Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

sorry t break it to you....

McCabe is a Republican,
Comey is a Republican
Rosenstein is a Republican
Mueller is a Republican
Brennan is a Republican

Which is why you Stalinists love them, and they all work to further the aims of the Stalinist party. :thup:

You can't be serious. You are the person that lied and said you had inside information in a thread from the Charlottesville Police department that said an ANTIFA person shot down a police helicopter. You fucking twit. You lied flat out. You can never accuse anyone else of being wrong or lying.

Flynn wasn't in his job position until Trump is actually sworn in as President. He most certainly can not make deals with other countries until he is actually a federal authorized employee.
And yet ANTIF was charged....

You guys and your Bullshit is hilarious... Political Hack Toilet Turd..

ANTIFA was charged with shooting down the Charlottesville helicopter? You continue to lie about it, blatantly. :abgg2q.jpg:

You will continue to be labeled a fraud for as long as I am a member here. You are right up there with Tom Horn bragging about beating up a woman with a pool cue.

BTW, even Marco Rubio said this was a hit job on McCabe and that he should have been allowed to retire, and then dealt with afterwards. Firing him just hours before he was due to retire was politically motivated, and not actual procedure.
And NOT Justice, Justice is Blind.

McCabe may very well deserved to be fired, we do not know because the Inspector General has not released his report, and McCabe has not had the chance for due process to defend himself.... :dunno:
McCabe went before the IG's investigators AND the OPR investigators and ALL of them categorically recommended he be fired.
You don't have that happen if you are innocent.
The LAST thing the OPR EVER does is actually recommend an FBI employee be fired. It's fucking unheard off! Yet in McCabes case they all did. Stick those realities up your ass!
It's true they never recommend being fired, so why are they now? If they really are....?

What makes what McCabe did any different than all of these others that got a slap on the hand?

Won't know until we see the report....
When the report comes out you'll accuse everyone in the DOJ/FBI/IG/OPR of "lying" about McCabe you fucking dummy!
ANTIFA was charged with shooting down the Charlottesville helicopter? You continue to lie about it, blatantly. :abgg2q.jpg:

You will continue to be labeled a fraud for as long as I am a member here. You are right up there with Tom Horn bragging about beating up a woman with a pool cue.

BTW, even Marco Rubio said this was a hit job on McCabe and that he should have been allowed to retire, and then dealt with afterwards. Firing him just hours before he was due to retire was politically motivated, and not actual procedure.
And NOT Justice, Justice is Blind.

McCabe may very well deserved to be fired, we do not know because the Inspector General has not released his report, and McCabe has not had the chance for due process to defend himself.... :dunno:
McCabe went before the IG's investigators AND the OPR investigators and ALL of them categorically recommended he be fired.
You don't have that happen if you are innocent.
The LAST thing the OPR EVER does is actually recommend an FBI employee be fired. It's fucking unheard off! Yet in McCabes case they all did. Stick those realities up your ass!
It's true they never recommend being fired, so why are they now? If they really are....?

What makes what McCabe did any different than all of these others that got a slap on the hand?

Won't know until we see the report....
You mean you don't believe the IG and the OPR "actually" recommended McCabe be fired?
Are you that fucking stupid?
That's right Sessions went before the cameras and LIED about the IG and the OPR recommended McCabe be fired. You need mental help.
i don't know what the IG actually reported and said and find it strange that the trump minions did this before we could see the report, which again, is outside of protocol....

and it is hard to believe Sessions since he lied under oath 3 times in his senate confirmation hearings and ''could not recall'' another hundred in his testimony before congress at a later date.......

not to mention Trump's tweets, and threats about Sessions being ''no longer'' if he didn't do as 'Simon' trump says.....

trump needs to keep his damned mouth shut....

Sessions has already forgotten he fired McCabe.
Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.
Good question.

A few posts ago you were dead certain they were numerous. Now you can't name one.

None of us are privy to such details, dope.

Pleas are usually made to the lowest crime for cooperating witnesses. That then has to mean that there were more charges for more serious offenses that could have been brought. It is the threat of those other charges that compel cooperation from witnesses. That is how it's done.

Your error is in believing there is anything "usual" about Flynn's case. "Usually" they aren't witch hunts, but this one clearly is.

Sure. It's a huge conspiracy. :cuckoo:
I think Strzok's texts prove it was a conspiricy.

Sure, dope.
No I'm not sorry for Flynn in the least bit. Did you just read what I said? He was making a deal with the Turkish government to fucking KIDNAP a U.S. citizen and send them back to Turkey for MILLIONS of dollars.

