Canada's middle class Is better than ours. This is despite...

1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Or... you could just move to Canada. They seem to have everything you want.
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Tax rate is around 50% for those making middle class wages. Or have they declared that those making $100,000 are now among the wealthiest people. And the healthcare is "free" because middle class pays a lot in taxes. It was over 50% when the far lefties were in charge. There are waiting lists for many tests due to the universal healthcare system. It's "free" to some, if they can get it. There has been discussion off and on about going back to some private insurers because the current system isn't working that great. There is very limited coverage, if any, if the people need health care while vacationing out of the country. Many choose to come here just so they can get the best treatment, but it's out of pocket. That means most can't get the treatment they need. Only the wealthy can afford the best cancer treatment and other expensive meds. The socialist leaders can also come here for the best doctors and treatment. It's actually designed to favor the wealthiest because they are the only ones who still have choices.
The usual discredited bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Have you hired a moving company yet? Sounds like a great place for you.
As if anyone accepts Americans....We're better Americans than hater dupes and aren't going anywhere. We're going to improve our lot, not believe a lot of bs from lying greedy billionaires.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Why can't I be both, you are. Are you saying your dear leaders policies ain't working, you know you could lose your regressive sodomite enabler card over shit like that. But feel free to elaborate about all the victims in prison.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Tax rate is around 50% for those making middle class wages. Or have they declared that those making $100,000 are now among the wealthiest people. And the healthcare is "free" because middle class pays a lot in taxes. It was over 50% when the far lefties were in charge. There are waiting lists for many tests due to the universal healthcare system. It's "free" to some, if they can get it. There has been discussion off and on about going back to some private insurers because the current system isn't working that great. There is very limited coverage, if any, if the people need health care while vacationing out of the country. Many choose to come here just so they can get the best treatment, but it's out of pocket. That means most can't get the treatment they need. Only the wealthy can afford the best cancer treatment and other expensive meds. The socialist leaders can also come here for the best doctors and treatment. It's actually designed to favor the wealthiest because they are the only ones who still have choices.
The usual discredited bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Have you hired a moving company yet? Sounds like a great place for you.
As if anyone accepts Americans....We're better Americans than hater dupes and aren't going anywhere. We're going to improve our lot, not believe a lot of bs from lying greedy billionaires.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Why can't I be both, you are. Are you saying your dear leaders policies ain't working, you know you could lose your regressive sodomite enabler card over shit like that. But feel free to elaborate about all the victims in prison.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.
Tax rate is around 50% for those making middle class wages. Or have they declared that those making $100,000 are now among the wealthiest people. And the healthcare is "free" because middle class pays a lot in taxes. It was over 50% when the far lefties were in charge. There are waiting lists for many tests due to the universal healthcare system. It's "free" to some, if they can get it. There has been discussion off and on about going back to some private insurers because the current system isn't working that great. There is very limited coverage, if any, if the people need health care while vacationing out of the country. Many choose to come here just so they can get the best treatment, but it's out of pocket. That means most can't get the treatment they need. Only the wealthy can afford the best cancer treatment and other expensive meds. The socialist leaders can also come here for the best doctors and treatment. It's actually designed to favor the wealthiest because they are the only ones who still have choices.
The usual discredited bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Have you hired a moving company yet? Sounds like a great place for you.
As if anyone accepts Americans....We're better Americans than hater dupes and aren't going anywhere. We're going to improve our lot, not believe a lot of bs from lying greedy billionaires.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Why can't I be both, you are. Are you saying your dear leaders policies ain't working, you know you could lose your regressive sodomite enabler card over shit like that. But feel free to elaborate about all the victims in prison.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
The usual discredited bs...
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
As if anyone accepts Americans....We're better Americans than hater dupes and aren't going anywhere. We're going to improve our lot, not believe a lot of bs from lying greedy billionaires.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Why can't I be both, you are. Are you saying your dear leaders policies ain't working, you know you could lose your regressive sodomite enabler card over shit like that. But feel free to elaborate about all the victims in prison.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?
What is a "better middle class"? What does that even mean?
I sense another spectacular Billy Fail Thread coming.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
How America's middle class fell behind its Canadian neighbours

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north. They can now claim the title of the richest middle class on the planet.

