It's Trump's trial. What Hillary, or anybody else did doesn't matter.

Trump might have a case as it concerns the Equal Protection Clause given that the .gov is going after him while letting Hillary skate with the whole "no reasonable prosecutor" thing. ;)
That asswipe Comey is teaching ethics now, can you believe that shit?
Another lame comeback.

If this is all that:s left for the libtards it's game over.
Your commentary.

You can claim irrelevance all you want, but it doesn't change reality.

Reality is, it matters VERY MUCH how the law is treating all the other people who've done the exact same thing.

It matters to HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of people.

And if you're not one of them, it speaks volumes about YOU.

NOT even close to reality, nor similarity.
Just like the summer of 2020 riots and the January 6th attempted insurrection, teabaggers tried to compare/conflate.
"Whataboutism" is the foundation of our justice system: Equal treatment under the law.
That's the way it is written, not applied.
Every suspect, prosecutor and judge are different.
Leftists thought they could obfuscate it by inventing a clever word to dismiss us with.
NO case/incident is the same, Trumptards think they should be.
Once again, Leftist were wrong'
Once again, Trump and his cult are wrong.
At least they are consistent.
So basically you agree that should be one rule of law for Trump supporters and most other people and an entirely different one for high ranking Democrats.

You will probably point out that all Trump supporters are Nazis and racists As is Trump himself.

Isn’t it great living in a modern day banana republic especially when you agree with the privileged party.

View attachment 797185

Nope. Trump's not even charged with any crimes the right purports Hillary committed. A cop can pull me over for speeding and let me go without issuing me a ticket and still arrest you for DUI. You won't be able to use, hey, no fair, you let him go, as a defense.
"Whataboutism" is the foundation of our justice system: Equal treatment under the law. Leftists thought they could obfuscate it by inventing a clever word to dismiss us with.

Once again, Leftist were wrong

And Trump's trial is still forging ahead.
which laws are you basing your opinion on?
This is an indictment on the Republican Party who have people in it who help grease the wheels of the former Democrat Party that is now the Progressive Socialist Party. And it will eventually morph into the American Communist Party as it has to keep moving. Which is the reason we are in trouble as a nation.
It has become a Republican mantra that Hillary got away with something so therefore, it is unfair to charge Trump for what he did. I personally disagree that she got away with anything, but either way, trump's case is based on his actions, and anything Hillary did or didn't do does not matter. What Biden did or didn't do with documants doesn't matter. What Mike Pence, Obama, GW Bush, or anybody else did doesn't matter. Trump is charged with breaking laws, and his case will be determined on his actions alone. The Artificial Intellegence site ChatGPT seems to agree with me,

Introducing ChatGPT
As an AI language model, I can provide information on the topic, but it's important to note that I cannot provide real-time legal analysis or information. However, I can give you a general perspective on the matter.

The legal case against former President Donald Trump would typically be based on specific charges or allegations brought against him, and it would be determined by the relevant laws, evidence, and legal procedures. The legal process is typically focused on the specific case at hand and is not directly influenced by unrelated matters or individuals who may or may not have faced legal issues in the past.

Whether Hillary Clinton "got away with something" or not is a separate matter from any legal case involving Donald Trump. Each case is evaluated based on its own merits, evidence, and applicable laws. Previous legal matters or perceptions about other individuals do not automatically impact the outcome of a different case.

In the United States, the legal system operates on the principle of due process, which means that each person is entitled to a fair and impartial legal proceeding that considers the specific facts and circumstances of their case. Legal cases are typically judged on their individual merits and are not influenced by unrelated matters.

It's important to consult legal experts or stay updated on current news from reputable sources for accurate and timely information regarding specific legal cases or ongoing proceedings involving Donald Trump or any other individuals.

Nope......when the democrat party DOJ refuses to prosecute hilary for her crimes, then we won't care about them persecuting Trump............she got away with actual felonies....while they are making up new laws to go after Trump....

You ass clowns can giggle and snicker all you want....but this doesn't end well for anyone......and as we have seen from you leftist assholes since ends in mass murder and mass graves....and you smugly think you are beyond that outcome...
This is an indictment on the Republican Party who have people in it who help grease the wheels of the former Democrat Party that is now the Progressive Socialist Party. And it will eventually morph into the American Communist Party as it has to keep moving. Which is the reason we are in trouble as a nation.

When's that gonna happen?

Nope......when the democrat party DOJ refuses to prosecute hilary for her crimes, then we won't care about them persecuting Trump............she got away with actual felonies....while they are making up new laws to go after Trump....

They made up new laws in 1917 [when 18 USC 793(e) was passed] to get Trump in 2023?

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Those sneaky bastards!

Every single forum I have ever been on that develops a Trump following the Trumpsters attempt and usually succeed in running off every one else who might have a different opinion. I was wondering if it would happen here.

The only reason they were ‘run off’ is because they’re weak minded group think leftists that can’t handle anything outside of their groomed mind. Running off to a safe space is all it is.
The only reason they were ‘run off’ is because they’re weak minded group think leftists that can’t handle anything outside of their groomed mind. Running off to a safe space is all it is.
No, actually it is the mindless echo chamber with all the Trumpsters shouting the same thing over and over. It does get boring.
I'm not sure that any connection trump might have with Nazis will be part of this particular trial, but if any is included, Trump's connection will be the only one considered. Our court system Guarantees us a fair trial based in the facts of the case. Unrelated information will be ignored.

Damn you are stupid.
of course it matters,,

if others walked on more serious chargers like hilary did then we know for a fact this is a shame trial and election interference on the level only types like stalin, moa and other despots do to their political enemies,,

Everything should have a basis in precedent.
Fortunately there has never been a former POTUS as corrupt as Trump. So since he is the first, most criminal president ever there simply is no precedent.

You are simply too ignorant to have any idea what you are babbling about.

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