Girls falsely accuse classmate of rape because they don't like him.

Rape kits.
They give an actual true representation as to whether the victim was sexually assaulted.
Barring that they need something other than her testimony.
IF the woman is in a state of mind t0 get to a hospital,
IF a rape kit is available.
IF there is someone trained to administer one
IF it gets through the thousands of backlogged kits
IF it was processed correctly and not contaminated
THEN, can tell us if penetration occurred, if there is any DNA evidence, and if there was s struggle. So if all the “ifs” are met it can tell us a rose occurred, but not necessarily that one didn’t occur.

And you are correct that, for an arrest or conviction more than just a claim is needed, but my point was that a lack of evidence or lack of prosecution or conviction does not mean the woman is lying.
Rape kits.
They give an actual true representation as to whether the victim was sexually assaulted.
Barring that they need something other than her testimony.
IF the woman is in a state of mind t0 get to a hospital,
IF a rape kit is available.
IF there is someone trained to administer one
IF it gets through the thousands of backlogged kits
IF it was processed correctly and not contaminated
THEN, can tell us if penetration occurred, if there is any DNA evidence, and if there was s struggle. So if all the “ifs” are met it can tell us a rose occurred, but not necessarily that one didn’t occur.

And you are correct that, for an arrest or conviction more than just a claim is needed, but my point was that a lack of evidence or lack of prosecution or conviction does not mean the woman is lying.
Then the point also is that there is no objective reason to believe her. She is the only one who can be sure if she is lying or not, and will have to live with that reality.
The problem is that while some accusations of tape/sexual assault are demonstrably true, and some demonstrably false, there is a huge gray area, where something occurred, but there is not enough evidence to prosecute, and reasonable doubt cannot be overcome. But that doesn’t mean the charges are false. Or it could be the girl considers an act especially in one of the (to me) bizarre feminist interpretations of the law, but not technically a violation.

For a case such as the OP or the fake Tolling Stone article etc. the false accusers should be severely punished, but what about the accusations that are honest, in good faith, but can’t be proven?

How do we find s balance?
very difficult situation. we need to investigate what we can and if proven false, those lying need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. the actions of the lies need to be penalized or they will continue to be an open weapon.
The problem is that while some accusations of tape/sexual assault are demonstrably true, and some demonstrably false, there is a huge gray area, where something occurred, but there is not enough evidence to prosecute, and reasonable doubt cannot be overcome. But that doesn’t mean the charges are false. Or it could be the girl considers an act especially in one of the (to me) bizarre feminist interpretations of the law, but not technically a violation.

For a case such as the OP or the fake Tolling Stone article etc. the false accusers should be severely punished, but what about the accusations that are honest, in good faith, but can’t be proven?

How do we find s balance?
very difficult situation. we need to investigate what we can and if proven false, those lying need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. the actions of the lies need to be penalized or they will continue to be an open weapon.
My point though is that “not proven true” is NOT the same thing as “proven false.”
There are a huge number of purported sexual assault/rape cases that cannot be substantiated beyond a reasonable doubt. But that doesn’t mean those accusations are false, or lies.

While malicious accusations should be punished, we cannot afford to pursue that so vigorously as to chill legitimate complaints. Because it is s traumatic event, it’s already difficult to get many victims to come forward. Adding the fear that if they can’t absolutely prove their case they will be prosecuted would make things so much worse and reported sexual assaults eould go way down.
The problem is that while some accusations of tape/sexual assault are demonstrably true, and some demonstrably false, there is a huge gray area, where something occurred, but there is not enough evidence to prosecute, and reasonable doubt cannot be overcome. But that doesn’t mean the charges are false. Or it could be the girl considers an act especially in one of the (to me) bizarre feminist interpretations of the law, but not technically a violation.

For a case such as the OP or the fake Tolling Stone article etc. the false accusers should be severely punished, but what about the accusations that are honest, in good faith, but can’t be proven?

How do we find s balance?
very difficult situation. we need to investigate what we can and if proven false, those lying need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. the actions of the lies need to be penalized or they will continue to be an open weapon.
My point though is that “not proven true” is NOT the same thing as “proven false.”
There are a huge number of purported sexual assault/rape cases that cannot be substantiated beyond a reasonable doubt. But that doesn’t mean those accusations are false, or lies.

While malicious accusations should be punished, we cannot afford to pursue that so vigorously as to chill legitimate complaints. Because it is s traumatic event, it’s already difficult to get many victims to come forward. Adding the fear that if they can’t absolutely prove their case they will be prosecuted would make things so much worse and reported sexual assaults eould go way down.
i agree, which is what makes this such a huge issue. i do NOT want to make someone feel like they can't come forward. but this is also a wide open gun to abuse because how do you prove or disprove something like this? if they know people won't question it, it *will* be abused. this hurts the people they are lying about as well as the honest victims because of the actions of others lying.

i wish i could say i can come up with a good answer, but i can't.
Sickening. What else would we expect from a liberal education system and a liberal dominated media that promotes vapid feminism and attacks on men.
You want to bet that boy never publicly boasted that he like to sexually assault women?

Do you know anybody like that?