Let’s take a look at the bombshell that the New York Times dropped in our midstlast week. It’s based on data from the Luxembourg Income Study Database, and focuses squarely on median income.

That means that instead of being distorted by the impact of millionaires and billionaires becoming still richer and the wealth gap becoming still wider, using this data gives analysts a sense of the experience of the average household in any given country. It also means an economist can compare overall economic growth of a country to the experience of individual households in that country – and by those standards, the United States just doesn’t come off that well.

Because while our economy has been growing more rapidly than those of other nations, a smaller percentage of those households is sharing in that prosperity, the data suggests. (Income inequality is at its highest level since 1928.)

Income, take home pay, better for the middle class Canandian than for the middle class American. looks like Billy was right on this.

If you’re a proud member of America’s middle class, you may have been startled to learn last week that your after-tax income now
makes you worse off than your Canadian neighbors to the north.

Median per capita income in the U.S. has barely budged since 2000, while Canadians have seen their median income jump 20 percent.

Holy crap! There may be a less useful stat than "median per capita income", but I'll be damned if I can think of it.

Median means you line up all the numbers from lowest to highest and the number in the middle is the median.
How you turn that into a per capita number is some kind of liberal head-up-assery for sure.
Did they take the median household income and divide it by the average household size?

Wow, moronic for sure.
The median would be the middle class duh. The average would be higher because of the HUGE income of the few megarich at the top after 35 years of Voodoo, dupe...

The median would be the middle class duh.

Bullshit. You think the middle class is $18,700 per person? Dupe.
Why can't I be both, you are. Are you saying your dear leaders policies ain't working, you know you could lose your regressive sodomite enabler card over shit like that. But feel free to elaborate about all the victims in prison.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
What policies? The GOP has blocked everything that could help the middle class except ACA (the month we had control of congress), and help for infrastructure jobs, cheap college and training, raising the min wage, taxing the rich and giant corps their fair share, cut military spending etc etc. This is all just ALL our great country, with NO GOP corrupt bubble TYVM.

I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.
I'm really sorry you're such a senile old regressive sodomite enabler, I guess you can't remember the near trillion dollar stimulus for Not So Shovel ready Jobs and the huge military cuts in the sequester, but hey, what can you expect form someone who has problems writing complete sentences?
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
Lol I love how you throw in "sodomite-enabler" as if that is somehow a relevant insult. How about you be a mature adult and admit gay sex isn't at all a reflection of bad character or low intelligence? Any true libertarian wouldn't think this way.

Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Fine... but they still live in Canada.
1) Canada having a higher minimum wage

2) Canada having a higher tax rate on the wealthy

3) Canada having Widespread unions

4) Canada having strong bank regulations

5) Canada having free healthcare

Another far left failed thread!
Feel free to quote where I've ever said it had anything to do with character or intelligence, many mentally ill have both. And any dude who wants to swap slobber with another dude is certifiably crazy. But you folks want to call it normal, go figure.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And where is the evidence this has anything to do with "crazy"? What exactly makes it "crazy"? Surely you have an explanation. Maybe you're just a bigoted piece of shit?

Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And what makes it a mental disorder by today's standards? Many things are no longer considered mental disorders because of prior prejudice. Today's standards are what matters. You calling them fags doesn't mean jack shit and only shows your bigotry.
Poor thing, it was considered a mental disorder till they got enough fag psychiatrist to run the show and they decided they were the normal ones, LMFAO.
Or maybe rational intelligence and objectivity prevailed over junior high bigotry and name calling like yours and they realized it wasn't a mental illness? It's not like you have any statistical evidence that proves gay psychiatrists took over mental health doctrine. You just like to believe that because it validates your childish immaturity about those who are different from you.

NAME CALLING, REALLY??????????????? You want a lesson in name calling just read your own post dumbass. And I have just as much proof that fags took over mental health doctrine as you do that fags are born that way. And honestly I don't have any problem with your ordinary fags, it's the faghadist that think they can command us to reorder society to suit them and the regressives that enable them I have a problem with.
lol my name calling is irrelevant. Your name calling applies to ANY gay man that you have never even necessarily interacted. Your insult is a childish generalization. Seriously, grow the fuck up. Being gay is not a reflection of one's character, intelligence, or mental well-being.

