Is Doofy Don intellectually capable of comprehending a global pandemic?

Bottom line.......................the country would be much better off if the admin had not taken the virus as lightly as Don has. We'd have been testing on a large scale for days but couldn't because of a lack of test kits. We'd have a plan in place for when hospitals get overwhelmed. The government would have ordered protective masks to have been mass produced a couple of months ago. There would have been, from the beginning, a coordinated message coming from the government driven by the health experts without consideration for politics. If Don hadn't been downplaying this.........and continuing to downplay it...........right wing media would not have been putting the public's lives in jeopardy by misinforming them about the health risks.
The government's response has been woefully inadequate from day one.
The California way.
He stopped travel from China, it's now limited from Italy and other places. Would you have preferred the continued Open Border policy? Maybe "catch and release" won't be as popular when the person being caught has the virus.

What suggestion do you have other than "be diligent" and limit foreign exposure in the U.S? You can't bomb the Communists and their scientists. Hell, the world won't even TALK about the genesis of this virus.

THAT should scare all of us. I never believed in this NWO b.s, but it certainly has reached a shocking level of passive acceptance and few have a voice loud enough to speak on behalf of reality.
Shutting the border was a total failure. It's here and it's spreading. But what could he have done? He could have informed the public instead of lying to them and silencing health professionals; he could have chosen not to dismantle federal teams that were charged with planning for pandemics; he could have chosen to prioritize test kits instead of calling the virus a hoax; he could have coordinated a response with the rest of the world instead of spending years burning bridges; he could order his sycophants to stop spreading disinformation that puts Americans at risk; should I go on?

Canada has more cases proportionally than you and we are a shytehole country that doesn't vacation much in Europe. Also, we have stricter borders.

CBC and our government has been promoting the same idea "don't panic", "it's not the end of the world". Canada can hardly handle economic damage, we are already getting crushed, and these are supposed to be "good times" for us.
Are all Canadians bitches?

No, I'm the only one.
OMG, if only we had Joe Biden as president we'd be thru this fucking pandemic already.
I'm sure Joe would know exactly what to do, and when to do it.
More lying and fear mongering from the left. It’s all they have. Pisslosi and the Dims did all they could to STOP Trump from doing what needed to be done. Massive overreaction and panic due to Dim and media lies.
Like having test kits available a month later than other countries. Everyone loves a moron, in your case it rings true.
Bottom line.......................the country would be much better off if the admin had not taken the virus as lightly as Don has. We'd have been testing on a large scale for days but couldn't because of a lack of test kits. We'd have a plan in place for when hospitals get overwhelmed. The government would have ordered protective masks to have been mass produced a couple of months ago. There would have been, from the beginning, a coordinated message coming from the government driven by the health experts without consideration for politics. If Don hadn't been downplaying this.........and continuing to downplay it...........right wing media would not have been putting the public's lives in jeopardy by misinforming them about the health risks.
The government's response has been woefully inadequate from day one.
The California way.
Did you hear? No homeless in SF are infected, but housing is set up for them at the Presidio. Just in case.
His greatest concern is that we're going to find out what they said in their meetings on how to handle the virus.

White House ordered coronavirus meetings classified, hampering response: report

The White House ordered meetings where officials discussed the coronavirus to be classified, which barred information and delayed the government’s response, four Trump administration officials told Reuters.

Federal health officials were directed to keep dozens of meetings that started in mid-January, including discussions on the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions confidential, Reuters reported Wednesday.

