Death by Wind Turbine.........

What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

I live in an area with hundreds of wind turbines. There are a half dozen of them in the field across the road from our house. We didn't even know they were there until the trees were bare of leaves last fall.

They're quiet, efficient, and they're not making anyone sick. These are just lies being spread by the flat earthers like yourself.

Your post is full of lies. The wind turbines are very quiet. They haven't injured or killed anyone in our county, and farmers are ploughing fields and planting crops all around them.

They aren't destroying the land either.
Toronto? and you live across from a Wind Turbine that is not taller than the trees? Nobody builds Wind Turbines that are the same height as trees! The trees would block the wind, I guess that is why you can not hear them, obviously they were built to secure a subsidy, not to provide electricity.

I say you exaggerate (I am being nice). Wind Turbines tower above trees. I could post dozens of pictures, like this one from Ontario.


I don't live in Toronto. A year and a half ago we moved to the Niagara Peninsula.

The wind turbines are taller than trees. But if they are behind a large stand of trees, the trees obscure the turbines because the trees are in the foreground. It's called "perspective . Things that are closer to you appear to be larger than things which are farther away.
The poster is obviously a city dweller with no idea of the size of rural spaces.

There had been enormous opposition to the wind turbines here. Health and noise concerns have been the basis of the opposition. All have proved to be unfounded.

We are 10 minutes from Lake Erie. There are about 50 wind turbines between our house and the village 15 miles to the west of our house, mostly within a couple of miles from the shore line.

There are three in the field across the road from our house, but usually they are in groups of 6.

My daughter's friend has one in the field next door to her house, at the minimum distance allowed. They are barely aware of its existence, it's that quiet.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

Four dead after plane strikes wind turbine - Capital Journal Access

That is four more people than nuclear energy killed in the last year.


You are blaming the wind turbine for not getting out of the way? Isn't that like the moron who told his car insurance that the pole jumped off the kerb and hit his car?

How much wildlife is dying from radiation fallout from the Fukushima disaster?

Well, certainly there is a shared responsibility with this incident. The pilot made a mistake.

However, nuclear power plant containment domes are about the same height as wind turbines, and have exactly the same FAA warning devices. The nuclear facility is a safer power source because there are not as many of them. As it happens, I had the occasion to drive through west Texas about a month ago, at night. The aircraft warning lights on top of the 400' tall wind turbines looked like a Christmas tree light show that stretched across the visible horizon.

The point is that the dispersed power capacity, and the height of the generation device, makes wind power more of a safety hazard than a single concentrated source of energy. Birds or airplanes...same problem.

Four dead after plane strikes wind turbine - Capital Journal Access

That is four more people than nuclear energy killed in the last year.


You are blaming the wind turbine for not getting out of the way? Isn't that like the moron who told his car insurance that the pole jumped off the kerb and hit his car?

How much wildlife is dying from radiation fallout from the Fukushima disaster?

Well, certainly there is a shared responsibility with this incident. The pilot made a mistake.

However, nuclear power plant containment domes are about the same height as wind turbines, and have exactly the same FAA warning devices. The nuclear facility is a safer power source because there are not as many of them. As it happens, I had the occasion to drive through west Texas about a month ago, at night. The aircraft warning lights on top of the 400' tall wind turbines looked like a Christmas tree light show that stretched across the visible horizon.

The point is that the dispersed power capacity, and the height of the generation device, makes wind power more of a safety hazard than a single concentrated source of energy. Birds or airplanes...same problem.

Your point is valid. Let me make an observation. Building wind turbines means that the existing environment is changing. Evolution is about adaptations to environmental changes. The birds, bats and pilots that are killed off by the change to the environment don't survive to procreate. Those that adapt to the wind turbine environment will survive.

Yes, the landscape of America today with high rise buildings is nothing like what it was when the first modern settlers arrived. Yes, we need to minimize the impact but the harm to the environment caused by wind turbines is significantly less than that of the alternatives IMO.

Four dead after plane strikes wind turbine - Capital Journal Access

That is four more people than nuclear energy killed in the last year.


You are blaming the wind turbine for not getting out of the way? Isn't that like the moron who told his car insurance that the pole jumped off the kerb and hit his car?

How much wildlife is dying from radiation fallout from the Fukushima disaster?

Well, certainly there is a shared responsibility with this incident. The pilot made a mistake.

However, nuclear power plant containment domes are about the same height as wind turbines, and have exactly the same FAA warning devices. The nuclear facility is a safer power source because there are not as many of them. As it happens, I had the occasion to drive through west Texas about a month ago, at night. The aircraft warning lights on top of the 400' tall wind turbines looked like a Christmas tree light show that stretched across the visible horizon.

The point is that the dispersed power capacity, and the height of the generation device, makes wind power more of a safety hazard than a single concentrated source of energy. Birds or airplanes...same problem.

Why? How many planes are routinely crossing the country 400 feet above the ground? You said yourself that it looks like Christmas lights at night, so how can a pilot miss that, and why would he be flying so low in the first place?

