Biden Yesterday: ISIS Not an Existential Threat to US

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

you have absolutely no idea what is happening over there...and what HAS been happening over there for several hundred years. Well before we "invaded" Iraq.

I suggest you read some history.

But, alas, you wont. You will deny the past and put the blame squarely on the conservatives of today.

So never mind.
The Soviet Union. Now THERE was an existential threat. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Now we have a bunch of pansies shitting their pants over 30,000 dipshits in the Middle East.

"Dey gonna wipe us out, man!"
The Kurds have estimated that they are around 2-3 hundred thousand strong. Also, I saw a report that hundreds of smaller cells try to join each month.
I guess its hard to really know.
ISIS is about 30,000 to 40,000 strong.

The idea ISIS is 300,000 strong is laughable. Hysterically so. It's hyperbolic fearmongering bullshit.

And they aren't here.

Even if they were 300,000 strong, which they aren't, they still would not be an existential threat.
Maybe so. But how do you know any different? The fuckin media that you bash all the time?
I wont sit here and say they are not here. I would imagine the people of Troy didn't think Greeks were hiding int he horse either..
The thing about IS is, they are well funded, organized and smart. Obviously.

Funded by whom, they are paid mercenaries.
The Soviet Union. Now THERE was an existential threat. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Now we have a bunch of pansies shitting their pants over 30,000 dipshits in the Middle East.

"Dey gonna wipe us out, man!"
The Kurds have estimated that they are around 2-3 hundred thousand strong. Also, I saw a report that hundreds of smaller cells try to join each month.
I guess its hard to really know.
ISIS is about 30,000 to 40,000 strong.

The idea ISIS is 300,000 strong is laughable. Hysterically so. It's hyperbolic fearmongering bullshit.

And they aren't here.

Even if they were 300,000 strong, which they aren't, they still would not be an existential threat.
Maybe so. But how do you know any different? The fuckin media that you bash all the time?
I wont sit here and say they are not here. I would imagine the people of Troy didn't think Greeks were hiding int he horse either..
The thing about IS is, they are well funded, organized and smart. Obviously.

Funded by whom, they are paid mercenaries.
wrong again.
Where do you get your information?
If Isis is contained, why do we need to take in refugees?

Because we destroyed their country.
We destroyed Syria? cant make this shit up. Freaking people on here are morons.

Darn if only we didn't try and do a coup for Israel and the gulf states. I get it. You are a conspiracist. Not worthy of my time. Cya.

Wake up.

ISIS certainly does not threaten the existence of the USA. The same cannot be said of American conservative lunacy. But ISIS? No!

Who doesn't enjoy killing Islamofascists? Takes a true Leftard to think that's a problem.

Case in point.

Leftard weeped when Bin Laden was killed.

That was you folks.

In NYC? We partied.

By the way? Bin Laden was a Saudi in Afghanistan at the time. Specifically Tora Bora when Bush let him go.

The guy I voted for as Commander in Chief? Got him.

And republicans wept.


Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

you have absolutely no idea what is happening over there...and what HAS been happening over there for several hundred years. Well before we "invaded" Iraq.

I suggest you read some history.

But, alas, you wont. You will deny the past and put the blame squarely on the conservatives of today.

So never mind.

What history?

The people in the region, who HELPED us during WWI, wanted independent states.

America and England said, "Fuck that" and made Iraq. You know, to get the oil.

And it's been screwed ever since.
If Isis is contained, why do we need to take in refugees?
Because ISIS is not eliminated, dipshit. They still hold territory. Territory from which these people are running.

They are running from Assad and from ISIS.

There is still a WAR on in Syria.

Don't expose your stupidity so publicly.
Don't call me dipshit you condescending prick. Did I hit a nerve.

It's obviously not contained and Obama is a weak lying piece of shit.
I call stupid people stupid, because you are stupid.

The "contained" context was that ISIS has been losing territory, and that's a fact, stupid person.

Those refugees have been running away since long before last week, idiot.
Lol maybe if you call me stupid a few more times you win a prize.

You're the one looking stupid with your constant defense of the terrorist in chief
I am in constant defense of the facts. It isn't my fault there are so many stupid people parroting bullshit and shitting their pants in fear.

ISIS is not an existential threat. Now change your pants.

It's quite obvious, ISIS terrorist will infect themselves with Ebola and mingle in with the refugees. Then the shits will really hit the fan, Republican will be running the halls waving their arm, demanding Obama do something..........

Spoon fed propaganda. If their hands weren't ridiculously tied with stupid rules of engagement you wouldn't have your propaganda.
This is a direct result of fighting wars in a liberal pc fashion. You send our soldiers to war in highly populated areas, civilians are going to die. Deal with it & stop hating on the men & women that protect our country faggot.

Fuck you asswipe.

And the faggot thing is a projection on your part as most of you conservative assholes are faggots. Didn't you spend time in prison? Didn't your fucking hero Carson say that makes you gay? Deal with it.

We sent these soldiers over, and by we I mean mostly you because I was dead set against it, to kill INNOCENT civilians. And actually? INNOCENT IRAQI MILITARY. Iraq had zero, zip, nothing to do with 9/11. They had no "weapons of mass destruction" and there was absolutely no reason to invade. It was a fucking war crime. Do you get that? This country did something criminal. Do you get that? And we are too strong to be policed. And we aren't self policing. So guess what?

These folks want justice.

And revenge. And it's because of fucks like you.

you have absolutely no idea what is happening over there...and what HAS been happening over there for several hundred years. Well before we "invaded" Iraq.

I suggest you read some history.

But, alas, you wont. You will deny the past and put the blame squarely on the conservatives of today.

So never mind.

What history?

The people in the region, who HELPED us during WWI, wanted independent states.

America and England said, "Fuck that" and made Iraq. You know, to get the oil.

And it's been screwed ever since.

I suggest you go further back. See what took place while we were dealing with being war poor after we won our independence. See how we tried to use trade to get back on our feet. See what happened when our trade ships entered the region in question.

THEN tell me the problems we have with those people stemmed from George W. Bush.
The Soviet Union. Now THERE was an existential threat. Mutually Assured Destruction.

Now we have a bunch of pansies shitting their pants over 30,000 dipshits in the Middle East.

"Dey gonna wipe us out, man!"
The Kurds have estimated that they are around 2-3 hundred thousand strong. Also, I saw a report that hundreds of smaller cells try to join each month.
I guess its hard to really know.
ISIS is about 30,000 to 40,000 strong.

The idea ISIS is 300,000 strong is laughable. Hysterically so. It's hyperbolic fearmongering bullshit.

And they aren't here.

Even if they were 300,000 strong, which they aren't, they still would not be an existential threat.
Maybe so. But how do you know any different? The fuckin media that you bash all the time?
I wont sit here and say they are not here. I would imagine the people of Troy didn't think Greeks were hiding int he horse either..
The thing about IS is, they are well funded, organized and smart. Obviously.

Funded by whom, they are paid mercenaries.
People buying oil form them
Hell, some guys got caught funneling millions of dollars aboard an airplane a month or so ago.
They get money. They are reportedly worth over 2 billion dollars!

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