Well child, even the World Health Organization disagreed with you till 26 years ago, and many health professional still do. Hey I got an idea, how about we reorganize society to accommodate nudist, at least they can prove they WERE born that way.
Oh really? And what makes it a mental disorder by today's standards? Many things are no longer considered mental disorders because of prior prejudice. Today's standards are what matters. You calling them fags doesn't mean jack shit and only shows your bigotry.

You didn't mention my proposal, what's wrong you got no balls?
Canada still has a central bank that creates credit out of thin air and taxes the masses. Canada doesn't have a military industrial complex monster to feed your comparison is like apples to oranges.
Yeah they've avoided a ridiculous and overbloated defense budget haven't they?

We picked up their tab.
No we didn't.
What is a "better middle class"? What does that even mean?
I sense another spectacular Billy Fail Thread coming.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
So you're just going to pretend their middle class didn't surpass ours? They have higher incomes you dumbass. Of course apparently you are too stupid to realize life spans isn't a measure of middle class.

What is a "better middle class"? What does that even mean?
I sense another spectacular Billy Fail Thread coming.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
So you're just going to pretend their middle class didn't surpass ours? They have higher incomes you dumbass. Of course apparently you are too stupid to realize life spans isn't a measure of middle class.

I asked the question: What is their take home pay? By your own words, Higher income and a higher tax rate on the wealthy? What portion of the Middle Class is considered 'wealthy'? Before you shit yourself and start calling me names, take some time and think about the concept of take-home pay as a percentage of income.
Their income is higher after taxes. If you want to hammer out all the nuance to that be my guest.

You are making a statement devoid of validation or at least comparative analysis. Where is you empirical data to back it up other than what lies between your ears?
Yeah they've avoided a ridiculous and overbloated defense budget haven't they?

We picked up their tab.
No we didn't.
Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
So you're just going to pretend their middle class didn't surpass ours? They have higher incomes you dumbass. Of course apparently you are too stupid to realize life spans isn't a measure of middle class.

Do you not understand what an economic class is? Of course you don't. How silly of me.
OK so you have no answer. Pure, straight ignorance.
Do they have higher average incomes? Higher average household wealth? Longer life spans? Higher rates of consumption? Higher personal satisfaction?
Nothing. You've got nothing. You haven't quantified what you wrote, much less backed it up by any evidence.
You fail because you are Billy Triple Zero.
So you're just going to pretend their middle class didn't surpass ours? They have higher incomes you dumbass. Of course apparently you are too stupid to realize life spans isn't a measure of middle class.

I asked the question: What is their take home pay? By your own words, Higher income and a higher tax rate on the wealthy? What portion of the Middle Class is considered 'wealthy'? Before you shit yourself and start calling me names, take some time and think about the concept of take-home pay as a percentage of income.
Their income is higher after taxes. If you want to hammer out all the nuance to that be my guest.

Their income is higher after taxes.

If only you could prove it.

The Left only believes burden of proof and empirical validation applies to the other side. Oh, when they do site validation, it's usually fabricated as we saw with Dan Rather saying Bush was AWOL from the National Guard while holding up 1972 Microsoft Word generated documents or when the University of East Anglia did not like the empirical data for a climate change study do they emailed one another to change the data to fit the narrative.... And got caught.
The 70s? Try the 20s, fool.
In actuality the middle class was doing better than ever under Bush. It has stagnated since then thanks to Obama's failed policies. Even the Democrats Hillary and Bernie are running on fixing the economy.
You are so full of shit. It's amazing to me how you just make this shit up as you go along. I mean Christ. There were two recessions under Bush. The second one began 4 months before he left office and we lost 8 million jobs. These are facts.
You understand that doesn't refute what I wrote, right? The unemployment rate continued to go up for years after Obama was in office and had enacted his policies. There are still barely more people working today than the day he took office.
Um for years? No. The recession ended 6 months into his presidency and we have had non stop job growth EVER SINCE.
This isnt about the recession, numbnuts. It's about employment. Don't you know the difference?
It was 2014 before employment went back to the level when Obama took office.
United States Employed Persons | 1950-2016 | Data | Chart | Calendar
Yeah it's really convenient timing for you that the recession began 4 months before he came to office isn't it?
Your fumble is noted. You cannot engage the facts with argument. You can only deflect and call names.

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