Black republicans...who are they really?

Who are black Republicans really ? Their Americans who like the culture that is the conservative party. It doesn't mean they lose their so called blackness, but it just means they have added some things to their culture in which only serves to enhance their experience as Americans. Deal with it all you racist, and don't let the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha if you don't like it. Otherwise get out of their face or space if you don't like them. Plenty of room for all in America, even for the peaceful idiots.

:0) Fuck that .. and conservatives are hardly in any position to be talking about getting out of someone's face.

You knuckleheads constantly whine like babies about who black people choose to vote for. Yet you think we should leave the tiny number of black republicans alone??? :lol::lol:

I repeat, there aren't enough black republicans to even matter. In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged 9% of the black vote. :lol: NINE PERCENT :lol:

How about this .. you nor any other republican get to tell black people a goddamn thing about how we should do anything nor who we should respect.
. Sounds like your getting all giddy now, especially since your the kind of racist black that has rode the gravy train in like a Trojan horse, and now your all swollen up and just a huffin and a puffin since you climbed your hidden self out into the open in order to blow the trumpet or sound the horn for your ilk to come together against the Americans you all don't like be it black or white.
. Whites already copy everything blacks do eh ? Even getting pregnant like rabbits now, and then ending up as single moms raising little gremlins for whom they can't control in a bad economic environment ? Do tell us about all the harsh influences that black culture has had on white culture now.

Try as you will, you just CAN'T hide that red neck of yours...try wearing turtlenecks even in summer......LOL
. How about when you quote me, why don't you keep it all in context (what you said & what I said) ??? This way when you try and accuse someone of something, the audience can see what you said as well. Just sayin.
Who are black Republicans really ? Their Americans who like the culture that is the conservative party. It doesn't mean they lose their so called blackness, but it just means they have added some things to their culture in which only serves to enhance their experience as Americans. Deal with it all you racist, and don't let the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha if you don't like it. Otherwise get out of their face or space if you don't like them. Plenty of room for all in America, even for the peaceful idiots.

:0) Fuck that .. and conservatives are hardly in any position to be talking about getting out of someone's face.

You knuckleheads constantly whine like babies about who black people choose to vote for. Yet you think we should leave the tiny number of black republicans alone??? :lol::lol:

I repeat, there aren't enough black republicans to even matter. In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged 9% of the black vote. :lol: NINE PERCENT :lol:

How about this .. you nor any other republican get to tell black people a goddamn thing about how we should do anything nor who we should respect.
. Sounds like your getting all giddy now, especially since your the kind of racist black that has rode the gravy train in like a Trojan horse, and now your all swollen up and just a huffin and a puffin since you climbed your hidden self out into the open in order to blow the trumpet or sound the horn for your ilk to come together against the Americans you all don't like be it black or white.

:lol: Stick a pole up your ass you fucking clown.

I've been giddy since this thread started. 'Black republicans' .. a fucking joke .. a joke none of you racist motherfuckers can defend.

Kiss my ass Nutsack :lol: Ignorant fool
Who are black Republicans really ? Their Americans who like the culture that is the conservative party. It doesn't mean they lose their so called blackness, but it just means they have added some things to their culture in which only serves to enhance their experience as Americans. Deal with it all you racist, and don't let the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha if you don't like it. Otherwise get out of their face or space if you don't like them. Plenty of room for all in America, even for the peaceful idiots.

:0) Fuck that .. and conservatives are hardly in any position to be talking about getting out of someone's face.

You knuckleheads constantly whine like babies about who black people choose to vote for. Yet you think we should leave the tiny number of black republicans alone??? :lol::lol:

I repeat, there aren't enough black republicans to even matter. In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged 9% of the black vote. :lol: NINE PERCENT :lol:

How about this .. you nor any other republican get to tell black people a goddamn thing about how we should do anything nor who we should respect.
. Sounds like your getting all giddy now, especially since your the kind of racist black that has rode the gravy train in like a Trojan horse, and now your all swollen up and just a huffin and a puffin since you climbed your hidden self out into the open in order to blow the trumpet or sound the horn for your ilk to come together against the Americans you all don't like be it black or white.

:lol: Stick a pole up your ass you fucking clown.

I've been giddy since this thread started. 'Black republicans' .. a fucking joke .. a joke none of you racist motherfuckers can defend.

Kiss my ass Nutsack :lol: Ignorant fool
. Yep your a racist alright.. wow. Don't think that the majority of Americans can't spot your ilk when you open your mouth, because you make it easy. Oh and get another tag line before Mr. T whips your ace for stealing his. LOL Ignorant fool, really ? LOL
Who are black Republicans really ? Their Americans who like the culture that is the conservative party. It doesn't mean they lose their so called blackness, but it just means they have added some things to their culture in which only serves to enhance their experience as Americans. Deal with it all you racist, and don't let the door hit cha where the good Lord split cha if you don't like it. Otherwise get out of their face or space if you don't like them. Plenty of room for all in America, even for the peaceful idiots.

