Donald Trump is a racist

All you Lefties supporting Mexicans and calling Trump a racist. your racial treatment of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is still clear in my mind.

When was Gonzalez involved in a race based controversy?
It is not what he has done ..its what he is ...its his Heritage ..:ack-1:
By the way Trump cannot be a racist look
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
so are you a racist or just ok with supporting racism?
No poblem.
would you consider yourself racist or do you just not have a problem with racism?

I have a BIGGER problem with the scum type of people that rioted in San Jose last night. Knowing these kind of people will be voting for Hillary this November, makes voting for Trump VERY EASY !
so are you a racist or do you just support racism?

Your side, these past several weeks especially, makes accepting Trump and all his faults easier and easier every day.

And unlike you leftist robots, racism doesn't send me over the cliff.
so you are ok supporting racism

Is it racism ?

I'm not a racist in the truest definition of racism. True racism is the belief in "racial superiority"

Take the poster "Asclepias" for instance. He is black, and he absolutely believes blacks are superior beings to whites. That is a true racist.

I do not believe one race is superior over another, although I do believe some cultures are superior to others.

What I am is "prejudiced" to some other races.

For instance, no way in hell would I walk or even drive through a black neighborhood, especially a large inner-city neighborhood.

I am not stupid, and I know that overall I face an increased physical danger from a black male than a white or Asian male. Now of course the more removed from an inner city setting, the less danger a black male poses.
Overall though, I am in less danger being away from a congregation of blacks.

That is a prejudice on my part, and I make no apologies for it.
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

I'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

Hypocrite much? I am pretty confident you are an Obama supporter but have no problem with supporting such a blatant racist. Obama, after all, has been one of the most divisive racists in our nation's history. So, to answer your question, justify supporting Obama...and try to do more than just respond by saying, "Obama is NOT a racist."
give an example where the president has judged someone based solely on their ethnicity. you can't, it hasn't happened.

but you can do a very good job of trying to deflect from trump's blatant racism. how do you feel about supporting an obvious and documented racist?

He called his own grandmother a typical white person. He said not to rush to judgement whis a muslim American soldier killed a bunch of unarmed soldiers but yet he said a white cop acted stupidly when he accosted a black man breaking into his own home without knowing the full story......many more out there. La Raza, the Nazi wing for Hispanics is being sponsored by a Soros NGO, you know, the leftard that donates billions for leftard causes.

awww.... it's so cute watching the white trash defend their bigoted candidate and his bigoted little adherants.

"white trash", Shillian, the gutless wonder? It's not that I am any fan of Trump as I am against that lying. murderous **** that you support simply because she has a "D" by her name. Troll along, can't out-debate me or go "toe to toe" with me in a conversation.
would you consider yourself racist or do you just not have a problem with racism?

I have a BIGGER problem with the scum type of people that rioted in San Jose last night. Knowing these kind of people will be voting for Hillary this November, makes voting for Trump VERY EASY !
so are you a racist or do you just support racism?

Your side, these past several weeks especially, makes accepting Trump and all his faults easier and easier every day.

And unlike you leftist robots, racism doesn't send me over the cliff.
so you are ok supporting racism

Is it racism ?
I'm not a racist in the truest definition of racism. True racism is the belief in "racial superiority"

Take the poster "Asclepias" for instance. He is black, and he absolutely believes blacks are superior beings to whites. That is a true racist.

I do not believe one race is superior over another, although I do believe some cultures are superior to others.

What I am is "prejudiced" to some other races.

For instance, no way in hell would I walk or even drive through a black neighborhood, especially a large inner-city neighborhood.

I am not stupid, and I know that overall I face an increased physical danger from a black male than a white or Asian male. Now of course the more removed from an inner city setting, the less danger a black male poses.
Overall though, I am in less danger being away from a congregation of blacks.

That is a prejudice on my part, and I make no apologies for it.
so a little of column a, little of column b
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

First you need to show and prove that Trump is a racist? Can you do that? Over to you.
Yet again a liberal posts BS without a definite lack of understanding and all the other liberals stand behind them.

Chicano, Latino, Hispanic, Mexican, Salvadoran and Puerto Rican. Don't identify race, but rather ethnicity, culture and national heritage.
without getting into any other issue Donald Trump's comments on Judge Gonzalo Curiel have been racist. He has judged the content of the judge's character and found him unable to be an impartial jurist based on nothing more than his ethnicity.

