Everyone making less then 25,000 per year

Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.
how about they help themselves first

That would involve taking personal responsibility and it's apparent Matthew wasn't raised with that mindset.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"

That is the problem with most of the third world on this planet...The rich say let them die but then they have to live behind gated communities as most of the country is uneducated, shitty infrastructure and there's very little demand for their products within their home country....It is retarded economics.

The rich let people die by giving them jobs to feed themselves and their families. Got it. Any more jewels of wisdom?
And making it all private loans is going to change that? Please..... Who's going to give a loan to a family that has a single parent making minimum wage? All he is going to do is make it even more difficult for a poor kid to get out of the slums and make it.

Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?
why should we?
It's not anyone's business what a private school charges for tuition

Private schools can charge whatever they want. Im referring to public universities ie university of texas, montana, idaho, alabama etc.
It's time people start helping themselves instead of demanding all their miserable lives that someone else do it for them.

Gee, I thought going to school and taking classes is helping yourself.

You'd teach someone to swim by tying rocks around their legs and throwing them overboard.
No you moron. You teach someone to swim by getting them in the shallow end at a low wage because they aren't olympic swimmers yet. Then you teach them to put their face in the water and blow bubbles and give them a raise for that. Then you teach them to float, and they get a raise. Some will continue on to learn how to breastroke or butterfly and one or two will be world class and get paid accordingly. You want us all to finance everyone until they can win the 100 meter.

No you idiot. I want you to give them swimming lessons, not tell them to do it all themselves. If they could do that without assistance, they would already have done it.

That's the problem. You want people that, in no way, have an association with the one getting something to fund it while those that are associated with them to get a pass in doing that. If a kid's parents aren't willing to do for them when it comes to higher education, that kids isn't a good investment for me. When it comes to providing anything to a kid, it's their parent(s) responsibility not mine.

I live in North Carolina. My children have a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT to a college education that is required by that same constitution to be FREE, as far as practical. So, in North Carolina at least, it is the STATE that is responsible for providing a higher education. To bad the state is not living up to it's constitutional responsibilities.

The U.S. Constitution guarantees them that right?

When are you going to live up to your parental responsibilities and stop expecting others to do it for you?
Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?
why should we?
It's not anyone's business what a private school charges for tuition


Where did she say "private universities?"
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.
Does that include kids too? Can I get me some money for spitting out a few kids?
Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
doesn't mater at any level
besides since more than 40% of college freshmen do not graduate it's ridiculous to have financial aid pay for the first 2 years of college.
It should be that the first 2 years have to be paid for by the student then financial aid is for the people who make it to junior year

that way 40% of funding is not wasted
Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?
why should we?
It's not anyone's business what a private school charges for tuition

Private schools can charge whatever they want. Im referring to public universities ie university of texas, montana, idaho, alabama etc.

Agreed. Though we do need to stop flooding private universities with public money

So you think humans that work but can't afford to feed their goddamn families are animals? Yet, you call yourself a christian? You can burn in hell you nasty piece of shit. Fuck you.
That is damn funny.

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?
why should we?
It's not anyone's business what a private school charges for tuition


Where did she say "private universities?"
So private universities are not included in all universities?

did she specifically say public universities?
The mental melt down of mental midgets over Trump is just old......the reason college is so expensive is because the government took over the loan process...and the colleges hiked the prices to go along with the gauranteed increase in loans.....

And making it all private loans is going to change that? Please..... Who's going to give a loan to a family that has a single parent making minimum wage? All he is going to do is make it even more difficult for a poor kid to get out of the slums and make it.

Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

Which brings me right back to why is tuition so high? Because colleges and universities are a Democratic party campaign contribution CASH COW that's why. That's why Democrats want taxpayers to underwrite ridiculous student loans of $100k to $200k per student. Why? Because no bank in their right mind would loan a student that kind of money and expect to get paid back without the Federal government guaranteeing the taxpayers will pay back the loan if the student defaults.

WHY IS TUITION SO HIGH...because colleges and universities can charge that much with taxpayers guaranteeing the loans. Take away the Federal government loan guarantee, students won't be able to get ridiculous student loans, and the price of tuition will come down.

Yet another area of government corrupted by the Democratic party.
Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
doesn't mater at any level
besides since more than 40% of college freshmen do not graduate it's ridiculous to have financial aid pay for the first 2 years of college.
It should be that the first 2 years have to be paid for by the student then financial aid is for the people who make it to junior year

that way 40% of funding is not wasted
What is ridiculous is the cost. You liberals really need to practice what you preach.
Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
doesn't mater at any level
besides since more than 40% of college freshmen do not graduate it's ridiculous to have financial aid pay for the first 2 years of college.
It should be that the first 2 years have to be paid for by the student then financial aid is for the people who make it to junior year

that way 40% of funding is not wasted
What is ridiculous is the cost. You liberals really need to practice what you preach.
LOL no one here would call me a liberal you twit
And making it all private loans is going to change that? Please..... Who's going to give a loan to a family that has a single parent making minimum wage? All he is going to do is make it even more difficult for a poor kid to get out of the slums and make it.

Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?

