I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

I’d vote for him even if he killed someone on 5th avenue.

Or was a convict.

Biden's rough showing has even close allies calling for him to step aside in 2024​

President Biden's rough performance at the CNN Presidential Debate has caused an earthquake across the media landscape, ranging from "dismal" reviews to vocal calls on the left for him to withdraw from the 2024 race.

CNN's John King put a spotlight on the "very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party" that began in the early minutes of the debate.

"This was a game-changing debate in the sense that right now, as we speak, there is a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party. It started minutes into the debate and it continues right now," King said. "It involves party strategists, it involves elected officials, it involves fundraisers. And they‘re having conversations about the president’s performance, which they think was dismal, which they think will hurt other people down the party in the ticket, and they‘re having conversations about what they should do about it."
Why would they lie? We will all be able to see at the end of the month disclosures.
Dude they announced this way too early... there wasn't enough time to even count post debate donations... they panicked and had to come up with something that couldn't be fact checked right away...
memo to libtards... democrats lie....
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
Will you just fade away like Joe and his team in November?



I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
Go Joe! The greatest administration in world history! 81M+ Votes! More black Americans than the first black president Obama!
Young democrats are racing towards RFK Jr....
Can you blame them? RFK appears to me from what I have both read about him & also from watching vids of him on YouTube to be somewhat of a moderate on various issues but environmentalist enough to draw in the lefties that identify with that segment of politics. The DNC affiliated crowd is literally like OUT OF THIS WORLD.
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!
Paid shill, always top five in reaction score for a reason.
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!

Whether the Democrat Party wants to keep Sleepy Joe as their nominee, that's their own affair.

But Biden's continued presence in the WH considering his current mental and cognitive state is an existential threat to the Republic. Particularly after he voluntarily went on TV this week and paraded his incompetence in front of Uncle Pooty, Kim J. Un, Charles III and other world leaders, both friend and foe.

There is a total lack of confidence in the fellow's ability to lead.

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