Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes

That is, every Republican except for Florida’s former Republican Party chairman Jim Greer, who, scorned by his party and in deep legal trouble

He'd make a great witness for the defense, he has an axe to grind....His boy Charlie got whooped and couldnt protect him. I prasie the republicans for scorning him. I'm sure he'll be a legend for democrats just like another republican, OJ Simpson.

Too bad Greer's fraud trial isn't until November. It is interesting that one of the big reasons that Crist got whipped was because he appointed an African-American to the State Supreme Court. That made the tea baggers heads explode.

Funny that the fraud charges against Greer didn't happen until after he filed suit against the State GOP. That smells a little like bullshit, but we'll see what happens to him.

But that aside, what he claims he heard is corroborated by the bogus purge list that Scott tried to push. Add that to the fact that the Florida GOP is still under injunction for their various caging schemes, that targeted African-Americans.
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It's beginning to dawn on me why you have no rep....
is that the silly button on the screen you children keep talking about :lol:

jesus christ man, your side is stopping americans from voting, you are about to start a fucking war, and you want to play little fucking games about a rep button on this board?

tell me for krist sake you understand your actions are much more serious than that?

that you are threatening civil war, tell me you get that please

I'm surprised we haven't had a civil war already, and for completely different reasons. Requiring ID to vote makes sense. It denies no one. Even my severely autistic son has ID and it was required for him to get his disability. As I said, I know homeless people who get id. Why on earth would anyone not be able to get ID?

Do you have ID? If so, what's the problem? Do you think blacks are too stupid to get ID, is that it? What reason can you possibly have for people not getting ID?

Actually we have had a civil war already. It was started when the South attacked Federal property for the reason on solidifying their recent secession. It wound up killing over 1/2 million or our people.
is that the silly button on the screen you children keep talking about :lol:

jesus christ man, your side is stopping americans from voting, you are about to start a fucking war, and you want to play little fucking games about a rep button on this board?

tell me for krist sake you understand your actions are much more serious than that?

that you are threatening civil war, tell me you get that please

I'm surprised we haven't had a civil war already, and for completely different reasons. Requiring ID to vote makes sense. It denies no one. Even my severely autistic son has ID and it was required for him to get his disability. As I said, I know homeless people who get id. Why on earth would anyone not be able to get ID?

Do you have ID? If so, what's the problem? Do you think blacks are too stupid to get ID, is that it? What reason can you possibly have for people not getting ID?

Actually we have had a civil war already. It was started when the South attacked Federal property for the reason on solidifying their recent secession. It wound up killing over 1/2 million or our people.

I meant another one...
That is, every Republican except for Florida’s former Republican Party chairman Jim Greer, who, scorned by his party and in deep legal trouble

He'd make a great witness for the defense, he has an axe to grind....His boy Charlie got whooped and couldnt protect him. I prasie the republicans for scorning him. I'm sure he'll be a legend for democrats just like another republican, OJ Simpson.

Too bad Greer's fraud trial isn't until November. It is interesting that one of the big reasons that Crist got whipped was because he appointed an African-American to the State Supreme Court. That made the tea baggers heads explode.

Funny that the fraud charges against Greer didn't happen until after he filed suit against the State GOP. That smells a little like bullshit, but we'll see what happens to him.

But that aside, what he claims he heard is corroborated by the bogus purge list that Scott tried to push. Add that to the fact that the Florida GOP is still under injunction for their various caging schemes, that targeted African-Americans.

Sorry bro, I dont know where you're from, but you have a warped view and an incorrect one, but ole Charlie and his gang were liberal republicans and real political hacks, and Rubio exposed them in the campaign. What I want to know, is what does it say about the Democrats in Florida that backed a white republican over a black democrat....hmmmmmmm, sorry most of the dixicratic hood wearers remain democrats. I find it funny that blacks that win in majority white disctricts are republicans, not democrats...while not many, it's amazing how white democrats dont vote for blacks....
oh yeah, what are those reasons you think we should have a civil war, pray tell?

I cant wait to hear this

Apparently you can wait, since you won't or can't answer my questions.

got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

You knew what ?

That you were a failed abortion....resulting in brain damage ?