:0) Fuck that .. and conservatives are hardly in any position to be talking about getting out of someone's face.

You knuckleheads constantly whine like babies about who black people choose to vote for. Yet you think we should leave the tiny number of black republicans alone??? :lol::lol:

I repeat, there aren't enough black republicans to even matter. In the last 9 presidential elections, republicans have averaged 9% of the black vote. :lol: NINE PERCENT :lol:

How about this .. you nor any other republican get to tell black people a goddamn thing about how we should do anything nor who we should respect.
. Sounds like your getting all giddy now, especially since your the kind of racist black that has rode the gravy train in like a Trojan horse, and now your all swollen up and just a huffin and a puffin since you climbed your hidden self out into the open in order to blow the trumpet or sound the horn for your ilk to come together against the Americans you all don't like be it black or white.

:lol: Stick a pole up your ass you fucking clown.

I've been giddy since this thread started. 'Black republicans' .. a fucking joke .. a joke none of you racist motherfuckers can defend.

Kiss my ass Nutsack :lol: Ignorant fool
. Yep your a racist alright.. wow. Don't think that the majority of Americans can't spot your ilk when you open your mouth, because you make it easy.

:0) Anyone who rejects me can kiss my ass. I don't need them or shit like you.

Signed, Educated and Paid.

Tell me more about black republican props. :lol: .. as the black republican called them.

Keep whining Twinky boy .. I love it.
How many sides of your mouth do you talk out of Joe?

First you said we should run television commercials showing how company officers live when they move jobs overseas, and now you're saying you can't shame a CEO. Which is it?

I thought it was pretty clear what I said. I think you can shame a CEO. I think you can also make them TERRIFIED FOR THEIR LIVES!!!! WHich as the point of that commercial, really.

Betcha they are sorry they advocated 300 million guns now, aren't they!
They considered my state blue, and nothing can be further from the truth. Our governor is a Republican who ran in the primaries this election, our legislature is Republican led. We passed one of the toughest abortion bills in the country and have the most lenient gun laws in the country as well. We are far from blue as one could imagine, but unfortunately, we did vote for DumBama last election, so they listed us as a blue state.

Well, that just shows what happens when you gerrymander districts to protect scumbags who are beholden to the Religious RIght and the National Rampage Association.

I'm sure if those gun control measures and anti-choice laws were put on the ballot, they'd lose just as quickly as the Weird Mormon Robot did.
Black republicans...who are they really?

Answer: They are Props, useless, a joke, and they barely exist.

They don't win elections, they don't count, they don't matter, they influence no one.

Glad we solved that question ... together.
Well, that just shows what happens when you gerrymander districts to protect scumbags who are beholden to the Religious RIght and the National Rampage Association.

I'm sure if those gun control measures and anti-choice laws were put on the ballot, they'd lose just as quickly as the Weird Mormon Robot did.

Oh yes, that gerrymandering lie again. It didn't make a difference really. Need the link, just ask, and I'll be glad to post.

You might be surprised to know that when some of our most important CCW laws were signed into law, it was done by a Democrat Governor by the name of Ted Strickland. It's not that this guy was a right-wing Democrat or anything like that. He knew how the public felt about self-defense and wanted to keep his seat.

And BTW, all those predictions about people getting gunned down in the street because of CCW's by the left never came true. Isn't that something? Then when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in our vehicles, and the left predicted uncontrollable road rage, that too never happened.

The laws passed in our state give the armed victim every benefit of the doubt in the event one needs to protect themselves with deadly force. In fact, the way our laws are written, an attacker doesn't even have to be armed in order for you to use your firearm.

I love our gun laws in our state, and I think most citizens do. Since the passage of our laws, you seldom read about car jackings or ATM robberies like you used to. We like it this way.

Criminals may be dumb, but they are quite aware of our laws that work against them.
I thought it was pretty clear what I said. I think you can shame a CEO. I think you can also make them TERRIFIED FOR THEIR LIVES!!!! WHich as the point of that commercial, really.

Betcha they are sorry they advocated 300 million guns now, aren't they!

Oh, so that's the new leftist tactic, make people terrified for their lives? How Communist of you.

But you know, when anybody is terrified of their life, they usually take proactive action. So it's a good thing we have all of those guns in our country.
Yea but don't you think blacks in places like Chicago Detroit Newark Compton and Ferguson are guilty of this too?

I think mlk would give young black men this same advice. Be well spoken. Get an education. Don't have kids and then don't raise them right. In other words stop giving whites reasons to discriminate. For example If a well spoken black doesn't get the job it looks racist but when the black guy can't speak intelligently you give whites justification why they didn't hire the black.