Because colleges and universities are Democratic party campaign contribution CASH COW that's why. The higher the tuition, the more money into Democratic coffers.
Everyone making less then 25,000 per year should get $300 per month in food stamps and be allowed to take skill based classes at their local community college backed by the tax payers. Skill based is computer, business, or any classes that help them get a better job to boost their income upwards.

This is the right thing to do....

Time to start helping people instead of hurting them.

and repubs say "LET THEM DIE!"
No, most of us say let them earn it. JUST LIKE THE REST OF US
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Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
doesn't mater at any level
besides since more than 40% of college freshmen do not graduate it's ridiculous to have financial aid pay for the first 2 years of college.
It should be that the first 2 years have to be paid for by the student then financial aid is for the people who make it to junior year

that way 40% of funding is not wasted

I've posed a similar situation to those pushing "free" college. I asked what about those to which the "investment" is provided that don't finish and the money is wasted. The response I've received is to the affect of all your personal investments don't work out do they. To which I reply, the difference is if I make a personal investment and lose, it was my choice.
Lower tuition...oh wait colleges and universities are Dem campaign contributors, is that why you sit there with your thumbs up your ass while they charge kids $150k for a worthless diploma?

Lower tuition won't matter if people can't get approved for loans. What part of that don't you understand?

Goddamn whatever happened to working your way through college, you know getting a job. Or parents working a job and saving up for their kids college. When did it become my goddamn responsibility to work overtime and have to work until I'm 70 years old to retire because I had to pay to put other peoples kids through college?

If you choose to have kids they are YOUR financial responsibility not mine. If you come begging me for a tuition hand out you had better be working 2 jobs and trying to make it on your own first.

Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internships in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do without borrowing money.

And yet, we never hold universities accountable for their exponential increases in tuition and admininstration pay. Why is that? Why do we give them a pass and just look the other way?
why should we?
It's not anyone's business what a private school charges for tuition

WRONG, it is when I'm expected to pay off the student's loans when they default.
Gee, I thought going to school and taking classes is helping yourself.

You'd teach someone to swim by tying rocks around their legs and throwing them overboard.
No you moron. You teach someone to swim by getting them in the shallow end at a low wage because they aren't olympic swimmers yet. Then you teach them to put their face in the water and blow bubbles and give them a raise for that. Then you teach them to float, and they get a raise. Some will continue on to learn how to breastroke or butterfly and one or two will be world class and get paid accordingly. You want us all to finance everyone until they can win the 100 meter.

No you idiot. I want you to give them swimming lessons, not tell them to do it all themselves. If they could do that without assistance, they would already have done it.

That's the problem. You want people that, in no way, have an association with the one getting something to fund it while those that are associated with them to get a pass in doing that. If a kid's parents aren't willing to do for them when it comes to higher education, that kids isn't a good investment for me. When it comes to providing anything to a kid, it's their parent(s) responsibility not mine.

I live in North Carolina. My children have a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT to a college education that is required by that same constitution to be FREE, as far as practical. So, in North Carolina at least, it is the STATE that is responsible for providing a higher education. To bad the state is not living up to it's constitutional responsibilities

Wrong, try reading the NC Constitution again. It says the State shall fund the University of North Carolina. It does not say access to higher education is not competitive.

I live in NC also. Or more applicable to this discussion, I can read ...
Couple of things. First, well kind of hard to work you way through college when tuition is so high. Perhaps you can blame those student loans for that. Of course, like damn near everything else these days, calling them "student" loans was NEWSPEAK. They were created and intended for the parents, the wealthy parents that had saved for college. The "student" loan allowed them to borrow the money for school and invest the money they had saved, hopefully at a better return than the student loan and especially with the government subsidizing the interest. Then, again like damn near everything else, it got out of hand. Now it has evolved into a massive wealth extraction system even including special garnishment rights that no other debt contains.

Your argument kind of reminds me of a certain ancient ass old Republican congresswoman in the neighboring district. Heard her moan the same question, why can't those students work their way through college. She did it. Worked in the summer and paid her tuition. Clueless bitch, her tuition, in the 1960's, was a whomping one hundred dollars. I went to the same school in the 80's, total cost, around seven grand a year, total cost. Today, two sons in the same state university system, twenty five grand a year total cost PER STUDENT. Which brings me to the second thing.

It can be done. I am mighty proud to say that the oldest one has been soloing it for the last two years. On is own accord, not because I couldn't help. But he has had to borrow a little bit, he has gotten some merit scholarships, and he has one of the best internship in the industry. The point is that it is damn hard to do and might near impossible to do it without borrowing money.
never heard of going to college part time ?

Yeah. About the only way to complete graduate work. But not a big fan of it at the undergraduate level.
doesn't mater at any level
besides since more than 40% of college freshmen do not graduate it's ridiculous to have financial aid pay for the first 2 years of college.
It should be that the first 2 years have to be paid for by the student then financial aid is for the people who make it to junior year

that way 40% of funding is not wasted
What is ridiculous is the cost. You liberals really need to practice what you preach.
LOL no one here would call me a liberal you twit
I just did.

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