Happy birthday FLOTUS

She's pretty ;)

she's pretty what ?? disgusting ? fat assed ? repugnant ? scuzzy ? sickening ? obnoxious ? vile ? revolting ? hideous ? offensive ? :lmao: ... :lmao:

want more definitions ? i got a whole lot more. :up:

You forgot one.......................She's racist....


As one of the most openly racist members on USMB, even Wildman knows better than to point fingers at the First Lady.

she's pretty what ?? disgusting ? fat assed ? repugnant ? scuzzy ? sickening ? obnoxious ? vile ? revolting ? hideous ? offensive ? :lmao: ... :lmao:

want more definitions ? i got a whole lot more. :up:

You forgot one.......................She's racist....


As one of the most openly racist members on USMB, even Wildman knows better than to point fingers at the First Lady.[/QUOT

Racist? Me?


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i don't remember so many ass kissing righties writing love threads about the first lady dot com. your threads about her are borderline obsessive. do you write her love letters?

oh, and happy bday mrs. obama.

"Dottie" does kiss a lot of ass ....
I heard Michelle has her walking papers all ready as soon as they leave the White House.
FLOTUS is in excellent shape. The fact that she has wide hips means nothing especially since she's had two children.

As for the rw hate in the thread:

Check out these photos -

Happy 50th birthday, Michelle Obama!

She's smart and beautiful, fights childhood obesity and works for our vets and their families.

Yep. Its no wonder the nasty rw's hate her.

She hasn't done jack shit for this veteran or my family, skidmark.
Perhaps you can cite some examples what she's doing for other vets and their families.
I won't hold my fucking breath, dipshit.
So she has a birthday, everyone does. Not sure why the left is so obsessed with her birthday. Seems pretty strange.
So she has a birthday, everyone does. Not sure why the left is so obsessed with her birthday. Seems pretty strange.

They're obsessed if Obama takes a dump.
They'd gladly pay for tickets/admission just to get a sniff and a taste.

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