Not really. Well spoken folks of every race miss out on the jobs. Goin the extra mile to be worth hiring for the job means allot to. Having reasonable expectations going in means allot as well. You ain't going to be hired right up to the top just because. Success requires work, good work requires a good work ethic. The gangsta thug needs to stop being canonized as a saint. And that brings I full circle. If a black guy gets pants that fit, pulls out the grill and go's and works his peers call him an uncle Tom or house ******, when in fact all the guy is doing is making an honest buck. The left has trained minorities to be victims and if that were ever to change it would be the end of the Democrat party as it is and has been for years.
Blacks read this shit and laugh. Sorry they realize you are fos. Your schtick sounds good but you have no idea what the facts on the ground are.

It's like Republicans claiming they could solve our Isis problem. Sure they could, NOT!

Um, no one can solve black people's problems. That's not even governments job. Government has promised to fix stuff for black people for decades and all blacks have got for their support is poisoned water, food stamps and not much more. The fact that black people like Herman Cain and Ben Carson are hated so much is because they are not victims. Democrats needs the minorities to remain victims so they have a voting block. Without victims there is no Democrat party.
Ha ha GOP gov Rick Snyder appoints an emergency financial manager and poisoned flint.

I won't even take you seriously now. I was going to agree with your first point then you went Coco for Coco puffs.

But blacks do need to fix the problem no matter who's at fault. They don't need to vote GOP but they do need to take your advice on the importance of family. That's step 1. How do you stop young black women from getting pregnant by young black men who won't be good fathers? This is who's producing most of the criminals.

And if they can do it maybe white trash will copy them. They already copy everything blacks do.
. Whites already copy everything blacks do eh ? Even getting pregnant like rabbits now, and then ending up as single moms raising little gremlins for whom they can't control in a bad economic environment ? Do tell us about all the harsh influences that black culture has had on white culture now.
Today NPR was doing a piece on welfare. They told the history of welfare and how whites used to get more welfare than blacks and how the system was rigged to deny blacks and as soon as the system was fair welfare tripled but that's because you were denying blacks but giving if to whites.

Here's the thing. This country has been very racist towards blacks. Still I think blacks need to fix this mess themselves regardless of who's fault it it.

But it is absolutely laughable for Republicans and conservatives to suggest they don't have a very racist past and present.

To black people, I'm sorry for what we put you through
No, as I already posted, what's bullshit is what is considered a red state. A red state is considered by these leftist bullshitters as one who voted for a Republican President last election. That does not make the state red.

They considered my state blue, and nothing can be further from the truth. Our governor is a Republican who ran in the primaries this election, our legislature is Republican led. We passed one of the toughest abortion bills in the country and have the most lenient gun laws in the country as well. We are far from blue as one could imagine, but unfortunately, we did vote for DumBama last election, so they listed us as a blue state.

And don't buy into that lie that welfare stimulates an economy. What do you think, that people won't eat or buy necessities without welfare and food stamp money? Think again.

You're starting to ramble like a 12 year old.......Your state is considered more of a toss-up (like FL and CO)....On national elections, when your large cities' citizens show up to vote, the state slant toward midterm and local elections your rural folks vote the state into red hands......

....and you're full of crap if you don't think that welfare money does not make its way quickly into the local economy; when have you ever heard that someone who receives a welfare check states, "I think I'll put the entire check into a C-D"???
Well, that just shows what happens when you gerrymander districts to protect scumbags who are beholden to the Religious RIght and the National Rampage Association.

I'm sure if those gun control measures and anti-choice laws were put on the ballot, they'd lose just as quickly as the Weird Mormon Robot did.

Oh yes, that gerrymandering lie again. It didn't make a difference really. Need the link, just ask, and I'll be glad to post.

You might be surprised to know that when some of our most important CCW laws were signed into law, it was done by a Democrat Governor by the name of Ted Strickland. It's not that this guy was a right-wing Democrat or anything like that. He knew how the public felt about self-defense and wanted to keep his seat.

And BTW, all those predictions about people getting gunned down in the street because of CCW's by the left never came true. Isn't that something? Then when we allowed CCW holders to be armed in our vehicles, and the left predicted uncontrollable road rage, that too never happened.

The laws passed in our state give the armed victim every benefit of the doubt in the event one needs to protect themselves with deadly force. In fact, the way our laws are written, an attacker doesn't even have to be armed in order for you to use your firearm.

I love our gun laws in our state, and I think most citizens do. Since the passage of our laws, you seldom read about car jackings or ATM robberies like you used to. We like it this way.