It is to fun to watch you drooling all over yourself as you seek to somehow make yourself look like someone worth reading....and failing.
Voter fraud doesnt exist, solving a problem that doesnt exist for a simple reason, supporting this action makes you a physical enemy of the united states the same way nazis were and al qaeda

my fellow libs and the us govt hasnt taken the extreme stance i have taken, yet, but they will if your nazi like actions change the results of the election

Then neither does voter suppression. End of story.
Oh no a liberal calling someone a racist, what will we do?

You will continue to be a rabid racist, you will continue to oppose Obama because fox tells you to and freedomworks and dick armey and the kochs tell you to

You will continue to behave exactly as the rank and file german people behaved prior to and during WWII...

that is the saddest of all
oh yeah, what are those reasons you think we should have a civil war, pray tell?

I cant wait to hear this

Apparently you can wait, since you won't or can't answer my questions.

got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

Still can't answer the questions so you attack me....

The increasing unemployment and the increasing income gap are my reasons why I think there will be a civil war. Surprised? Yeah, see, I use my brain.. I'm not a conservative or a liberal, I'm a moderate and the cons and the libs have driven this country into the ground.

Now, do you want to answer my question? I thought not. You must really believe black people are too stupid to get ID, and you call me a racist...
Apparently you can wait, since you won't or can't answer my questions.

got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

Still can't answer the questions so you attack me....

The increasing unemployment and the increasing income gap are my reasons why I think there will be a civil war. Surprised? Yeah, see, I use my brain.. I'm not a conservative or a liberal, I'm a moderate and the cons and the libs have driven this country into the ground.

Now, do you want to answer my question? I thought not. You must really believe black people are too stupid to get ID, and you call me a racist...

your question was some convoluted bullshit about why it is ok to all of a sudden claim voter fraud exists when it doesnt, why would i answer such nonsense, you do realize it is nonsense?

weird how a Black man is elected, in large part due to minorities and young people who usually dont vote and all of a sudden you want ids that they dont posses, weird coincidence, huh
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oh yeah, what are those reasons you think we should have a civil war, pray tell?

I cant wait to hear this

Apparently you can wait, since you won't or can't answer my questions.

got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

Yeah that's it, I think it's projection, it's the commies that like the civil disobedience and clash with police, but hey you thought you were arguing with another uninformed liberal...thanks for playing...Now continue to be a non racist that allows blacks to stay in miserable inner cities with no hope and horrible schools (vouchers would help, but you like the unions over the blacks... RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!)
got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

Still can't answer the questions so you attack me....

The increasing unemployment and the increasing income gap are my reasons why I think there will be a civil war. Surprised? Yeah, see, I use my brain.. I'm not a conservative or a liberal, I'm a moderate and the cons and the libs have driven this country into the ground.

Now, do you want to answer my question? I thought not. You must really believe black people are too stupid to get ID, and you call me a racist...

your question was some convoluted bullshit about why it is ok to all of a sudden claim voter fraud exists when it doesnt, why would i answer such nonsense, you do realize it is nonsense?

weird how a Black man is elected, in large part due to minorities and young people who usually dont vote and all of a sudden you want ids that they dont posses, weird coincidence, huh

pay attention, I wanted that BEFORE the last election and in fact have wanted that since I first started voting, at 18. I'm 55.
I'd say a sworn deposition warrants an investigation and criminal prosecution if there's ample evidence.

Fla. Republican: We wanted to suppress black votes

In the debate over new laws meant to curb voter fraud in places like Florida, Democrats always charge that Republicans are trying to suppress the vote of liberal voting blocs like blacks and young people, while Republicans just laugh at such ludicrous and offensive accusations. That is, every Republican except for Florida’s former Republican Party chairman Jim Greer, who, scorned by his party and in deep legal trouble, blew the lid off what he claims was a systemic effort to suppress the black vote. In a 630-page deposition recorded over two days in late May, Greer, who is on trial for corruption charges, unloaded a litany of charges against the “whack-a-do, right-wing crazies” in his party, including the effort to suppress the black vote.

In the deposition, released to the press yesterday, Greer mentioned a December 2009 meeting with party officials. “I was upset because the political consultants and staff were talking about voter suppression and keeping blacks from voting,” he said, according to the Tampa Bay Times. He also said party officials discussed how “minority outreach programs were not fit for the Republican Party,” according to the AP.

