud that and stick it where the sun don't shine. Democrats literally killed the job markets.
Here is some
1. Lowest unemployment of the past 60 years
2. Maintained our leadership in science, tech and infrastructure. In fact he passed a bill to build infrastructure that Trump couldn't even do.
3. Is compassionate to our poor, needy and unabled. making sure people get fed, people are helped and continuing fdr and lbj's policies of compassion.
4. Getting out of dumb wars
5. Standing up for freedom and liberty against a fascist asshole like Putin.
6. Standing up for human rights here in America
7. Highest job growth by total number of the past 40 years

What has your side done besides rob people of their basic rights?
The low unemployment is due to people out of the labor force. What leadership in science? Compassion to our poor and needy by buying them drugs and give them permission to steal?

Number 4 is special. Out of war and into Ukraine. The amount of money going there is ridiculous. 5. means 0.

6. If he stood for humans rights he would never had mandated the vaccine,
7.What kind of jobs? 94% of the jobs Obama added were part time and contract labor jobs. Those are not good jobs.
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Lowest unemployment numbers in 50 years.

Thank you President Biden!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Yeah, Biden and democrats killed the job market unilaterally. Applaud that and stick it where thee sun don't shine. Democrats literally killed the job markets.
Here is some
1. Lowest unemployment of the past 60 years
2. Maintained our leadership in science, tech and infrastructure. In fact he passed a bill to build infrastructure that Trump couldn't even do.
3. Is compassionate to our poor, needy and unabled. making sure people get fed, people are helped and continuing fdr and lbj's policies of compassion.
4. Getting out of dumb wars
5. Standing up for freedom and liberty against a fascist asshole like Putin.
6. Standing up for human rights here in America
7. Highest job growth by total number of the past 40 years

What has your side done besides rob people of their basic rights?We got record food prices under Biden. Record utility prices under Biden. Highest unemployment ever, record unemployment and the worst homlessessess ever. Don't gasslifgt us.
Gaslighting? Really? If it wasn't "Gaslighting" the liberal Biden administration would be sleeping in garbage dumps and raiding hen houses for scraps. Please.

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