Death by Wind Turbine.........

I found a bluejay hit by a passing car. The mate was circling it and crying but not landing. I pulled over, checked the bird. Not dead but stunned. So I wrapped it in my sweater I keep in the car, brought it home, stuck it in a box. About an hour later I hear this screeching. Sucker wanted OUT. So I took box and all back to where I found it. Mate was still in the area, circling. I let it out of the box and it flew up in a tree where the mate found it. I was happy. They were happy.
I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

Think again:

Number of Bald Eagles Killed By Cars Rising

Bird deaths from car crashes number in millions

Thank you for those. I was unaware of the Michigan problem. Our speeds are much lower where eagles congregate so it is not an issue here. I can definitely see them feasting on roadkill (which up here is uncommon for the most part) and flying into the path of a vehicle.

Lesson learned.

Crows get killed by cars all across the Eastern U.S., as do vultures. I read a few weeks ago about two separate instances where owls were struck by vehicles. I myself have inadvertently struck a number of pigeons in the city.

I hit a bird in Missouri back in 1988 or so. I was moving along at a good clip so the little sucker didn't have a chance to dodge.

Earlier you said "Birds in general don't get killed by cars". Now we find that you have actually murdered some of the little fuckers with your own car. So much for your credibility.

birds are killed all the time by cars.

I have a friend who crunched a redtail hawk just a little bit ago. I've rescued a redtail, and a long eared owl, that were hit by cars near my home. I know another person whose windshield was crunched when she hit a buzzard.

And I don't even know how many pheasants, quail and ducks are slaughtered every year on the road.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides

I was almost knocked off my motorbike by low flying wildfowl. They are big birds and hitting one at 70 mph would have been nasty. I ducked and both of us escaped unharmed.

Yes, I have hit a pigeon with my car too. I stopped once to rescue an injured bird in the middle of the road and took it to the local sanctuary.

It is quite common IMO.
Years ago, in Swan Valley, Idaho, appropriately, damned near hit a swan. Had to stand on the brakes to avoid it. The wingspan was wider than the windshield. Definately a 'whew' moment when it got enough lift to just make it over the top of the car. Looked like a small plane from the drivers seat.
Speaking of power poles...when one comes down in a storm...sparks fly everywhere and someone could get electrocuted. Why aren't ALL lines from pole to pole INSULATED with rubber tubing as a coating?
I lived in air turbine country, not too far from Arlington OR....workers were killed fairly regularly. Those things are dangerous.

Thank you for those. I was unaware of the Michigan problem. Our speeds are much lower where eagles congregate so it is not an issue here. I can definitely see them feasting on roadkill (which up here is uncommon for the most part) and flying into the path of a vehicle.

Lesson learned.

Crows get killed by cars all across the Eastern U.S., as do vultures. I read a few weeks ago about two separate instances where owls were struck by vehicles. I myself have inadvertently struck a number of pigeons in the city.

I hit a bird in Missouri back in 1988 or so. I was moving along at a good clip so the little sucker didn't have a chance to dodge.

Earlier you said "Birds in general don't get killed by cars". Now we find that you have actually murdered some of the little fuckers with your own car. So much for your credibility.

In my experience I have not seen it happen very much. Yes, it certainly does happen but in all of my years of driving I have hit one. And I was doing 90 at the time. But, my comment, "birds in general", still stands. I never said it didn't happen, i just stated it was uncommon.

You need to learn English.

According to the second link, millions of birds die from strikes with automobiles. So your "birds in general" claim is meaningless. Perhaps you need to take a math course.
Thank you for those. I was unaware of the Michigan problem. Our speeds are much lower where eagles congregate so it is not an issue here. I can definitely see them feasting on roadkill (which up here is uncommon for the most part) and flying into the path of a vehicle.

Lesson learned.

Crows get killed by cars all across the Eastern U.S., as do vultures. I read a few weeks ago about two separate instances where owls were struck by vehicles. I myself have inadvertently struck a number of pigeons in the city.

I hit a bird in Missouri back in 1988 or so. I was moving along at a good clip so the little sucker didn't have a chance to dodge.