Four dead after plane strikes wind turbine - Capital Journal Access

That is four more people than nuclear energy killed in the last year.


You are blaming the wind turbine for not getting out of the way? Isn't that like the moron who told his car insurance that the pole jumped off the kerb and hit his car?

How much wildlife is dying from radiation fallout from the Fukushima disaster?

Well, certainly there is a shared responsibility with this incident. The pilot made a mistake.

However, nuclear power plant containment domes are about the same height as wind turbines, and have exactly the same FAA warning devices. The nuclear facility is a safer power source because there are not as many of them. As it happens, I had the occasion to drive through west Texas about a month ago, at night. The aircraft warning lights on top of the 400' tall wind turbines looked like a Christmas tree light show that stretched across the visible horizon.

The point is that the dispersed power capacity, and the height of the generation device, makes wind power more of a safety hazard than a single concentrated source of energy. Birds or airplanes...same problem.

Why? How many planes are routinely crossing the country 400 feet above the ground? You said yourself that it looks like Christmas lights at night, so how can a pilot miss that, and why would he be flying so low in the first place?

It is a question of probabilities. If there is enough stuff sticking up in the air, and someone looks right instead of left at the wrong time. It is bound to be a problem.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

I have never had a bird hit any of the 48 windows in our home in the near 30 years we've been here. We have tons of birds who live here as we are in a forest. Our cats (feral outside, domestic inside) keep the rodents under control, but have never seen a single bird kill on our 10 acres other than from the coyotes who roam about. The coyotes do hunt our cats though.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

I have never had a bird hit any of the 48 windows in our home in the near 30 years we've been here. We have tons of birds who live here as we are in a forest. Our cats (feral outside, domestic inside) keep the rodents under control, but have never seen a single bird kill on our 10 acres other than from the coyotes who roam about. The coyotes do hunt our cats though.

Anecdotes are not evidence!
Death by Wind Turbine.........

I really hate topics that open with an outright lie then are followed up by half lies and omission of critical facts.

To quote the actual report "no one was injured."

Furthermore the wind turbine that failed due to the freaky high winds is in the Netherlands. High winds actually DO injure and kill as trees and power lines are knocked down.

This is the USMB. It is a good idea to make clear that what you bring here did not happen in this country.

This OP and it's originator disgusts me. This isn't FOX news. Save your lies and half lies for some other forum.
I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

I have never had a bird hit any of the 48 windows in our home in the near 30 years we've been here. We have tons of birds who live here as we are in a forest. Our cats (feral outside, domestic inside) keep the rodents under control, but have never seen a single bird kill on our 10 acres other than from the coyotes who roam about. The coyotes do hunt our cats though.

Anecdotes are not evidence!

That's true. So why do AGW supporters always resort to them? Regardless. Ask everyone you know how many birds have been killed by their houses. Get back to us when you have asked 10 people.
I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

I have never had a bird hit any of the 48 windows in our home in the near 30 years we've been here. We have tons of birds who live here as we are in a forest. Our cats (feral outside, domestic inside) keep the rodents under control, but have never seen a single bird kill on our 10 acres other than from the coyotes who roam about. The coyotes do hunt our cats though.

Anecdotes are not evidence!

That's true. So why do AGW supporters always resort to them? Regardless. Ask everyone you know how many birds have been killed by their houses. Get back to us when you have asked 10 people.

Well I asked everyone I know how many birds have been killed by their windmills.

And none of the people I asked saw any birds killed by windmills.

Clearly that means windmills are not killing any birds.......
I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Ignorance is bliss for the math challenged.

How many windows in your own home? Multiply that by the number of homes in the USA. How many windows in the average office building? Multiply that by the number of buildings in the USA. How many hows in the day are birds in the vicinity of those windows? What total do you get? What percentage of that total is the estimate in that link?

I have never had a bird hit any of the 48 windows in our home in the near 30 years we've been here. We have tons of birds who live here as we are in a forest. Our cats (feral outside, domestic inside) keep the rodents under control, but have never seen a single bird kill on our 10 acres other than from the coyotes who roam about. The coyotes do hunt our cats though.

Anecdotes are not evidence!

That's true. So why do AGW supporters always resort to them? Regardless. Ask everyone you know how many birds have been killed by their houses. Get back to us when you have asked 10 people.

So why do AGW supporters always resort to them?

Yet another unsubstantiated bogus claim of yours. :cuckoo:

How about actual video evidence of birds hitting windows?


Plenty more where those came from.

Four dead after plane strikes wind turbine - Capital Journal Access

That is four more people than nuclear energy killed in the last year.


You are blaming the wind turbine for not getting out of the way? Isn't that like the moron who told his car insurance that the pole jumped off the kerb and hit his car?

How much wildlife is dying from radiation fallout from the Fukushima disaster?

Well, certainly there is a shared responsibility with this incident. The pilot made a mistake.