You're cool with that... now YOU are a fucked up individual.

No, that is reprehensible, but that is not what he plead guilty too. Now is it.

No, and he is lucky he didn't get charged with it. What do you not understand about that? His plea bargain was a fucking favor to him. Do you think if he got charged with conspiracy to commit kidnapping and doing so with a foreign government, he'd be out campaigning in California?

If he committed a crime with Turkey ARREST HIM FOR THAT! Don't convict him for something he didn't do. Is that too hard for you to wrap your head around?

He DID lie. He even got fired for it by Trump. You've not shown proof he didn't.

comey testified that he did not lie to the FBI. That is what mueller forced him to plea too. You need to catch up junior. This has all been provided MANY TIMES BEFORE so why the hell are you not up to speed!

"...the special counsel charged Flynn with lying to FBI agents on January 24. While the charge did not identify the FBI agents involved, we know that Peter Strzok conducted the January interview that eventually led to the criminal case against Flynn. Strzok formed a part of Mueller’s team until he was removed following the discovery of hostile text messages concerning Trump, including a planned “insurance policy” should Trump win the White House.

Obama political holdover Sally Yates’ involvement in the case raises additional concerns. While Strzok and Mueller initially indicated they believed Flynn had been truthful, Yates, while serving as acting attorney general, had directed Strzok to interview Flynn and had pushed for charges against Flynn...

...Flynn should withdraw his guilty plea and suggests that Sullivan, as “the country’s premier jurist experienced in the abuses of our Department of Justice, . . . is the best person to confront the egregious government misconduct that has led to and been perpetrated by the Mueller-Weissmann ‘investigation’ and to right the injustices that have arisen from it.”
How A Michael Flynn Plea Reversal Could Uncover Federal Corruption
And yet ANTIF was charged....

You guys and your Bullshit is hilarious... Political Hack Toilet Turd..

ANTIFA was charged with shooting down the Charlottesville helicopter? You continue to lie about it, blatantly. :abgg2q.jpg:

You will continue to be labeled a fraud for as long as I am a member here. You are right up there with Tom Horn bragging about beating up a woman with a pool cue.

BTW, even Marco Rubio said this was a hit job on McCabe and that he should have been allowed to retire, and then dealt with afterwards. Firing him just hours before he was due to retire was politically motivated, and not actual procedure.
And NOT Justice, Justice is Blind.

McCabe may very well deserved to be fired, we do not know because the Inspector General has not released his report, and McCabe has not had the chance for due process to defend himself.... :dunno:
McCabe went before the IG's investigators AND the OPR investigators and ALL of them categorically recommended he be fired.
You don't have that happen if you are innocent.
The LAST thing the OPR EVER does is actually recommend an FBI employee be fired. It's fucking unheard off! Yet in McCabes case they all did. Stick those realities up your ass!
It's true they never recommend being fired, so why are they now? If they really are....?

What makes what McCabe did any different than all of these others that got a slap on the hand?

Won't know until we see the report....
When the report comes out you'll accuse everyone in the DOJ/FBI/IG/OPR of "lying" about McCabe you fucking dummy!
:lol::lol: maybe! :D

It depends on the actual facts!

What I do know is that Sessions recused himself early on from anything that touches the Mueller Russian/Trmp Campaign investigation, and Sessions also recused himself from anything that touches Hillary Clinton when he went before the Senate confirmation hearings on him....

it looks to me like he BROKE BOTH of those recusals with McCabe.....

so, even though trump coerced him via tweet and who knows how else to jump in to this, it very well may give trump what he wanted all along.... for Jeff Sessions, to resign....or be booted, just like McCabe.....and maybe without the govt pension, he earned as well....

KARMA's a bitch!!!! :eek:

and her cousin....

''What goes around, comes around'', is too!
Flynn wasn't in his job position until Trump is actually sworn in as President. He most certainly can not make deals with other countries until he is actually a federal authorized employee.

Hey peckerbreath I can have a National Security Advisor as a private citizen and I am not even the President-Elect... Nothing illegal about having a National Security Advisor... He never made any deals with the Russian Ambassador...

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit
Flynn wasn't in his job position until Trump is actually sworn in as President. He most certainly can not make deals with other countries until he is actually a federal authorized employee.

Hey peckerbreath I can have a National Security Advisor as a private citizen and I am not even the President-Elect... Nothing illegal about having a National Security Advisor... He never made any deals with the Russian Ambassador...