Earlier you said "Birds in general don't get killed by cars". Now we find that you have actually murdered some of the little fuckers with your own car. So much for your credibility.

In my experience I have not seen it happen very much. Yes, it certainly does happen but in all of my years of driving I have hit one. And I was doing 90 at the time. But, my comment, "birds in general", still stands. I never said it didn't happen, i just stated it was uncommon.

You need to learn English.

According to the second link, millions of birds die from strikes with automobiles. So your "birds in general" claim is meaningless. Perhaps you need to take a math course.

That is their claim. I have yet to see any compelling evidence to support that particular claim.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"
I don't know why a simple chicken wire kind of guard could not be installed. Wind would still be able to pass thru, but birds would not be killed. Chickenwire is cheap. Labor could be cheap. Just send in the illegals to do it. Free, since they are here illegally anyway.

Can I have the contract for chicken wire removal from rotating vacuum cleaners? I will make millions!

Crows get killed by cars all across the Eastern U.S., as do vultures. I read a few weeks ago about two separate instances where owls were struck by vehicles. I myself have inadvertently struck a number of pigeons in the city.

I hit a bird in Missouri back in 1988 or so. I was moving along at a good clip so the little sucker didn't have a chance to dodge.

Earlier you said "Birds in general don't get killed by cars". Now we find that you have actually murdered some of the little fuckers with your own car. So much for your credibility.

In my experience I have not seen it happen very much. Yes, it certainly does happen but in all of my years of driving I have hit one. And I was doing 90 at the time. But, my comment, "birds in general", still stands. I never said it didn't happen, i just stated it was uncommon.

You need to learn English.

According to the second link, millions of birds die from strikes with automobiles. So your "birds in general" claim is meaningless. Perhaps you need to take a math course.

That is their claim. I have yet to see any compelling evidence to support that particular claim.

As opposed to your claim- which was entirely unsubstantiated.
LOL. Back down from you ignorant asses? For what reason?

The wind industries record on industrial safety is excellent. That they kill some birds is a fact. As is the fact that the highways near them kill a lot more birds, even more raptors. And buildings, transmission lines, radio towers, feral cats, all kill more birds than do the towers. Go to the people that study birds, and look at their studies on it.

I live in eagle country. I have done so for over 30 years now. Guess how many eagles have been found dead on the side of the road. Zero. Eagles don't get killed by cars. Birds in general don't get killed by cars. It does indeed happen, but ask anyone you know how many birds they've seen hit by cars. The only times you see it happen is at racetracks where the vehicles are going really fast. The same go's for birds supposedly hitting buildings and dying. In my nearly 70 years, and the last 30 in the wild, it has NEVER happened. You would think that if it were so darn common, that there would be dead birds all over the place. But no. You don't see that either. What we do see though, are lots and lots of dead birds and bats around wind turbines.

I have never seen any dead birds or bats around any wind turbines.

I have however seen a bald eagle electrocuted on a high power line.

Zap. It was pretty spectacular. The locals say it happens in that small town several times a year, they take the carcasses to the local indian tribe to use the feathers.

here is a chart of the leading causes of bird death from 2003
Causes of Bird Mortality Sibley Guides


I'm sorry, but any study that has a range this high is not one that can be taken seriously. This is another case of pulling a number from your butt.

"Window strikes – estimated to kill 97 to 976 million birds/year"

Feel free to provide a better source of data.

So far all I have seen are people complain about the poor birds killed by wind turbines, but no one seems to provide any solid numbers of birds killed by wind turbines compared to for instance high tension wires.

Based upon the threads I have seen, the concern for bird and raptor deaths seem only to be linked with wind turbines. Which seems more like an agenda than a real concern.
I lived in air turbine country, not too far from Arlington OR....workers were killed fairly regularly. Those things are dangerous.
Oregon has always been timber country. Now by forest industry standards, even including the construction phase, the wind industry is very safe. I know this personally, as I worked for 20 years as a millwright in sawmills, and many in my family were loggers.

Were I a young man today, I would be training as a technician for the wind industry.

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