However, nuclear power plant containment domes are about the same height as wind turbines, and have exactly the same FAA warning devices. The nuclear facility is a safer power source because there are not as many of them. As it happens, I had the occasion to drive through west Texas about a month ago, at night. The aircraft warning lights on top of the 400' tall wind turbines looked like a Christmas tree light show that stretched across the visible horizon.

The point is that the dispersed power capacity, and the height of the generation device, makes wind power more of a safety hazard than a single concentrated source of energy. Birds or airplanes...same problem.

Why? How many planes are routinely crossing the country 400 feet above the ground? You said yourself that it looks like Christmas lights at night, so how can a pilot miss that, and why would he be flying so low in the first place?

It is a question of probabilities. If there is enough stuff sticking up in the air, and someone looks right instead of left at the wrong time. It is bound to be a problem.

Not really. Unless he is a crop duster (unlikely in such an area) or trying to land at a mom and pop airport (also unlikely), or had some other problem which lead him to crash, he had no business flying in that area 400 feet off the ground. Because of FAA regulations, the probability is low that these wind farms are a serious issue for general aviation, and certainly not for the major airlines.
The issue of birds hitting windows is more often a problem with tall buildings in cities which leave their lights on at night. But it is a big problem.
What real disasters are;

  • April 5, 2010: Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, West Virginia, United States. An explosion occurred in Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.[9]
  • November 19, 2010: Pike River Mine disaster in New Zealand. At 3:45pm, the coal mine exploded. Twenty-nine men underground died immediately, or shortly afterwards, from the blast or from the toxic atmosphere. Two men in the stone drift, some distance from the mine workings, managed to escape. (Extract from Royal Commission of Enquiry Report on Pike River.)
  • May 13, 2014: Soma mine disaster took place in Soma, Turkey. The accident, called the worst mining accident ever in Turkey, and it is the worst mining accident in 21st century so far. 301 people died.
Mining accident - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

More killed in the Upper Big Branch Disaster than have been killed by by wind turbines in that whole period.
Gee Old Crock, lighten up, I did when I created this thread, but at the same time its serious. People are required to stay at least 400 meters away from the small wind turbines, further from the large ones, a half a mile of public land lost to the public, or more, simply because these towers are dangerous.

On top of that, they catch fire and people do die. I could of started this thread with the link, to many deaths, but I did not, I simply wished for people to think about these things, from a safety aspect, and discuss that. But nooooooooo. Its got to be all or nothing, not one word can be said against the great Wind Turbine, even if they are killing people along with millions of birds.

These people will literally not let one disparaging truth be stated on this corner of the internet, about Wind Turbines.

People can not live by wind turbines, they are dangerous, the manufacture says so, experience says so.

Disgusting to think, that someone may actually get hurt marveling at one of these, when it breaks, because they heard all the hype, they are great and beautiful.

Wind Turbines destroy the Earth, miles of earth, not just a spot, miles of earth a half a mile wide. Sounds like a thread, thanks old crock!

I live in an area with hundreds of wind turbines. There are a half dozen of them in the field across the road from our house. We didn't even know they were there until the trees were bare of leaves last fall.

They're quiet, efficient, and they're not making anyone sick. These are just lies being spread by the flat earthers like yourself.

Your post is full of lies. The wind turbines are very quiet. They haven't injured or killed anyone in our county, and farmers are ploughing fields and planting crops all around them.

They aren't destroying the land either.
Toronto? and you live across from a Wind Turbine that is not taller than the trees? Nobody builds Wind Turbines that are the same height as trees! The trees would block the wind, I guess that is why you can not hear them, obviously they were built to secure a subsidy, not to provide electricity.

I say you exaggerate (I am being nice). Wind Turbines tower above trees. I could post dozens of pictures, like this one from Ontario.


I don't live in Toronto. A year and a half ago we moved to the Niagara Peninsula.

The wind turbines are taller than trees. But if they are behind a large stand of trees, the trees obscure the turbines because the trees are in the foreground. It's called "perspective . Things that are closer to you appear to be larger than things which are farther away.
Like I said, bullshit, you claimed you never knew they were there until the leaves fell from the tree.
Death by Wind Turbine.........

I really hate topics that open with an outright lie then are followed up by half lies and omission of critical facts.

To quote the actual report "no one was injured."

Furthermore the wind turbine that failed due to the freaky high winds is in the Netherlands. High winds actually DO injure and kill as trees and power lines are knocked down.

This is the USMB. It is a good idea to make clear that what you bring here did not happen in this country.

This OP and it's originator disgusts me. This isn't FOX news. Save your lies and half lies for some other forum.
I could go on and on about the deaths that wind turbines cause, lets start with this thread. You can feel free to comment in it if you like.

And as you know, Wind Turbines are in their infancy, we must build millions, and as we do, they will kill more people, like the one in brazil that fell on a bus. Anyhow, here is a threat just for you.

Wind Turbine Fire Kills 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

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