His statements about the judge have been racist. If you support Donald Trump you are supporting a racist.

Can you make peace with that?
google it dumbass. you know what his comments have been.

How can someone google to prove you don't know the defintion of race. Oh right I already did do that.
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

First you need to show and prove that Trump is a racist? Can you do that? Over to you.
It's been done - or has he not said judge curiel can't do his job because 'he's a mexican?'
By Trump's 'reasoning', only Mexican-American judges should be allowed to preside over court cases involving Mexican/Mexican-American defendants.
racists don't get the benefit of the doubt of having an internal logic.

i'm really curious, trump supporters, how do you feel about supporting a racist?

First you need to show and prove that Trump is a racist? Can you do that? Over to you.
It's been done - or has he not said judge curiel can't do his job because 'he's a mexican?'

If he is a Mexican and Trump feels that he cannot do his job then I think that Trump is right. Trump doesn't hold back on how he feels. Doesn't mean that Trump is a racist for saying what he says. Maybe that judge is just plain a lousy judge, and doesn't do his job right or proper. If he is Mexican too bad. You are like the lame duck lieberal media, always looking for something that appears to be racist even though it is not there.
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
so are you a racist or just ok with supporting racism?
everyone is racist. everyone. don't kid yourself thinking you're not. denial ain't just a river in egypt, you know
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
so are you a racist or just ok with supporting racism?
everyone is racist. everyone. don't kid yourself thinking you're not. denial ain't just a river in egypt, you know

You mean that Hillary and Bernie are racist? Holy crapola.
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
so are you a racist or just ok with supporting racism?
everyone is racist. everyone. don't kid yourself thinking you're not. denial ain't just a river in egypt, you know

You mean that Hillary and Bernie are racist? Holy crapola.
i mean that if you're stuck trying out some soul searching and looking for some politician to nail up to a cross to take away your sins, or at least to hide your own sins from yourself, then you've come to the right place when you get into american politics.
All you Lefties supporting Mexicans and calling Trump a racist. your racial treatment of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is still clear in my mind.

When was Gonzalez involved in a race based controversy?

Your side has appointed itself what is "raced-based" and are very inconsistent at that. Gonzalez was smeared and his ethnicity questioned because his views did not align with you people. Trump said the judge may not be able to make a clear judgement in this case due to conflict of interest and his race. How is that different when Blacks raise the issue of an all-white jury and a Black is a defendant?
The "racist" charge is the only thing the left ever has. This is no exception. It doesn't matter what any Republican says or does, if they run for office they will immediately be branded a racist by the left. It's lost it's effectiveness and that vehicle has run out of gas.

it's virtue signaling, it's how useful idiots advertise themselves.
so are you a racist or just ok with supporting racism?
everyone is racist. everyone. don't kid yourself thinking you're not. denial ain't just a river in egypt, you know

You mean that Hillary and Bernie are racist? Holy crapola.

I am not a racist in any sense of the world. I like people from every walk of life if they are "stand -up" types. What I do have a prejudice against is the leftwing Fabian socialists, neocons and those that support them. Some of these idiots support them out of party loyalty, some support them because they actually want a communist style, totalitarian system that they believe will right the wrongs for all past sins. What they can't even fathom is the very ones that they have railed against have used them to sow seeds of discontent and spread the cultural marxism that we see has taken over this country. There are no REAL liberals....not like the ones that took on Johnson and Nixon over Vietnam and the jackboot thuggery that was used to combat the real voices of reason. Of course back then, they were painted as communist sympathizers and put them into the same category of the counter-culture "hippie" movement that the powers that be created, funded and controlled using the friendly folks of the CIA. What very few realized was that the very ones at the top that started and promoted this war and persecuted dissenters were also funding the very enemy our youngest and poorest "ain't no fortunate son" types were being drafted to fight for...and for the sole purpose of profiting the military industrial complex and controlling the opium trade.

What has taken the place of those that stood up at great risk for liberty and freedom back then have been replaced by a bunch of socialists and flat out communists that rail against the very ones that are using them to do their bidding. This country has become a fucking epic sad tale that rivals that of a Greek tragedy and I can I do is watch it swirl the drain.......very fucking sad.
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