The comments, if true (he is facing felony corruption charges and has an interest in scorning his party), would confirm what critics have long suspected. Florida Gov. Rick Scott is currently facing inquiries from the Justice Department and pressure from civil rights groups over his purging of voter rolls in the state, an effort that critics say has disproportionately targeted minorities and other Democratic voters.

Disgruntled without a link
Apparently you can wait, since you won't or can't answer my questions.

got it , you are a rabid racist who wants another civil war

i knew that, thanks for confirming it

Yeah that's it, I think it's projection, it's the commies that like the civil disobedience and clash with police, but hey you thought you were arguing with another uninformed liberal...thanks for playing...Now continue to be a non racist that allows blacks to stay in miserable inner cities with no hope and horrible schools (vouchers would help, but you like the unions over the blacks... RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!)

your racism screams off this page, do you know that? you see, this is where you might want to try and start to learn, you racist shitbag bagger terrorists are like lab rats to us adults, we know exactly what you will say, when you will say it, how you will say it, now how is that possible?

You better be careful too, I am one of the last of the adults (the entire planet minus baggers) who still thinks you guys, some of you, can be educated, you dont have many friends left in the human family, you might want to listen once in a while and learn something.

I just realized I have not met a single minority bagger on this board yet...the one person i know is not a bagger
weird how a Black man is elected, in large part due to minorities and young people who usually dont vote and all of a sudden you want ids that they dont posses, weird coincidence, huh

Do you truly believe that if the opponent had been white....say Bernie Sanders or Harry Ried (hypotheticallly running for president), that this would NOT be going on ?

You honestly believe this is because Barack Obama is black ?

That is just to weird.

I used to enjoy listening to him. About two months prior to the start of the primaries, he almost sounded like a good republican to me (more in terms of his views the process). I actually thought the guy might have some potential.

His skin color means nothing to me.

I am more disgusted by Joe Biden, Harry Ried, and Nancy Pelosi than I am by Obama. But he is still someone I really don't want coming back to the WH.

This racism thing obsession of yours should probably be the subject of some grad students thesis work.
weird how a Black man is elected, in large part due to minorities and young people who usually dont vote and all of a sudden you want ids that they dont posses, weird coincidence, huh

Do you truly believe that if the opponent had been white....say Bernie Sanders or Harry Ried (hypotheticallly running for president), that this would NOT be going on ?

You honestly believe this is because Barack Obama is black ?

That is just to weird.

I used to enjoy listening to him. About two months prior to the start of the primaries, he almost sounded like a good republican to me (more in terms of his views the process). I actually thought the guy might have some potential.

His skin color means nothing to me.

I am more disgusted by Joe Biden, Harry Ried, and Nancy Pelosi than I am by Obama. But he is still someone I really don't want coming back to the WH.

This racism thing obsession of yours should probably be the subject of some grad students thesis work.

That's not the point, moron. The point is the Florida Republicans (and many others) want to suppress voting among blacks. If you're disgusted by racism, you really ought to clean up your party.
weird how a Black man is elected, in large part due to minorities and young people who usually dont vote and all of a sudden you want ids that they dont posses, weird coincidence, huh

Do you truly believe that if the opponent had been white....say Bernie Sanders or Harry Ried (hypotheticallly running for president), that this would NOT be going on ?

You honestly believe this is because Barack Obama is black ?

That is just to weird.

I used to enjoy listening to him. About two months prior to the start of the primaries, he almost sounded like a good republican to me (more in terms of his views the process). I actually thought the guy might have some potential.

His skin color means nothing to me.

I am more disgusted by Joe Biden, Harry Ried, and Nancy Pelosi than I am by Obama. But he is still someone I really don't want coming back to the WH.

This racism thing obsession of yours should probably be the subject of some grad students thesis work.

That's not the point, moron. The point is the Florida Republicans (and many others) want to suppress voting among blacks. If you're disgusted by racism, you really ought to clean up your party.

How do they want to suppress the votes amongst blacks? Requiring ID to vote isn't a way to do that, it's only a way to make sure that the person who registered to vote is the one voting.

Again, my friend showed up at the local precinct to vote one day only to find somebody else had voted in his stead. He was denied his right to vote and NOTHING was done about it. NOTHING!!! I'll bet it didn't even go into the statistics of voter fraud since the culprit was never found or arrested. How many other people have had that done to them? Do we even know? If it can happen to my friend, it can happen to you.

My state has gone to an all mail in ballot...hopefully that will end the problems here...

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