The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

Hey dipshit, you can't have a National Security advisor if you aren't head of the nation. Your parent's basement doesn't count as a nation.
The crazies on the left and the right telling Trump not to fire Mueller (after all that has been uncovered now), is flipping ludicrous.

I mean good grief how much counter evidence has got to be shown before the swamp creatures slither back into the swamp where they belong ??

I guess they want Trump to just sit there taking the abuse while the witch hunt just goes on and on and on. Mueller coming up short on getting vengence for his buddy Comey, and then cloaking it behind his hiring of all Demon-crats to investigate Trump is about to end.

It's time to get on with the business of running this country without these ridiculous distractions slowing us all down.

Goodbye Mueller.

Go Trump.
Dumb Donnie and stupid Sessions didn't consider how the Federal pension system works. All McCabe needs is two days working for the Federal Government and he will be eligible for his pension. Working for a Congressperson qualifies. McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.

I've heard his pension will only be about $60k/year, but he has earned it and deserves it. Also, his wife is a prominent doctor, so they should be okay financially.

He is under FERS

One percent of salary for every year you work
I think you also pay a penalty for retiring early

MCabe worked 20 years

He may have clocked in for 20 years, but I doubt he did 20 years of actual work.
FBI is tough work

Especially at an executive level

It is Trump who needs to clock in
The crazies on the left and the right telling Trump not to fire Mueller (after all that has been uncovered now), is flipping ludicrous.

I mean good grief how much counter evidence has got to be shown before the swamp creatures slither back into the swamp where they belong ??

I guess they want Trump to just sit there taking the abuse while the witch hunt just goes on and on and on. Mueller coming up short on getting vengence for his buddy Comey, and then cloaking it behind his hiring of all Demon-crats to investigate Trump is about to end.

It's time to get on with the business of running this country without these ridiculous distractions slowing us all down.

Goodbye Mueller.

Go Trump.
Mueller hasn’t said a word about Trump

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Nowhere does it say any evidence was intentionally withheld.
No judge was forcibly removed either, liar.
He recused himself.

Lol, what a schmendrik. The Judge was removed. He was recused, he did not voluntarily leave.

Why was Judge recused from Mueller/Flynn case?

In early December 2017, Judge Rudolph Contreras was recused from the criminal case involving Gen. Michael Flynn who had pleaded guilty in an arrangement with Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

You will find nothing in print that says he refused himself. Face it, Hillary “Strokypoo” Clinton is in deep shit. If that is, she don’t die. She ain’t looking so good these days.
ANTIFA was charged with shooting down the Charlottesville helicopter? You continue to lie about it, blatantly. :abgg2q.jpg:

You will continue to be labeled a fraud for as long as I am a member here. You are right up there with Tom Horn bragging about beating up a woman with a pool cue.

BTW, even Marco Rubio said this was a hit job on McCabe and that he should have been allowed to retire, and then dealt with afterwards. Firing him just hours before he was due to retire was politically motivated, and not actual procedure.
And NOT Justice, Justice is Blind.

McCabe may very well deserved to be fired, we do not know because the Inspector General has not released his report, and McCabe has not had the chance for due process to defend himself.... :dunno:
McCabe went before the IG's investigators AND the OPR investigators and ALL of them categorically recommended he be fired.
You don't have that happen if you are innocent.
The LAST thing the OPR EVER does is actually recommend an FBI employee be fired. It's fucking unheard off! Yet in McCabes case they all did. Stick those realities up your ass!
It's true they never recommend being fired, so why are they now? If they really are....?

What makes what McCabe did any different than all of these others that got a slap on the hand?

Won't know until we see the report....
When the report comes out you'll accuse everyone in the DOJ/FBI/IG/OPR of "lying" about McCabe you fucking dummy!
:lol::lol: maybe! :D

It depends on the actual facts!

What I do know is that Sessions recused himself early on from anything that touches the Mueller Russian/Trmp Campaign investigation, and Sessions also recused himself from anything that touches Hillary Clinton when he went before the Senate confirmation hearings on him....

it looks to me like he BROKE BOTH of those recusals with McCabe.....

so, even though trump coerced him via tweet and who knows how else to jump in to this, it very well may give trump what he wanted all along.... for Jeff Sessions, to resign....or be booted, just like McCabe.....and maybe without the govt pension, he earned as well....

KARMA's a bitch!!!! :eek:

and her cousin....

''What goes around, comes around'', is too!

Wrong again. You literally just pulled that out of your ass.

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