According to the sources, those without security clearances were not permitted in the high-security room, typically used for military and intelligence operations, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where the meetings took place.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official told Reuters. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
He stopped travel from China, it's now limited from Italy and other places. Would you have preferred the continued Open Border policy? Maybe "catch and release" won't be as popular when the person being caught has the virus.
Not to pick on you individually because your reply is emblematic of the appalling ignorance of many Trumpette's. People who have been saying this whole thing is being exaggerated as many areas of the country are on the cusp of taking exactly the kinds of actions that will disrupt our lives health experts have been warning about for weeks. No big gatherings, schools and colleges shut down, airline flights and cruises being cancelled, recommendations that people who are elderly and who have compromised immune systems avoid contact with strangers, etc. It's time for you folks to pull your heads out of your asses, listen to what is happening (not Trump's lies), and stop pretending this doesn't require all our attention if we have any hope to slow the virus' spread.
You Jewish, “Berg”? All your posts criticize DJT. You don’t even give a f*ck about the virus or the country you just want to vilify the man because you’re a fat, loser, troll.
His greatest concern is that we're going to find out what they said in their meetings on how to handle the virus.

White House ordered coronavirus meetings classified, hampering response: report

The White House ordered meetings where officials discussed the coronavirus to be classified, which barred information and delayed the government’s response, four Trump administration officials told Reuters.

Federal health officials were directed to keep dozens of meetings that started in mid-January, including discussions on the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions confidential, Reuters reported Wednesday.

According to the sources, those without security clearances were not permitted in the high-security room, typically used for military and intelligence operations, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where the meetings took place.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official told Reuters. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”
Sounds like a cluster fuck.
Is he too stupid, or is it that he is emotionally incapable of processing information he doesn't want to deal with?

Are his factually inaccurate statements about the c-virus lies, or a reflection of a grand fantasy he has conjured up in which things are not as bad as they actually are?

Is he physically able to hear members of the admin having to constantly correct his erroneous remarks, or does he possess a defense mechanism that filters out things he doesn't want to hear?

Since it became clear to all but the most partisan members of the Trump cult that Baby Donald is unfit to be prez the question has been asked.........."what will happen if the Orange Buffoon faces a real crisis?"

Now we know. A combination of an epic failure to prepare the country for the inevitable spread of the virus it's been clear was coming for months, denial of reality, and a continuation of the pattern of being dishonest in his public remarks on virtually every topic he discusses.

Our Liberal Friends are doing whatever they can to spread this pandemic, to go out on to public transportation, bars, etc. because they think that Coronavirus reflects badly on Trump.

But what they are neglecting are two facts. One, the people aren't stupid enough to think that Trump is responsible for this bug.

And two, its just not that serious and is really pretty self limited. This isn't smallpox or black death or aids, with a huge death toll. People get it and usually recover.

This is going to be over pretty soon and people will remember the juvenile tactics of the libs.
His greatest concern is that we're going to find out what they said in their meetings on how to handle the virus.

White House ordered coronavirus meetings classified, hampering response: report

The White House ordered meetings where officials discussed the coronavirus to be classified, which barred information and delayed the government’s response, four Trump administration officials told Reuters.

Federal health officials were directed to keep dozens of meetings that started in mid-January, including discussions on the scope of infections, quarantines and travel restrictions confidential, Reuters reported Wednesday.

According to the sources, those without security clearances were not permitted in the high-security room, typically used for military and intelligence operations, at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where the meetings took place.

“We had some very critical people who did not have security clearances who could not go,” one official told Reuters. “These should not be classified meetings. It was unnecessary.”

Maybe it was classified because they were discussing the source. For example, "this sh*& didn't come from no bat soup".
White House can't get its stories straight on coronavirus
On coronavirus, White House can't get its stories straight

On Wednesday night, with markets tumbling and concern spreading about the coronavirus pandemic, President Trump delivered a prime-time address from the White House to help calm nerves across the globe. On three central issues, however, Trump gave out misinformation that had to be corrected later, spreading panic everywhere from European airports to the financial markets. It was the latest in a series of confusing, misleading or inaccurate statements from administration officials on a matter of life and death to people in the U.S. and around the world.

Trump said the U.S. would “be suspending all travel from Europe to the United States for the next 30 days,” but within hours statements from the White House and Department of Homeland Security clarified that it did not apply to legal permanent residents, or immediate family members of U.S. citizens. The fear of being stranded in Europe resulted in a pre-dawn rush to airports in tourist meccas such as Barcelona by American travelers trying to book flights home.
How do all these nitwits fit in the clown car?
Is he too stupid, or is it that he is emotionally incapable of processing information he doesn't want to deal with?