Criminals may be dumb, but they are quite aware of our laws that work against them.
Ha! How does a state vote for Obama and vote overwhelmingly for Democrats but still end up with more Republican house members going to Washington? They give the white rural places more reps than Cleveland. More people in Cleveland than in those little white neighborhoods

I always wonder when a fool right winger denies gerrymandering or global warming do they know they are lying or do you really believe the shit you say. Feels like you are stupid not a liar
Who are the majority of customers at Walmart, Republicans?

probably not.....but the owners and stockholders certainly are right wing...screwing the system by telling their employees that since they can't survive on what the Waltons pay them....subsidize your income through the federal government.
You're starting to ramble like a 12 year old.......Your state is considered more of a toss-up (like FL and CO)....On national elections, when your large cities' citizens show up to vote, the state slant toward midterm and local elections your rural folks vote the state into red hands......

....and you're full of crap if you don't think that welfare money does not make its way quickly into the local economy; when have you ever heard that someone who receives a welfare check states, "I think I'll put the entire check into a C-D"???

I've never heard that. I know they've taken their welfare stipends to gun stores. I know they've done the same at strip joints. But no, not CD's, because as far as a lowlife is concerned, a CD is a disc that contains music.

So you believe that if a person doesn't get their food stamp card, they will just not eat? If they don't get their welfare check, they will not purchase toilet paper?

The point (that obviously went over your head) is that people will purchase necessities anyway regardless of welfare, so these give aways don't stimulate the economy at all. I know this is stupid to ask of a liberal, but do you believe that if we all went on welfare, we would have the greatest economy ever????
Went to Delphi in Saginaw Michigan a few times. There were 11 union workers packing parts made in China to be shipped to Mexico for assembly. The rest were Temps from corestaff. What you mentioned has already happened. Unions are doing nothing but looking after unions. And I will never forget Boosh's attempt to make the US another state of Mexico. Matter of fact, he succeeded in doing just that and Obama is carrying the torch in that department quite nicely. This is where I hope and pray trump is not lying.
Trump/hillary can't do it by themselves. Don't vote for a senator or a house member who would let mexican trucker in. Just because trump is into closing our borders doesn't mean Mitch McConnell or John McCain is.

And show up for the midterms. We can't take this country back when only rich people and die hard Republicans show up every 2 and moderates/independents every 4

Ding, winner. This is why we are stuck choosing between Trump and Hillery.
And heads up. The rich have figured out they can do more at a state and local level so whoever is the best funded candidate, do not vote for that person. That small time politician is funded by the kochs and can really impact your life even more so at a local level.

I will get shit for saying this, but this is why Ted Cruz beat David Douchehurst in the run for K. Bailey Hutchesuns senate seat. See, in Texas to get anywhere politically one is supposed to kiss the Bush signet ring and aske the blessing of the yankee transplants elder fucktard. Dick Perry tried to run without doing so and we saw how that went the first time. Cruz told the Bush clan to ram it. Because of that all the media outlets had him losing right up until they had to say he won the seat. Both parties suffer from shit like this. both parties need to be purged of all the money grubbing elites and fixed. They are both crooked as hell. A good start would be for the Clinton and Bush dynasties to fuck off some place and die quietly.

The establishment of both parties are funded by big business. And the more they are entrenched into Congress, the tougher it will be to root out. America is the land of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. The idea that the Democrats claim to be the party of the poor by touting minimum wage? Pretty silly but effective advertising. The are appeasing the peasants by giving them crumbs and taking away more jobs, more money, more power. Lopsided trade off.
I just heard today that since we started keeping track of the middle class it's the first time the middle class isn't the majority in America. That means a lot of people that were middle class in the 90s are no longer middle class. These are uneducated blue collar workers. That also means a lot of 20 somethings who aren't middle class. I'd like to blame bush, you'd like to blame NAFTA and Clinton but honestly this started on Reagan's watch imo
probably not.....but the owners and stockholders certainly are right wing...screwing the system by telling their employees that since they can't survive on what the Waltons pay them....subsidize your income through the federal government.

Walmart does not put people on welfare--Democrat politicians put people on welfare. Walmart simply offers jobs for X amount of money, and the person applying for the job has the option to accept the offer or decline.
I just heard today that since we started keeping track of the middle class it's the first time the middle class isn't the majority in America. That means a lot of people that were middle class in the 90s are no longer middle class. These are uneducated blue collar workers. That also means a lot of 20 somethings who aren't middle class. I'd like to blame bush, you'd like to blame NAFTA and Clinton but honestly this started on Reagan's watch imo

Of course, because you can't blame the worker. After all, how does a country maintain a middle-class when over one-third of their population of working age are not working nor looking for work?
So you believe that if a person doesn't get their food stamp card, they will just not eat? If they don't get their welfare check, they will not purchase toilet paper?

A moronic 'conclusion" from a moron.......BTW, most states do NOT allow welfare money to be used to buy guns or adult entertainment.....under severe penalties to the states from the federal government.

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