Someone who put on tape that they love to sexually assault women. Grab them by their pu$$y?
The problem is that while some accusations of tape/sexual assault are demonstrably true, and some demonstrably false, there is a huge gray area, where something occurred, but there is not enough evidence to prosecute, and reasonable doubt cannot be overcome. But that doesn’t mean the charges are false. Or it could be the girl considers an act especially in one of the (to me) bizarre feminist interpretations of the law, but not technically a violation.

For a case such as the OP or the fake Tolling Stone article etc. the false accusers should be severely punished, but what about the accusations that are honest, in good faith, but can’t be proven?

How do we find s balance?
Are there any other alleged crimes that, in the absence of ANY evidence, you feel so tortured over?
Sickening. What else would we expect from a liberal education system and a liberal dominated media that promotes vapid feminism and attacks on men.
You want to bet that boy never publicly boasted that he like to sexually assault women?

Do you know anybody like that?

Someone who put on tape that they love to sexually assault women. Grab them by their pu$$y?
He never bragged about doing it.

You are beating a long dead and debunked horse.
The problem is that while some accusations of tape/sexual assault are demonstrably true, and some demonstrably false, there is a huge gray area, where something occurred, but there is not enough evidence to prosecute, and reasonable doubt cannot be overcome. But that doesn’t mean the charges are false. Or it could be the girl considers an act especially in one of the (to me) bizarre feminist interpretations of the law, but not technically a violation.

For a case such as the OP or the fake Tolling Stone article etc. the false accusers should be severely punished, but what about the accusations that are honest, in good faith, but can’t be proven?

How do we find s balance?

You teach girls or women not to put themselves in situations where they can assaulted with no witnesses.
You want females to act responsibly?
(Wait for it)
Rape kits.
They give an actual true representation as to whether the victim was sexually assaulted.
Barring that they need something other than her testimony.
IF the woman is in a state of mind t0 get to a hospital,
IF a rape kit is available.
IF there is someone trained to administer one
IF it gets through the thousands of backlogged kits
IF it was processed correctly and not contaminated
THEN, can tell us if penetration occurred, if there is any DNA evidence, and if there was s struggle. So if all the “ifs” are met it can tell us a rose occurred, but not necessarily that one didn’t occur.

And you are correct that, for an arrest or conviction more than just a claim is needed, but my point was that a lack of evidence or lack of prosecution or conviction does not mean the woman is lying.
A lack of evidence should mean you don’t get to destroy a man/boys life and that of his family’s- as with other alleged crimes.
What I find interesting is that people have falsely accused others of all sorts of things since the beginning of time. Yet, here we have a white frat boy accused and all hell suddenly breaks loose because..........who suddenly feels threatened? That's right....white privileged boys. OMIGOD! It's the end of the world!
What I find interesting is that people have falsely accused others of all sorts of things since the beginning of time. Yet, here we have a white frat boy accused and all hell suddenly breaks loose because..........who suddenly feels threatened? That's right....white privileged boys. OMIGOD! It's the end of the world!
So as a racist you would consider it worse of he we're black.

Got it
My point though is that “not proven true” is NOT the same thing as “proven false.”
Short of having a crystal ball or a time machine, without evidence you should not get to destroy lives, just as you don’t get to do that with other types of allegations without evidence.
What’s your solution?
Are you suggesting that no one should ever accuse anyone else of any crime unless they know in advance that an investigation will for sure lead to a conviction?

Would you tell Children they shouldn’t tell their parents about being molested unless they can prove it?

I find it odd that you think an ordinary person should be knowledgeable enough about the law and evidence that they should know before hand that they can prove their case before making a mistake.

Helll. “No one will believe you” is the go-to method to persuade victims of sexual abuse not to report it.
I find it odd that you think an ordinary person should be knowledgeable enough about the law and evidence that they should know before hand that they can prove their case before making a mistake.
Ummm that should have been “before making a complaint.”
My point though is that “not proven true” is NOT the same thing as “proven false.”
Short of having a crystal ball or a time machine, without evidence you should not get to destroy lives, just as you don’t get to do that with other types of allegations without evidence.
What’s your solution?
Are you suggesting that no one should ever accuse anyone else of any crime unless they know in advance that an investigation will for sure lead to a conviction?

Would you tell Children they shouldn’t tell their parents about being molested unless they can prove it?

I find it odd that you think an ordinary person should be knowledgeable enough about the law and evidence that they should know before hand that they can prove their case before making a mistake.

Helll. “No one will believe you” is the go-to method to persuade victims of sexual abuse not to report it.
I find it odd that you think an ordinary person doesn’t know evidence is more likely to be found if they report a crime ASAP, and not 36 years later.
I find it odd that you think ordinary people are supremely ignorant of such matters.
I find it odd that you imply I would tell children not to report that they were molested.
I find you odd, and very stupid too.
Sickening. What else would we expect from a liberal education system and a liberal dominated media that promotes vapid feminism and attacks on men.
You want to bet that boy never publicly boasted that he like to sexually assault women?

Do you know anybody like that?

Someone who put on tape that they love to sexually assault women. Grab them by their pu$$y?
The statement on tape is that if you are famous women will let you grab them by the pussy. That the statement is absolutely true is why the case against Harvey Weinstein is falling apart.

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