Are his factually inaccurate statements about the c-virus lies, or a reflection of a grand fantasy he has conjured up in which things are not as bad as they actually are?

Is he physically able to hear members of the admin having to constantly correct his erroneous remarks, or does he possess a defense mechanism that filters out things he doesn't want to hear?

Since it became clear to all but the most partisan members of the Trump cult that Baby Donald is unfit to be prez the question has been asked.........."what will happen if the Orange Buffoon faces a real crisis?"

Now we know. A combination of an epic failure to prepare the country for the inevitable spread of the virus it's been clear was coming for months, denial of reality, and a continuation of the pattern of being dishonest in his public remarks on virtually every topic he discusses.

When one happens....let us know.
weigh the facts -

one day coronavirus is nothing but the flu or bad cold - go back to work says Trump

forward 2 days -

Trump enters panic mode whining about the media plans to infect him with the virus when he is aboard Air Force 1.

the nutcase cracked, and became a basket case.

I think you should call Chris Chuck Todd and tell him what he is missing.
Is he too stupid, or is it that he is emotionally incapable of processing information he doesn't want to deal with?

Are his factually inaccurate statements about the c-virus lies, or a reflection of a grand fantasy he has conjured up in which things are not as bad as they actually are?

Is he physically able to hear members of the admin having to constantly correct his erroneous remarks, or does he possess a defense mechanism that filters out things he doesn't want to hear?

Since it became clear to all but the most partisan members of the Trump cult that Baby Donald is unfit to be prez the question has been asked.........."what will happen if the Orange Buffoon faces a real crisis?"

Now we know. A combination of an epic failure to prepare the country for the inevitable spread of the virus it's been clear was coming for months, denial of reality, and a continuation of the pattern of being dishonest in his public remarks on virtually every topic he discusses.
Go whine somewhere else traitor.
He stopped travel from China, it's now limited from Italy and other places. Would you have preferred the continued Open Border policy? Maybe "catch and release" won't be as popular when the person being caught has the virus.
Not to pick on you individually because your reply is emblematic of the appalling ignorance of many Trumpette's. People who have been saying this whole thing is being exaggerated as many areas of the country are on the cusp of taking exactly the kinds of actions that will disrupt our lives health experts have been warning about for weeks. No big gatherings, schools and colleges shut down, airline flights and cruises being cancelled, recommendations that people who are elderly and who have compromised immune systems avoid contact with strangers, etc. It's time for you folks to pull your heads out of your asses, listen to what is happening (not Trump's lies), and stop pretending this doesn't require all our attention if we have any hope to slow the virus' spread.
How come your knowledge is limited to what you can cut and paste
Is he too stupid, or is it that he is emotionally incapable of processing information he doesn't want to deal with?

Are his factually inaccurate statements about the c-virus lies, or a reflection of a grand fantasy he has conjured up in which things are not as bad as they actually are?

Is he physically able to hear members of the admin having to constantly correct his erroneous remarks, or does he possess a defense mechanism that filters out things he doesn't want to hear?

Since it became clear to all but the most partisan members of the Trump cult that Baby Donald is unfit to be prez the question has been asked.........."what will happen if the Orange Buffoon faces a real crisis?"

Now we know. A combination of an epic failure to prepare the country for the inevitable spread of the virus it's been clear was coming for months, denial of reality, and a continuation of the pattern of being dishonest in his public remarks on virtually every topic he discusses.

Trump was on this back in January while all the demrats could do nothing but a blow hard impeachment crock of bs. The travel ban he put on lessened the impact. Not to mention the money that he put aside for assistance. Trump reacted far more quickly than BO-BIDEN the bozo twins with the swine flu back in their first term. So take a long walk off a short bridge.

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